The Australian Dilemma

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Dec 20, 2010
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What then is the answer?

How do we deal with the threat when it comes from amongst our own and is so blatantly in our face?

Are you unaware that the government has just recently started spying on all of us to counter said threat?

The question should really be - how do we counter their ideas with out ruining our society in the process? and what has caused a young, disenfranchised Noongar man from Perth to self identify with a radical branch of religion that hates the West?
Are you unaware that the government has just recently started spying on all of us to counter said threat?

The question should really be - how do we counter their ideas with out ruining our society in the process? and what has caused a young, disenfranchised Noongar man from Perth to self identify with a radical branch of religion that hates the West?
Why do feel he is disenfranchised, being indigenous he is in line for more benefits than the rest of us. Have no sympathy if he wants to go down the path of causing mayhem throw the book at him in full and hopefully he never sees the light of day again. We all have issues what makes him more special than the rest of us, if he wants to declare war against us then our government should grow a pair and go to war back against him.
Why do feel he is disenfranchised, being indigenous he is in line for more benefits than the rest of us. Have no sympathy if he wants to go down the path of causing mayhem throw the book at him in full and hopefully he never sees the light of day again. We all have issues what makes him more special than the rest of us, if he wants to declare war against us then our government should grow a pair and go to war back against him.

I don't know, centuries of complete disregard for the original culture of South west Australia? Racism? Crime? Poor education and limited job prospects? To be honest I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier like in the US.

The record, whether you're in line for more or not, living on benefits long term is hardly a dignified existence, constructive to self worth.

And again to put on record, I don't support him, nor any religous loons in their intolerance. To empathise/sympathise though is to try and understand to remedy the problem.

Simply calling him an ungrateful dropkick who should've been happy to take his centrelink cheque each week is hardly going to bring this person back in to the mainstream or provide a platform for others to do so. Or for that matter help us understand why someone of a culture that is, if you like pre-Australian would choose to join radical Islam.

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Are you unaware that the government has just recently started spying on all of us to counter said threat?

The question should really be - how do we counter their ideas with out ruining our society in the process? and what has caused a young, disenfranchised Noongar man from Perth to self identify with a radical branch of religion that hates the West?

I'm not sure about this particular guy but a lot of aboriginal Australians have embraced Islam, among them Anthony "Americans brought 9/11 on themselves" Mundine. Islam is still very much evangelised around the world and is considered the fasting growing religion.
I don't know, centuries of complete disregard for the original culture of South west Australia? Racism? Crime? Poor education and limited job prospects? To be honest I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier like in the US.

The record, whether you're in line for more or not, living on benefits long term is hardly a dignified existence, constructive to self worth.

And again to put on record, I don't support him, nor any religous loons in their intolerance. To empathise/sympathise though is to try and understand to remedy the problem.

Simply calling him an ungrateful dropkick who should've been happy to take his centrelink cheque each week is hardly going to bring this person back in to the mainstream or provide a platform for others to do so. Or for that matter help us understand why someone of a culture that is, if you like pre-Australian would choose to join radical Islam.

What is going to bring him back into the mainstream?

We have tried everything bringing our indigenous cousins back into 'the tent' and they still hate us.

They always will - same as the Islamists....and not because of what we do, but because of who we are.

European, christian.

Particular lulz over the fact this guy spews all manner of bile, then as soon as the death threats roll in he runs too....

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What is going to bring him back into the mainstream?

We have tried everything bringing our indigenous cousins back into 'the tent' and they still hate us.

They always will - same as the Islamists....and not because of what we do, but because of who we are.

European, christian.

Particular lulz over the fact this guy spews all manner of bile, then as soon as the death threats roll in he runs too....


What a lot of utter horseshit.

Generalising much? Or should I say, as usual?
I'm not sure about this particular guy but a lot of aboriginal Australians have embraced Islam, among them Anthony "Americans brought 9/11 on themselves" Mundine. Islam is still very much evangelised around the world and is considered the fasting growing religion.

As opposed to Christianity?

I'm aware that some Aboriginal people are converting to Islam and as I mentioned before I'm more surprised it's taken as long as it has for something like it to emerge as per the US and it's African-American population.
What is going to bring him back into the mainstream?

We have tried everything bringing our indigenous cousins back into 'the tent' and they still hate us.

They always will - same as the Islamists....and not because of what we do, but because of who we are.

European, christian.

Particular lulz over the fact this guy spews all manner of bile, then as soon as the death threats roll in he runs too....


Plenty of things, it happens all the time. Germany did fantastic work in the 90's rehabilitating it's Neo-Nazi minority through a program called EXIT. A variation of that program called HAYAT has been taken up by a number of governments around the world as a de-radicalisation strategy for Muslim's. Britain has enacted a law that states every person returning from fighting in Syria will have to undergo mandatory de-radicalisation classes.

The counseling service Hayat helped deradicalize the young Muslim. Hayat was launched in Germany in 2011, and has caused quite a stir world-wide. "Hayat" is Arabic and means "life." The project consists of a handful of people who can be reached via a helpline. The experts act as a bridge in all directions, mediating between parents, children, schools and imams. If necessary, they contact the police and other authorities.
"Hayat's approach is to involve the entire family, to get everybody on board who has a positive relationship with the person concerned," Köhler said. The idea is to strengthen the family and make it a clear alternative to radical ideologies. They attempt to argue from an Islamic perspective. "The prophet Mohammed clearly says that paradise lies at your mother's feet," Köhler said. "When you're a Muslim you can't avoid it: you have to hold your parents, and above all your mother, dear." Hayat has helped dozens of people over recent years. Some managed to leave the radical scene altogether; others were kept from becoming too radical.

Well we've tried everything except giving them control over their own lives and land. Your assertion that either group hates the West because we're European and Christian is just absurd.

There'd be higher rates of some form of Christian identification in most Indigenous communities than in the wider Australian population. Islamic radicals dislike the secular liberalism of the West not it's faith or lack thereof. Who would call France for example, a Christian country? Neither makes a scrap of sense.

Since when did Indigenous Australian's hate all whiteys anyway? Has been far from my personal experience and I'm from WA where the locals have more than enough grievances to be angry about. Whilst on the topic, disputing or being angry about something doesn't mean you hate that group. It just means you have a problem with that policy. I believe that most Indigenous Australian's are capable of distinguishing between the government who've bound them in their current state and the average person.

This cretin is the issue... Take him out and give the presidency to a white Christian from Texas and we wouldn't have a Islamic issue around the world. Redneck in, closet Muslim out! And while were at it, let's appoint Putin as the ruler of the NWO...
View attachment 88181

This cretin is the issue... Take him out and give the presidency to a white MILF from Alaska and we wouldn't have a Islamic issue around the world. Redneck in, closet Muslim out! And while were at it, let's appoint Putin as the ruler of the NWO...
Changed so I can hear heads exploding
View attachment 88181

This cretin is the issue... Take him out and give the presidency to a white Christian from Texas and we wouldn't have a Islamic issue around the world. Redneck in, closet Muslim out! And while were at it, let's appoint Putin as the ruler of the NWO...

Oh bugger, and you had me believin too!!:straining::(

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