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It is recognised that this is a fraught topic for any number of you posting here. Some of you will have family in Israel or Palestine. Some of you will have connections to either side of the conflict. What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

How this interacts with this thread is that the following will result in your post being deleted, with a recurrence of the same behaviour resulting in (depending on severity) a threadban for a week and a day off:
  • direct labelling of someone as anti-semitic or a terrorist sympathiser for posting that is merely critical of Israel's response over time. Israel has the right to defend themselves from violence, but that does not mean that Israel has carte blanche to attack disproportionately towards people under their care.
  • deliberate goading or flippant responses, designed to get people reacting to your posting emotionally.
  • abuse.
  • attempts to turn this into a Left vs Right shitfight.
  • Use the word 'Nazi' in here, you had better be able to justify it in the post you're making and the comparison had better be apt. Godwin's law is in full effect for the purposes of this thread; if you refer to Nazis, you've lost whatever argument you're involved in.
  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
Please recognise that this is a difficult time for all involved, and some level of sensitivity is absolutely required to permit discussion to flow. From time to time, mods will reach out to specific posters and do some welfare checks; we may even give posters who get a bit too involved some days off to give people some time to cool down. This is not a reflection on you as a poster, merely that this is an intense subject.

I get that this is a fairly intense topic about which opinion can diverge rather significantly. If you feel you cannot be respectful in your disagreement with another poster, it is frequently better to refuse to engage than it is to take up the call.

From this point, any poster who finds themselves directly insulting another poster will find themselves receiving a threadban and an infraction, with each subsequent reoccurance resulting in steadily more points added to your account.

It has also become apparent that this needs to be said: just because someone moderates this forum that does not hold them to a different standard of posting than anyone else. All of us were posters first, and we are allowed to hold opinions on this and share them on this forum.

Treat each other with the respect each of you deserve.

Maggie5 Gone Critical Anzacday Jen2310
Another ruling of international law, and it may well be ignored by barbaric lawlessness, but it all helps to establish that the countries such as the US are complicit with genocide.

I was surprised to see the ICJ make a decision so quickly. Normally they would wait until everyone was dead and buried...

That's because the court is antisemitic. Clearly.

Ben Gvir has already alerted us to this antisemitism.

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That's because the court is antisemitic. Clearly.

Ben Gvir has already alerted us to this antisemitism.

i normally work on the theory that everyone is anti-semitic until they provide proof ...such as donations etc.

I was just reading about the 13 students at harvard who were thrown out for demonstrating for palestine. Clearly the people who paid money to harvard believed that they were anti-semitic and that's why the CEO took that decision. It's a struggle sometimes on where you draw the line because there was a lot of fellow students cheering for these 13 over the graduation ceremonies etc and many of them probably deserved to be thrown out of school.

It has paraellels with assange. You have to pick your marks and deliver firm punishments to keep the rest in line.

Hopefully the students supporters will learn what it means to be anti-semitic and how tough it might be on their career and they will learn to keep their anti-semitic mouths shut.

I dont think the israelis are asking for love....although grovelling has been expected over the years. All they want is for people with alternative views to keep their anti-semitic mouths shut. There's plenty of free trips to israel and money in the bank for those that do. It's a simple message that obviously needs to be re-learned.
“Our future does not depend on what the gentiles will say" tweets National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

Even after 7 months, it still surprises me that Americans smile and continue to donate. Of course, Antony blinken has done a lot of the talking for americans.
i normally work on the theory that everyone is anti-semitic until they provide proof ...such as donations etc.

I was just reading about the 13 students at harvard who were thrown out for demonstrating for palestine. Clearly the people who paid money to harvard believed that they were anti-semitic and that's why the CEO took that decision. It's a struggle sometimes on where you draw the line because there was a lot of fellow students cheering for these 13 over the graduation ceremonies etc and many of them probably deserved to be thrown out of school.

It has paraellels with assange. You have to pick your marks and deliver firm punishments to keep the rest in line.

Hopefully the students supporters will learn what it means to be anti-semitic and how tough it might be on their career and they will learn to keep their anti-semitic mouths shut.

I dont think the israelis are asking for love....although grovelling has been expected over the years. All they want is for people with alternative views to keep their anti-semitic mouths shut. There's plenty of free trips to israel and money in the bank for those that do. It's a simple message that obviously needs to be re-learned.

The Isreal (US pronunciation) luvvies aren't responding well to increasing criticism.

Spain backs an independent Palestine and so Isreal opts to punish...Palestinians.

Shameless and immoral bastards.

I was interested in StopAntisemitism, are movement in the US dedicated to...something.

They posted hypotheticals involving the families of politicians who support a free Palestine, stories about their daughters being kidnapped and raped.

Here's a post in which they defend that mode of 'communication'.

Mt. Scopus today. Message seems clear.

These are things which should be presented to the Israeli government.

A spraypainted message of 'Jew die' is a clear case of antisemitism. The criticism of Israel's actions in Gaza, legal processes for punishing those actions, and support for an independent Palestine are clearly not forms of antisemitism.
I wonder if the aid organisations can sue these people for destroying goods. I give money to charities funding food for palestinians and it gives me no pleasure to see these hooligans at work....

that’s around the corner from me, f wits are gonna f wit. There’s a lot of security at that school hopefully cctv caught something useful. Id be surprised if it’s a local as they’re mainly Chinese around here these days.

i'm changing to sinophobia too. Too many lobby groups and laws against anti-semitism.
maybe zevie can help with this...


KUFR QASEM, Monday, February 07, 2022 (WAFA) – A number of Israeli extremists from the Jewish terrorist group, Price Tag, today vandalized Palestinian-owned vehicles in the Arab town of Kufr Qasem, in northern Israel, according to sources.

They said that the extremists wrote anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab hate slogans on walls of houses and slashed the tires of 20 vehicles for local residents, who complained of the rise in attacks against them by extremist Israelis with total police apathy.

This is the third time Kufr Qasem has been targeted by the Price Tag gangs, who are referred to as an underground anti-Palestinian Israeli group that routinely attacks Palestinians in the occupied territories and inside Israel.

The Israeli government still refuses to label it as a terrorist organization and considers it only as a group of vandals.

Price Tag and other similar Jewish terror groups such as Lahava and Youth of the Hills regularly carry out terror acts against Palestinians in Israel and in the occupied territories.

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Yes worth 5 minutes. The main bloke seems to headquartered in saudi.... the fatwa is largely ignored by most except for a south african guy who doesnt like the ANC, and a few others. The "research" of the FATWA was done by american organisations - strange eh - and the names of the researchers appear to be decidedly jewish....

This famous fatwa has been out for 2 months and maybe we'll hear more of it when someone takes notice.

not that i disbelieve it entirely. i spent 5 minutes on it and I couldn't find evidence it was a complete fake but I have my suspicions.
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Yes worth 5 minutes. The main bloke seems to headquartered in saudi.... the fatwa is largely ignored by most except for a south african guy who doesnt like the ANC, and a few others. The "research" of the FATWA was done by american organisations - strange eh - and the names of the researchers appear to be decidedly jewish....

This famous fatwa has been out for 2 months and maybe we'll hear more of it when someone takes notice.

not that i disbelieve it entirely. i spent 5 minutes on it and I couldn't find evidence it was a complete fake but I have my suspicions.
This was sent to me today by a very good Muslim friend in Malaysia. I have no idea about it other than the general consensus in Malaysia is that they believe that Hamas is the biggest problem. I wouldn't have posted it if it came from America
This was sent to me today by a very good Muslim friend in Malaysia. I have no idea about it other than the general consensus in Malaysia is that they believe that Hamas is the biggest problem. I wouldn't have posted it if it came from America
The Malaysian government has ties with Hamas, which includes military training. The PM made a point of not condemning Hamas or Oct 7 when pressured to do so.
This was sent to me today by a very good Muslim friend in Malaysia. I have no idea about it other than the general consensus in Malaysia is that they believe that Hamas is the biggest problem. I wouldn't have posted it if it came from America

As SR says, the gov't sides with hamas. Your consensus might be with a certain group of people in malaysia....

I have seen comments from conservative muslims that dont like hamas... and i think personally that palestinians need to bypass the old techniques and do what the israelis do - bribe threaten brainwash etc. However, it's easy to say that to people locked up in a collective jail for decades. harder for them to do it.

The other point is that there might be muslim leaders associated with saudi who want hamas to be beaten. After all, the saudis were going to do business with israel and were only shamed out of it when israelis started to murder palestinians.
As SR says, the gov't sides with hamas. Your consensus might be with a certain group of people in malaysia....

I have seen comments from conservative muslims that dont like hamas... and i think personally that palestinians need to bypass the old techniques and do what the israelis do - bribe threaten brainwash etc. However, it's easy to say that to people locked up in a collective jail for decades. harder for them to do it.

The other point is that there might be muslim leaders associated with saudi who want hamas to be beaten. After all, the saudis were going to do business with israel and were only shamed out of it when israelis started to murder palestinians.
Like everywhere there's lots of voices in Malaysia. Some Muslims would back Hamas to the hilt and want to shut down the pork and wine shops and go all in on Sharia law. (Beer is low enough alcohol that it can be sold in 7 elevens.) Others are really opposed to the fundamentalists.

I was there during covid when they were shutting down everything non essential. The police in KL who are muslim decided that had to include alcohol sales and took it upon themselves to make that decision. They stopped the next day when it was argued that if they shut down alcohol they should also shut down cigarette sales.
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As SR says, the gov't sides with hamas. Your consensus might be with a certain group of people in malaysia....

I have seen comments from conservative muslims that dont like hamas... and i think personally that palestinians need to bypass the old techniques and do what the israelis do - bribe threaten brainwash etc. However, it's easy to say that to people locked up in a collective jail for decades. harder for them to do it.

The other point is that there might be muslim leaders associated with saudi who want hamas to be beaten. After all, the saudis were going to do business with israel and were only shamed out of it when israelis started to murder palestinians.
I can only go by what a very good friend sent me. A person who actually lives in Malaysia. Malaysia has it's fair share of radical Muslims. There is no such thing as a conservative Muslim. That's a term you have made up. Muslims are a peaceful God fearing Religion. There is no brainwashing going on when all you do is follow the teachings of the Quaran. If you believe that Hamas is following the teachings of the quaran, then I can't help you. I posted something that is real and fact anjd that's my only interest in this whole thing
The Malaysian government has ties with Hamas, which includes military training. The PM made a point of not condemning Hamas or Oct 7 when pressured to do so.
Malaysia has it's fair share of radical Muslims but they don't represent the majority, who are God fearing and peaceful people. you are pointing out the extremes of Islam without taking into account those that go by the Quaran. We have heaps of radical muslims in Australia but they are not supported by the majority. The young guy at the Sydney shopping centre was exposed by the Muslims of his local Mosque.
maybe zevie can help with this...

View attachment 2000158

KUFR QASEM, Monday, February 07, 2022 (WAFA) – A number of Israeli extremists from the Jewish terrorist group, Price Tag, today vandalized Palestinian-owned vehicles in the Arab town of Kufr Qasem, in northern Israel, according to sources.

They said that the extremists wrote anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab hate slogans on walls of houses and slashed the tires of 20 vehicles for local residents, who complained of the rise in attacks against them by extremist Israelis with total police apathy.

This is the third time Kufr Qasem has been targeted by the Price Tag gangs, who are referred to as an underground anti-Palestinian Israeli group that routinely attacks Palestinians in the occupied territories and inside Israel.

The Israeli government still refuses to label it as a terrorist organization and considers it only as a group of vandals.

Price Tag and other similar Jewish terror groups such as Lahava and Youth of the Hills regularly carry out terror acts against Palestinians in Israel and in the occupied territories.

"Jews wake up teach them a lesson."

**** those guys. They are terrorists and I and most Israeli's abhor and fully condemn them. What you article doesn't state is that they will seek reprisals against Palestinians not only in revenge for Palestinian attacks but when Israeli governmental policy doesn't go their way. Evil personified.

A combined message from the IDF, Shin Bet and police, "These attacks are against every moral and Jewish value and are also nationalist terrorism in every sense, and we are obliged to fight them."
I liked this video. Not for its entertainment value, but for its conceptualisation of Nakba as a structure of ongoing persecution against Palestinians.

It has a clarity to it.

Like everywhere there's lots of voices in Malaysia. Some Muslims would back Hamas to the hilt and want to shut down the pork and wine shops and go all in on Sharia law. (Beer is low enough alcohol that it can be sold in 7 elevens.) Others are really opposed to the fundamentalists.

I was there during covid when they were shutting down everything non essential. The police in KL who are muslim decided that had to include alcohol sales and took it upon themselves to make that decision. They stopped the next day when it was argued that if they shut down alcohol they should also shut down cigarette sales.

The trend towards conservatism, religion and populism clash in peculiar new ways outside the usual left right thing.
"Jews wake up teach them a lesson."

heck those guys. They are terrorists and I and most Israeli's abhor and fully condemn them. What you article doesn't state is that they will seek reprisals against Palestinians not only in revenge for Palestinian attacks but when Israeli governmental policy doesn't go their way. Evil personified.

A combined message from the IDF, Shin Bet and police, "These attacks are against every moral and Jewish value and are also nationalist terrorism in every sense, and we are obliged to fight them."

but evidently palestinians are never accorded the same diversity of views...they're always anti-semitic.

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