Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 18: Insert your ideas here!

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I give that a pass, she was willing.


Hard Pass on that one, swipe left

beats me!

Trump uses Police as an example of 'absolute immunity'?

Police literally have a long history of being held accountable for criminal actions. I mean they have an Internal Affairs division, and are often prosecuted for stepping outside the law.

Internal Affairs exists for a reason you ****ing orange moron. Without accountability, God knows what many in the Police would be getting up to.
Trump uses Police as an example of 'absolute immunity'?

Police literally have a long history of being held accountable for criminal actions. I mean they have an Internal Affairs division, and are often prosecuted for stepping outside the law.

Internal Affairs exists for a reason you ******* orange moron. Without accountability, God knows what many in the Police would be getting up to.

It's weird now how so many Trump supporters both in America (and more alarmingly here in Australia) have become Soverign Citizens and do not recognise the authority of the police and our our courts.

These seemed to also pop out of nowhere after the Capitol Hill Insurrection Riots.
It's weird now how so many Trump supporters both in America (and more alarmingly here in Australia) have become Soverign Citizens and do not recognise the authority of the police and our our courts.

These seemed to also pop out of nowhere after the Capitol Hill Insurrection Riots.

SovCit shit all boils down to basically 'the Government secretly incorporated and then sold off that corporation containing its citizens (as 'Strawmen') to pay off a debt'

Guess whom the Government sold off that debt to?

That's right; the 'Evil Cabal of international Bankers, moneylenders and Hollywood elites'.

Which obviously is another way of saying 'The Jews'.

SovCit shit is all just more 'The Jews are secretly running the world' antisemitic bullshit. It's no surprise that it's not an uncommon thing among far right wing conspiracists seeing as all those conspiracies boil down to the same 'evil cabal' being the ones behind everything.

Vaccines? The cabal.
Cultural Marxism? The cabal.
White replacement? The cabal.
All WEF conspiracies? The cabal.
Global Warming? The cabal.
Californian Forest fires? The cabal (via space lasers).
Qanon/ Pizzagate? The cabal.
Moon landings? The cabal.
Flat earth bullshit? The cabal.
Chemtrails? The cabal.
Lizard people? Really just the cabal (in their true forms).

It always comes down to 'the Jews are trying to take over the world' with those cookers. Every single damn time.

Sad thing is a significant portion don't even realize it either. They're parroting a modern version of the shit Hitler and the Nazis believed to be true, and used as the justification for the Holocaust, and don't even realize they're doing it.

Of course some do realize they're doing it. They're the really nasty bits of work.
Every Lawyer has had that day in court with a cranky Judge.

That said her strategy (and Trumps strategy in general) seems to be 'antagonize the * out of the Judge' which is literally never a good choice.

I can think of one circumstance, but it is a very high-risk play. If you are sure the judge will rule against you.

I once made a call to the press (The Telegraph), which was at the time running a campaign on judges giving inflated judgements to undeserving plaintiffs. I was facing a most undeserving plaintiff. The judge began her oral judgement, things were not looking good as expected. She noticed the guy in the empty court gallery taking notes. Asked who he was, when he advised he was a journalist from the Telegraph, she called a short recess, came back, and awarded a verdict for the defendant. My barrister told me a couple of weeks later that the rumour was she was furious. But **** her, she was always going to rule against us otherwise.
SovCit s**t all boils down to basically 'the Government secretly incorporated and then sold off that corporation containing its citizens (as 'Strawmen') to pay off a debt'

Guess whom the Government sold off that debt to?

That's right; the 'Evil Cabal of international Bankers, moneylenders and Hollywood elites'.

Which obviously is another way of saying 'The Jews'.

SovCit s**t is all just more 'The Jews are secretly running the world' antisemitic bullshit. It's no surprise that it's not an uncommon thing among far right wing conspiracists seeing as all those conspiracies boil down to the same 'evil cabal' being the ones behind everything.

Vaccines? The cabal.
Cultural Marxism? The cabal.
White replacement? The cabal.
All WEF conspiracies? The cabal.
Global Warming? The cabal.
Californian Forest fires? The cabal (via space lasers).
Qanon/ Pizzagate? The cabal.
Moon landings? The cabal.
Flat earth bullshit? The cabal.
Chemtrails? The cabal.
Lizard people? Really just the cabal (in their true forms).

It always comes down to 'the Jews are trying to take over the world' with those cookers. Every single damn time.

Sad thing is a significant portion don't even realize it either. They're parroting a modern version of the s**t Hitler and the Nazis believed to be true, and used as the justification for the Holocaust, and don't even realize they're doing it.

Of course some do realize they're doing it. They're the really nasty bits of work.
they've been busy, they must have a head count in the tens of thousands, and thats not including back office staff such as HR, and payroll. yet no one has blown the whistle.. must have some great benifits.

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I can think of one circumstance, but it is a very high-risk play. If you are sure the judge will rule against you.

I once made a call to the press (The Telegraph), which was at the time running a campaign on judges giving inflated judgements to undeserving plaintiffs. I was facing a most undeserving plaintiff. The judge began her oral judgement, things were not looking good as expected. She noticed the guy in the empty court gallery taking notes. Asked who he was, when he advised he was a journalist from the Telegraph, she called a short recess, came back, and awarded a verdict for the defendant. My barrister told me a couple of weeks later that the rumour was she was furious. But * her, she was always going to rule against us otherwise.

Unbalance the judge so they make an error of law you can exploit later via an appeal?

Unbalance the judge so they make an error of law you can exploit later via an appeal?

It is a nice theory, but judges have limited time to write judgements and they are generally smart considered people. If you piss them off the result is more likely than not, they will spend more time writing the judgement to make it appeal proof.

From what I have heard of Kaplan, he is not the sort of judge this will work against. Judge Cannon on the other hand, she does appear to be a loose cannon.
I can think of one circumstance, but it is a very high-risk play. If you are sure the judge will rule against you.

I once made a call to the press (The Telegraph), which was at the time running a campaign on judges giving inflated judgements to undeserving plaintiffs. I was facing a most undeserving plaintiff. The judge began her oral judgement, things were not looking good as expected. She noticed the guy in the empty court gallery taking notes. Asked who he was, when he advised he was a journalist from the Telegraph, she called a short recess, came back, and awarded a verdict for the defendant. My barrister told me a couple of weeks later that the rumour was she was furious. But * her, she was always going to rule against us otherwise.
I think they know this case is lost and will have an outflow of cash. For me, the only strategy at play for them is to maintain the consistency of appearing like the victim is to be argumentative to the point every step they are slapped down - this is all about the court of public opinion. Remaining the victim is his best way of isolating himself from 'the establishment' and that is the key to his electability for the disenfranchised, downtrodden and those that find meaning in the ''Make America Great Again' mantra.
they've been busy, they must have a head count in the tens of thousands, and thats not including back office staff such as HR, and payroll. yet no one has blown the whistle.. must have some great benifits.

The 'Cabal' sure has been busy.

We have one in office as a Senator:

One of Australia's new senators has said climate change is a global conspiracy created by bankers seeking to establish a worldwide government.
Malcolm Roberts won a Queensland Senate seat as member of the anti-immigration One Nation party in recent elections.
He says the United Nations is using climate change to lay the foundations for an unelected global government.
His previous writing indicates that he believes a shadowy cabal of bankers is controlling world affairs.

Australia senator Malcolm Roberts calls climate change a UN conspiracy

He asserted this 'cabal' via a SovCit letter he sent to the (then) PM:


Notably this was something beyond the pale for even Andrew Bolt, who (knowing exactly what Roberts was doing, even if Roberts probably didnt) had this to say:

“Your conspiracy theory seemed utterly stupid,” Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt told soon-to-be One Nation Senator for Queensland Malcolm Roberts in 2012.

Back then, Roberts was project leader for the Galileo Movement, a group that calls man-made induced climate change a “UN political fabrication” and a conspiracy involving the Bureau of Meteorology and the CSIRO, among other things. Bolt confronted Roberts after a Fairfax interview in which Roberts had claimed that climate change science had been “captured by some of the major banking families in the world” who form a “tight-knit cabal.”

Bolt had been listed as adviser to the Galileo Movement but demanded his name be removed from the website, as its wild speculation had veered into anti-Semitism. Bolt told Roberts:

“Two of the three most prominent and current banking families you’ve mentioned are Jewish, and the third is sometimes falsely assumed to be. Yes, this smacks too much of the Jewish world conspiracy theorising I’ve always loathed. Again, I insist: remove me from the list of people you claim are prepared to advise you. I’ve never advised you, Malcolm, and would never want to. I am offended to be linked to you.”

Malcolm Roberts: the One Nation climate denier too out there for Andrew Bolt

I'm no fan of Andrew Bolt, but even he knows an antisemitic conspiracy when he sees one.

I don't think Malcom actually realized what he was doing. Ill give him the benefit of the doubt here (although I wouldn't be shocked if he genuinely was antisemitic). He (like most cookers) probably just stumbled on an antisemitic conspiracy online (and virtually every conspiracy is antisemitic) and ran with it for no other reason than he's an idiot.
SovCit s**t all boils down to basically 'the Government secretly incorporated and then sold off that corporation containing its citizens (as 'Strawmen') to pay off a debt'

Guess whom the Government sold off that debt to?

That's right; the 'Evil Cabal of international Bankers, moneylenders and Hollywood elites'.

Which obviously is another way of saying 'The Jews'.

SovCit s**t is all just more 'The Jews are secretly running the world' antisemitic bullshit. It's no surprise that it's not an uncommon thing among far right wing conspiracists seeing as all those conspiracies boil down to the same 'evil cabal' being the ones behind everything.

Vaccines? The cabal.
Cultural Marxism? The cabal.
White replacement? The cabal.
All WEF conspiracies? The cabal.
Global Warming? The cabal.
Californian Forest fires? The cabal (via space lasers).
Qanon/ Pizzagate? The cabal.
Moon landings? The cabal.
Flat earth bullshit? The cabal.
Chemtrails? The cabal.
Lizard people? Really just the cabal (in their true forms).

It always comes down to 'the Jews are trying to take over the world' with those cookers. Every single damn time.

Sad thing is a significant portion don't even realize it either. They're parroting a modern version of the s**t Hitler and the Nazis believed to be true, and used as the justification for the Holocaust, and don't even realize they're doing it.

Of course some do realize they're doing it. They're the really nasty bits of work.
Collingwood winning flag - The Cabal
Now perhaps I am stupid (ib4 the chorus of furious agreement) but I thought a comfortable margin would be more than an 8 vote win in a caucus with 143 votes (the picture in the article, has a byline of "Trump won with a comfortable margin at this caucus meeting" but the photo shows Trump with 51 votes, Haley with 43 and De Santis with 39)


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