Event SFAEW Season 35: SweetaMania V On Now!

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They lock up.
Ned_Flanders hits a dropkick on PhenomenalV1.
Ned_Flanders uses a basement dropkick on PhenomenalV1.
Ned_Flanders attempts a jumping clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 ducks out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 hits a gutwrench suplex on Ned_Flanders.
PhenomenalV1 locks Ned_Flanders in a figure-four leglock.
Ned_Flanders gets ahold of the ropes after being locked up for 6 seconds.
PhenomenalV1 does the "DELETE" arm swipe.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a clothesline.
Ned_Flanders hits a jumping clothesline on PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is behind Ned_Flanders all the way.
Ned_Flanders whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits a swinging neckbreaker on Ned_Flanders.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 is going for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 uses a hiptoss on Ned_Flanders.
PhenomenalV1 uses a vertical suplex on Ned_Flanders.
PhenomenalV1 hits Ned_Flanders.
Ned_Flanders chops PhenomenalV1.
The chants for Ned_Flanders are deafening.
Ned_Flanders hits PhenomenalV1.
Ned_Flanders tags out to TheWizardMelon.
TheWizardMelon tries an enzuigiri, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 executes a tilt-a-whirl suplex against TheWizardMelon.
PhenomenalV1 tags out to T2B_.
Ned_Flanders enters the ring and throws PhenomenalV1 out of the ring.
TheWizardMelon and Ned_Flanders whip T2B_ into the ropes.
They hit T2B_ with a double fist to the midsection.
Ned_Flanders leaves the ring.
TheWizardMelon sends T2B_ into the turnbuckle.
TheWizardMelon charges into the corner, but T2B_ moves out of the way.
T2B_ attempts a lung blower, but TheWizardMelon counters it with a reverse cradle.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
Elton Johns Wig comes to ringside.
TheWizardMelon hits a forearm to the back on T2B_.
TheWizardMelon executes a snap mare against T2B_.
TheWizardMelon executes the Five Star Phoenix Splash on T2B_.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.

T2B_ has been eliminated.
Time of elimination: 0:02:47

The chants for TheWizardMelon are deafening.
They lock up.
TheWizardMelon whips Hatchy1992 into the ropes.
Hatchy1992 misses with a kick.
TheWizardMelon hits Hatchy1992 with a kick.
TheWizardMelon attempts a European uppercut, but Hatchy1992 ducks out of the way.
Hatchy1992 gets a Fujiwara armbar on TheWizardMelon.
TheWizardMelon manages to grab the ropes after 6 seconds.
Hatchy1992 performs an over-the-top stunner against TheWizardMelon.
The crowd erupts.
Hatchy1992 goes for a springboard armdrag, but TheWizardMelon steps out of the way.
TheWizardMelon hits a dragon screw on Hatchy1992.
TheWizardMelon uses an elbowsmash on Hatchy1992.
TheWizardMelon performs an elbowsmash against Hatchy1992.
TheWizardMelon climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Hatchy1992 nails him in the stomach.
TheWizardMelon falls onto the top turnbuckle.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Hatchy1992.
Hatchy1992 throws TheWizardMelon out of the ring.
Hatchy1992 goes outside.
Hatchy1992 executes a superplex against TheWizardMelon.
Manangatang counts: 1.
Hatchy1992 throws TheWizardMelon into the guardrail.
Hatchy1992 uses a jawbreaker on TheWizardMelon.
Hatchy1992 climbs back into the ring.
TheWizardMelon climbs back into the ring.
Hatchy1992 is going for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Hatchy1992 goes for a headbutt to the midsection, but TheWizardMelon counters it with a kneelift.
TheWizardMelon tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
JoshWoodenSpoon and TheWizardMelon hit Hatchy1992 with a double dropkick.
PhenomenalV1 enters the ring and lays out TheWizardMelon.
PhenomenalV1 tries a diving elbowdrop, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a kick to the midsection.
PhenomenalV1 rolls out of the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon and TheWizardMelon whip Hatchy1992 into the ropes.
They hit Hatchy1992 with a double kick to the midsection.
JoshWoodenSpoon and TheWizardMelon hit Hatchy1992 with a double hiptoss.
TheWizardMelon executes a whiplash neckbreaker against Hatchy1992.
The crowd is behind TheWizardMelon all the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon launches Hatchy1992 across the ring with a diving overhead legdrop.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a dropkick on Hatchy1992.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on Hatchy1992.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.

Hatchy1992 has been eliminated.
Time of elimination: 0:06:11

They lock up.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to Ned_Flanders.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails PhenomenalV1 with a lariat.
Ned_Flanders hits a flying lariat on PhenomenalV1.
Ned_Flanders and JoshWoodenSpoon hit PhenomenalV1 with a double bulldog.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a DDT against PhenomenalV1.
Ned_Flanders uses a flying lariat on PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon leaves the ring.
Ned_Flanders runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits a kick to the midsection on Ned_Flanders.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown, but Ned_Flanders counters it with a throw-off.
Ned_Flanders whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 hits a hiptoss on Ned_Flanders.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on Ned_Flanders.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.

Ned_Flanders has been eliminated.
Time of elimination: 0:07:15

The crowd is going into a frenzy.
They lock up.
PhenomenalV1 executes the Liger Bomb against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 gets a figure-four leglock on JoshWoodenSpoon.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries to escape the hold.
JoshWoodenSpoon is valiantly trying to break the hold.
JoshWoodenSpoon breaks the hold after 16 seconds.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the turnbuckle.
PhenomenalV1 comes back, but is met with a kick to the midsection.
TheWizardMelon enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
JoshWoodenSpoon and TheWizardMelon whip PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
They attempt to hit PhenomenalV1 with a double backdrop, but he counters it with a double headsmash.
TheWizardMelon leaves the ring.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a DDT, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a backdrop.
JoshWoodenSpoon is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a lariat, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a crucifix.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 nails JoshWoodenSpoon with the Splash Mountain.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 performs a gutwrench suplex against JoshWoodenSpoon.
PhenomenalV1 performs a spinning headlock elbowdrop against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
Elton John's Wig throws JoshWoodenSpoon a baseball bat.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits PhenomenalV1 with it and goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits PhenomenalV1 with a kick.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a side suplex against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a side suplex against PhenomenalV1.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a lariat, but PhenomenalV1 ducks out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is giving PhenomenalV1 a standing ovation.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.

JoshWoodenSpoon has been eliminated.
Time of elimination: 0:09:56

They lock up.
TheWizardMelon goes for a flying forearm, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 does the "DELETE" arm swipe.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place TheWizardMelon on the turnbuckle, but
TheWizardMelon blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 whips TheWizardMelon into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 nails TheWizardMelon with a side slam.
PhenomenalV1 does the "DELETE" arm swipe.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a kick to the midsection, but TheWizardMelon
counters it with a dragon screw.
In turn, PhenomenalV1 counters it with an enzuigiri.
PhenomenalV1 executes an elbowdrop against TheWizardMelon.
PhenomenalV1 executes a single arm DDT against TheWizardMelon.
PhenomenalV1 performs an elbowdrop against TheWizardMelon.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits a swinging neckbreaker on TheWizardMelon.
PhenomenalV1 hits an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle on TheWizardMelon.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 hits a DDT on TheWizardMelon.
PhenomenalV1 executes a Russian legsweep against TheWizardMelon.
PhenomenalV1 tries a front slam, but TheWizardMelon
turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Manangatang counts: One, shoulder up.
TheWizardMelon performs a snap mare against PhenomenalV1.
TheWizardMelon is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
TheWizardMelon catches PhenomenalV1 in a Texas Cloverleaf.
PhenomenalV1 gets ahold of the ropes after 10 seconds.
TheWizardMelon whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
TheWizardMelon hits an enzuigiri on PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
TheWizardMelon is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
TheWizardMelon tries a spinning headlock elbowdrop, but PhenomenalV1 throws him off.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place TheWizardMelon on the turnbuckle, but TheWizardMelon blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 tries a spinning headlock elbowdrop, but TheWizardMelon blocks it.
TheWizardMelon performs a forearm to the back against PhenomenalV1.
TheWizardMelon hits a slap on PhenomenalV1.
TheWizardMelon punches PhenomenalV1.
TheWizardMelon kicks PhenomenalV1.
TheWizardMelon goes for a Russian legsweep, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an elbowsmash.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a kick to the midsection, but Elton John's Wig hits him with a chair.
TheWizardMelon runs into the ropes.
TheWizardMelon hits PhenomenalV1 with an elbow.
TheWizardMelon executes the Five Star Phoenix Splash on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is booing Elton John's Wig out of the building.

The winners are thewizardmelon, JoshWoodenSpoon and Ned_Flanders. Time of match: 0:13:53
Sim Rating: ** 3/4

GOD ******* DAMNIT!

Let's make it official. I mentioned it in the match thread, but at SweetaMania, Elton and I will meet in a Street Fight!
Senor M executes a brain buster onto the knee against U2Tigers.
Senor M tries a lariat, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers tries to climb the ladder.
U2Tigers is on his way up.
Senor M knocks over the ladder with a lariat.
Senor M tries a kneebreaker, but U2Tigers counters it with an elbowsmash.
U2Tigers hits a spinning leg lariat on Senor M.
U2Tigers throws Senor M into the turnbuckle.
U2Tigers charges into the corner, but Senor M moves out of the way.
Senor M punches U2Tigers.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Senor M.
Senor M hits U2Tigers.
Senor M chops U2Tigers.
Senor M performs a chop against U2Tigers.
Senor M executes a lariat against U2Tigers.
Senor M attempts a superkick, but U2Tigers counters it with a legsweep.
U2Tigers takes Senor M down with a German suplex.
The crowd is behind U2Tigers all the way.
U2Tigers sets the ladder back up.
U2Tigers tries to climb the ladder.
U2Tigers is on his way up.
Senor M pulls him back down.
Senor M tries a short-arm high knee, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers tries to climb the ladder.
U2Tigers is on his way up.
U2Tigers is half-way up.
U2Tigers is almost on top of the ladder.
U2Tigers is in grabbing distance.
Senor M pulls him back down.
Senor M runs into the ropes.
Senor M misses with a shoulderblock.
Senor M misses with an elbow.
Senor M nails U2Tigers with a jumping knee strike.
SuperSuns enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Senor M and SuperSuns hit U2Tigers with a double elbowsmash.
SuperSuns leaves the ring.
Senor M runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers misses with a clothesline.
Senor M misses with a clothesline.
Senor M misses with a clothesline.
U2Tigers hits Senor M with a backdrop.
Senor M falls out of the ring.
U2Tigers rolls out under the bottom rope.
serial_thrilla comes over to make it two-on-one.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla hit Senor M with a double dropkick.
SuperSuns comes over and lays out serial_thrilla.
SuperSuns tries a bodyslam, but U2Tigers counters it with an elbowsmash.
serial_thrilla comes over to make it two-on-one.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla hit Senor M with a double hiptoss.
U2Tigers clears the announcers' table.
U2Tigers executes a spinning headscissors against Senor M.
serial_thrilla comes over to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns comes over and lays out serial_thrilla.
SuperSuns attempts a superkick, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers sets up Senor M on the Spanish announcers' table.
U2Tigers stands up on the English announcers' table.
U2Tigers executes the The Edge through the table.
The table is broken in half.
U2Tigers clears the announcers' table.
U2Tigers sets up Senor M on the announcers' table.
U2Tigers tries to drive Senor M through the table with a flapjack, but he blocks it.
Senor M uses a brain buster onto the knee on U2Tigers.
Senor M runs U2Tigers into the ringsteps.
SuperSuns comes over to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns nails U2Tigers with a lariat.
Senor M tries a release German suplex, but U2Tigers counters it with an elbowsmash.
U2Tigers sets up Senor M on the announcers' table.
U2Tigers tries to drive Senor M through the table with a jumping DDT, but he blocks it.
Senor M hits a vertical suplex on U2Tigers.
Senor M throws U2Tigers into the guardrail.
Senor M executes an elbowsmash against U2Tigers.
Senor M executes a knee strike against U2Tigers.
SuperSuns comes over to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns performs a lariat against U2Tigers.
Senor M performs a flying cross body press against U2Tigers.
SuperSuns comes over to make it two-on-one.
SuperSuns tries a superkick, but U2Tigers counters it with a legsweep.
U2Tigers sets up Senor M on the announcers' table.
U2Tigers tries to drive Senor M through the table with a back suplex, but he blocks it.
Senor M executes a chop against U2Tigers.
Senor M performs a superkick against U2Tigers.
SuperSuns comes over to make it two-on-one.
Senor M and SuperSuns hit U2Tigers with a double chop.
SuperSuns performs a superkick against U2Tigers.
Senor M performs a backslide against U2Tigers.
SuperSuns attempts a lariat, but U2Tigers counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
U2Tigers sets up Senor M on the announcers' table.
U2Tigers tries to drive Senor M through the table with the The Edge but he blocks it.
Senor M goes for a knee strike, but U2Tigers blocks it.
serial_thrilla comes over to make it two-on-one.
U2Tigers and serial_thrilla hit Senor M with a double front-layout suplex.
U2Tigers sets up Senor M on the announcers' table.
U2Tigers executes a flapjack through the table.
The table is broken in half.
serial_thrilla comes over to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla hits a superkick on Senor M.
U2Tigers locks Senor M in an arm triangle.
serial_thrilla attempts a dropkick, but Senor M steps out of the way.
Senor M performs a jumping knee strike against U2Tigers.
Senor M throws U2Tigers into the ringsteps.
SuperSuns comes over to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla comes over, but gets cut off.
Senor M and SuperSuns hit U2Tigers with a double back suplex.
SuperSuns comes over to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla comes over, but gets cut off.
SuperSuns tries a Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckles, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers attempts an inverted DDT, but Senor M counters it with a snap mare.
SuperSuns comes over to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla comes over, but gets cut off.
Senor M and SuperSuns hit U2Tigers with a double bodyslam.
serial_thrilla gets back up and lays out SuperSuns.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
serial_thrilla performs a springboard dropkick against Senor M.
U2Tigers hits a back suplex on Senor M.
U2Tigers uses a bulldog on Senor M.
U2Tigers throws Senor M back into the ring.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers executes the The Edge on Senor M.
HARPSichord performs a slap against Senor M.
HARPSichord attempts a hiptoss, but Senor M blocks it.
Senor M kicks HARPSichord.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Senor M.
HARPSichord chops Senor M.
Numerous fans are using HARPSichord as target practice.
HARPSichord uses a fireman's carry on Senor M.
HARPSichord takes Senor M down with a bodyslam.
HARPSichord tries to climb the ladder.
HARPSichord is on his way up.
HARPSichord is half-way up.
HARPSichord is almost on top of the ladder.
HARPSichord is in grabbing distance.
Senor M brings him down with a superplex.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Senor M.
SuperSuns enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Senor M and SuperSuns whip HARPSichord into the ropes.
Senor M and SuperSuns hit HARPSichord with a double chop.
Damicky enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Senor M and SuperSuns whip HARPSichord into the ropes.
They attempt to hit HARPSichord with a double clothesline, but he counters it with a duck-down move.
HARPSichord grabs a chair
HARPSichord hits them with a double chair shot.
SuperSuns rolls out of the ring.
HARPSichord whips Senor M into the ropes.
HARPSichord hits Senor M with a clothesline.
HARPSichord tries to climb the ladder.
HARPSichord is on his way up.
HARPSichord is half-way up.
HARPSichord is almost on top of the ladder.
HARPSichord is in grabbing distance.
Senor M brings him down with a superplex.
SuperSuns and Senor M whip HARPSichord into the ropes.
They hit HARPSichord with a double clothesline.
SuperSuns and Senor M hit HARPSichord with a double back suplex.
Senor M leaves the ring.
U2Tigers whips HARPSichord into the ropes.
HARPSichord hits U2Tigers with an elbow.
HARPSichord gives the sign for the Mic Drop.
HARPSichord executes the Mic Drop on U2Tigers.
Damicky runs into the ropes.
Damicky hits U2Tigers with a clothesline.
U2Tigers falls out of the ring.
Damicky goes outside.
HARPSichord comes over to make it two-on-one.
HARPSichord nails U2Tigers with a lung blower.
Damicky uses a flying bulldog on U2Tigers.
HARPSichord hits a dropkick on U2Tigers.
Damicky gets a sleeperhold on U2Tigers.
Damicky whips U2Tigers into the guardrail.
HARPSichord comes over to make it two-on-one.
serial_thrilla comes over and lays out HARPSichord.
serial_thrilla performs a Flatliner against Damicky.
HARPSichord hits serial_thrilla with a brutal chair shot to the head.
U2Tigers hits a flying spinning leg lariat on HARPSichord.
U2Tigers whips Damicky into the guardrail.
U2Tigers throws Damicky back into the ring.
U2Tigers tries to climb the ladder.
U2Tigers is on his way up.
U2Tigers is half-way up.
U2Tigers is almost on top of the ladder.
U2Tigers is in grabbing distance.
Damicky knocks over the ladder with a clothesline.
Damicky takes U2Tigers down with a gutwrench suplex.
Damicky sets the ladder back up.
Damicky tries to climb the ladder.
Damicky is on his way up.
Damicky is half-way up.
Damicky is almost on top of the ladder.
Damicky is in grabbing distance.
Damicky has retrieved the title belt.
The crowd erupts.

The winners are damicky and HARPSichord. Time of match: 0:19:35
Sim Rating: ****

And NNNNNNNEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW Three-time SFAEW Tag Team Champions...Musical Cheese!

They'll be walking into their second SweetaMania in a row with the tag straps!

Shame that Bono's run as double-champ only went for a week...still, he's got the Hardcore Championship.

HARPSichord 🤗

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Hate and Mobbs clash for the second spot in ClarkeMoney in the Bank!​
Kennedy Parker attacks Mobbs before the bell.
Kennedy Parker executes the Admin Driver on Mobbs onto the concrete.
Kennedy Parker throws Mobbs into the ring.
Mike Uppet rings the bell.
They lock up.
Mobbs takes Hate down with a back suplex.
Mobbs attempts a kick to the midsection, but Hate counters it with a legsweep.
Hate executes a bodyslam against Mobbs.
Hate covers Mobbs.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hate performs a lariat against Mobbs.
The crowd is behind Hate all the way.
Mobbs begs off.
Hate puts Mobbs in the STF.
Mobbs reaches the ropes after 5 seconds.
Hate executes a headlock driver against Mobbs.
Hate is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Hate performs an elbowdrop against Mobbs.
Mobbs begs off.
Hate attempts an arm trap neckbreaker, but Mobbs counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Mobbs executes a kneelift against Hate.
Mobbs uses a chop on Hate.
Mobbs uses a chop on Hate.
Mobbs takes Hate down with a back suplex.
Mobbs struts his stuff.
Mobbs is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Mobbs runs into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker hits Mobbs in the back with a chair.
Hate goes for the Team Shift, but Mobbs blocks it.
Hate executes the Team Shift on Mobbs.
The chants for Hate are deafening.
Hate goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Hate. Time of match: 0:02:18
Sim Rating: ***

Once again, the Incumbent Admin costs the creator a big match...perhaps there's a blank match slot at SweetaMania...

Also Hate's in ClarkeMoney in the Bank. That's nice.
They lock up.
Pantskyle hits a kick to the head on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a flying lariat.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle misses with an elbow.
Pantskyle hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
Pantskyle whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Pantskyle misses with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a high knee, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle uses a Tombstone on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is wildly cheering Pantskyle with only a few scattered boos audible.
Pantskyle covers Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle uses a kick to the head on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle places Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle uses a superplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle tries a powerslam, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
In turn, Pantskyle counters it with a side suplex.
Pantskyle covers Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Pantskyle performs a dropkick against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle works the crowd.
Pantskyle doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Pantskyle uses a reverse neckbreaker on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle performs an elbowdrop against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for a Tombstone, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan slides down his back.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan gives him a lariat, but Pantskyle only stares at him.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan gives him a reverse neckbreaker, but Pantskyle only stares at him.
Pantskyle throws Shaun Freakin' Duggan out of the ring.
Pantskyle goes outside.
Pantskyle doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Pantskyle runs Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ringsteps.
Pantskyle uses a snap mare on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Chief counts: 1.
Pantskyle hits a reverse neckbreaker on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle hits a snap mare on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Chief counts: 2.
Pantskyle runs Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ringpost.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Pantskyle hits a kick to the head on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle climbs back into the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan follows him back in.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan brings the table into the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes an elbowsmash against Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a short-arm high knee, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle uses a clothesline on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle goes for a clothesline, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan ducks out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up Pantskyle on the table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the Phoenix Splash through the table.
The table is broken in half.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails Pantskyle with a short-arm high knee.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan covers Pantskyle.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Pantskyle sits up.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a kick to the head against Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails Pantskyle with a short-arm high knee.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle sits up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Pantskyle into the turnbuckle, but Pantskyle reverses it.
Pantskyle runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan moves out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails Pantskyle with a Blockbuster.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan covers Pantskyle.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a snap mare on Pantskyle.
Pantskyle sits up.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws Pantskyle into the turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a rolling elbowsmash against Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a flying knee strike against Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan works the crowd.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Pantskyle sits up.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Pantskyle into the turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sends Pantskyle into the turnbuckle, but Pantskyle reverses it.
Pantskyle charges in with a clothesline.
Pantskyle is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Pantskyle performs a tilt-a-whirl suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Pantskyle.
Pantskyle executes a tilt-a-whirl suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle attempts a DDT, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses an enzuigiri on Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a chop against Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops Pantskyle.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Pantskyle chops Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Pantskyle.
Pantskyle punches Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle performs a DDT against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Pantskyle tries a dropkick, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Pantskyle into the ropes.
Pantskyle hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a kick.
Pantskyle performs an enzuigiri against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for a vertical suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan slides down his back.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a springboard lariat, but Pantskyle steps out of the way.
Pantskyle goes for a powerslam, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a lariat.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan gives him a kneedrop, but Pantskyle stands right back up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan gives him a chop, but Pantskyle doesn't sell it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a rolling elbowsmash, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan moves out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a flying knee strike on Pantskyle.
Pantskyle sits up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws Pantskyle into the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle comes back, but is met with a kick to the midsection.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a short-arm high knee on Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with an elbow.
Pantskyle sits up.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws Pantskyle into the turnbuckle, but Pantskyle reverses it.
Pantskyle charges in with a clothesline, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan moves out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a high knee on Pantskyle.
The crowd is wildly cheering Shaun Freakin' Duggan with only a few
Pantskyle sits up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a superkick, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a DDT.
Pantskyle performs a kick to the head against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle attempts a kick to the head, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan ducks out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Pantskyle into the ropes.
Pantskyle hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
Pantskyle works the crowd.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Pantskyle whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with a clothesline.
Pantskyle falls out of the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a flying cross body press, but Pantskyle moves out of the way.
Pantskyle knocks Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ringpost.
Pantskyle doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Pantskyle shoves Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the guardrail.
Chief counts: 1.
Pantskyle runs Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ringsteps.
Chief counts: 2.
Chief counts: 3.
Pantskyle throws Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ringsteps.
Pantskyle throws Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Pantskyle executes a backbreaker against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Chief counts: 4.
Chief counts: 5.
Pantskyle shoves Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the guardrail.
Pantskyle gets back into the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan follows him back in.
Pantskyle gives the sign for the Chokeslam.
Pantskyle gives the sign for the Chokeslam.
Pantskyle catches Shaun Freakin' Duggan totally by surprise.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Pantskyle goes for a dropkick, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan covers Pantskyle.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan knocks down Chief.
Chief is out cold.
Chief is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts an enzuigiri, but Pantskyle steps out of the way.
Pantskyle is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Pantskyle nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a reverse neckbreaker.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Pantskyle performs a backbreaker against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a DDT.
Pantskyle goes for a kick to the head, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan ducks out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws Pantskyle out of the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan jumps onto him with a flying knee strike.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws Pantskyle into the guardrail.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a chop on Pantskyle.
Chief counts: 1.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up a table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan shoves Pantskyle into the guardrail.
Chief counts: 2.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up Pantskyle on the table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries to drive Pantskyle through the table with a back suplex, but he blocks it.
Pantskyle shoves Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the guardrail.
Chief counts: 3.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Pantskyle goes for a Gorilla Press, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan slides down his back.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up Pantskyle on the table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries to drive Pantskyle through the table with a frog splash, but he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.
Pantskyle doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Pantskyle performs a Tombstone against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle reenters the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan climbs back into the ring.
Pantskyle is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan gives him a side kick to the midsection, but Pantskyle doesn't budge.
Pantskyle performs a dropkick against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle attempts a flying lariat, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Pantskyle into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with an elbow.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle executes a tilt-a-whirl suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a side suplex.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Pantskyle hits a Gorilla Press on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for a tilt-a-whirl suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan
counters it with an enzuilariato.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a standing moonsault on Pantskyle.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a short-arm high knee, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle sets up Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle executes a superplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is wildly cheering Pantskyle with only a few scattered boos audible.
Pantskyle goes for a snap mare, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a superkick, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle places Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle performs a superplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a DDT.
Pantskyle hits an enzuigiri on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with an elbow.
Pantskyle sits up.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sends Pantskyle into the turnbuckle, but Pantskyle reverses it.
Pantskyle runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan
moves out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a Flatliner, but Pantskyle blocks it.
Pantskyle gives the sign for the Chokeslam.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle tries a choke lift, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a facerake.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs an enzuigiri against Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on Pantskyle.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle attempts a tilt-a-whirl suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with an inside cradle.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a Blockbuster against Pantskyle.
The cheers for Shaun Freakin' Duggan are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails Pantskyle with a high knee.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a snap mare on Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Pantskyle sits up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Pantskyle into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a Blockbuster, but Pantskyle steps out of the way.
Pantskyle gives the sign for the Chokeslam.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is wildly cheering Pantskyle with only a few scattered boos audible.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle sits up.
Pantskyle doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on Pantskyle.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches Pantskyle.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches Pantskyle.
Pantskyle kicks Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is wildly cheering Pantskyle with only a few scattered boos audible.
Pantskyle kicks Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle executes a DDT against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle uses a flying lariat on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, kickout.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a clothesline.
Pantskyle executes an elbowdrop against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle places Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle uses a superplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle charges in with a clothesline.
Pantskyle performs an elbowdrop against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws him to the mat.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on Pantskyle.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, three.

The winner is ShaunDuggan. Time of match: 0:18:01
Sim Rating: **** 3/4

And Shaun Freakin' Duggan just keeps on rolling! I think we'll have to determine his SweetaMania opponent next week...
They lock up.
The Injury Factory goes for a slap, but The Half Back blocks it.
The Half Back attempts a rolling elbowsmash, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Injury Factory attempts the Koji clutch, but The Half Back blocks it.
The Half Back executes a bodyslam against The Injury Factory.
The Filth Wizard and Hate come to ringside.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory.
The chants for The Half Back are deafening.
The Half Back kicks The Injury Factory.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes, but The Injury Factory reverses it.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with an elbow.
The Half Back works the crowd.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Half Back.
The Half Back hits a chop on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
Hate trips The Injury Factory.
The Half Back goes for an earringer, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Injury Factory uses a forearm to the back on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory hits The Half Back.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory punches The Half Back.
The Half Back chops The Injury Factory.
The Half Back chops The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory kicks The Half Back.
The Half Back kicks The Injury Factory.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory hits The Half Back.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory executes the Gloria against The Half Back.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back springs to his feet.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with a piledriver.
The Half Back hits the Sunset Driver on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a shoulderblock.
The Half Back tries a Discus lariat, but The Injury Factory counters it with a hiptoss.
The Injury Factory attempts an inverted facelock backbreaker, but The Half Back blocks it.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Injury Factory misses with a kick.
The Injury Factory misses with an elbow.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a clothesline.
The Injury Factory falls out of the ring.
The Half Back goes through the ropes.
The Half Back throws The Injury Factory back into the ring.
The Half Back performs a Discus lariat against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back sets up The Injury Factory on the turnbuckle.
The Half Back goes for a block buster suplex off the top rope, but
The Injury Factory turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Injury Factory executes an open-handed chop against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory goes for a flying dropkick, but The Half Back steps out of the way.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Half Back.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with a cradle Tombstone.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Half Back performs a moonsault against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back works the crowd.
The Half Back executes a Discus lariat against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back goes for a fireman's carry backbreaker, but The Injury Factory counters it with a DDT.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory whips The Half Back into the turnbuckle, but The Half Back reverses it.
The Half Back runs shoulder-first into the corner, but The Injury Factory lifts his knee.
The Injury Factory tries an inverted facelock backbreaker, but The Half Back blocks it.
The Half Back takes The Injury Factory down with a spinebuster slam.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back hits a bodyslam on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back works the crowd.
The crowd erupts.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the turnbuckle.
The Half Back charges in with a dropkick.
The Half Back works the crowd.
The Half Back attempts to place The Injury Factory on the turnbuckle, but
The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes, but The Injury Factory reverses it.
The Injury Factory misses with a kick.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with an elbow.
The Half Back goes for a superkick, but The Injury Factory ducks out of the way.
The Injury Factory hits a forearm to the back on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory sets up The Half Back on the turnbuckle.
The Injury Factory tries a top-rope Frankensteiner, but The Half Back counters it with a power bomb.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
The crowd is giving The Half Back a standing ovation.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with the Sunset Driver.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back uses a slingshot somersault splash on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back performs a fireman's carry backbreaker against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Half Back executes a moonsault against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back goes for a standing shooting star press, but The Injury Factory rolls out of the way.
The Injury Factory executes a koppo kick against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory uses an open-handed chop on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory hits an elbowsmash on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory performs the Gloria against The Half Back.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Injury Factory does the Tranquilo pose.
The crowd is giving The Injury Factory a standing ovation.
The Half Back springs to his feet.
The Half Back hits a power bomb on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back performs a superkick against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Half Back misses with a kick.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a shoulderblock.
The Half Back goes for a kick to the head, but The Injury Factory ducks out of the way.
The Injury Factory tries a flying forearm, but The Half Back steps out of the way.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Half Back attempts a lariat, but The Injury Factory counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
The Half Back grabs the ropes after 5 seconds.
The Injury Factory uses a reverse neckbreaker on The Half Back.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory executes an elbowsmash against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory executes a dropkick to the back of the head against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory throws The Half Back out of the ring.
The Injury Factory goes through the ropes.
The Injury Factory knocks The Half Back into the ringsteps.
The Injury Factory throws The Half Back into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory executes a German suplex against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory shoves The Half Back into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory uses a koppo kick on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory shoves The Half Back into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory hits a Northern Lights bomb on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory shoves The Half Back into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory hits an over-the-top stunner on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory goes for the Gloria, but The Half Back blocks it.
The Half Back shoves The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
The Half Back throws The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
The Half Back goes for a cradle Tombstone, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Injury Factory whips The Half Back into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory goes for a bodyslam, but The Half Back counters it with a small package.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
The Half Back executes a kneelift against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back uses a fireman's carry backbreaker on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with a sliding lariat.
The Half Back throws The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
The Half Back attempts a spinebuster slam, but The Injury Factory counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd erupts.
The Injury Factory attempts a release German suplex, but The Half Back counters it with a backward kick.
The Half Back runs The Injury Factory into the ringsteps.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Half Back throws The Injury Factory into the ringsteps.
The Half Back throws The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
The Half Back throws The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
The Half Back goes for a kick to the head, but The Injury Factory ducks out of the way.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
The Injury Factory climbs back into the ring.
The Half Back rolls back in under the bottom rope.
The Injury Factory executes a koppo kick against The Half Back.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory nails The Half Back with the Gloria.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Injury Factory executes a basement dropkick against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory whips The Half Back into the ropes, but The Half Back reverses it.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with a superkick.
The crowd is giving The Half Back a standing ovation.
The Half Back is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Half Back throws Richard Head over the top rope.
Richard Head is out cold.
Richard Head crawls back into the ring.
Richard Head shakes off the pain.
The Half Back executes the Legendary Lariat on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with a German suplex.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Half Back hits a rolling elbowsmash on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a backdrop.
The Half Back uses a fallaway slam on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back executes a fallaway slam against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back executes a Saito suplex against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a shoulderblock.
The Half Back works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes, but The Injury Factory reverses it.
The Injury Factory goes for a hiptoss, but The Half Back blocks it.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
The Injury Factory misses with an elbow.
The Injury Factory tries a swinging neckbreaker, but The Half Back counters it with a side suplex.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Injury Factory attempts a spinebuster slam, but The Half Back counters it with a small package.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Half Back launches The Injury Factory across the ring with a release German suplex.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
The Injury Factory misses with a clothesline.
The Half Back misses with a shoulderblock.
The Half Back misses with a clothesline.
The Injury Factory misses with a kick.
The Half Back attempts a spinebuster slam, but The Injury Factory counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory goes for a Northern Lights bomb, but The Half Back counters it with an elbowsmash.
The Half Back performs a release German suplex against The Injury Factory.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes, but The Injury Factory reverses it.
The Half Back uses a rolling elbowsmash on The Injury Factory.
The crowd erupts.
The Half Back uses a fireman's carry backbreaker on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back executes a moonsault against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Half Back performs an earringer against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back performs the Sunset Driver against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with a power bomb.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Half Back throws Richard Head out of the ring.
Richard Head is out cold.
Richard Head crawls back into the ring.
Richard Head is back on the job.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with the Sunset Driver.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Half Back uses a lariat on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back executes the Sunset Driver against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Half Back throws Richard Head over the top rope.
Richard Head is out cold.
Richard Head crawls back into the ring.
Richard Head is back on the job.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a kick.
The Half Back goes for a bodyslam, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on The Half Back.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Injury Factory chops The Half Back.
The Injury Factory hits The Half Back.
The Injury Factory catches The Half Back in the Koji clutch.
The Half Back is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Half Back makes it to the ropes after 7 seconds.
The Injury Factory throws The Half Back into the turnbuckle, but The Half Back reverses it.
The Half Back charges in with a dropkick, but The Injury Factory moves out of the way.
The Injury Factory executes an enzuigiri against The Half Back.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory tries a flying dropkick, but The Half Back steps out of the way.
The Half Back executes the Legendary Lariat on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back goes for a sliding lariat, but The Injury Factory counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
The Half Back is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Half Back inches his way towards the ropes after 7 seconds.
The Injury Factory uses a hiptoss on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory executes an open-handed chop against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory tries a leg scissors cross kneelock, but The Half Back kicks him off.
The Half Back tries an earringer, but The Injury Factory counters it with a backdrop.
Hate throws The Half Back a road sign, but The Injury Factory intercepts it.
The Injury Factory tries to use it, but The Half Back blocks the blow and takes it away from him.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with it and goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Half Back attempts to place The Injury Factory on the turnbuckle, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a kick.
The Half Back attempts to place The Injury Factory on the turnbuckle, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Half Back takes The Injury Factory down with a release German suplex.
The Half Back performs a basement dropkick against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back attempts to place The Injury Factory on the turnbuckle, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Half Back takes The Injury Factory down with a bodyslam.
The Half Back goes for a Saito suplex, but The Injury Factory counters it with a go-behind.
The Injury Factory tries an over-the-top stunner, but The Half Back counters it with a backward kick.
The Half Back attempts a cradle Tombstone, but The Injury Factory slides down his back.
The Injury Factory uses an inverted facelock backbreaker on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory tries a basement dropkick, but The Half Back rolls out of the way.
The Half Back covers The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Half Back attempts to place The Injury Factory on the turnbuckle, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Half Back sets up The Injury Factory on the turnbuckle.
The Half Back executes a top-rope swinging neckbreaker against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back uses an earringer on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory.
The crowd is giving The Half Back a standing ovation.
The Half Back kicks The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory chops The Half Back.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory executes a reverse neckbreaker against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back springs to his feet.
The Half Back nails The Injury Factory with a lariat.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Half Back uses a rolling elbowsmash on The Injury Factory.
The crowd erupts.
The Half Back hits a senton on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Half Back goes for a slingshot somersault splash, but The Injury Factory rolls out of the way.
The crowd erupts.
The Injury Factory gets the Koji clutch on The Half Back.
The Half Back is struggling to reach the ropes.
The Half Back reaches the ropes after 8 seconds.
The Injury Factory takes The Half Back down with a swinging DDT.
The Injury Factory attempts a somersault splash, but The Half Back moves out of the way.
The Half Back executes the Legendary Lariat on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a clothesline.
The Half Back tries a spinebuster slam, but The Injury Factory counters it with a small package.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Injury Factory throws Richard Head over the top rope.
Richard Head is out cold.

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Richard Head crawls back into the ring.
Richard Head shakes off the pain.
The Injury Factory takes The Half Back down with a bodyslam.
The Injury Factory uses a kneebreaker on The Half Back.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory executes a swinging neckbreaker against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory executes a legsweep against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory runs into the ropes.
The Half Back misses with a kick.
The Injury Factory tries a flying forearm, but The Half Back steps out of the way.
The Half Back attempts to place The Injury Factory on the turnbuckle, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Half Back misses with an elbow.
The Half Back hits The Injury Factory with a shoulderblock.
The Half Back is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back runs into the ropes.
The Injury Factory hits a facerake on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory punches The Half Back.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory punches The Half Back.
The Half Back chops The Injury Factory.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Half Back chops The Injury Factory.
The Half Back punches The Injury Factory.
The Half Back hits a fireman's carry backbreaker on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Half Back hits a superkick on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back performs a moonsault against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Half Back performs the Sunset Driver against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Half Back throws Richard Head out of the ring.
Richard Head is out cold.
Richard Head crawls back into the ring.
Richard Head is back on the job.
The Half Back executes a bridging pumphandle suplex against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Half Back tries a cradle Tombstone, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Injury Factory hits an enzuigiri on The Half Back.
The crowd is giving The Injury Factory a standing ovation.
The Injury Factory whips The Half Back into the ropes.
The Half Back performs a rolling elbowsmash against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back goes for a moonsault, but The Injury Factory gets his knees up.
The Injury Factory is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Hate throws The Half Back brass knuckles, but The Injury Factory intercepts it.
The Injury Factory hits The Half Back with it and goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Injury Factory performs a facerake against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory hits the Gloria on The Half Back.
Richard Head counts: One, shoulder up.
The Injury Factory executes a dropkick to the back of the head against The Half Back.
The Half Back springs to his feet.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes, but The Injury Factory reverses it.
The Injury Factory hits a legsweep on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory hits a Northern Lights bomb on The Half Back.
The crowd erupts.
The Injury Factory attempts to place The Half Back on the turnbuckle, but
The Half Back blocks it.
The Injury Factory performs a bodyslam against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory nails The Half Back with a German suplex.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Injury Factory performs a legsweep against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory performs a dropkick to the knee against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory whips The Half Back into the ropes.
The Half Back uses a lariat on The Injury Factory.
The crowd is behind The Half Back all the way.
The Half Back executes the Legendary Lariat on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back uses a release German suplex on The Injury Factory.
The crowd erupts.
The Half Back is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Half Back takes The Injury Factory down with a fallaway slam.
The Half Back uses a superkick on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back uses a fallaway slam on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back covers The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Half Back executes a kick to the head against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back performs a release German suplex against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes, but The Injury Factory reverses it.
The Half Back uses a lariat on The Injury Factory.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Half Back.
The Half Back performs a cradle Tombstone against The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Half Back executes the Legendary Lariat on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Half Back executes the Legendary Lariat on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Half Back executes the Legendary Lariat on The Injury Factory.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Half Back performs a Burning Hammer against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back hits a Burning Hammer on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back performs a Burning Hammer against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
The Half Back misses with a kick.
The Injury Factory hits The Half Back with a clothesline.
The Half Back falls out of the ring.
The Injury Factory jumps onto him with a baseball slide.
The Injury Factory whips The Half Back into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory executes a Burning Hammer against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory knocks The Half Back into the ringsteps.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory whips The Half Back into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory performs a somersault splash against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory hits a kneebreaker on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory runs The Half Back into the ringsteps.
The Injury Factory shoves The Half Back into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory nails The Half Back with a somersault splash.
The Injury Factory uses a release dragon suplex on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory performs a German suplex against The Half Back.
The Injury Factory throws The Half Back back into the ring.
The Injury Factory does the Tranquilo pose.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The Half Back springs to his feet.
The Half Back hits a bodyslam on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back hits a kick to the head on The Injury Factory.
The Half Back executes a chop against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back performs a kneelift against The Injury Factory.
The Half Back tries an earringer, but The Injury Factory counters it with a backdrop.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Injury Factory puts The Half Back in a cross-face submission.
The Half Back is inching his way towards the ropes.
The Injury Factory lets go after 16 seconds.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on The Half Back.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.

The winner is TheInjuryFactory. Time of match: 0:33:48
Sim Rating: *****

Bonz comes to ringside.
Bonz enters the ring.
Bonz and The Injury Factory stare down in the ring.
Bonz holds up the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship.
The Injury Factory points at the SweetaMania sign.
The Filth Wizard and Hate attack Bonz and The Injury Factory from behind.
pantskyle comes to ringside.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on The Injury Factory.
The Filth Wizard hits the Royal Treatment on Bonz.
Tonga Bob and Agent93 come to ringside.
Tonga Bob and Agent93 hit a double clothesline on Hate.
Tonga Bob and Agent93 hit a double superkick on Pantskyle.
The Filth Wizard hits Agent93 with a sledgehammer.
Tonga Bob goes for a lariat, but The Half Back blocks it.
The Half Back hits a legsweep on Tonga Bob.
The Filth Wizard holds up the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship.
Hate and Pantskyle drag Bonz and The Injury Factory to The Filth Wizard's feet.
The Filth Wizard throws the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship onto Bonz and The Injury Factory.

See you next week!
The winner is @TheInjuryFactory. Time of match: 0:33:48
Sim Rating: *****

@Bonz comes to ringside.
Bonz enters the ring.
Bonz and The Injury Factory stare down in the ring.
Bonz holds up the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship.
The Injury Factory points at the SweetaMania sign.
@The Filth Wizard and @Hate attack Bonz and The Injury Factory from behind.
@pantskyle comes to ringside.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on The Injury Factory.
The Filth Wizard hits the Royal Treatment on Bonz.
@Tonga Bob and @Agent93 come to ringside.
Tonga Bob and Agent93 hit a double clothesline on Hate.
Tonga Bob and Agent93 hit a double superkick on Pantskyle.
The Filth Wizard hits Agent93 with a sledgehammer.
Tonga Bob goes for a lariat, but The Half Back blocks it.
The Half Back hits a legsweep on Tonga Bob.
The Filth Wizard holds up the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship.
Hate and Pantskyle drag Bonz and The Injury Factory to The Filth Wizard's feet.
The Filth Wizard throws the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship onto Bonz and The Injury Factory.
Seriously though, can I just get my f**king belt back already
Pantskyle nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a reverse neckbreaker.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Pantskyle performs a backbreaker against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a DDT.
Pantskyle goes for a kick to the head, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan ducks out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws Pantskyle out of the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan jumps onto him with a flying knee strike.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws Pantskyle into the guardrail.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a chop on Pantskyle.
Chief counts: 1.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up a table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan shoves Pantskyle into the guardrail.
Chief counts: 2.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up Pantskyle on the table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries to drive Pantskyle through the table with a back suplex, but he blocks it.
Pantskyle shoves Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the guardrail.
Chief counts: 3.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Pantskyle goes for a Gorilla Press, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan slides down his back.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up Pantskyle on the table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries to drive Pantskyle through the table with a frog splash, but he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.
Pantskyle doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Pantskyle performs a Tombstone against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle reenters the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan climbs back into the ring.
Pantskyle is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan gives him a side kick to the midsection, but Pantskyle doesn't budge.
Pantskyle performs a dropkick against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle attempts a flying lariat, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Pantskyle into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with an elbow.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle executes a tilt-a-whirl suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a side suplex.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Pantskyle hits a Gorilla Press on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for a tilt-a-whirl suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan
counters it with an enzuilariato.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a standing moonsault on Pantskyle.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a short-arm high knee, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle sets up Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle executes a superplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is wildly cheering Pantskyle with only a few scattered boos audible.
Pantskyle goes for a snap mare, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a superkick, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle places Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle performs a superplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a DDT.
Pantskyle hits an enzuigiri on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with an elbow.
Pantskyle sits up.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sends Pantskyle into the turnbuckle, but Pantskyle reverses it.
Pantskyle runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan
moves out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a Flatliner, but Pantskyle blocks it.
Pantskyle gives the sign for the Chokeslam.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle tries a choke lift, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a facerake.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs an enzuigiri against Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on Pantskyle.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle attempts a tilt-a-whirl suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with an inside cradle.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a Blockbuster against Pantskyle.
The cheers for Shaun Freakin' Duggan are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails Pantskyle with a high knee.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a snap mare on Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Pantskyle sits up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Pantskyle into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a Blockbuster, but Pantskyle steps out of the way.
Pantskyle gives the sign for the Chokeslam.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Pantskyle executes the Chokeslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is wildly cheering Pantskyle with only a few scattered boos audible.
Pantskyle goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Pantskyle with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Pantskyle sits up.
Pantskyle doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on Pantskyle.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops Pantskyle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches Pantskyle.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches Pantskyle.
Pantskyle kicks Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is wildly cheering Pantskyle with only a few scattered boos audible.
Pantskyle kicks Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle executes a DDT against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle uses a flying lariat on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, kickout.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a clothesline.
Pantskyle executes an elbowdrop against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle places Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle uses a superplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle charges in with a clothesline.
Pantskyle performs an elbowdrop against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Pantskyle climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws him to the mat.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on Pantskyle.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, three.

The winner is ShaunDuggan. Time of match: 0:18:01
Sim Rating: **** 3/4

And Shaun Freakin' Duggan just keeps on rolling! I think we'll have to determine his SweetaMania opponent next week...

This Sunday!

It's WAR...

...Games in the SFAEW Semi-Finals!

Let's see what's on the card:

r20 froth v brak.png

Frothies Mcveigh and Braklet clash for a shot at ShaunDuggan's Intercity Championship at SweetaMania in a Submission Match!

r20 phenom v josh.png

It's the traitor JoshWoodenSpoon up against me as I warm up for my showdown with Elton Johns Wig!

r20 jt v porps.png

It's the third ClarkeMoney in the Bank Qualification match! Who'll be joining Hate and Grav: JT_the_Man or por_please_ya?

r20 turbo v t2b.png

...In what was meant to be a match to determine the inaugural Basilisks Captain, instead Tigerturbulance and T2B_ fight for bragging rights in a Turbo's Torch Match!

r20 the edge.png

In a shock twist, we're getting a serial_thrilla and U2tigers that isn't Serial_Stats!

Instead, Bono will be hosting a special edition of The Edge dedicated to celebrating the career of serial_thrilla!

And in your main event of the week:

r20 war games.png

Now Bonz and TheInjuryFactory seem pretty much set to face each other in the main event of SweetaMania for the World Title, right?

Yeah...sort of...but no.

At the end of last week's show, The Filth Wizard made it very clear that he wants a rematch for the belt.

So if the nWo beat the Warriors (and Bonz) in-

...Yes, that, then Filthy is inserted into the World Title match at SweetaMania to make it a triple threat!

Can Tonga Bob, Agent93, Bonz and TiF stad up to Filthy, pantskyle, Hate and The Half Back?

Find out Sunday!​
It's Sunday, you know what that means!

It's time for the SFAEW War Games!

Kicking us off this evening:


Frothies Mcveigh and Braklet clash in a Submission Match for a shot at the Intercity Championship!​
They lock up.
Braklet uses a jawbreaker on Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet executes a bodyslam against Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet tries a bodyslam, but Frothies McVeigh counters it with an elbowsmash.
Frothies McVeigh uses a spinning headscissors on Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh whips Braklet into the turnbuckle.
Braklet begs off.
Frothies McVeigh tries a swinging DDT, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet throws Frothies McVeigh out of the ring.
Braklet jumps onto him with a baseball slide.
Braklet knocks Frothies McVeigh into the ringpost.
Braklet uses a dropkick on Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet reenters the ring.
Frothies McVeigh climbs back into the ring.
Braklet hits a fist to the midsection on Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet uses a bulldog on Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet runs into the ropes.
Frothies McVeigh performs a kick to the thigh against Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh goes for a dropkick, but Braklet steps out of the way.
Braklet throws Frothies McVeigh into the turnbuckle.
Braklet punches Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet chops Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet further incites the crowd.
Frothies McVeigh kicks Braklet.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Frothies McVeigh hits Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh hits a spinning leg lariat on Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh goes for a double foot stomp, but Braklet rolls out of the way.
Braklet works the crowd.
Braklet is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Braklet tries a snap mare, but Frothies McVeigh blocks it.
Frothies McVeigh uses a forearm to the back on Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh performs a diving Meteora against Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh attempts a half Boston, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet runs into the ropes.
Braklet performs a leg lariat against Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet hits a superkick on Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Braklet runs into the ropes.
Braklet hits Frothies McVeigh with a kick.
Braklet works the crowd.
Braklet is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Braklet performs a hiptoss against Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet works the crowd.
Braklet executes a leg lariat against Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet whips Frothies McVeigh into the ropes, but Frothies McVeigh reverses it.
Braklet tries a leg lariat, but Frothies McVeigh ducks out of the way.
Frothies McVeigh executes a diving Meteora against Braklet.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Frothies McVeigh.
Frothies McVeigh points to his mythical third eye.
Frothies McVeigh tries a jumping knee strike, but Braklet ducks out of the way.
Braklet whips Frothies McVeigh into the ropes, but Frothies McVeigh reverses it.
Braklet hits Frothies McVeigh with an elbow.
Braklet uses a slingshot elbowdrop on Frothies McVeigh.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Braklet hits a bulldog on Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet throws Frothies McVeigh out of the ring.
Braklet goes outside.
Braklet shoves Frothies McVeigh into the guardrail.
Braklet attempts a bodyslam, but Frothies McVeigh counters it with a small package.
Frothies McVeigh executes a superkick against Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh shoves Braklet into the guardrail.
Frothies McVeigh performs a swinging DDT against Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh throws Braklet into the guardrail.
Frothies McVeigh points to his mythical third eye.
The crowd erupts.
Frothies McVeigh throws Braklet into the ringsteps.
Frothies McVeigh throws Braklet back into the ring.
Frothies McVeigh performs a German suplex against Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh performs a standing corkscrew senton against Braklet.
Braklet begs off.
Frothies McVeigh attempts a bodyslam, but Braklet counters it with an elbowsmash.
Braklet executes a Russian legsweep against Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet tries a reverse neckbreaker, but Frothies McVeigh blocks it.
Frothies McVeigh tries a reverse Frankensteiner, but Braklet counters it with an electric chair drop.
Braklet executes a jawbreaker against Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet hits a bodyslam on Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet attempts a Gory lock faceslam, but Frothies McVeigh blocks it.
Frothies McVeigh performs a pumphandle half nelson driver against Braklet.
The crowd is giving Frothies McVeigh a standing ovation.
Frothies McVeigh runs into the ropes.
Braklet hits Frothies McVeigh with a clothesline.
Frothies McVeigh falls out of the ring.
Braklet jumps onto him with a baseball slide.
Braklet whips Frothies McVeigh into the guardrail.
Braklet performs a kneelift against Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet executes a vertical suplex against Frothies McVeigh.
Braklet throws Frothies McVeigh into the ringpost.
Numerous fans are using Braklet as target practice.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Braklet attempts a facerake, but Frothies McVeigh blocks it.
Frothies McVeigh whips Braklet into the guardrail.
Frothies McVeigh throws Braklet into the ringsteps.
Frothies McVeigh whips Braklet into the guardrail.
Frothies McVeigh uses a kick to the chest on Braklet.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Frothies McVeigh uses a kick to the head on Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh executes a vertical suplex against Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh executes a running Frankensteiner against Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh shoves Braklet into the guardrail.
Frothies McVeigh nails Braklet with a Northern Lights bomb.
Frothies McVeigh whips Braklet into the guardrail.
Frothies McVeigh executes a superkick against Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh uses a pumphandle half nelson driver on Braklet.
Frothies McVeigh runs Braklet into the ringsteps.
Frothies McVeigh points to his mythical third eye.
The crowd is behind Frothies McVeigh all the way.

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