Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

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I often wonder...why is the loss of women's lives more concerning than men's?
More concerning or different areas of concern?

Not commonly front line fighters.

Ability to gestate young.

More usually primary carers of young.

And so on.

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Following scenes of a militarised police force breaking up a peaceful protest in New York (a city with a Democratic Mayor, in a state with a Democratic Governor, in a country with a Democratic President), comes this from Congress.

Hopefully that fascist police state we're warned of with a Trump victory doesn't eventuate.

It’s ok, it’s currently only half fascist as opposed to full.
Deputy Chief of NYPD holds up a text book discussing the incidence and causes of terrorism, he found a University campus, as evidence that protesting students are terrorists. Thinks it's a how-to book. Dumb.

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 11.16.41 AM.png

Contents of the book:
Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 11.09.20 AM.png
Following scenes of a militarised police force breaking up a peaceful protest in New York (a city with a Democratic Mayor, in a state with a Democratic Governor, in a country with a Democratic President), comes this from Congress.

Hopefully that fascist police state we're warned of with a Trump victory doesn't eventuate.

The United States honestly needs another Civil War to thin out the ranks of these scumbags. To the Far/Racist Right threat AND the religious freaks who want the horrors feeding on the Middle East to trigger the Rapture and the Second Coming of Jesus let no mercy and no quarter be shown. Sure, let the Second American Civil War grant them their Armageddon.

It will be a Godless one but they won't know that until it's far, far too late.
Jesus christ. He just keeps delivering more of the same :drunk:

Yeah great Joe, except that...

Guess he's just given up completely on the youth vote. Approaching Trump/GOP levels of gaslighting here.
He's in a no-win situation re: Gaza right now, but that may change soon.

Away, Hamas possibly accepting a ceasefire exerts pressure on Israel. Home, summer break coming up will see students going home.

Put it this way, he'd rather be having this fight now than in October.

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It’s not. It’s just that men do it far more regularly to each other but generally to defenceless women as well
But why do we always try to underline the depravity of death in war according to how many women are killed? It shoudlnt matter. All innocent life is the same. Women and men are the same are they not?
I think the worst part for me is I know if the republicans were currently in power you know the democrats would be saying it's a genocide! The government is using hard working Americans tax dollars to fund it, this would never happen if we were in charge!

They are so two-faced, and the youth of America are starting to wake up to it. When the Republicans are in power they of course pull everything to the right, when the democrats are in power they just hold it where it is. They don't try to move left or even back to centre and then they run on the Republicans will move it further right while they bitch and moan about it and how they care more about the American people and claim it's so bad what the Republicans are doing and once back in power the democrats just hold it where it is because guess what they also favour the right! They also line their pockets and they are also paid off by huge billionaire business.

You can only run on the lesser of two evils for so long before people wake up to it.
Jesus christ. He just keeps delivering more of the same :drunk:

Yeah great Joe, except that...

Guess he's just given up completely on the youth vote. Approaching Trump/GOP levels of gaslighting here.

Turns out they just don't give a ****.

The Biden administration’s report on whether Israel has violated U.S. and international humanitarian law during the war in Gaza has been delayed indefinitely.
What does that mean for gender quotas then?
Dunno mate - it's your claim.

How do you feel about the fact that news of the deaths of civilian women and children usually has a bigger emotional impact on most people than news of the deaths of combatants?
Biden is so out of step with public sentiment.

His speech last night most likely will be the result of another drop in the polls.

after all the doddering old fool does say he’s a zionist. this outrage not surprising. perhaps one day someone will write a thesis on why the yanks drop their daks and bend over whenever the terrorists ask.

But why do we always try to underline the depravity of death in war according to how many women are killed? It shoudlnt matter. All innocent life is the same. Women and men are the same are they not?
Lets remove it from a war context and put it into a gangland context then - would people be upset if 2 gangs (males) fought each other and murdered each other - possibly not. But if there was collateral damage and some of their kids were killed and girlfriends and wives were also killed who were not in the actual "fight" when it occurred I would say most people would say that's terrible.
Unfortunately most wars are created by men and fought by men who often care very little for the collateral damage all under the guise of "fighting for what's right". Of course there are innocent men caught up in the killing but nowhere near as many as the innocent women I'm going to hazard a guess at.

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