Daily gripe

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I'm not sure why you bolded that last paragraph, that was pointing at a couple of people I know. One of which nearly lost their life, so very close to. And now they don't care waht tehy do. Its one thing to not worry what other people think about you. However its another thing to go around doing whatever you please because you think you can do what you want.

The point I made about church is that, I clearly see an age group missing, and I ask myself why is that? why is it that there is a clear group of people between 25-35 and then a clear group of people over 50 and a few in between. But hardly any between 18-25. I believe that generation doesn't care, and that they see material gains as a sign of success and happiness. I believe a majority of these people are shallow

What a load of crap, I haven't been to church since I was 11 & my two children my son has never been to church, my daughter dabbled for a couple of years, but then decided it was a load of crap, both of them are great kids, who work hard, neither are self obsessed or ignorant.
The point I made about church is that, I clearly see an age group missing, and I ask myself why is that? why is it that there is a clear group of people between 25-35 and then a clear group of people over 50 and a few in between. But hardly any between 18-25. I believe that generation doesn't care, and that they see material gains as a sign of success and happiness. I believe a majority of these people are shallow

Perhaps an institution that has often been sexist, racist, manipulative and corrupt organisation does not appeal to a better educated generation

What a load of crap, I haven't been to church since I was 11 & my two children my son has never been to church, my daughter dabbled for a couple of years, but then decided it was a load of crap, both of them are great kids, who work hard, neither are self obsessed or ignorant.

Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths:D
Perhaps an institution that has often been sexist, racist, manipulative and corrupt organisation does not appeal to a better educated generation

Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths:D

No it wouldn't & I'm not saying that because they are my babies & I am biased. ;)

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Yeah, I used to one of those insecure schizo fools throughout most of high school. It was like almost everything I did and said was centred around being a little people pleasing prick.

If I could not make the cool kids happy, then I could not be happy with myself. Now how sad and pathetic is that? I pity the old me, and have sworn never to go back to my old ways.

The past two and a bit years of my life have been great. I have matured mentally and spiritually so much, have met the most amazing sweetheart of a girl online who lives in Florida, and have really enjoyed my time in solitude, away, for the most part, from this predominately pathetic, shallow, superficial society we live in, studying externally, and like I said, it has been amazing, but luckily for me I have a terrific family and a lovable dog who I swear has to be one of the cutest things on the face of the planet.

Sorry to offend you but that's really sad. Had to be said
That's a relief, thought you meant she was your girlfriend or something

LOL no, I don't have feelings like that for someone I've never even met before, I'm not looking for a relationship and if I enter one it'd actually have to be with someone who lives here because I can't live or study anywhere else for many years to come. I just met her on a message board over 2 years ago and have kept in regular touch with her. That's it.
I'm not sure why you bolded that last paragraph, that was pointing at a couple of people I know. One of which nearly lost their life, so very close to. And now they don't care waht tehy do. Its one thing to not worry what other people think about you. However its another thing to go around doing whatever you please because you think you can do what you want.

The point I made about church is that, I clearly see an age group missing, and I ask myself why is that? why is it that there is a clear group of people between 25-35 and then a clear group of people over 50 and a few in between. But hardly any between 18-25. I believe that generation doesn't care, and that they see material gains as a sign of success and happiness. I believe a majority of these people are shallow

Sorry about that, I misread your post. Apologies. :thumbsu: However, I am not so sure about this apparent relationship between a particular age group not attending church and 'bad' behaviour. Perhaps you could elaborate.
Item 1: I was walking up a flight of stairs today and encountered 3 girls blocking the stairway discussing their facebook pictures. Rather than ask them if I could get through (they would have known I was there) I decided to stand there until they moved. Took 45 seconds.

Item 2: I was waiting near a photocopier the other day. It was a 6 deep line and I was 4th. I decided to stand back from the 3rd person as there was a walkway there and I didnt want to get in anybody's way. A typical 20 year old girl looks at me, then decides to just amble in to my spot.

Item 3: I was on a tram looking at the people waiting for the spot. I noticed some old lady trying to get through. She couldnt because there were 3 girls posing next to an advertising sign taking pictures.

Im sorry but girls that age seem to be getting more and more similar. I blame this 'look at me' culture (i.e. facebook, myspace, aus idol etc). So many of them think they have to be looked at, have to be noticed, are the apex of society, you have to take 40 pictures of yourself when you go out, you have to have the most oversized sunglasses, the shortest skirt etc.

I cant handle it anymore. Their fake smiles, their high pitched whiny voices, their utter astonishment at the first hint of being ignored or slighted.

And here's the kicker. They are dumb. And boring. They all say the same generic things. There isnt much there. Older women are simply better in all ways. From about 26 onwards by my reckoning.

It's all the sex they're having I reckon.... http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/showthread.php?t=562785
Now I'm 19 myself, but I do agree that the vast majority of **** wits out there are under 25 males and females, but have you ever noticed how they act differently when they are in a small group or on their own?

I noticed it all the time in high school. I actually saw a rare, good side from most of these cool kids when they were on their own or in a small group, they wouldn't act like appearance obsessed fake tough smart asses.

This suggests most of them know what they're doing is stupid, but they do it anyway, because like you guys said, they're afraid of becoming an outcast. Most of them are afraid to think for themselves and stand up for themselves.

Rarely do you see a person tell someone in a similar position to them on the social ladder to go **** themselves if they mess with them, they always pick easy targets and act all high and mighty towards someone lower than them on the social ladder. It's weak as piss.

But what is it that's killing young people's self esteem? Lack of maturity, education, advertising, media, shit house parenting? What gives?
Tenuously related (and this is an extreme example) is Miranda Devine's recent column about the TV series 'Ladette to Lady'. Now I've never watched the show and I know it's just entertainment, but I think it's very relevant in the context of this discussion.

The media has played a huge role in changing young peoples attitude to life and has helped shaped a lot of this self obsessed mentality among young people. Those who disagree just have too see how much exposure to media the age group in question have compared to say the prev generation and the those in the 70s.

It's sad because i do recall back in the day before the cult of celebrity (a mere 10-15 years ago) i would often hear females at my work place speak and converse about issues, a book they are reading or a film they watched. Now you had the occasional gossip about so and so but not to the point where it's now.

Another factor is this liberal thinking of not wanting to grow up, wanting to stay a teenager for ever and not wanting to face up to the eventual responsibilities of life. Now no one wants to be a boring old fart at 27 but at the same time acting like a teenager should not be considered the norm. I have encountered 30+ year old males who refuse to act mature and still think it's perfectly acceptable to be a tool. Again not all but the % is increasing.

How will this effect the general outcome in say 10-20 years when the majority of this age group will be in some positional of power or authority i don't know but it's making me feel rather uneasy at this stage. Will this age group suddenly wake up one day with one big reality check?

More importantly how do we hold the media accountable for their actions so future generations don't go down the same path as this age group?
But what is it that's killing young people's self esteem? Lack of maturity, education, advertising, media, shit house parenting? What gives?

I reckon it stems from religious beliefs. The baby boomers, unlike their parents, generally aren't religious and as a result don't place the same value on marriage. The large number of divorces in this generation has caused many kids to grow up with just one parent and feel a lot less secure.

Another ****ing idiot thing females do is pose for the camera with the same side of their face and pout, every damn time.

My younger sister has a few hundred picks the computer back home all doing the same pouting lips pose. I said to her "I like your Blue Steel, or is that Magnum?". She had no idea what I was talking about.

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^If my younger sister was like that, my immediate reaction would be to put her in her place like the girls being described in this thread. However, I'd have a think about it, realise she is my blood, and then talk to her about why she does this, to at least get some perspective and give my opinion on it. That's just me though. I tend not to let idiocy go with those close to me, just as I would want those close to me to not let it go if I was the one doing idiotic things. Granted repeated pouting isn't as bad as a lot of other things, but it does make me cringe and put said person into the group of girls this thread describes as self-absorbed.

I actually saw a rare, good side from most of these cool kids when they were on their own or in a small group, they wouldn't act like appearance obsessed fake tough smart asses.

Very very good point that I don't think has been raised in this thread so far.

A lot of downright w***ers are actually not so bad if you talk to them one on one. However, when it groups, the inner w***er presents itself for all to see, screaming for attention.

I believe part of the explanation for this comes down to a lack of self-esteem, and so the need to garner attention (meaning outsiders will think you're a tool and your mates will think you're some form of hero) exceeds everything else.
True and that is what girls like.

I don't think that's exactly true. I think they like confidence and someone who shows strength and stability, but I doubt they want to be treated like crap unless it's some kind of fetish lol.

One of my girlfriend's friends is with a guy who is very careless and quite selfish, and it's obvious as day that she goes along with it but really wants some romance/connection. Girls like to think they can fix guys like that, like they've found a damaged treasure or something.

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