Highly Rated/Classic games you have never played

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Oct 3, 2005
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I've been a pretty "hardcore" gamer (even though I hate that term) for many years now but over the years I've gotta say I've missed out on playing quite a few "Big" Games. Be it due to time, or finance or not having the console, I have a list of big games that I must get around to playing sometime, they are:

Any final fantasy game
Crono Trigger
Super Mario 64 (besides a quick go)
Goldeneye (besides a quick go)
any Metal Gear Solid
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Any Civilisation game


By all means let me know what priority I should play these (or if I should bother) or what I'm missing out on!

Who else has classic games that you missed out on over the years?

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Magnum.... if you've never played a final fantasy game before...... maybe good to leave that last.... you need alot of time commitment to play those.... anywhere from 50 to 100 hours per game if you want to finish everything. not to mention hours of endless grinding which may put off a newcomer.

Although..... Chronotrigger is quite different to the normal ff formula. You can see your enemies on the main screen so they can be avoided alot of the time unlike FF. Its definitely one of the best games of all time. (also multiple endings so will take forever to finsh everything).

Goldeneye might seem alittle dated now after getting used to current gen fps. Its a great game for sure......but a relatively jerky framerate may give you the shits.

I'd start with Mario 64...... maybe the ds version....or even on the psp (although it hasn't been perfected yet...mostly sound problems)

The psp is perfect for replaying old PS1 games too.

as for classic games I never got around too...... too many on the PC as I'm firstly a console gamer.

Deus ex and system shock 2 seems to be the ones that stand out. I'm not really a big fps (rts for me) fan so things like Doom and Quake I've only played casually.
midori, I'd highly recommend Deus Ex. Awesome game. Not so much FPS, but RTS-FPS hybrid, so I reckon you'd like it.

Thanks for the thoughts on the other games.

I have the N64 games emulated on my PC so I'll probably get around to playing them when I get a N64 controller adapter....

As for PSP, I was thinking of getting a PSP and modding it for emulation etc. Play on the train :)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Any Civilisation game


If you've got a soft spot for the golden era of adventure games, FoA is a must-play. A great LucasArts title.

The older Civs are quite dated by now - might be better just to jump straight into Civ IV! Of course if you do want to "see it all", a box set like Civilization Chronicles might be just the thing for you. It IS addictive - this game didn't start the phenomenon of "Just one more turn..." by accident.
Any Quake game
Any FF game except FFX (which I did like but forgot to finish it)
MGS1 and 2 (tried to track both games down a while ago)
Halo series
Gears of War (but obviously a bit too new)
Soul Calibir series
God of War series (except for a demo of 1)
Diablo series (except a demo which I remember not being able to get into)
Call of duty series

A lot of older PC games. Most PS1 games and Xbox exclusive games.

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