retire the captaince Simmo?

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Norm Smith Medallist
May 15, 2004
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Other Teams
Is it time for Simmo to pass on the captaincy? The last month i reckon he has gone backwards as a footballer. I have a lot of respect for him, but he has lost it. His basic skill errors are pathetic for a captain of an afl club. On a few occassions tonight he just didnt go hard enough for the ball and was pushed away too easily.
I think its time to pass the captaincy to one of our young players and start again. Maybe Wells should be captain, and watch him grow in the next few years as a champion player. Yeh he might be a little shy at the moment but Stevo never liked talking to the media much but gee he was an example on the field.
simmo is good at marking, very valuable...true shinboner

pass on the captaincy to thommo or wells, i say :)

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BehindTheRoos said:
I would love Wells to be captain.

If Laidely chooses the problem is Petrie or Brown would be captain.
If that's the case Laidley should step down too with simmo.
Wells and Thommo are the only decent ones that can do the job.I'd say give it to Wells
Don't forget about off-field leadership and support...imagine Wells doing that? I can't. He's got some class though.

Thommo would probably be best.
Master Chief said:
Don't forget about off-field leadership and support...imagine Wells doing that? I can't. He's got some class though.

Thommo would probably be best.
Wells is very highly respect at North, as much as any player.
KangaFett said:
Respects fine, but he is media shy and i dont think he strikes me as someone who can handle captaincy and playing well together. At the moment, Thommo seems like the only canidate.
Wells also captained the U/18 AA team and apparently shone.

Sheedy also thinks he will be our captain.

If anything, Thommo doesnt seem to strike me playing well with the captaincy.
Did anyone see the brief flash of footage of Thommo revving the group up? Looked the goods. I would still prefer Wellsy though to captain but its all a matter of when he feels its the right time and it wont effect his game.
F/D said:
Wells is very highly respect at North, as much as any player.

Is he??? After watching him take on Adelaide ALONE last night I doubt whether he has ANY team-mates that show him SUPPORT......
How many times did he run/receive/handball/run-on/receive/run-on last night without ONE North player running with him or offering to SHEPHERD for him.....the 'so-called' leading group (Simpson, Grant, Harvey) offered NOTHING to him last night
Don't get me started about our lack of RESPECT for Thommo....leads well, gets the WORST passes in the history of the NMFC !!!!!!
Why burden Thommo with the captaincy? He is playing extremely well after a bout of depression. Lets leave it at that.

Wells should be captain. To me, he would be able to go to the next level as captain. Its an easy choice....

Simple fact is though, Simpson should not be captain in 2007. If he can keep his place in the side that would be fantastic, but his best playing days are well and trully gone.
No one really stands out as captain material to me...but I do believe Simmo should step down. Personally I would give Wellsy a go for a year if he can't handle it so be it but that guy is a champ

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scooby1279 said:
Is it time for Simmo to pass on the captaincy? .
Yes. I've been saying this for 2-3 years. A captain needs to have the capacity to be able to turn a game around, kick an important goal etc. When was the last time Simpson did this? Simpson has become a passenger in the truest sense of the word. If he wasn't captain, he'd be close to getting dropped. He should be solely used in a negating role. I'm sick of seeing him parked out on a wing on his own, waving his arms to receive a cheap stat & then kick the ball like a 6 year old.
Thommo for captain next year. That's another reason why a new coach would be beneficial - to strip Simmo of the captaincy.
Why cant Wellsy and Thommo be co-captains.

Thommo does the media work and Wellsy does the coin toss, than work together to captain the side as they are game breakers.
Devil Fish said:
Yes. I've been saying this for 2-3 years.

If he wasn't captain, he'd be close to getting dropped.
2-3 years? And I thought my complaints were long-standing!

The point you make about him being dropped is my main argument. Captains can't get dropped (not really) and therefore you need your captain to be 'undroppable'. It was clear to me that from this year onwards that, on top of his cruddy disposals, Simpson's age was only going to see his form diminish even further.
year of the roo said:
Spud. Gotta be.

Would love Spud to be captain. Maybe a bit too young though. Future captain.

Same goes for Wells. I think the pressure of captain is not what he needs. Focus on his game turn into a 'superstar' and then get the captaincy.

Thommo - Talks well to the media and can lead the team (eg. revving the team up last night). However, don't know if he wants it plus may be too much pressure (when added to the fact he's gotta kick basically all of our goals).

If he decides to play on next year, I would love to see Archer captain. He deserves to be captain, is a leader on the field and talks to the media. IMO should have been given it ahead of Simpson anway. Plus does the one percenters and you can't help but feel inspired whenever he throws his body on the line for the ball.
as good a playa simmo is mate, I stil hate to say he aint a captans a.r.s.e 'ole. some of da fings e does i reckon are crap n makes us look like sheilas mate.
I rekon our next captan shoold be weeells mate, e runs like da clappers mate.
rooboy_88 said:
Why cant Wellsy and Thommo be co-captains.

Thommo does the media work and Wellsy does the coin toss, than work together to captain the side as they are game breakers.
Co-Captains are for the tip. One main man as it has been for one hundred plus years.
Big Mick from Arden St said:
as good a playa simmo is mate, I stil hate to say he aint a captans a.r.s.e 'ole. some of da fings e does i reckon are crap n makes us look like sheilas mate.
I rekon our next captan shoold be weeells mate, e runs like da clappers mate.

Go ROOOOOOOoooooooSSSSSSSSSssssssssssss!

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