Syria 2012 - the year of blood

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Jun 8, 2011
In the not so distant future
AFL Club
North Melbourne
The suicide car bombs have started in Damascus. The VBIEDS.

The genie (sorry) is out of the bottle now.

It is going to be like Iraq 2006/07. Worse probably.

So amazing and stomach churning to think that a street like this - in the Christian quarter -where I stood and took a picture then had a beer with a nice woman from western Sydney and ate za'atar and all was fine will have guys with masks and AKs walking down it stopping people and checking their ID and shooting them there and then if they don't have the right name.


Just ****ed.

Of course, the carbon tax comes in start of May which is heaps worse than that.
I am lost...

America only supports democracy, so what it is that the revolutionists want?

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so the Free Syrian Army retreats back over the borders to Turkey and Lebanon where they got their training, cos the funding trickled dow/thru the western powers. If you read on A Clean Break, supposedly it is anti-semitic to announce the patent similarities in how history has unfolded, and never mention the 5 dancing shlomos off the brooklyn bridge
Shit in Baba Amr and elsewhere in Homs sounds truly horrendous.

Normally I'm very wary of the over-inflation of misery by the media but I reckon the comparisons with Grozny in 99 are worthy.

I stopped for lunch in Homs in mid 2010 and ate the best kebab of my life. Now its a warzone.
so the Free Syrian Army retreats back over the borders to Turkey and Lebanon where they got their training, cos the funding trickled dow/thru the western powers. If you read on A Clean Break, supposedly it is anti-semitic to announce the patent similarities in how history has unfolded, and never mention the 5 dancing shlomos off the brooklyn bridge

Syria is the big one.

If Assad goes, Hezbollah sees its supply line cut and a big step for Israel attacking Iran is taken.

Hezbollah have enough ammo to fight Israel for about a month. If they can't be resupplied then they are done. Sure, once the bombing starts, they'll lob 40,000 rockets of the type used at friggin' Stalingrad on the north, kill a few dozen unlucky Israelis but that's it.

I still don't think it will happen though. Russia and China know that if they let Assad go then they are set back decades. Obama also, despite the AIPAC toads in his party, is sensible enough to know that any attack on Iran opens the gates of hell.

He's just got to work out how to hold New York and Florida without engaging in JDAM diplomacy. I reckon he's hoping he can prevaricate long enough for the real election season to start and hit the Midwest hard. he can lose one of Florida or NYC.

Or maybe, more likely, they've seen the polling and know that barring catastrophe in the form of him suddenly deciding to become a paedo and getting caught, he'll beat either Romney or Santorum.

The FSA will have gained some legitimacy inside Syria with the fight they put up in Homs.

Assad know needs to not repeat the mistake of the Brits in Ireland in 1916 where an uprising that didn't have majority support was so brutally crushed that the street turned against the regime.

If he can manage the "pacification" of Homs to ensure domestic support, he'll be OK.

Fact is Syrians know what the toppling of Assad means - Libya and Iraq style chaos but with a particularly vicious sectarian nature.
Syria is the big one.

If Assad goes, Hezbollah sees its supply line cut and a big step for Israel attacking Iran is taken.

Hezbollah have enough ammo to fight Israel for about a month. If they can't be resupplied then they are done. Sure, once the bombing starts, they'll lob 40,000 rockets of the type used at friggin' Stalingrad on the north, kill a few dozen unlucky Israelis but that's it.

I still don't think it will happen though. Russia and China know that if they let Assad go then they are set back decades. Obama also, despite the AIPAC toads in his party, is sensible enough to know that any attack on Iran opens the gates of hell.

He's just got to work out how to hold New York and Florida without engaging in JDAM diplomacy. I reckon he's hoping he can prevaricate long enough for the real election season to start and hit the Midwest hard. he can lose one of Florida or NYC.

Or maybe, more likely, they've seen the polling and know that barring catastrophe in the form of him suddenly deciding to become a paedo and getting caught, he'll beat either Romney or Santorum.

The FSA will have gained some legitimacy inside Syria with the fight they put up in Homs.

Assad know needs to not repeat the mistake of the Brits in Ireland in 1916 where an uprising that didn't have majority support was so brutally crushed that the street turned against the regime.

If he can manage the "pacification" of Homs to ensure domestic support, he'll be OK.

Fact is Syrians know what the toppling of Assad means - Libya and Iraq style chaos but with a particularly vicious sectarian nature.
think israel still want the water from the litani, cos they are exhausting their aquifers. They would love to annex s lebanon. Not doing that w hezbollah, the only reason they retreated in the 1st place.

really dont think the people have any say. the FSA that miniscule fraction of 1%, .0001 percent, they have the weapons. But they cant fight assad just with antitank grenades and kalashnikovs, they need some heavy weaponry from outside. The figleaf of safe corridors might allow some bombing from 10000 feet eh
but the money comes from the manhattan bankers, yeah, the dems get lots of cash from the jews, but those retirees in florida, prolly arent his biggest donors.

Syria 2012 - the year of blood OP title sounds like the title of Angelina's follow up film to the bosnian war, when she has fixed the hem on her ****tyskirt

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**** the syrian rebels. These are nothing but a bunch of ignorant fools influenced by al qaeda insurgents who are hell bent on creating chaos to stay relevant. They are in turn used by the west for their own agenda. Assad is firmly in control according to us intel and i like it that way. We should all support assad to quickly establish control and bring peace to the syria and for all their citizens. As to these rebels, they must be given traitor's punishment.
**** the syrian rebels. These are nothing but a bunch of ignorant fools influenced by al qaeda insurgents who are hell bent on creating chaos to stay relevant. They are in turn used by the west for their own agenda. Assad is firmly in control according to us intel and i like it that way. We should all support assad to quickly establish control and bring peace to the syria and for all their citizens. As to these rebels, they must be given traitor's punishment.

Reckon plenty of them have already copped that.

A very sad and disgraceful situation, have to feel for the poor innocent Syrian people who are suffering.
If we i have read is true, the rebels are cornered in Homs for their last stand and the gov troops surround them. This is like the reverse gaddafi situation. Quickly crush the rebellion and bring peace to the nation. U do have to understand, the people rebelling are in the minority, not like how the western media portrays.
**** the syrian rebels. These are nothing but a bunch of ignorant fools influenced by al qaeda insurgents who are hell bent on creating chaos to stay relevant. They are in turn used by the west for their own agenda. Assad is firmly in control according to us intel and i like it that way. We should all support assad to quickly establish control and bring peace to the syria and for all their citizens. As to these rebels, they must be given traitor's punishment.

Lot of truth in that.

Syrians also know that the fall of Damascus will see huge bloodshed a la Iraq and Libya.
It certainly is.

I'm not familiar with the regional politics of the area. Why don't the Arab League intervene/UN ?

Will this revolution eventually succeed or has the rebels support dried up?
actually that is the problem, they did intervene. They armed and trained an insurgency, nothing but terrorists. They saw how easy it was in libya.
I read an article that all those sunni syrians who fought in Iraq for zarqawi started in the sunni strong Homs against the shi'ite assad and they don't want reform they just want rid of Assad.So you can't mediate that.

I read that exiles in the west backed by us are sitting back waiting until each side has weakened eachother, the americans want rid of the legacy of zarqawi that at one point was 40 thousand syrians strong and dont mind assad doing that work....

The russians they believe that Assad and the majority of syrians are in touch and want evryone to stay out, including some of the lebonese with soft spots for the sunnis in homs....

old article from june last year but make sense...

its to complicated for me....
Assad live on ABC24 now - amazing stuff. Wedging the opposition. Knows he can split the local opposition from the foreign jihadi element.

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