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Half the ICU beds in the cardiac/transplant pod are now readied for takeover. Entire trauma pod has changed over to covid and trauma beds moved to a ward.
Important elective surgeries....who knows .
And there they are prancing around the Shrine of Remembrance. Or more aptly Luna Park today is it? shouting'freedom' and 'makey uppey'. Really?

Stfu and get vaccinated you pricks.

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Half the ICU beds in the cardiac/transplant pod are now readied for takeover. Entire trauma pod has changed over to covid and trauma beds moved to a ward.
Important elective surgeries....who knows .
And there they are prancing around the Shrine of Remembrance. Or more aptly Luna Park today is it? shouting'freedom' and 'makey uppey'. Really?

Stfu and get vaccinated you pricks.


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At the risk of crossing in to a political no go zone, I would love to get opinions from posters living under different circumstances to mine in regional Queensland. Here in Bundy we experienced an initial lock down for a couple of weeks around Easter 2020, followed by a couple of mandatory mask periods. Other than trips to Brisbane where masks remain mandatory (I think) we have been unscathed other than economic costs to the tourist industry and the now prevalent and somewhat spasmodic up this way, social distancing constraints.

Victoria clearly has been the most impacted through the period, with parts of NSW, specifically Sydney now being severely affected. Clearly Scomo and his crew, both federal and in some states are determined to open up when vaccination reaches 80% double dose, nation wide or probably less if you are in NSW under Gladys.

As the father of a 5yo and the variants still coming across the planet, I have severe misgivings. I am currently single vaxed, as is my wife with the potentially lesser effective AZ. My daughter as yet cannot be vaxed and with possible side effects still largely unknown, I am terrified to subject her immature body to an adult vaccine, as yet with limited information to potential dramas. (Thalidomide anyone?)

Back to the question. The overwhelming number of Queenslanders, other than a few craving freedoms to travel at will are against opening borders to compromised states. Other than tourist ventures our state is largely untouched. I am fairly certain that WA, SA, Tas. and NT are pretty similar. Clearly we have benefitted from stringent controls and that is continuing for now.

I am of the belief that when high levels of vaccination are reached nation wide, we should relax our requirements, but should stop dramatically short of completely opening borders. I am in no way up to speed with medical figures, but see a system requiring a negative test a week prior to travel and when entering a “clean” state and then a test and quarantine for a few hours or a day waiting for negative results being a small price to pay. This would pretty much ensure any outbreak would/should be no worse than our current minor spikes.

Opening borders totally when children are not vaccinated is irresponsible. Vaccinated people can and will transmit the virus, vaccination should give no one the right to put the greater community in an otherwise virus free jurisdiction at risk. A small percentage of vaccinated people have already succumbed to the virus, and then there are the unvaccinated and our children. There needs to be an easier path to interstate travel, let alone international arrivals.

Given that many of you have done it tough, I would love to know your comparative views. How many would take advantage of a border less country to travel, holiday, party or even transact business which could largely be done through distance without taking precautions? How many of you would safeguard your countrymen through responsible actions and activity? It is a very pertinent question?

Mods, if not permitted here, perhaps this could go to the Mental Health thread.
I think once vaccinations are sufficiently high it is simply impractical to be that protective. Once the international borders go down its a free for all.

Completely understand you being protective of that, just my outlook on how things will progress.
I think once vaccinations are sufficiently high it is simply impractical to be that protective. Once the international borders go down its a free for all.

Completely understand you being protective of that, just my outlook on how things will progress.
Thanks for responding. Not asking for opinions on how people believe things will progress. Asking for individual desires or intentions rather than group think or expectation. Would love to know ages and family situations if people are happy to share.
Opening borders totally when children are not vaccinated is irresponsible. Vaccinated people can and will transmit the virus, vaccination should give no one the right to put the greater community in an otherwise virus free jurisdiction at risk. A small percentage of vaccinated people have already succumbed to the virus, and then there are the unvaccinated and our children. There needs to be an easier path to interstate travel, let alone international arrivals.
Given that many of you have done it tough, I would love to know your comparative views. How many would take advantage of a border less country to travel, holiday, party or even transact business which could largely be done through distance without taking precautions? How many of you would safeguard your countrymen through responsible actions and activity? It is a very pertinent question?

Mods, if not permitted here, perhaps this could go to the Mental Health thread.

Lot's of difficult decisions to be made by authorities and lot's of evolving events to consider.

My personal take is those states that have done a wonderful job keeping cases down should protect their borders for a few more months. Seems WA, QLD, SA, NT internal freedoms & economy are doing well.

NSW & VIC are on a similar path. These two states may create their own bubble in the short term. There are also many border communities within these states. Their goal is to keep their hospitals under control. Freedoms will be determined by this. As we enter summer there is no real reason for VIC & NSW folk to holiday outside their states because there are plenty of great beach destinations within their own state. Although close family being apart interstate is a real problem.

In terms of mental health. Melbourne on Friday will become the most locked down city in the world. It seems there will be another 2 months of hard lock down to go. Feel for so many people. Especially families with young children, young adults, elderly people and many others. Young people only have their child hood once. Sport, birthdays, school get togethers.

In terms of young children being vaccinated. In the short term, this is a personal family decision. Based on vaccine availability, safety confidence. But probably needs to be resolved by after the summer holidays for the start of the 2022 school year.

In time, questions may need to be asked of NSW & VIC authorities handling at times of the pandemic. VIC last year, NSW this year. WA, QLD, SA, NT, NZ for the most part would announce a snap 72 hour lock downs to assess the situation, stopping any transmission immediately. VIC in their first 4 out 6 lock downs relied on their centralised tracing system only to subsequently enter hard lock down. Prolonging the lock down. NSW decentralised system seemed to work ok until they severely underestimated delta variant.

However, overall, compared to the rest of the world all health authorities have done a good job.
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Thanks for responding. Not asking for opinions on how people believe things will progress. Asking for individual desires or intentions rather than group think or expectation. Would love to know ages and family situations if people are happy to share.

Well my thoughts typically align with those expectations. I have family overseas including my partners parents that we want to see. So in that sense even if I was in an area with no virus, my desire would be for the border/quarantine situation to change to allow for this.

I've been pro-lockdown for what it is worth, but this will certainly be changing as vaccination rates are starting to climb.
Thanks for responding. Not asking for opinions on how people believe things will progress. Asking for individual desires or intentions rather than group think or expectation. Would love to know ages and family situations if people are happy to share.
If at the point Australia is 80% vaccinated and people are still worried for their safety (which is their perogative) they're welcome to self isolate themselves from society. Any further governmental intervention would be unwarranted and an extreme overreach.

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If at the point Australia is 80% vaccinated and people are still worried for their safety (which is their perogative) they're welcome to self isolate themselves from society. Any further governmental intervention would be unwarranted and an extreme overreach.
So we just let the hospital system get totally overwhelmed?
Would never happen but I wish those refusing to get vaccinated would forego their right to COVID-related treatment... Ultimately these people are the ones who are holding us back.

Definitely understand the concern for those with kids, hopefully they are able to be vaccinated in the not too distant future.
I've found this a great site that simply presents vaccination rates. Just give it time to load up to date information. Looking forward to being able to visit parents and in-laws whom I haven't seen in person for 2 years.

Would never happen but I wish those refusing to get vaccinated would forego their right to COVID-related treatment... Ultimately these people are the ones who are holding us back.

Definitely understand the concern for those with kids, hopefully they are able to be vaccinated in the not too distant future.

Moving forward there will be some kind of Vax passport for travel mark my works. I'm getting my two teenragers done tomorrow.
The UK, the US and many other countries (almost every other country in fact) have substantially less restrictions at substantially lower vaccination rates and none of their healthcare systems have been "overwhelmed".
Yes they have, I suggest you do some more reading and investigation of what has happened to countries opening up to Delta, unless you have your head in the sand, none have done so without some further restrictions
Yes they have, I suggest you do some more reading and investigation of what has happened to countries opening up to Delta, unless you have your head in the sand, none have done so without some further restrictions

This virus will continue to mutate and get more resilient.
Look I'd never tell another parent how to handle their children but there is no way I'd be rushing to vaccinate my children under 15 years of age. Risks of heart issues from Pfizer are far higher (I understand roughly 4 in a million) than the risk of Covid to children.
That's more dangerous and uninformed claptrap, CDC research says otherwise.
Look I'd never tell another parent how to handle their children but there is no way I'd be rushing to vaccinate my children under 15 years of age. Risks of heart issues from Pfizer are far higher (I understand roughly 4 in a million) than the risk of Covid to children.
Having had (have) heart related issues from Pfizer myself, being a 43 year old very healthy adult it's been stressful enough but for a child would be more stressful so think it's understandable.
Yes they have, I suggest you do some more reading and investigation of what has happened to countries opening up to Delta, unless you have your head in the sand, none have done so without some further restrictions
I've done plenty of research thank you. Not going to get into a debate with people who have no understanding of cost benefit analysis.
Look I'd never tell another parent how to handle their children but there is no way I'd be rushing to vaccinate my children under 15 years of age. Risks of heart issues from Pfizer are far higher (I understand roughly 4 in a million) than the risk of Covid to children.

You are misinformed... on multiple fronts.

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