Current Campers kidnapped and assaulted Salt Creek SA - * ROMAN HEINZE CONVICTED

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Interesting detectives have made numerous trips to the UK to liaise with forensic scientists there, including DNA expert Dr Jonathan Whitaker. Dr Whitaker has reportedly visited Perth to work on the (CSK) case. He is a pioneer of LCN (Low Copy Number), the most sensitive DNA testing yet developed.

It was Dr Johnathan Whitaker's testimony on minute particles of DNA, a millionth the size of a grain of sand found on the home made cuffs used on Joanne and on the gearstick of their van that put Bradley Murdoch away.

I remember well hack forensic scientist Joy Kuhl's testimony she detected foetal blood in the Chamberlains car when it was anti rust and that Azaria's jumpsuit had been cut with scissors not dog's teeth. Essentially it was her testimony that got Lindy a life sentance, if capital punishment had been an option she'd have hung. Pfft. Scientists eh.
Problem is they don't know what they don't know and they think that what they know is all that they need to know to be an expert.

They also get a lot of money for their scientific expert opinion, for the prosecution and defence. This guy Whitaker seems to be well respected though .... up until his first major error.

A bunch of alphbabet letters in front of names implies a bunch of intimidating education but I've met a few educated idiots.
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Jury's out.

Sean Fewster‏Verified account @SeanFewster 1h1 hour ago
#SaltCreek jury returns to ask a quick question about the seventh and final count. Justice Kelly answers, says no verdict before 2.15pm.

Sean Fewster‏Verified account @SeanFewster 56m56 minutes ago
The #SaltCreek jury's question was about count 7, the man's alleged attack upon the German as she clung to the roof of the 4WD.

Sean Fewster‏Verified account @SeanFewster 57m57 minutes ago
In her evidence, she claimed he was trying to get her off the roof - so she responded by trying to "kick in his face". #SaltCreek
They also get a lot of money for their scientific expert opinion, for the prosecution and defence. This guy Whitaker seems to be well respected though .... up until his first major error.

A bunch of alphbabet numbers in front of names implies a bunch of intimidating education but I've met a few educated idiots.

I have met a lot of educated idiots, I work with them on a daily basis, generally a bunch of egotistical self absorbed boffins, just trying to secure their next grant so they can do more research that they are interested in but in reality often nothing will ever be done with it.
Sean Fewster‏Verified account @SeanFewster 3m3 minutes ago
She asks the jury to now take five minutes to consider whether they want to continue to deliberate tonight, or go home and resume tomorrow.

So if the jury comes back and says they want to go home and resume tomorrow, they're probably nowhere near reaching a verdict on all counts.

A thought regarding these bizarre Salt Creek SA suppression orders, they're over the top ridiculous. Why?

If I was Bradley Murdoch's lawyer, knowing my client has always maintained his innocence and seeing someone else who may be a better fit for Peter Falconio's murder I'd be raising hell. The common link between the CSK case and this is Whitaker the forensic DNA expert whose testimony went most of the way in sinking Murdoch and expected to likely go most of the way in sinking the CSK.

If Murdoch's lawyers can get anything off the ground by way of appeal or a re-trial, the CSK case could fall right over. The suppression orders are to try and bury it, keep it from the public's eye? And they won't want Joanne Lees to see this guy's picture either, what would happen if she called a presser and said it was the Salt Creek guy? o_O :bomb:

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A thought regarding these bizarre Salt Creek SA suppression orders, they're over the top ridiculous. Why?

If I was Bradley Murdoch's lawyer, knowing my client has always maintained his innocence and seeing someone else who may be a better fit for Peter Falconio's murder I'd be raising hell. The common link between the CSK case and this is Whitaker the forensic DNA expert whose testimony went most of the way in sinking Murdoch and expected to likely go most of the way in sinking the CSK.

If Murdoch's lawyers can get anything off the ground by way of appeal or a re-trial, the CSK case could fall right over. The suppression orders are to try and bury it, keep it from the public's eye? And they won't want Joanne Lees to see this guy's picture either, what would happen if she called a presser and said it was the Salt Creek guy? o_O :bomb:

I saw that and thought it might be you ;)

Not long now Shell :)
I have met a lot of educated idiots, I work with them on a daily basis, generally a bunch of egotistical self absorbed boffins, just trying to secure their next grant so they can do more research that they are interested in but in reality often nothing will ever be done with it.

You just reminded me of that geologist and lecturer during the Pistorius case, he was all over the place.
If Murdoch's lawyers can get anything off the ground by way of appeal or a re-trial, the CSK case could fall right over. The suppression orders are to try and bury it, keep it from the public's eye? And they won't want Joanne Lees to see this guy's picture either, what would happen if she called a presser and said it was the Salt Creek guy? o_O :bomb:

Might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the suppression orders will be lifted once a verdict is reached, won't they?
It's unlikely Joanne Lees would call a presser to say it was the Salt Creek guy when she has already positively identified Bradley Murdoch to be the perpetrator in the Falconio trial.
As an aside, Murdoch admitted it was him in the CCTV footage from the roadhouse, but disputed the purported date/time of said footage, so any reference to a similarity in appearance to the Salt Creek perp is a moot point.
If Murdoch's lawyers can get anything off the ground by way of appeal or a re-trial, the CSK case could fall right over. The suppression orders are to try and bury it, keep it from the public's eye? And they won't want Joanne Lees to see this guy's picture either, what would happen if she called a presser and said it was the Salt Creek guy? o_O :bomb:

Might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the suppression orders will be lifted once a verdict is reached, won't they?
It's unlikely Joanne Lees would call a presser to say it was the Salt Creek guy when she has already positively identified Bradley Murdoch to be the perpetrator in the Falconio trial.
As an aside, Murdoch admitted it was him in the CCTV footage from the roadhouse, but disputed the purported date/time of said footage, so any reference to a similarity in appearance to the Salt Creek perp is a moot point.

No expiry on most suppression orders, it's not automatic. Witnesses, jurors and victims have been known to change their minds and say they were wrong, most honest people would lose sleep thinking they may have been and had a hand in sending an innocent man to jail even if he wasn't Sir Galahad.

I didn't know Murdoch admitted it was him on the CCTV, thanks for that info I will have a look.

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One wonders how many times you have to deliberately run someone over before it becomes attempted murder.

They found the South Australian man, who cannot be publicly named because his identity remains suppressed by the Supreme Court, not guilty of attempted murder.

The German woman told the court she woke to the sound of her friend screaming and when she yelled at the man to stop he ran after her and attacked her with a hammer.

The court heard he later mowed her down in his four-wheel drive, using the bull bar as a battering ram

The Brazilian woman was found by a group of fishermen naked and screaming for help and her friend was later found covered in blood walking on the beach.

Unbelievable. They were so lucky to survive this ordeal.

It will be interesting to hear his sentence.
One wonders how many times you have to deliberately run someone over before it becomes attempted murder.

They could be a very careful, savvy jury, unwilling to risk their decisions to an appeal point. May be a good thing, suspect he'll get a hefty sentance on the other charges.
So to spite the supression orders am I right to conclude this offender has serial convictions?

Or was this a bias jury who read the news?

Either way scary shit when you consider what goes on out there.
So to spite the supression orders am I right to conclude this offender has serial convictions?

Or was this a bias jury who read the news?

Either way scary shit when you consider what goes on out there.
What channel 9 did reveal is there was a history of the accused using Gumtree to target young travelers. I would assume more investigations and more charges may arise from that.

I really hope there isn't anyone missing.
Might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the suppression orders will be lifted once a verdict is reached, won't they?
It's unlikely Joanne Lees would call a presser to say it was the Salt Creek guy when she has already positively identified Bradley Murdoch to be the perpetrator in the Falconio trial.
As an aside, Murdoch admitted it was him in the CCTV footage from the roadhouse, but disputed the purported date/time of said footage, so any reference to a similarity in appearance to the Salt Creek perp is a moot point.[/QUOTE]

Murdoch did not admit it was him in the CCTV footage, he admitted it looked similar to him. He has consistently denied he killed Peter Falconio when it would advantage him to say he did and get a fair bit of time off his sentance. But if he did admit to it, he's under pressure to reveal where the body is and you can't do that if you really have no idea. His lawyer thinks he was framed .. and he's not the only one.

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