USA House begins vote on motion to overthrow Kevin McCarthy

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Maybe they're hoping his replacement will be of the extreme right and thereby hope that swings the pendulum back their way.
you'd have to worry about the potential damage that could be caused by letting an extremist into the position though (things that are not easily fixed an extreme example would be defunding large amounts of social security which could not be easily reversed as the public servants will have been sacked and people reliant on social security will have backslid/ died in the meantime) while Mccarthy seemed like someone the dems could at least work with. (could just be a bad impression though)

edit thanks Maggie5 for mentioning the broken promises
That boat sailed a while back for the GOP
They fractured during the tea party days.
Trump just appealed to and emboldened their worst elements.

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Republican president after Trump is going to be dark times. His hideous policies with someone who can walk and chew gum.

The people who were actually doing the work while Bonzo ate cheeseburgers & watched himself on TV already managed to destroy a significant amount of any & all bureaucracy to do with holding businesses to account or making things better for poor people.

They dismantled a significant portion of the EPA for example.

Over four years, the Trump administration dismantled major climate policies and rolled back many more rules governing clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals.

In all, a New York Times analysis, based on research from Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School and other sources, counts nearly 100 environmental rules officially reversed, revoked or otherwise rolled back under Mr. Trump. More than a dozen other potential rollbacks remained in progress by the end but were not finalized by the end of the administration’s term.

“This is a very aggressive attempt to rewrite our laws and reinterpret the meaning of environmental protections,” said Hana V. Vizcarra, a staff attorney at Harvard’s Environmental and Energy Law Program who has tracked the policy changes since 2018. “This administration is leaving a truly unprecedented legacy.”
I do like the republicans who are blaming the Dems for what happened to McCarthy, like they should have taken the high road to save the republicans from themselves.

They’re mental gymnastics and twisted logic knows no bounds.

“You claim to be better than us so should fix up a problem we created and stop us destroying ourselves!”

Thing is Gaetz just hated McCarthy, there is no way republicans will let it go to a legit govt shutdown, as their corporate donors will lose their shit.

Just listened to this Hacks on Tap episode (which is a really good podcast for sensible and balanced US politics discussion imo), there were some amazing lines about Gaetz lol

"A haircut with a congressman attached, representing the district of click to donate"
After mentioning how Gaetz's dad and sister are respected operators "but somehow when the congressman was conceived they were too near that Florida nuclear site or something" :tearsofjoy:

“In every election in American history, there’s some small element of fraud, irregularity,” Johnson said in the interview. “But when you have it on a broad scale, when you have a software system that is used all around the country that is suspect because it came from Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, when you have testimonials of people like this, it demands to be litigated.”

- Mike Johnson November 17, 2020
The new U.S. House speaker tried to help overturn the 2020 election, raising concerns about 2024

I would really like to see an actual journo nail this pud's to the wall about this. "To whom were you referring to?""How do you feel about this now?" "Are you aware of lawsuits and grand jury investigations into people involved in spreading these conspiracy theories?"
Just listened to this Hacks on Tap episode (which is a really good podcast for sensible and balanced US politics discussion imo), there were some amazing lines about Gaetz lol

"A haircut with a congressman attached, representing the district of click to donate"
After mentioning how Gaetz's dad and sister are respected operators "but somehow when the congressman was conceived they were too near that Florida nuclear site or something" :tearsofjoy:

Thanks bourbons - have become a regular listener to Hacks on Tap - agree about how balanced and sensible it is.
I'm also 1/2 way through Believer by Axlerod - very interesting read :thumbsu:

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USA House begins vote on motion to overthrow Kevin McCarthy

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