James Hird trying to drag Collingwood, Hawthorn and West Coast through the mud now

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Excuse me...these were private text messages? How is something in private, trying to drag other clubs through the mud? Hird wanted his players to be as strong as Collingwood, West Coast and Hawthorn. Yeah he said he hates them...but those 3 clubs are rivals so naturally he hates them.

By the way...it wasn't that long ago ASADA target tested Dane Swan and even followed him to the USA for drug tests. We all know West Coast's past with the WADA banned drug, Cocaine. We also know (as reported by Sam Lane last year) that Hawthorn were leading the way regarding the increased number of injections.

Is it enough to say they are cheats? The rational answer is no...but you guys don't play by those rules. So in the spirit of Big Footy...Ban them all...kick them out of the league if they don't open themselves up for investigation! Guilty until proven innocent! Context doesn't matter, supplement program = 100% cheats! They must face a firing squad!

Rumours about Hawthorn, Collingwood and West Coast aren't exactly new to the BF community or the AFL public

Aren't these 4 teams the ones who have sent representation along with Vlad on the USA trip at the moment?
The AFL is probably deeply inolved in some bio-chem mischief to help spawn a new billion dollar industry and the Bombers came forward when ASADA picked it up in order to try and clear themselves, instead they've been thrown under the bus.
In the USA there's baseballers going through a similar thing with illegal biochemistry and it's big business in cycling, NRL has been caught up. I'm sure other big sports are involved.
Just seems like this is going to be hell of a lot bigger than just 1 footy team when all is said and done. Just seems like there's some real underground stuff going on and we're just seeing the tip of the iceburg.

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It goes to motive.

If he truly believed other clubs were cheating and he felt he had to cheat to catch up, then it's motive.

The fact that he thought at a later stage that he was bettering their supposed cheating, it lends to building a case for guilt.

that's spurious reasoning. you're assuming that he "allegedly believed" other clubs were cheating. there is nothing in this article to support that claim.
Have any of you actually physically seen these supposed 'text messages'? Have they been factually proven?

They were published by the ABC 7.30 Program. Presumably supplied by Dank himself.

If you think the ABC are making things up then report them to the Press Council. For most of us we're happy to take the ABC at face value.
Excuse me...these were private text messages? How is something in private, trying to drag other clubs through the mud? Hird wanted his players to be as strong as Collingwood, West Coast and Hawthorn. Yeah he said he hates them...but those 3 clubs are rivals so naturally he hates them.

By the way...it wasn't that long ago ASADA target tested Dane Swan and even followed him to the USA for drug tests. We all know West Coast's past with the WADA banned drug, Cocaine. We also know (as reported by Sam Lane last year) that Hawthorn were leading the way regarding the increased number of injections.

Is it enough to say they are cheats? The rational answer is no...but you guys don't play by those rules. So in the spirit of Big Footy...Ban them all...kick them out of the league if they don't open themselves up for investigation! Guilty until proven innocent! Context doesn't matter, supplement program = 100% cheats! They must face a firing squad!


It all depends who did the leaking.
If it was the Dank camp, he's just trying to create general pandemonium.
If it was the Hird camp, it was to be combative and put a shot across the bow of the competition, as well as bolster the "everyone did it" line.
If it was the AFL camp ... well to be honest, I can't imagine what purpose the AFL would have had for this.
We always knew Hird was deluded and sociopathic.

Well now yo can add severe paranoia to his resume`.

What a mess that guy is.

Similarities between Hird and Armstrong are uncanny.
that's spurious reasoning. you're assuming that he "allegedly believed" other clubs were cheating. there is nothing in this article to support that claim.

Yup, Hird never said he suspected those other clubs of cheating. People seem to think every drug/supplement is illegal, which is not the case. Supplement program doesn't automatically mean that club is cheating.


NEEDLES, blood, athletes - the combination has proved ruinous in elite sport, but in AFL football legal injecting is a burgeoning business that's accelerating the recovery of players and giving clubs that are willing to experiment an edge.
Groundbreaking Orthokine therapy, which involves a series of blood injections, did not get Hawthorn's Brent Guerra to the grand final in time, as the 2008 premiership player, who tore his hamstring 24 days ago, yesterday pulled the pin on his grand final hopes. However, the Hawks are at the forefront of a movement that Melbourne-based musculoskeletal radiologist Dr Paul Marks predicts will soon be commonplace across the AFL and lead to players banking their blood.

This shit has been going on for a while and many clubs look into sports science. That doesn't mean everyone is out to cheat and break the rules purposely.

It all depends who did the leaking.
If it was the Dank camp, he's just trying to create general pandemonium.
If it was the Hird camp, it was to be combative and put a shot across the bow of the competition, as well as bolster the "everyone did it" line.
If it was the AFL camp ... well to be honest, I can't imagine what purpose the AFL would have had for this.

At least you are exploring all the possibilities. ABC could have gotten those texts from the ACC, or hacked phones (Yes, Australian Government collects our meta data and even hands some of it over to the TSA in the USA.

The AFL could have leaked it to further damage Hird's credibility in order to try and get him to step down.

The most important part of those texts is the drug mentioned. From what I've read that drug is banned when injected into the veins. Maybe that is the drug which was injected into the stomach.

The other part is how it is mentioned that a drug was delivered to the club even though Hird and co didn't know if they would actually use it.

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Lol at Hirdy being taken for a ride.

Its the classic Dank the used car salesman, Hirdy the 18 year old school girl buying her first car..
Dank was getting fat wallet feeding of Hirdy's, insecurities and fear of failure...

Hird: Why are we getting all these injuries ?
Dank: I need to use much more placental cells and Actovegin....
West Coast, Hawthorn and Collingwood's tissues are biologically advanced. We need to change our biology for a little while.
Hird: You're right.....Pump them with more sh*t. I hate those f*ckers, We are the best, we'll show them!

Dank : All the cool kids are driving BMW's Hirdy, forget about the Datson....
Hird: I don't have the money
Dank: Don't you wan't to be cool, Just sign your life away here Hirdy!
Hird: Ok! I want to be cool.

What an Embarrassment. !
The line about west coast being on another level....possibly a reference to the fact our players were high as a kite? So essendon were trying to match our methods. If it wasn't bad enough for essendon, now you are taking illicit drugs as well!

Seriously though, this is a nothing article/thread. Old messages referring to the fact that these teams were performing well and essendon wanted to match them. There are probably half a dozen teams thinking the same things about hawks, Sydney, Geelong and even port (massive fitness improvements this year). It doesn't mean they took drugs it just means they are setting the standard and other teams want to be like them.
I'd be shocked if the top teams weren't all pushing the line in this department, the line is there to be pushed, it's only an issue if you cross it.
Aren't these 4 teams the ones who have sent representation along with Vlad on the USA trip at the moment?
The AFL is probably deeply inolved in some bio-chem mischief to help spawn a new billion dollar industry and the Bombers came forward when ASADA picked it up in order to try and clear themselves, instead they've been thrown under the bus.
In the USA there's baseballers going through a similar thing with illegal biochemistry and it's big business in cycling, NRL has been caught up. I'm sure other big sports are involved.
Just seems like this is going to be hell of a lot bigger than just 1 footy team when all is said and done. Just seems like there's some real underground stuff going on and we're just seeing the tip of the iceburg.

CFC, HFC & WCFC equates to 3 actually.
What's the name of the WC rep that's gone with AD to the States?
can't see the part where he accused them of cheating. that's because it doesn't exist in that article. we have only "allegedly believed", with no quotes

The ABC program claimed Hird told Dank of suspicions about Collingwood but he could not prove anything. The exchange was alleged to have taken place at Hird's Toorak home in October 2011, as the Essendon supplements program was starting out, with Robinson also present.

Why would someone try and prove something if they didnt think it was wrong?

Why would he 6 months later text that Essendon were now doing it better than those clubs?
JULY 31, 2013 11:19AM


JAMES Hird suspected Collingwood players were pushing the boundaries and that West Coast was "definitely up to something'', according to new claims in the Essendon drugs scandal on Tuesday night.

Essendon's then sports scientist Stephen Dank allegedly wrote in a text to Hird last April that West Coast, Collingwood and Hawthorn were "biologically advanced''.

"We need to change our biology for a little while,'' Dank was purported to have replied in a text to Hird that was aired on the ABC's 7.30 program.

Not content with everyone else being made the scape goat in this saga, Hird is now trying to drag as many people down with him as he can. At what point do the AFL decide he is bring the game into disrepute?

Bloke is a disgrace.
THB this is a private conversation, Hird could be discussing bombing the Sydney Harbour bridge and get away with it.
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