VFL Past #65: Shaun McKernan šŸ“ - Returns to the Dons

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Obviously SEN has the good oil
"Both McKernan and Townsend, who havenā€™t been selected for the clubā€™s season-closing clash against Melbourne, have reportedly been made to wait on any contract extension until rebounding defender Adam Saad and key forward Joe Daniher inform the club on whether theyā€™ll be there in 2021."

so that means Joe is staying!

edit: don't Lol at me Beerfish. I worked it out.

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Thanks Smack. You made the impossible look easy, and the easy look impossible. Makes for a good highlight reel if you ask me.
Jeez I will miss his brain fades, lack of effort and giving away stupid free kicks....not
Seriously, I wish he could display his contested marking and his aggressive approach more consistantly but hats off to him for making the right call in retirement.
Thanks Smacka - I remember the year he taking the piss in the VFL and we couldn't upgrade him as we cooked the management of the long term injury list. As the weeks went by and we couldn't pick him and the legend of the Saviour grew and grew.

My favourite passage of play was probably when he took a hanger in the forward pocket against Norf a couple of years ago and then proceeded to kick it to absolutely no one - Smack to a tee. Capable of some downright incredible stuff (in both senses of the word).
Jeez I will miss his brain fades, lack of effort and giving away stupid free kicks....not
Seriously, I wish he could display his contested marking and his aggressive approach more consistantly but hats off to him for making the right call in retirement.
Classy. Love him or hate him, he was one of ours and deserves respect in retirement.

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Hang on, he didnā€™t retire. Iā€™m sick of these players saying they retired when they have been delisted. Why do they do this?
i know right? how dare they end their careers with a little dignity. bunch of arseholes the lot of them.
Hang on, he didnā€™t retire. Iā€™m sick of these players saying they retired when they have been delisted. Why do they do this?
This is a ridiculous comment. Thereā€™s a huge stack of delisted players who hang around each year hoping to be nabbed by other clubs - and many are.

He hasnā€™t retired from Essendon. Heā€™s retired from football.
This is a ridiculous comment. Thereā€™s a huge stack of delisted players who hang around each year hoping to be nabbed by other clubs - and many are.

He hasnā€™t retired from Essendon. Heā€™s retired from football.

If heā€™s retired from football and it was his decision then yes heā€™s retired.
If heā€™s been told his services arenā€™t required regardless of whether he will pursue another club then heā€™s been delisted.
If it were me I wouldnā€™t be calling myself retired when the club has given me the chop, Iā€™d find that embarrassing.
I understand that but they never used to do this. Why has it suddenly started happening?
oh donā€™t back down now - Iā€™m 100% with you. they should be forced to parade around the MCG on grand final day (in usual circumstances) with their heads bowed low holding a sign saying ā€œI was delisted because I am not up to itā€ and everyone in the crowd should yell ā€œShame!! Shame!!ā€.

I might be old fashioned but thatā€™s how they should deal with it.
oh donā€™t back down now - Iā€™m 100% with you. they should be forced to parade around the MCG (in usual circumstances) with their heads bowed low holding a sign saying ā€œI was delisted because I am not up to itā€ and everyone in the crowd should yell ā€œShame!! Shame!!ā€.

I might be old fashioned but thatā€™s how they should deal with it.

Thereā€™s no shame in it as far as Iā€™m concerned. Anyone who can even make a clubs list deserves respect regardless of playing 1 game or 300 games.
If heā€™s retired from football and it was his decision then yes heā€™s retired.
If heā€™s been told his services arenā€™t required regardless of whether he will pursue another club then heā€™s been delisted.
If it were me I wouldnā€™t be calling myself retired when the club has given me the chop, Iā€™d find that embarrassing.
Youā€™re totally missing the point.

If you have been delisted and are keen to play next year somewhere else you should call yourself delisted.

If youā€™ve been delisted and are now hanging up your boots and not taking calls from other teams (or calling them) - youā€™re retired.

VFL Past #65: Shaun McKernan šŸ“ - Returns to the Dons

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