Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack.

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And you think it’s fine that kids have to have armed security at their schools. Right.
Yeah, but do they really "have to"?

Anyone who's worked in state schools knows there's semi regular lockdowns for external intruders. They don't feel the need to go and get armed guards though.
Have Jewish schools historically had such high rates of lockdowns that they need armed guards?

Seems more, a tactic to keep Jewish kids scared of the outside world and keep the victim story going to the outside world, who are meant to feel sympathy for a school that "needs" guards.

Seems a waste if taxpayers m9ney to me, seeing as how much public funding religious school get.

Kind of like Israel. Ooh, we need a wall to keep out people safe. Nekminnit, armed settlers steal West Bank land and illegally detain the kids who throws a rock.
It was suss from the start - one of Australia’s biggest Zionist groups is the only source for the Gas the Jews chant claim. It just doesn’t gel with the energy of any Pro Palestine rally I’ve been to.

How can anyone look at this recording and think that the audio matches what is on screen?

Zionists and lobby groups like the AJA are doing a great job of smearing Judaism the same way terrorists have done with Islam historically.
For arguments sake, what happens if Turkey militarily started supporting Gaza?

Bombings, air strikes, ground personnel?

Turkey are a NATO member, so any retaliation on the Turkish mainland would require NATO to come to its defence.

How would the USA navigate a scenario like this?

Not really how it works.

NATO members can't just attack other countries at will. They need the approval of other NATO members.

Considering Israel is an ally of a lot of the western countries that make up NATO (especially the USA) that aint happening.

TLDR: Turkey aint doing shit.

In recent times Erdogan has expressed desire or intent to eave NATO. But i dont think this is the hill they want to die on.......pun intended.
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Yeah, but do they really "have to"?

Anyone who's worked in state schools knows there's semi regular lockdowns for external intruders. They don't feel the need to go and get armed guards though.
Have Jewish schools historically had such high rates of lockdowns that they need armed guards?

Seems more, a tactic to keep Jewish kids scared of the outside world and keep the victim story going to the outside world, who are meant to feel sympathy for a school that "needs" guards.

Seems a waste if taxpayers m9ney to me, seeing as how much public funding religious school get.

Kind of like Israel. Ooh, we need a wall to keep out people safe. Nekminnit, armed settlers steal West Bank land and illegally detain the kids who throws a rock.
Analysis of the AJA videos by verification experts at RMIT CrossCheck found a number of signs that suggest audio was edited. This review seen by Crikey notes that the audio is often out of sync with the video, that a section of audio was repeated during a clip, and that some audio was repeated while different clips were being shown. These suggest that additional editing was done beyond splicing different video clips together.

RMIT CrossCheck’s analysis by itself does not confirm or debunk whether the chant was heard during the rally. However, it does cast doubt on the AJA video’s credibility as the sole source of these claims. The report suggests that verifying whether the chants happened would require obtaining the original footage, locating other footage or obtaining eyewitness accounts — none of which has happened to Crikey’s knowledge."
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Fact checks don’t care about your feelings.

AJA video has been debunked. Stop with your performative nonsense.
I can’t remember where I read it but I think I saw a mention of legal action considered against the group that initially released the footage
Why is calling for peace and a ceasefire seen by some Right Wing commentators as anti Israel?

Calling for a ceasefire is the only right position to take but tactically, it's a really bad decision. This isn't a left right thing imo.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
False claims made about antisemitism and people like you refuse to accept any questioning that the claims are real.

Meanwhile, an actual Palestine owned burger joint gets fire bombed in Caulfield, hate videos about burning babies in Gaza follow, we never hear about that again in the media, not in politics politics, not anywhere anywhere.

Only one side can be the victims I guess.

It is more than a little tiring.

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Calling for a ceasefire is the only right position to take but tactically, it's a really bad decision. This isn't a left right thing imo.
C'mon kurve, what tactics?

You can't keep taking the propaganda. Engage morality above all else

An independent, widely recognised journalist, also a christian minister. if you have an hour at some point, worth a listen
C'mon kurve, what tactics?

You can't keep taking the propaganda. Engage morality above all else

An independent, widely recognised journalist, also a christian minister. if you have an hour at some point, worth a listen

You can't keep telling me, given I'm anti war, anti violence and an obvious lefty that I'm buying the propaganda, because I'm not and will resist being wedged.

If the aim is to arrest or kill Hamas leadership, destroy their infrastructure and release all the hostages then it's tactically bad to stop until that's been achieved. Correct?

They still don't have Sinwar.
You can't keep telling me, given I'm anti war, anti violence and an obvious lefty that I'm buying the propaganda, because I'm not and will resist being wedged.

If the aim is to arrest or kill Hamas leadership, destroy their infrastructure and release all the hostages then it's tactically bad to stop until that's been achieved. Correct?

They still don't have Sinwar.
Do they know he's still in Gaza?

I agree that it's a bad time for a ceasefire for the hunting of Hamas, but Israel have created such a humanitarian crisis (over a million people displaced, no food, water or electricity) that it's the only way to avoid a humanitarian disaster.

People will start dying of exposure, thirst, lack of medical attention. All the while being told to move this way and that to imaginary safe zones.

If Israel hadn't created the civilian disaster, they might still be able to continue their hunt for Hamas. But the health of a million displaced civilians is more important at this point in time.

If you invade a country, international law says you're responsible for the civilian population. The world is simply asking Israel to, for once, adhere to international law.

Israel are so used to ignoring laws and pretending they don't apply because they're both the chosen people and the greatest victims of all time that they'll almost certainly allow this humanitarian disaster to happen.
If the Houthis start acting like pirates, it would become our fight soon enough. International shipping is Australia's lifeline to the world.
Not to Israel it isn't.

It is next to impossible to apply pressure to Israel to curtail what they doing when you send military assets to actually help them.
Why is calling for peace and a ceasefire seen by some Right Wing commentators as anti Israel?

Probably because it allows time for hamas to regroup.

I'm personally all for ceasefires as long as actual gains can be made out of it, AID deliveries, civilian evacuations etc etc.

Israel has the ability to destroy hamas in much more targeted ways, it's a deep shame on them we are even at a point where circa 18k civilians are dead and ceasefires are even needed.

I believed it was real, now I feel horrible about it. Because on the balance of probabilities it is probably a lie.

But the AJA refuse to comment about it. Feel free to scroll through their social media accounts of complaints about perceived anti-semitism, mixed with outright Islamophobia.

If you're going to pretend to care about tolerance at least don't mix in outright discrimination.

I was arguing with people here two months ago, that did this not represent the majority of Palestinians.

You have even mods on this board who lapped it up as a majority of Muslims or Palestinians representing "gas the Jews" chants. While understandably, many Palestinians are angry with Zionists, they do not want to gas the Jews, or any human beings for that matter.

I guess one would have to lack racism to begin with, maybe actually go meet Palestinians or Muslims before retransmitting their usually shitty racists tropes.

The Australian Jewish Association account on twitter is an absolutely vile and disgusting account, I have nothing positive to say about them.
Probably because it allows time for hamas to regroup.

I'm personally all for ceasefires as long as actual gains can be made out of it, AID deliveries, civilian evacuations etc etc.

Israel has the ability to destroy hamas in much more targeted ways, it's a deep shame on them we are even at a point where 18k civilians are dead and ceasefires are even needed.

The call is for a permanent ceasefire, not a pause.

Things could potentially get worse when Israel pulls out completely and goes behind this two mile buffer zone they're apparently planning. Civil war.
Do you intend to continue spamming the react button Roby ?

Is this against site rules? Is there a reason you've singled me out and are now targetting me? I'm allowed to react to posts on Bigfooty, I read every post in this thread, unlike you.
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