Replicating Sweet in a Minecraft world.

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Sweet FA Road Trips S35R18 - Maprako to Gumby Gardens

I've been out of town a while, working to register all of the properties outside Sweet municipality, adding 500 new entries to the register.

But now I return to the city from Maprako, via Berholm, Rhilpisa, and the Regional Rail Network. During the trip, I pass within espying distance of the camp at Bainlea, and the ruins of two railroad stations en route.

I am also required to make 3 stops in the CBD, at SFA House to give a report on rural qooty dev, to the offices of Baz Stats who just wanted an interview, and finally Administrator House where the old Admins go to sit in a massive robe and sip cocoa in their declining years. Can't elaborate on why I was needed there. Need to know basis. Even if you learn basis, I still won't tell you.

This video is part of a Minecraft replication of locations in the world of Sweet, the manufactured geographical home of the Sweet Football Association.

The Sweet FA is the Australian Football community's foremost (only) simulated fantasy Aussie Rules league, which commenced in 2001, and is now playing its 35th season.

More information available at the Bigfooty AFL forums :

Built on Bigfooty's Minecraft server:

All World of Sweet Videos:
Click Here

League Statistical Repository Behemoth (thanks to Hate) SweetFA+:
List of "named" roadways (actively updated):
(also updated threadmarked [post] where these updates are edited in dynamically)

ABRAHAM Mws      : Alberton
AGGELS St        : Rasasidge
AIDAN Al         : Punt
AKALON Rd        : Gumbania
AKKAPS Wd        : Nou Camp
ALBERTON Rd      : Abu Ghraib, Alberton, Sweet
ALSTER Av        : Sweet
AMOS Ave         : Abu Ghraib
ANDRE St         : Alberton
ANDREWS St       : Attenboro, Nou Camp
ANTHONY Cl       : Subiaco
APOLLO St        : Gumbania
ARDEN St         : Golden Valley
ARNOLD St        : Nou Camp
ASHLEY Dr        : Gumbania, Punt
ASHMAN St        : Subiaco
ASHTON St        : Waverley
AVISHKA Ave      : Waverley

BACON Gr         : Gumbania
BAKEHOUSE La     : Punt
BANE St          : Spotswood, Waverley
BANK St          : Old Town, Subiaco
BARBARA Ct       : Spotswood
BARKLY Cr        : Gumbania
BARON Ave        : Rasasidge
BARRY St         : Nou Camp
BARTO Wlk        : Nou Camp
BATTERY Rd       : Outback Dist
BEACH Rd         : Rasasidge
BERBA La         : Beldribilin
BEULAH St        : Spotswood
BLACK St         : Subiaco
BLINDEYE St      : Nou Camp
BLUEMOOSE Rd     : Abu Ghraib, Docklands
BLUEWORMS Pl     : Golden Valley
BOARD St         : Sweet
BONCER St        : Sweet
BOWIE Crc        : Waverley
BOX Rd           : Nou Camp, Subiaco, Waverley
BREENO Rd        : Abu Ghraib
BRESH La         : Nou Camp
BRETT St         : Attenboro
BRICK Dr         : Gumbania
BRITTNEY St      : Punt
BROADBRIDGE Tr   : Mt Buller
BROKEN Bvd       : Nou Camp
BROOKS Ct        : Punt
BROWN St         : Nou Camp
BRUCE St         : Rasasidge
BRYCE La         : Nou Camp
BRUNSWICK St     : Old Town, Subiaco, Sweet
BUFF Wd          : Gumbania
BUNYIP La        : Old Town

CADSKY Al        : Rasasidge
CAMERON St       : Docklands
CAMPBELL St      : Rasasidge
CARA St          : Punt
CAROB St         : Attenboro
CARTERS          : Nou Camp
CASH La          : Golden Valley
CHANTELLE St     : Nou Camp
CHAPEL St        : Rasasidge
CHARLIE St       : Attenboro
CHEVAL Pl        : Golden Valley
CHEZWICK Rd      : Beldribilin
CHIEF St         : Dun Lop
CHRISTOH St      : Punt
CLARKE St        : Attenboro
CLAY St          : Rasasidge
CLAYPIGEON Gr    : Gumbania
CLEISHY Dr       : Punt
CLIFTON St       : Docklands, Nou Camp
CLIVE St         : Docklands
CLUB St          : Sweet
CLUCAS St        : Nou Camp
COFF St          : Waverley
COHL St          : Dun Lop
COMMENTARY La    : Sweet
CONEY ISLANDS Gr : Docklands
COOPER St        : Subiaco
CORBIES La       : Punt
CORMICK St       : Beldribilin
COROROO Gr       : Golden Valley
COVVY Cl         : Gumbania
COUNCIL Rd       : Sweet
CROODE St        : Golden Valley
CROW St          : Rasasidge
CRYSTAL Cr       : Attenboro
CURRY St         : Subiaco
CUTTER St        : Sweet

DAPHNE St        : Golden Valley
DAVERS Wy        : Subiaco
DEEPS Cl         : Alberton
DOCK St          : Alberton
DORY St          : Gumbania
DOUGLAS Ave      : Old Town, Subiaco
DOUGLAS St       : Abu Ghraib
DRAPER Cr        : Abu Ghraib
DREW St          : Rasasidge
DUGGAN St        : Attenboro
DYER Gr          : Alberton
DYSON St         : Old Town

EASTY Pl         : Golden Valley
EBIAC Dr         : Mt Buller
EDDIE St         : Alberton
EDWARD Ave       : Old Town, Subiaco
ELTON Crct       : Spotswood
EMMA Cl          : Punt
EMPIRE Cr        : Punt
ESPOIR Ave       : Alberton

FAIRLANE St      : Alberton
FARRAND St       : Nou Camp
FATIMA St        : Abu Ghraib
FIELD Wy         : Gumbania
FITZEY St        : Golden Valley
FLY Al           : Gumbania
FOXHAT Rd        : Attenboro
FULMINA Rd       : Fulmina
FUMBLER Ave      : Old Town
FURIE Rd         : Punt

GAFF St          : Nou Camp
GASKIN St        : Waverley
GATSID Rd        : Mt Buller
GHOSSEIN Rd      : Gumbania
GIOVANNI St      : Gumbania
GIPPY Ave        : Waverley
GLENN St         : Outback Dist
GOLDEN St        : Subiaco
GOSSY Gr         : Abu Ghraib
GRAND St         : Nou Camp
GRANT St         : Gumbania
GRAY Pde         : Attenboro
GRENDEL St       : Spotswood
GRIMES St        : Gumbania
GRUNDBERGER Rd   : Alberton, Attenboro, Sweet
GUMBANIA Rd      : Attenboro, Golden Valley, Gumbania, Punt, Sweet

HAHN Ave         : Attenboro
HALF HAT La      : Old Town
HARDAWAY St      : Nou Camp
HARVEY La        : Punt
HAWKETT St       : Beldribilin
HEALY St         : Punt
HEIGHTS MINE Rd  : The Heights
HEISENBERG       : Spotswood
HELEN Ct         : Punt
HENDO St         : Subiaco
HIGH St          : Gumbania
HIGH St          : Rasasidge
HOLLY St         : Nou Camp
HOMER St         : Beldribilin
HOMESTEAD Rd     : Rasasidge
HORACE St        : Old Town
HOTHAM St        : Golden Valley
HOUGIE St        : Punt
HOVEY St         : Mt Buller

IMPERIAL Gr      : Docklands
IOPPOLO Cr       : Nou Camp
ISANDULA Rd      : Subiaco

JABSO Cr         : Nou Camp, Rasasidge
JACKSON Rd       : Docklands, Rasasidge
JANUS St         : Alberton
JARS La          : Dun Lop
JAY La           : Rasasidge
JAYKO La         : Punt
JAYMIN St        : Abu Ghraib
JEKA St          : Punt
JEREMIAS Esp     : Gumbania, Punt
JETHRO Ave       : Beldribilin
JIMMY St         : Beldribilin
JOLLDO Rd        : Punt
JOSHUA St        : Nou Camp
JULES St         : Abu Ghraib
JUNCTION St      : Old Town, Sweet

KAAN Wlk         : Abu Ghraib
KAIN St          : Punt
KARNEZIS Rd      : Waverley
KAT Al           : Old Town
KAYSEE Dr        : Alberton
KENT St          : Spotswood
KIELIS Ct        : Gumbania
KING St          : Punt
KIOSK Wy         : Punt
KOH PHI Dr       : Abu Ghraib
KOOKA St         : Old Town
KORD St          : Dun Lop
KRIS Pl          : Gumbania

LARKIS Rd        : Mt Buller
LEGEND Pde       : Attenboro, Nou Camp, Old Town, Rasasidge, Sweet
LENNY St         : Nou Camp
LEO St           : Golden Valley
LEWIGIE St       : Gumbania
LISA St          : Attenboro
LOGGER St        : Waverley
LONDON Pl        : Golden Valley, Punt
LOUIS Dr         : Alberton, Docklands
LYALL St         : Attenboro
LYNN St          : Abu Ghraib

MACKIE St        : Gumbania
MAGPIE Rd        : Alberton
MAGRUDER Crct    : Nou Camp
MAIN St          : Beldribilin
MALIBU Cl        : Dun Lop
MANN St          : Waverley
MARKET Rd        : Golden Valley, Gumbania
MARKLAR St       : Attenboro
MARLOWE Al       : Golden Valley
MARTO St         : Alberton
MASON St         : Dun Lop
MAXWELL St       : Docklands
McGRAW St        : Beldribilin
MEAD St          : Subiaco
MEG Rd           : Dun Lop
MELLOWS La       : Docklands
MICHELE St       : Golden Valley
MIGGS Rd         : Gumbania
MILANISTA Bvd    : Abu Ghraib, Alberton
MILES St         : Gumbania
MISSION La       : Sweet
MONFRIES Pl      : Abu Ghraib
MOORE St         : Rasasidge
MORTON St        : Beldribilin
MOTUMBO Al       : Abu Ghraib
MUTTWEED Wlk     : Subiaco

NANDROLONE Rd    : Waverley
NATHAN Ave       : Golden Valley
NEIL St          : Attenboro
NESSY St         : Waverley
NEW PORT Ave     : Docklands
NOEL St          : Old Town
NOLAN St         : Alberton
NOOK La          : Spotswood

OLD TOWN Rd      : Nou Camp, Old Town
OLYMPIC Dr       : Waverley
OSMODIAR Ave     : Abu Ghraib
OVAL St          : Old Town, Sweet

PAGAN St         : Nou Camp
PARK Rd          : Dun Lop, Golden Valley
PAUL St          : Golden Valley
PENINSULA Dr     : Abu Ghraib, Docklands, Nou Camp, Rasasidge
PETERSS Rd       : Gumbania
PEVAS Al         : Golden Valley
PORTIA Cr        : Alberton
PHOENIX Gr       : Punt
PIPING Rd        : Punt
POSTMA La        : Waverley
PROUD St         : Alberton
PUNT Rd          : Punt

QUANTITY St      : Sweet
QUINZATE Wd      : Punt

RADAR Rd         : Dun Lop
RADZ La          : Nou Camp
RAELENE Pl       : Subiaco
REARDO La        : Old Town
REGGIE St        : Punt
RESERVE Rd       : Fulmina
RHILPISA Rd      : Spotswood
RICHARD St       : Mt Buller
RICKETTS Rd      : Attenboro
RICO St          : Docklands
RIVERVIEW Rd     : Golden Valley, Punt
ROBERT St        : Attenboro
ROHAN St         : Docklands
RORY St          : Alberton, Sweet
ROSS Gr          : Sweet
ROSY La          : Punt
RYDER St         : Abu Ghraib
RYERSON Sq       : Gumbania

SAFMAN Gr        : Gumbania
SAMMY La         : Gumbania
SAMUEL St        : Golden Valley
SANDIE St        : Docklands
SANDOLA Ave      : Alberton
SANTE St         : Punt
SANTOS St        : Alberton
SANTOZ St        : Abu Ghraib
SEALEN Dr        : Punt
SHANE Pl         : Alberton
SHEIK St         : Nou Camp
SHELL St         : Abu Ghraib
SMITH St         : Abu Ghraib
STAR La          : Gumbania
STATION St       : Waverley
ST MOOKEY Pde    : Docklands
STRATTON La      : Abu Ghraib
STRYKER St       : Spotswood
STUCEY Rd        : Ashcombe, Golden Valley
SWAN St          : Ashcombe, Outback Dist
SWEETLAND Sq     : Sweet

TANDY St         : Nou Camp, Subiaco
TAYLOR St        : Gumbania
THEWLIS Rd       : Nou Camp
THRAWN St        : Nou Camp
TITTYBONG Rd     : Fulmina, Tittybong
TOBIE St         : Punt
TONY St          : Nou Camp
TOROHOMBRE Ave   : Nou Camp, Old Town
TRIGGS Rd        : Attenboro
TWOOVEY St       : Sweet
TYLER St         : Attenboro

VALLEY Rd        : Golden Valley
VANDERS Ave      : Alberton, Attenboro, Docklands
VIEMARI Rd       : Attenboro, Nou Camp
VISRO Pde        : Spotswood, Subiaco
VOLBEAT Gr       : Docklands

WAGSTAFF Rd      : Punt
WALKLEY St       : Old Town
WALLY St         : Attenboro
WATKINS Rd       : Abu Ghraib
WATTLE Dr        : Ashcombe, Dun Lop, The Heights, Mt Buller, Outback Dist, Subiaco
WAVERLEY Rd      : Waverley
WEAVER St        : Punt
WEZ Rd           : Waverley
WHISKEY Rd       : Docklands
WILLO St         : Gumbania
WINNAMBOOL Rd    : Dun Lop, Golden Valley
WINTY St         : Gumbania
WOMBAT Rd        : Attenboro, Docklands
WOOLJAY Tce      : Waverley
WREN St          : Subiaco

YAKKER Cl        : Attenboro
YERO St          : Subiaco
YOUNG St         : Attenboro

ZARKO St         : Waverley

2023-06-04 Named & Unnamed Roads.png

New Additions:
Ashton Street - Waverley - Ashton Agar (East Side Phoenix)
Avishka Avenue - Waverley - avishka5 (Las Vegas Bears)
Bacon Grove - Gumbania - Bacon Warrior (Gumbies FFC)
Bane Street - Spotswood/Waverley - Fleabane (Ophidian Old Boys)
Barbara Court - Spotswood - BRAB (Ophidian Old Boys)
Beulah Street - Spotswood - from the 'bula' in Tigerturbulance (Ophidian Old Boys)
Brick Drive - Gumbania - Brick Loosener (Gumbies FFC)
Buff Wynd - Gumbania - DREAM TEAM BUFF (Gumbies FFC)
Cadsky Alley - Rasasidge - Cadsky (West Coast Wonders)
Cameron Embert Drive - Rasasidge - damicky (West Coast Wonders)
Charlie Street - Attenboro - CharlieG (Titans)
Christoh Street - Punt - Christoh (East Side Hawks)
Corbies Lane - Punt - corbies (East Side Hawks)
Dory Street - Gumbania - Dory_77 (Gumbies FFC)
Elton Circuit - Spotswood - Elton Johns Wig (Ophidian Old Boys)
Field Way - Gumbania - Rodney Dangerfield (Gumbies FFC)
Gaskin Street - Waverley - gaskin (Gumbies, Swamprats)
Grand Street - Nou Camp - Grand Uncle Horace (West Coast Wonders)
Grant Street - Gumbania - nickgrant69 (Gumbies FFC)
Grimes Street - Gumbania - Grimesy87 (Gumbies FFC)
Heisenberg Terrace - Spotswood - Heisenberg_ (Ophidian Old Boys)
High Street - Gumbania - A Bit High (Gumbies FFC)
Jay Lane - Rasasidge - jezzajay (West Coast Wonders)
Kielis Court - Gumbania - RookieListed (Gumbies FFC)
Kris Place - Gumbania - krisholio14 (Gumbies FFC) & Krazy Kris (Gumbies FFC)
Logger Street - Waverley - Logger (Baghdad Bombers)
Mann Street - Waverley - darthmann (Sin City Swamprats)
Miggs Road - Gumbania - miggs (Gumbies FFC)
Miles Street - Gumbania - Axis-miles03 (Gumbies FFC)
Nook Lane - Spotswood - kananooks (Ophidian Old Boys)
Pevas Alley - Golden Valley - pevas_02 (Junkyard Dogs)
Postma Lane - Waverley - Over The Post (Ophidian Old Boys)
Rhilpisa Road - Spotswood - rural town of Rhilpisa
Ryerson Square - Gumbania - Ned Ryerson (Gumbies FFC)
Safman Grove - Gumbania - safman (Gumbies FFC)
Star Lane - Gumbania - jstar589 (Gumbies FFC)
Station Street - Waverley - Defunct railway station location
Tony Street - Nou Camp - tony (Las Vegas Bears)
Wez Road - Waverley - wez10000 (Dragons)
Wooljay Terrace - Waverley - Wooljay (West Coast Wonders)

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Sweet FA Road Trips S35RPF - Spotswood Oval to Golden Throne

Today we travel from Spotswood Oval in Spotswood (south-western Sweet) to the Golden Throne in Golden Valley (north-eastern Sweet).

Nobody helped me determine the quickest route, but I think my choice was pretty much direct. Locations include: Rhilpisa Road, Rhilpisa, Canalands, Freddy's Bridge, Okeala, Kudykina, Shea Farming Collective, Batalha's Hill, Maprako, Snogard, Samolcamp, Kalhrahem, Kingdom Junction, Outback District, Ashcombe & Dun Lop.

This video is part of a Minecraft replication of locations in the world of Sweet, the manufactured geographical home of the Sweet Football Association.

The Sweet FA is the Australian Football community's foremost (only) simulated fantasy Aussie Rules league, which commenced in 2001, and is now starting to close out its 35th season.


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I did intend to make a road trip video for the Grand Final week, however I found myself cut short on time on Saturday.

Here can be seen the new buildings added along Waverley Rd and nearby, intended to exemplify development of the connecting road between Spotswood and the Colosseum.
Glengarry Glenn Ridge

* extremely large chef's kiss *
I actually made a boo boo here, because while inspired by Glengarry Glenn Ridge, I intended to name this region Glen Waverley Glenn Ridge as a take on the skit. The ridge forms a border between the suburbs of Waverley and Spotswood. There is a valley at it's foot within Waverley which I wanted to refer to as the Waverley Glen precinct. (This is where the Olympic Pool and the completely fabricated North Waverley Oval historical marker sit).

I'll have to make some edits. Thanks for pointing it out!
Last edited:
I've been hard at it building more properties in Spotswood region, with all the flashing objects references to new properties added in the last 3 or 4 days.

Spotswood now boasts more properties than both Mt Buller and Dragon Island. It's no shame that these two locations have small populations. They are after all, respectively a mountainside, and an island - with far less space for development.

Following graphic shows each suburb of Sweet, with the number of properties, and the number of Sweet FA clubs currently based there. Colours designate the number of clubs in a suburb. Suburbs where current clubs previously played, are defined as well.

I've been hard at it building more properties in Spotswood region, with all the flashing objects references to new properties added in the last 3 or 4 days.
View attachment 1724510

Spotswood now boasts more properties than both Mt Buller and Dragon Island. It's no shame that these two locations have small populations. They are after all, respectively a mountainside, and an island - with far less space for development.

Following graphic shows each suburb of Sweet, with the number of properties, and the number of Sweet FA clubs currently based there. Colours designate the number of clubs in a suburb. Suburbs where current clubs previously played, are defined as well.

View attachment 1724512
Hey Dinsdale the great man may build your dungeon brewery now.
A brewery maybe, perhaps even underground. But it won't be a dungeon. This is a city, not a D&D map.
excellent, we will call it Dinsdale's Dungeon Brewery even if its at the top of a 60 storey building.
excellent, we will call it Dinsdale's Dungeon Brewery even if its at the top of a 60 storey building.
I will assume that you want the brewery to be in Docklands suburb (the suburb known for Van Cortlandt Park)?

There's is one other brewery in Sweet - it's in Nou Camp and was built by PMBangers when he was playing on the server a bit.
I will assume that you want the brewery to be in Docklands suburb (the suburb known for Van Cortlandt Park)?

There's is one other brewery in Sweet - it's in Nou Camp and was built by PMBangers when he was playing on the server a bit.
yes thanks, as close to VC Park as possible please.
I will assume that you want the brewery to be in Docklands suburb (the suburb known for Van Cortlandt Park)?

There's is one other brewery in Sweet - it's in Nou Camp and was built by PMBangers when he was playing on the server a bit.
Dinsdale is a much better brewer than Bangs.

yes thanks, as close to VC Park as possible please.
Close enough to have beer lines going from the brewery directly to my taco & tequila bar.
Unfortunately there's no room near to the Taco & Tequila Bar, and in fact not really any room near VCP.

I'm going to need to put you over near to the the Thew Jury Factory that I made for TheInjuryFactory a while back. In fact, your brewery will be built over the ruins of the old Docklands Oval, where Team Timmy and later the Freo team played, and where I won one of my many flags, that time with the Hurricanes. I'm just checking out tricks and tips for brewery-looking things now.

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