AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 23 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

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GOOD! I think you should have to buy it - I've earnt it and I like the thought of your money in my pocket :p

Our money is already in your pocket. Games stores/etc buy the games, so you already sold your 80,000-85,000.

$110 brand new, is this right? Not only does that revise the hypothetical gross return to $10M minus whatever take the retailers get, but i dunno. No disrespect, Mr.Symons, but compare Madden 11/12 @ $85, Battlefield3 @ $90+. I think I'll rent it, or wait for a second-hand copy at something like $20-30.

Thems fighting words :p

To the person who posted EB Games rental....thanks, will look into it.
$110? I got it for $89.

Also, if you go to EB or Game for the month after release, EVERYTHING is $110+. If you go to JB, Target or Big W, you can save ~$20.

Gross return is a meaningless figure out of context. And shelf price is a really weird thing to attack him on given that every sports game is roughly the same price on release.
Hey all, new to the site. Looks like a great resource for AFL Live.

First of all, Ross and the Big Ant team well done. Given the track record of AFL games, and the limited budget you've done a good job. Ignore the armchair experts with their hand down their pants comparing it to multimillion dollar multinational releases. I understand full well this is a platform for a future in AFL gaming and I am happy to invest my time and money into it.

I do have some questions for the community though, as I have some MAJOR frustrations with the game that are most likely due to my own errors/misunderstandings and I would GREATLY appreciate so assistance! Sorry for the epic size of post!

1. Contested Marking.

I cannot do it. Seriously. I will play an entire game without ONE contested mark. Playing online, I'm actually winning more than losing despite this, but I simply do not know how to take a contested mark. Ive tried pressing Triangle before the ball comes, when its over my head, ive tried holding it, tapping it once, tapping it repeatedly. Nothing. Also I can't 'move' my player into position. When the ball is coming overhead it seems my player just moves on its own, for instance I'll be holding a certain direction TOWARDS the ball drop marker but my player will just wander around in various directions. I played against one guy online who marked EVERYTHING with St Kilda. It drove me mental. Ryan Gamble and Stephen Milne outmarked Jamison (I'm Carlton) WTF??? At the end of the game I was two on one, me controlling Jamison the AI Russell and we both jumped to punch and Gamble marked the ball behind us. Gamble kicked 6 goals! What is the guy doing!?

2. Laser guided handballing

Some players online seem to be able handball under pressure with amazing precision. What's the trick? When I get tackled the ball normally spills forward or my player handballs a dribbling ball in a random direction. Maybe 1/4 it will go where I'm aiming at the right distance. Ive tried pre-empting and tapping handball before I get the ball, I've tried waiting for the tackle, I've tried holding the handball button... most of the time it just spills out or I turn it over.

3. Winning hitouts to no advantage

I've become very good at winning hitouts. Against most opponents I dominate this area. Except I can't actually win the clearance! If I do the big punch forward, the opposition players start sprinting before mine and pick it up. If my opponent does the big punch forward, his players are already ahead of mine and pick it up. Why are my mids by default slower to react to the hitout? This make no sense whatsoever.

4. Quick kicks of an epic proportion

This one has me bamboozled. Some opponents will do monster kicks in a heartbeat once they get possession. For example two players running for the ball, they are slightly in front, I'm holding tackle. So as soon as they pick it up I tackle them but they get away a 30-50m kick! When I have front possie and I try to get a quick kick it goes about 10m or just spills out on to the ground. This also hurts me going for goal when being tackled, i have to be in the square whereas others are getting kick snaps off from 30+ out and goaling. Is there a second button i need to press with the kick button or something?

Any help is GREATLY appreciated as much as I like the game at times It makes me wants to throw the control into the wall because of the above issues I'm having. I can't play the season cus of the Carlton glitch so can only play online.

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I'm not happy. Was playing online today and someone quit on me. When I went to check the leaderboard after I discovered that all my xp was gone. Not happy, it might sound trivial but I worked hard to get my ranking up and now I have to start all over again.
I havent got the game yet, but I do hope BigAnt do what EA did eventually. On the patch, make sure whomever quits or losses connection gets given a loss. This sort of thing MUST be stopped at all costs. Ruins the longevity of the game when onliners can get away with glitching and quitting without penalty.

I'm almost over playing online. I want to play season mode when the patch comes out. Almost every game where I'm winning the other person quits. Fore some reason it especially happens with Geelong and Richmond supporters/players!

The worst was a really good, close game against the Cats, it was goal for goal, they were leading into the last quarter. I kicked the first 3 goals and got ahead and boom they quit.
1. Will be fixed in the patch, that is, the ability to outjostle your opponent. Otherwise, Its easier to mark by pressing triangle ONCE at the PERFECT time, than it is to keep tapping it.

2. Try using L2 to lock onto a player, and when not using it, its all about timing and body position of your player, use your stick to adjust this and again, get the timing perfect!

3. Try adjusting your tactics in the tactics menu, also, look at where your players are positioned before you decide to just punch it anywhere.

4. Thats the AI getting momentum swing its way. The AI can sometimes kick 4-5 goals in quick succession and there is nothing you can do about it. It equalises the game a bit more, it can be frustrating, but you just have to cop it and then when you can stop there momentum you can quickly turn it your way.

Hope that helps.
I havent got the game yet, but I do hope BigAnt do what EA did eventually. On the patch, make sure whomever quits or losses connection gets given a loss. This sort of thing MUST be stopped at all costs. Ruins the longevity of the game when onliners can get away with glitching and quitting without penalty.

For someone who hasn't even played the game, you sure do have a mouthy opinion on it.
1. Will be fixed in the patch, that is, the ability to outjostle your opponent. Otherwise, Its easier to mark by pressing triangle ONCE at the PERFECT time, than it is to keep tapping it.

2. Try using L2 to lock onto a player, and when not using it, its all about timing and body position of your player, use your stick to adjust this and again, get the timing perfect!

3. Try adjusting your tactics in the tactics menu, also, look at where your players are positioned before you decide to just punch it anywhere.

4. Thats the AI getting momentum swing its way. The AI can sometimes kick 4-5 goals in quick succession and there is nothing you can do about it. It equalises the game a bit more, it can be frustrating, but you just have to cop it and then when you can stop there momentum you can quickly turn it your way.

Hope that helps.

THanks for replying!

1. Still I don't understand how someone else has figured out how to master it, you know what I mean? When I hit the right stick to 'jostle' I automatically punch it, whereas they somehow have figured out how to mark the ball. Strange. ALso what IS the perfect time? When the ball is right overhead?

2. If you've just picked it up, and been tackled, how do you have enough time to spot someone, hit lock on, and handball before being pinged? That's amazing!

3. I've fiddled with tactics but haven't found much of a difference. Also my forward line always seems congested regardless of tactics. My players are always manned up, whereas other human players have space and free player. Maybe there are 2-3 humans playing and moving on their own?

4. This has happened with human players though!
only have to read the plethora of people posting on here how it's happening. i dont have to buy the game myself to comment on that. it exists, and is a big deterrent for people who own the game or want to buy the game, seeing as offline there isnt a lot to the game and the fun is always online h2h.
it ruined madden 10 and previously. and ea finally did the right thing there. so hopefully bigant does likewise.
Hey all, new to the site. Looks like a great resource for AFL Live.

First of all, Ross and the Big Ant team well done. Given the track record of AFL games, and the limited budget you've done a good job. Ignore the armchair experts with their hand down their pants comparing it to multimillion dollar multinational releases. I understand full well this is a platform for a future in AFL gaming and I am happy to invest my time and money into it.

I do have some questions for the community though, as I have some MAJOR frustrations with the game that are most likely due to my own errors/misunderstandings and I would GREATLY appreciate so assistance! Sorry for the epic size of post!

1. Contested Marking.

I cannot do it. Seriously. I will play an entire game without ONE contested mark. Playing online, I'm actually winning more than losing despite this, but I simply do not know how to take a contested mark. Ive tried pressing Triangle before the ball comes, when its over my head, ive tried holding it, tapping it once, tapping it repeatedly. Nothing. Also I can't 'move' my player into position. When the ball is coming overhead it seems my player just moves on its own, for instance I'll be holding a certain direction TOWARDS the ball drop marker but my player will just wander around in various directions. I played against one guy online who marked EVERYTHING with St Kilda. It drove me mental. Ryan Gamble and Stephen Milne outmarked Jamison (I'm Carlton) WTF??? At the end of the game I was two on one, me controlling Jamison the AI Russell and we both jumped to punch and Gamble marked the ball behind us. Gamble kicked 6 goals! What is the guy doing!?

2. Laser guided handballing

Some players online seem to be able handball under pressure with amazing precision. What's the trick? When I get tackled the ball normally spills forward or my player handballs a dribbling ball in a random direction. Maybe 1/4 it will go where I'm aiming at the right distance. Ive tried pre-empting and tapping handball before I get the ball, I've tried waiting for the tackle, I've tried holding the handball button... most of the time it just spills out or I turn it over.

3. Winning hitouts to no advantage

I've become very good at winning hitouts. Against most opponents I dominate this area. Except I can't actually win the clearance! If I do the big punch forward, the opposition players start sprinting before mine and pick it up. If my opponent does the big punch forward, his players are already ahead of mine and pick it up. Why are my mids by default slower to react to the hitout? This make no sense whatsoever.

4. Quick kicks of an epic proportion

This one has me bamboozled. Some opponents will do monster kicks in a heartbeat once they get possession. For example two players running for the ball, they are slightly in front, I'm holding tackle. So as soon as they pick it up I tackle them but they get away a 30-50m kick! When I have front possie and I try to get a quick kick it goes about 10m or just spills out on to the ground. This also hurts me going for goal when being tackled, i have to be in the square whereas others are getting kick snaps off from 30+ out and goaling. Is there a second button i need to press with the kick button or something?

Any help is GREATLY appreciated as much as I like the game at times It makes me wants to throw the control into the wall because of the above issues I'm having. I can't play the season cus of the Carlton glitch so can only play online.
1, Wait till the patch, the rick stick will then allow you to jostile in the marking contest.
2, It takes a bit of getting used to but you just need to aim in a certain direction and tap, not hold the handball button. If you aim towards a player you should handball to them or in their direction. Over the head handballs will generally drop short if being tackled so be careful as they can often lad to turn overs.
3, Watch your midfield formations. If the opponents midfield moves before the bounce then that's a sign that you are versing more than one opponent. The best way to win is to either tap the ball down to a player of urs and then quickly tap A/X or B/O and direct it forward. Most times your forwards should be leading up so you'll have more chance of putting some pressure on the scoreboard.
4, Not quite sure but if you target a player using the left trigger and tap a you will fire off a decent kick.

Question for those out there, how do you do bullet kicks like some people manage to do. They dont go head height but they are quick and good clearance kicks. Is it just right trigger and a tap of a?
1, Wait till the patch, the rick stick will then allow you to jostile in the marking contest.
2, It takes a bit of getting used to but you just need to aim in a certain direction and tap, not hold the handball button. If you aim towards a player you should handball to them or in their direction. Over the head handballs will generally drop short if being tackled so be careful as they can often lad to turn overs.
3, Watch your midfield formations. If the opponents midfield moves before the bounce then that's a sign that you are versing more than one opponent. The best way to win is to either tap the ball down to a player of urs and then quickly tap A/X or B/O and direct it forward. Most times your forwards should be leading up so you'll have more chance of putting some pressure on the scoreboard.
4, Not quite sure but if you target a player using the left trigger and tap a you will fire off a decent kick.

Question for those out there, how do you do bullet kicks like some people manage to do. They dont go head height but they are quick and good clearance kicks. Is it just right trigger and a tap of a?

The lock on trigger is a good suggestion, I rarely use that button. I'll try kicking and handballing holding L2 and see what changes. Thanks!

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With centre clearances, remember one thing, the guy that receives the tap out isn't the guy who comes away with the ball on most occasions.

Generally if you tap to the open guy when he is either in front or to the side, you can draw in the opposition winger, so you need to fire out a handball in front of your wingman so he can run onto it.

But regardless of how you're getting everyone free, as soon as the ball is coming your way from a ruckman's tap, get ready to fire a handball away.
1. Playing in front is a BIG advantage here, if you get to the spot where you can mark it first, you will get most marks, also depends on the players stats of strength and marking.

2. Yep, seriously, if you blink you can lose possession and have a goal kicked against you and lose all your momentum. My missus hates the game because I yell at it more than the real stuff (being geelong, not much to yell about though). I yell because she walks in and asks me a question, I lose momentum and end up losing a game. You need to be thinking of 3 things at once to get to that kind of level of play, but it can be done, hence why I LOVE the game.

3. Possible. You can create a free player by bringing in someone from behind the play, I regularly do this so I always have an extra man near the contest. Also drawing in opponents by holding onto the ball until right before you will get tackled helps a LOT.

4. Yes its the momentum, it happens for you aswell, if you know when its happening, you will find that if you start attacking faster and directing the ball quickly down field, your player will be in front a LOT.
Good tactic against those that use Sandilands and just punch. Let him win the punch sprint back to get the ball, once you have it run towards your HBF. You'll draw the player, hand ball to the HBF and they can then spot up a player on the wing.
only have to read the plethora of people posting on here how it's happening. i dont have to buy the game myself to comment on that. it exists, and is a big deterrent for people who own the game or want to buy the game, seeing as offline there isnt a lot to the game and the fun is always online h2h.
it ruined madden 10 and previously. and ea finally did the right thing there. so hopefully bigant does likewise.

We all know there are bugs, and theyre getting fixed.

I could've swore we ALL KNEW before the game came out that it would be online focused and season mode would be shit. I see no reason for you to be sticking the boot in. We knew what we were in for with regards to its content.

You only needed to play RLL to know how it would be, which IMO is an identical gaming experience to AFL. Crappy season mode, but EXCELLENT flow and game play.

People bag it out because its not madden/nba/fifa, but I honestly think the gameplay and flow of a game is as close to real life as we can possibly get.
Good tactic against those that use Sandilands and just punch. Let him win the punch sprint back to get the ball, once you have it run towards your HBF. You'll draw the player, hand ball to the HBF and they can then spot up a player on the wing.

Yep I do this often, Im not shy to go backwards if I have a player 5-10m in front of his opponent. A quick handball backwards or chip kick, and he can unload with a long against the flow kick that often finds my CHF in front with a mark on 50m line.
1. Playing in front is a BIG advantage here, if you get to the spot where you can mark it first, you will get most marks, also depends on the players stats of strength and marking.

2. Yep, seriously, if you blink you can lose possession and have a goal kicked against you and lose all your momentum. My missus hates the game because I yell at it more than the real stuff (being geelong, not much to yell about though). I yell because she walks in and asks me a question, I lose momentum and end up losing a game. You need to be thinking of 3 things at once to get to that kind of level of play, but it can be done, hence why I LOVE the game.

3. Possible. You can create a free player by bringing in someone from behind the play, I regularly do this so I always have an extra man near the contest. Also drawing in opponents by holding onto the ball until right before you will get tackled helps a LOT.

4. Yes its the momentum, it happens for you aswell, if you know when its happening, you will find that if you start attacking faster and directing the ball quickly down field, your player will be in front a LOT.

LOL @ no.2 last night my missus was trying to sleep and yelled at me to shut up because I was raging at the television.

1. This is part of my problem though, I CAN'T always get the position. It's weird, say if I've kicked the ball and my player is South East of the drop circle, I will hold North West on the stick but he'll just either stay where he is or move straight up or move to the side, it seems like I don't have full control over the direction my player moves while the ball is in the air?
To further illustrate my point on clearances, I made a diagram.


You will tend to have a free player at either 1, 2 or 3, as there seem to be 3 different midfield formations.

If you have a free player at 3, tap it to him and I tend to just clear it forward as quickly as possible, you'll generally have time to do so.

If you have a free player at 1 or 2, you should be able to draw the opposition wingman, which means firing off a quick handball to the advantage of your wingman.

It's definitely not a science and doing this wont guarentee the ball comes out. Just remember that if you don't have the ball, tackle hard and try to get field position by firing handballs forward as you're being tackled.

If you are going to go the punch, you're more than likely going to be 2nd to the ball, but your half forwards should come and help. Better to have a contested ball on your half forwardline than on your opponents.
HAH that is a great diagram!

When playing this I wondered If the real coachces and players could actually use this game, or a modified for them version, where they all have control over their own players on a big screen.

Ross, have any of the clubs approached you to go down a personalised simulation program path?
The online quitting thing must be fixed, i dont fee like playing anymore becasue of this. You either lose or get quit on how is that fun?

What is going to be done in the patch?

How hard is to just make it if you quit you lose seriously? common ****ing sense. SO FRUSTRATING!!!
The online quitting thing must be fixed, i dont fee like playing anymore becasue of this. You either lose or get quit on how is that fun?

What is going to be done in the patch?

How hard is to just make it if you quit you lose seriously? common ****ing sense. SO FRUSTRATING!!!

Something has to happen. Maybe improve the matchmaking component? I would like to be able to check a box that ONLY plays me against solo players. Playing against 2-4 is damn hard. I'd also like to tick a box that ONLY pits me against players with a 90%+ reliability or something like that.

Or maybe only match quitters with other quitters? I'm happy to wait an extra few minutes to match up with someone who is genuine than to start a game and be quit on every single time that I'm infront.
Hey all, new to the site. Looks like a great resource for AFL Live.

First of all, Ross and the Big Ant team well done. Given the track record of AFL games, and the limited budget you've done a good job. Ignore the armchair experts with their hand down their pants comparing it to multimillion dollar multinational releases. I understand full well this is a platform for a future in AFL gaming and I am happy to invest my time and money into it.

I do have some questions for the community though, as I have some MAJOR frustrations with the game that are most likely due to my own errors/misunderstandings and I would GREATLY appreciate so assistance! Sorry for the epic size of post!

1. Contested Marking.

I cannot do it. Seriously. I will play an entire game without ONE contested mark. Playing online, I'm actually winning more than losing despite this, but I simply do not know how to take a contested mark. Ive tried pressing Triangle before the ball comes, when its over my head, ive tried holding it, tapping it once, tapping it repeatedly. Nothing. Also I can't 'move' my player into position. When the ball is coming overhead it seems my player just moves on its own, for instance I'll be holding a certain direction TOWARDS the ball drop marker but my player will just wander around in various directions. I played against one guy online who marked EVERYTHING with St Kilda. It drove me mental. Ryan Gamble and Stephen Milne outmarked Jamison (I'm Carlton) WTF??? At the end of the game I was two on one, me controlling Jamison the AI Russell and we both jumped to punch and Gamble marked the ball behind us. Gamble kicked 6 goals! What is the guy doing!?

2. Laser guided handballing

Some players online seem to be able handball under pressure with amazing precision. What's the trick? When I get tackled the ball normally spills forward or my player handballs a dribbling ball in a random direction. Maybe 1/4 it will go where I'm aiming at the right distance. Ive tried pre-empting and tapping handball before I get the ball, I've tried waiting for the tackle, I've tried holding the handball button... most of the time it just spills out or I turn it over.

3. Winning hitouts to no advantage

I've become very good at winning hitouts. Against most opponents I dominate this area. Except I can't actually win the clearance! If I do the big punch forward, the opposition players start sprinting before mine and pick it up. If my opponent does the big punch forward, his players are already ahead of mine and pick it up. Why are my mids by default slower to react to the hitout? This make no sense whatsoever.

4. Quick kicks of an epic proportion

This one has me bamboozled. Some opponents will do monster kicks in a heartbeat once they get possession. For example two players running for the ball, they are slightly in front, I'm holding tackle. So as soon as they pick it up I tackle them but they get away a 30-50m kick! When I have front possie and I try to get a quick kick it goes about 10m or just spills out on to the ground. This also hurts me going for goal when being tackled, i have to be in the square whereas others are getting kick snaps off from 30+ out and goaling. Is there a second button i need to press with the kick button or something?

Any help is GREATLY appreciated as much as I like the game at times It makes me wants to throw the control into the wall because of the above issues I'm having. I can't play the season cus of the Carlton glitch so can only play online.

1. Will be fixed in the patch so that in a marking contest;

Right Stick = Jostle/Bump
Right Stick + L2/LT = Spoil
Triangle/'Y' = Mark

For now it's best to play with your defenders in front and try to spoil.

2. Can't really help you here. I personally have no trouble handballing. The trick for me is to create space by drawing in opponents and almost letting them tackle you. Also, a quick tap of the kick or goal kick button is very handy when you pick up the ball under pressure.

3. People are really struggling with judging when the ball is at it's highest point. Just a concentration and practice thing I guess as ruckwork is my specialty. It's hard to punch accurately but if your no good at ruckwork then punching would be the way to go. Other than that, my only tip is that the direction you tap in is very touchy. You literally have to hit the exact angle on the right stick and although it seems easy enough, it's quite difficult. I like tapping directly up or down as there is generally a player who starts to push forward from that position (you'll see if he's above or below the ruck contest while waiting for the ball up). Again, like handballing, it's just a matter of practice and trying out new techniques.

4. Lol they must be cheating!!! Seriously though mate, it's just a case of tapping the kick or goal kick button as soon as you take posession. If you quickly kick it on an angle toward the wing, flank, or pocket (depending where you are on the field) you will most likely have a player leading the race to the ball out there because your team is the one with possession so they are the ones trying to make sapce. Try to avoid the middle of the ground when doing quick kicks and handballs.

Few extra tips for nothin' ;)

1. Learn to use the radar. Home team is black dots and away team is white.

2. After you take a mark or receive a free kick, lock onto a player (LT/L2) who has space in between you and him. From there it's just a matter of learning how much kick power is required to make the ball drop 10 meters in front of him to lead onto and take the mark. This is a very good skill to have and requires much practice. Once mastered though, you'll be taking the ball from one end to the other from kick out's without your opponent getting near it.

3. Learn to bump when you and an opposition player are both running toward a loose ball. It normally allows you to get in front of your opponent and get to the ball first. Especially effective if you have a team mate right behind you to pick up the ball while you bump the opponent. Not so good when the opponent has an extra man because while your guy is bumping one of his opponents the other guy gets a free run at the ball. This is the most underutilized and one of the most effective tactics in the game!

Apply all this to your game and I'll see you in the top 10 on the leader board :cool:
1. Will be fixed in the patch so that in a marking contest;

Right Stick = Jostle/Bump
Right Stick + L2/LT = Spoil
Triangle/'Y' = Mark

For now it's best to play with your defenders in front and try to spoil.

2. Can't really help you here. I personally have no trouble handballing. The trick for me is to create space by drawing in opponents and almost letting them tackle you. Also, a quick tap of the kick or goal kick button is very handy when you pick up the ball under pressure.

3. People are really struggling with judging when the ball is at it's highest point. Just a concentration and practice thing I guess as ruckwork is my specialty. It's hard to punch accurately but if your no good at ruckwork then punching would be the way to go. Other than that, my only tip is that the direction you tap in is very touchy. You literally have to hit the exact angle on the right stick and although it seems easy enough, it's quite difficult. I like tapping directly up or down as there is generally a player who starts to push forward from that position (you'll see if he's above or below the ruck contest while waiting for the ball up). Again, like handballing, it's just a matter of practice and trying out new techniques.

4. Lol they must be cheating!!! Seriously though mate, it's just a case of tapping the kick or goal kick button as soon as you take posession. If you quickly kick it on an angle toward the wing, flank, or pocket (depending where you are on the field) you will most likely have a player leading the race to the ball out there because your team is the one with possession so they are the ones trying to make sapce. Try to avoid the middle of the ground when doing quick kicks and handballs.

Few extra tips for nothin' ;)

1. Learn to use the radar. Home team is black dots and away team is white.

2. After you take a mark or receive a free kick, lock onto a player (LT/L2) who has space in between you and him. From there it's just a matter of learning how much kick power is required to make the ball drop 10 meters in front of him to lead onto and take the mark. This is a very good skill to have and requires much practice. Once mastered though, you'll be taking the ball from one end to the other from kick out's without your opponent getting near it.

3. Learn to bump when you and an opposition player are both running toward a loose ball. It normally allows you to get in front of your opponent and get to the ball first. Especially effective if you have a team mate right behind you to pick up the ball while you bump the opponent. Not so good when the opponent has an extra man because while your guy is bumping one of his opponents the other guy gets a free run at the ball. This is the most underutilized and one of the most effective tactics in the game!

Apply all this to your game and I'll see you in the top 10 on the leader board :cool:

Thanks mate! I'm doing fairly well so a few tweaks and I think I'll be up there. I'm ranked near the top 100 at the moment and haven't been online long. The lock on button and the bump are maybe two things I don't use so I'll try and bring them into my game. With contested marking, am I supposed to hit triangle right when the ball is over me? I can't seem to get the timing right at all
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