Rumour Jeremy Finlayson under investigation - 3 game suspension

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They simply just words and you could call anyone any name you make up to call. The people today are soft they never win a War if their was a real one they be defeated before they took the beaches, land etc. The mean face is worse the player may want to actually harm you.
A reminder to people - never go full boomer. 😂
"What about Clarkson?", "what did the Essendon player say to provoke him?", "would he be getting the same suspension if he didn't play for Port?", "would he be getting the same suspension if he wasn't indigenous?"

How about: "Jeremy, can you please not use hate speech in the workplace?". I'm yet to see a single Port fan ask that question lol
Surely they have the right to question why their player cops 3 weeks when your coach gets a lightly brush on the knuckles for a very similar incident? That's certainly what I'm asking...

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Can't argue with the suspension. That language is of a bygone era. The world moves on.

I guess the underlying piece here of society's current "woke" state is to be considerate of feelings, which is admirable and mostly in the right place. And there are many groups in the community who have long been disadvantaged or persecuted just for who they are. I think that's the shortlist of stuff you're not allowed to use these days (race/sexual orientation/religion/gender).

I DO think there's now an interesting question about.... what else can you say or not?

A completely IN-context line like "I am much better than you because you are not talented and I'm going to make you look so bad you get fired". That is something you can say on a football field but not in a work environment, right? ORRRRRRR... is that bullying?

If we're going down the AFL-ground-is-a-workplace route.... there has to be accommodations for the different nature of the workplace. I feel like I'd get in a fair bit of trouble if I tackled a colleague in the kitchenette in the Collins St office (and not just because they didn't have the ball).
Is C**k S****r a prohibited term in the AFLW?

This is a genuine brain teaser (I think I'm allowed to use that term) for the Integrity Department of the AFL.

Will take them weeks to determine if this term constitutes "Conduct Unbecoming".
I used to say the N word, F word and R word, and even I knew not to say it in the workplace lol

How dumb is this Finlayson bloke? 😂

The key part is "used to say"; I've also said inappropriate and unacceptable words before. Those of us who used to say them grow up for different reasons. In my case, it was the thought that people have been lynched/kicked to death while having those words screamed at them, being murdered for having nothing wrong with them at all. I don't want to perpetuate such hate, so do not say such words as no one deserves that abuse, no matter how 'joking" they may be intended when spoken.

In Finlayson's case, he did something wrong. He realised this, and will hopefully cop the punishment and emerge a better person. I thought 4 weeks would've been appropriate, but can accept 3 given the obvious contrition (ignoring the convenient timing of the showdown...). But, he also deserves the opportunity to become someone who used to say those words rather than still does.
So now we have degrees of slur.

C*** s***** is a fine
F***** is a ban.

We need a panel set up and list a number of words / slurs to see how offended people get so we can set fines / weeks for each. Least then it isn't a shot in the dark type response.
Wonder how much a b*** Pirate, St*** Pusher.
3 weeks is probably 1 too many but they HAD to come down hard on it, there's just no excuse and it is not as if he's some inexperienced kid.

As for Clarkson well there was a "bit" of provocation before that incident I guess

Think they have got this right but it's on the heavier side, I would rather them go too heavy than soft.
No... There wasn't...
You’re a ******* clown.

The majority of port supporters are fine with taking the hard stance. We are just incensed that your grub coach got a slap on the wrist.

That should be ‘you’re a plucking clown’ - except he’s not…
SO players are not allowed to say "you play like you are wearing pink frilly knickers and afraid of your own footsteps" is unacceptable I assume. The lunacy of these militants is amazing.
Please go around and repeat that exact phrase to everyone you encounter.

Not because I particularly care they react. I just want to see someone tongue-tie themselves this badly. 👍
The key part is "used to say"; I've also said inappropriate and unacceptable words before. Those of us who used to say them grow up for different reasons. In my case, it was the thought that people have been lynched/kicked to death while having those words screamed at them, being murdered for having nothing wrong with them at all. I don't want to perpetuate such hate, so do not say such words as no one deserves that abuse, no matter how 'joking" they may be intended when spoken.

In Finlayson's case, he did something wrong. He realised this, and will hopefully cop the punishment and emerge a better person. I thought 4 weeks would've been appropriate, but can accept 3 given the obvious contrition (ignoring the convenient timing of the showdown...). But, he also deserves the opportunity to become someone who used to say those words rather than still does.

I can accept that answer when someone is 13, but not when they're closing in on 30 lmao

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