Streaming Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power

Streaming Television

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There's an asian looking elf in it. Will cause debate
The boat has already sailed there. Amazon are taking the approach of the actor's real life skin colour / ethnicity is not indicative of their role / race in the film. At the end of the day that is 'an approach' you can take in modern entertainment and it has its supporters and obviously its detractors. In some circumstances that approach can absolutely work and it has led to some amazing casting decisions throughout recent memory (for example Nick Fury was not traditionally black in canon pre the MCU, the Valeyrons casting in House of Dragons has been excellent, and there would be many other examples).

I don't think it works in the context of The Lord of the Rings which is a fantasy series founded on a deep, detailed internal history and mythology where race, family and bloodlines are clearly defined and deeply technical. It doesn't make sense for there to be one black or asian elf amongst hundred of white elves when they all come from the same mono-ethnic culture, likewise does it not make sense for there to be one black dwarf amongst a mono-ethnic culture famed for living underground away from sunlight.

People can support the casting for whatever real world social reasons they like, but it doesn't make sense in the context of the series. And that absence of sense is indicative of, and adds to, the errors of the show - being a lack of sense in plot, pacing and consistency with canon.

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The boat has already sailed there. Amazon are taking the approach of the actor's real life skin colour / ethnicity is not indicative of their role / race in the film. At the end of the day that is 'an approach' you can take in modern entertainment and it has its supporters and obviously its detractors. In some circumstances that approach can absolutely work and it has led to some amazing casting decisions throughout recent memory (for example Nick Fury was not traditionally black in canon pre the MCU, the Valeyrons casting in House of Dragons has been excellent, and there would be many other examples).

I don't think it works in the context of The Lord of the Rings which is a fantasy series founded on a deep, detailed internal history and mythology where race, family and bloodlines are clearly defined and deeply technical. It doesn't make sense for there to be one black or asian elf amongst hundred of white elves when they all come from the same mono-ethnic culture, likewise does it not make sense for there to be one black dwarf amongst a mono-ethnic culture famed for living underground away from sunlight.

People can support the casting for whatever real world social reasons they like, but it doesn't make sense in the context of the series. And that absence of sense is indicative of, and adds to, the errors of the show - being a lack of sense in plot, pacing and consistency with canon.

I just didn't think all that deeply on the topic and found it didn't matter at all to my viewing experience.
that’s where you should of stopped.

Zero reason for there not to be elves and dwarves of other colours.
:rolleyes: ah you're one of those... "Star Wars is just a story about space wizards"

Fantasy does not mean shit and inconsistent story telling. In fact it is actually the genre that requires the most internal consistency to allow you to develop suspension of disbelief.

As I said in my post, it's fine if you want to do a meta approach on the story telling ignoring casting in the context of internal consistency, that is a fine post-modernist approach to take in story-telling.

It's not my taste for Tolkein which is about as opposite to post-modern as one can get.
:rolleyes: ah you're one of those... "Star Wars is just a story about space wizards"

Fantasy does not mean s**t and inconsistent story telling. In fact it is actually the genre that requires the most internal consistency to allow you to develop suspension of disbelief.

As I said in my post, it's fine if you want to do a meta approach on the story telling ignoring casting in the context of internal consistency, that is a fine post-modernist approach to take in story-telling.

It's not my taste for Tolkein which is about as opposite to post-modern as one can get.
What a load of rubbish this post is.
The race issues is a convenient to people thinking it's a bad show. Some won't admit it cause they don't want to be lumped with racists. Others will dismiss negative opinions and assume they are racially motivated.

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The race issues is a convenient to people thinking it's a bad show. Some won't admit it cause they don't want to be lumped with racists. Others will dismiss negative opinions and assume they are racially motivated.

Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using Tapatalk
When people actually use race as their argument then that kind kills yours.
Have no doubt people don’t like the show as a show. I do like it.

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I loved it. What was everyones issue with it?

Completely ****ing up Tolkien's world and packaging it up as Lord of the Rings. Even as someone who isn't the biggest Tolkien fan some of the changes to characters and the timeline pissed me off.

When you separate the show from the Lord of the Rings name it is an average fantasy show at best.
The casting is the least of its problems.

Diversity casting is more of an industry issue than specific to this show. I wonder if sometimes producers cast actors in certain roles in the hope that it stirs up a sensational discussion and publicity for their show.

But outside of that - the plot was nonsense, the main protagonist Galadriel was an unlikeable Karen girlboss, and the show was boring.
I think they could have made it work better if they had larger populations to deal with on screen. A random one or two different colored hobbits or elves, whatever, stands out a lot more than say clans within a larger community.
I was a deep Tolkienite back in the day. I enjoyed the original movies as a sincere intent to keep to the text as much as possible and tell a story in a modern film. I had a harder time of it with the added on reels to The Hobbit.
I couldn't get much interest going in the prequel, entirely not based on the casting. I just had a problem with the storytelling. There were good bits, but overall not riveting for mine. The racial thing didn't affect me much, I could even accept a section of the Shire have darker skinned inhabitants. It's no big deal.
I honestly thought it was jarring (Poc casting for elvish roles) but it’s definitely not something to write off. Show was good, but definitely lacked in the visuals (for a supposed 1$ bill budget)s2 trailer looks improved which is great.

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Me too, the haters will continue to watch, and then tell us how much they hate it.

Just don't watch mate!
Life's too short to watch a tv show you don't like
Me too, the haters will continue to watch, and then tell us how much they hate it.

Just don't watch mate!

Life's too short to watch a tv show you don't like
Does anyone else remember when the footy show was on, the first stanza when it was at its height. People also commented and advised how its shit, but continued to watch, and after told others its shit. I get it, back then there were 5 FTA channels and foxtel/optus. No streaming. So options were limited ergo may as well watch the footy show even though one does not like it. However now there's so many options, more ability to watch and connect with others (facetime, texting apps, forums). doing something else has never been easier.
i finished it but it was a slog.
It's been a long time since i've seen a finale to a show where i've just gone wow, that was incredibly uninspiring, jarring and mostly boring. The (to-be-) Mordor battle sequences where kind of cool from a visual perspective in the mid-to-last episodes albeit with some dumb story telling (why are they charging across the world to a place they don't know they're going to?) but the final scenes with Sauron forging the Ring and the Stranger conflict were incredibly dull.

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Streaming Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power

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