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You are so correct mate. My lifestyle is very much a home based one, and even when healthier in the past have never been "seduced" by the "razzle dazzle" or felt the need to travel extensively. When I was a kid, the Aussie cricket team travelled by boat to England for months for an Ashes tour.

And I'm sure you extend understanding for those who don't want to just travel for the sake of it but have family in other states/countries...

We simply have to reconnect with the world at some point, and a highly vaccinated population should be the key. Not saying there shouldn't be some sensible checks in place if things do start to overwhelm the health system.
And I'm sure you extend understanding for those who don't want to just travel for the sake of it but have family in other states/countries...

We simply have to reconnect with the world at some point, and a highly vaccinated population should be the key. Not saying there shouldn't be some sensible checks in place if things do start to overwhelm the health system.
Cannot wait til NSW/VIC travel comes back. It's been way too long since I hugged my daughter. :'(

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You are so correct mate. My lifestyle is very much a home based one, and even when healthier in the past have never been "seduced" by the "razzle dazzle" or felt the need to travel extensively. When I was a kid, the Aussie cricket team travelled by boat to England for months for an Ashes tour.

I can only imagine the pressures in Melbourne, especially given so many are apartment dwellers rather than living on my 1000 square metre house block. Victorians and particularly New South Welshmen should be able to relate to our desire to insulate ourselves from such dramas. There are plenty of places to visit in one's own state rather than subjecting others to the effects of COVID. Nothing surer than if our gov't opens the border, the most visited state is going to be Queensland. Our hospital system would be in chaos within weeks, to think otherwise is naive. There are double vaxxed people among the deceased statistice currently reported daily. We would then be living with it rather than taking a few precautions and living free of it. I have no objection to lesser quarantine/negative test/vaccination requirements, as any breach could be managed by contract tracers and isolated lock downs here if it is done sensibly. I have no objection to unvaccinated travellers either, providing they are tested appropriately. I am fed up with the media led harassment of our authorities, trying, perhaps over zealously at times to protect our citizens. That is a health statement, not a political one moderators.

Coona, I appreciate your perspective, but you seem to be forgetting about those who rely on travel and tourism to make a living? It is not just about those who want to have a holiday.

I own and run accommodation just north of the Murray. We have been heavily impacted in this region by the decisions of 2 governments for large parts of the past 18 months. This is despite being virtually covid free the whole time. Our day to day freedoms have been way less impacted than those locked down in Melbourne, but the effect on businesses that rely on visiting Victorians (particularly Melbournians) has been enormous. Queensland has been massively affected as you would know, especially in the far north.

You are lucky to have had a border between you and the problem thus far. But how long can that continue at the expense of the businesses in places like Cairns and Port Douglas? When we get to certain vaccination levels, the geographical luck has to be taken out of the equation. Gladys will make a decision shortly to allow free movement of Sydneysiders around NSW. They will come here (particularly the golfers in prime Spring season) and they will bring the virus. I can make a decision to keep my motel closed, but what's the point? They will simply stay elsewhere, and I will be exposed one way or another.

Victoria can keep the border closed for as long as it likes, but it won't stop seep within the border bubble. We have quite a silly situation here, where one side locks out the other side, despite numbers in each state now being equal. Ironically, the problem has always been closer geographically on the Vic side - Shepparton is only 75km away, whereas Sydney is 750km, Dubbo is 600km etc. The NSW border has remained open the whole time, (the deterrent is the need for the Vics to quarantine for 14 days when returning back there). Likewise for you, the Sydney people will travel to Tweed Heads. Despite having a heavily restricted border currently, the movement in that bubble will see the virus enter Coolangatta. The natural movement of Queenslanders from the Gold Coast to Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast to Bundaberg, will see the virus on your doorstep even if the border technically remains shut. It is just delaying the inevitable.

I share your concern regarding kids, but the evidence so far strongly suggests they will be ok. At least the other states will be able to observe what happens in NSW and react accordingly.
Cannot wait til NSW/VIC travel comes back. It's been way too long since I hugged my daughter. :'(

My partner hasn't seen her family since the beginning of 2019. Missed weddings, funerals... Certainly respect the health directions and have been fully supportive the whole way through but now that everyone freely has the vaccination available to them we are ready to catch up on lost time.
Off to get my 14/13 yo today :) My boys comment ... Dad I don't want to be a hippy ... gotta love kids.

Noodle is happy she misses out 9yo lol

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Hey flowers, hope you're taking note of what's happening in Melbourne at the moment, and we haven't even opened up yet.... nobody is advocating for a bubble but it's not as simple as you make out, will need a balanced approach
Are you taking note of what's happened in Sydney? Despite loosening restrictions, case numbers are largely consistent in the 500-2000 per day mark. No exponential spike. We're coming into summer, there are seasonal aspects to this virus. Sydney is showing you, you can live with covid.

Edit: My numbers were wrong, daily case numbers are actually falling rapidly despite loosening restrictions

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Are you taking note of what's happened in Sydney? Despite loosening restrictions, case numbers are largely consistent in the 500-2000 per day mark. No exponential spike. We're coming into summer, there are seasonal aspects to this virus. Sydney is showing you, you can live with covid.

Edit: My numbers were wrong, daily case numbers are actually falling rapidly despite loosening restrictions

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Way to miss the point!
Hey flowers, hope you're taking note of what's happening in Melbourne at the moment, and we haven't even opened up yet.... nobody is advocating for a bubble but it's not as simple as you make out, will need a balanced approach

Balanced approach?

I think Vic need to do exactly what NSW did in relation to getting jabs in arms in the suburbs with higher ethnic/essential workers. These same areas in Sydney were in a longer lockdown but now their jab numbers are the best in the state.
Balanced approach?

I think Vic need to do exactly what NSW did in relation to getting jabs in arms in the suburbs with higher ethnic/essential workers. These same areas in Sydney were in a longer lockdown but now their jab numbers are the best in the state.
I agree with you on jabs, that's not what I meant. FBI is implying that we learn to live with it and all will be hunky dory, I'm arguing it is not that simple and there may be the need for targeted interventions when the hospital system gets overwhelmed (hint: it will)

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