News The Rain and Floods

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Seems Gus has the Tom Brownes with spelling. He's gone the Corr and then a Coor, needs a Cor for the trifecta. Tommy Brown woulda done that :) Yes yes, just fitting in :cool:
How you going Gasometer ?
Mrs.G ?

All good, water has dropped significantly and it was a humid 25 degrees yesterday and in Shepp the clean up has started. Mooroopna open but best be not visiting there.

Echuca and downstream are the next issues. Not too sure if there’s anyone on here impacted. I had a vague memory of Gumble Frankieton mighy have been up on the River…but I could’ve confused that with the real life Frank Gumbleton

Covid patient is stable; just a cough. She has escaped it better than I did in May. I am testing negative.

Biggest issue is going to be mosquitoes and Japanese E. I got my jab as an afterthought when I got my 4th. A spontaneous decision I am glad to have done for once

Anyway it’s raining again
All good, water has dropped significantly and it was a humid 25 degrees yesterday and in Shepp the clean up has started. Mooroopna open but best be not visiting there.

Echuca and downstream are the next issues. Not too sure if there’s anyone on here impacted. I had a vague memory of Gumble Frankieton mighy have been up on the River…but I could’ve confused that with the real life Frank Gumbleton

Covid patient is stable; just a cough. She has escaped it better than I did in May. I am testing negative.

Biggest issue is going to be mosquitoes and Japanese E. I got my jab as an afterthought when I got my 4th. A spontaneous decision I am glad to have done for once

Anyway it’s raining again
Nah, not me comrade. Though I did grow up on a farm that was very much on a flood plain outside of Wang. As a kid getting flooded was ok by me because it meant a day or two off school. Hope things are ok up your way.
Nah, not me comrade. Though I did grow up on a farm that was very much on a flood plain outside of Wang. As a kid getting flooded was ok by me because it meant a day or two off school. Hope things are ok up your way.

The real Frank it was; I reckon I saw an article around the 2010 Drawn GF that him as a Bus Driver in Echuca

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I still have a dry throat a week after covid
All good, water has dropped significantly and it was a humid 25 degrees yesterday and in Shepp the clean up has started. Mooroopna open but best be not visiting there.

Echuca and downstream are the next issues. Not too sure if there’s anyone on here impacted. I had a vague memory of Gumble Frankieton mighy have been up on the River…but I could’ve confused that with the real life Frank Gumbleton

Covid patient is stable; just a cough. She has escaped it better than I did in May. I am testing negative.

Biggest issue is going to be mosquitoes and Japanese E. I got my jab as an afterthought when I got my 4th. A spontaneous decision I am glad to have done for once

Anyway it’s raining again
Brisbane and the Sunny (lol) Coast are copping it now.

It'll be here tomorrow, BoM reckons 60-80 mm but I think it might get closer to 100. BoM are usually pretty good but tend to overestimate rainfall up to the 50mm mark then underestimate it. At least around here.

Then the low is forecast to wander down the east Coast and get to Tassie late next week.

LOL. THinking about researching boat building.
Brisbane and the Sunny (lol) Coast are copping it now.

It'll be here tomorrow, BoM reckons 60-80 mm but I think it might get closer to 100. BoM are usually pretty good but tend to overestimate rainfall up to the 50mm mark then underestimate it. At least around here.

Then the low is forecast to wander down the east Coast and get to Tassie late next week.

LOL. THinking about researching boat building.

Go for it Noah.
Seriously hope its below the levee in Lismore. The last thing that town needs is more rain.
From a previous discussion, I recall that my Dad and you live quite close to each other. He’s in Fernleigh near Ballina. I was up their earlier this year. Everything was soggy and mouldy. Pretty depressing seeing a I’ve been visiting that region since I was a kid.

I’d seen Lismore rebuild from various floods but not this time. Many had given up. Only 20% or restaurants and stores had reopened. My step-mum works at the high school near the river. They put in 20 portables on borrowed land to continue classes but they’re all leaning and sinking into the mud too. The rain coming now will be the last straw. The whole town needs to be relocated up the hill.
From a previous discussion, I recall that my Dad and you live quite close to each other. He’s in Fernleigh near Ballina. I was up their earlier this year. Everything was soggy and mouldy. Pretty depressing seeing a I’ve been visiting that region since I was a kid.

I’d seen Lismore rebuild from various floods but not this time. Many had given up. Only 20% or restaurants and stores had reopened. My step-mum works at the high school near the river. They put in 20 portables on borrowed land to continue classes but they’re all leaning and sinking into the mud too. The rain coming now will be the last straw. The whole town needs to be relocated up the hill.

Yeah. He used to live at Jiggi didn't he?

Hope its alright where he is. That bit of the coast got caned last night. 100mm+_ from Brunswick to South of Ballina in 24 hrs yesterday, probably averaged about 130. 200+ in a few spots east of Minyon Falls!!

Does your step-mum work at Richmond River High? I was cleaning it out after the last flood (Cyc. Debbie in 2017) with the fire truck. Apparantly this time it was even worse. When they started Lismore the locals all laughed at them allegedly - stupid place for a town. Its got a localised inversion effect too so its muggy and crappy in summer. Much better up in Goonellabah.

More evacuation warnings last night for the flooded suburbs - South and North Lismore (both on the west side of the river lol. Its another reason to scrap the town and start again can't even name the suburbs properly - south lismore is to the west, north lismore is to the north west and east lismore in the south/southwest...

Had a mate staying in S Lis last night - he's rebuilding someone's house and living in there while he does the work.... just seems like a hopeless situation, hope he's okay. Have other mates who've lost places in S Lismore, one that can be rebuilt one that is now demolished.
Yeah. He used to live at Jiggi didn't he?

Hope its alright where he is. That bit of the coast got caned last night. 100mm+_ from Brunswick to South of Ballina in 24 hrs yesterday, probably averaged about 130. 200+ in a few spots east of Minyon Falls!!

Does your step-mum work at Richmond River High? I was cleaning it out after the last flood (Cyc. Debbie in 2017) with the fire truck. Apparantly this time it was even worse. When they started Lismore the locals all laughed at them allegedly - stupid place for a town. Its got a localised inversion effect too so its muggy and crappy in summer. Much better up in Goonellabah.

More evacuation warnings last night for the flooded suburbs - South and North Lismore (both on the west side of the river lol. Its another reason to scrap the town and start again can't even name the suburbs properly - south lismore is to the west, north lismore is to the north west and east lismore in the south/southwest...

Had a mate staying in S Lis last night - he's rebuilding someone's house and living in there while he does the work.... just seems like a hopeless situation, hope he's okay. Have other mates who've lost places in S Lismore, one that can be rebuilt one that is now demolished.
Yep. Richmond River High. Water got to the ceiling fans on the second floor. It’s a heritage listed building so there is real hesitation in “not rebuilding it”. However, the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

My Dad moved up to Jiggi in the late 80’s and I think you moved there a long time ago too. I’ve heard the term “God’s country” up there a lot so it was weird (and a little sad) hearing that you have decided to pull the pin and move to Tassie.
Just had a look at the geography of lismore, sheesh they really are stacked against nature.

We get a tiny peek of these kinds of flood prone scenarios. Thesers a floodplane a few km down the road from is. When its flooded the actual drain level is higher than the plain. So they have to wait till the drain subsides before the plain even begins draining.

Fortunately there are no houses there. There is some contrversy as the shire want to redo the flood overlay and some properties will move into the overlay.

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Yep. Richmond River High. Water got to the ceiling fans on the second floor. It’s a heritage listed building so there is real hesitation in “not rebuilding it”. However, the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

My Dad moved up to Jiggi in the late 80’s and I think you moved there a long time ago too. I’ve heard the term “God’s country” up there a lot so it was weird (and a little sad) hearing that you have decided to pull the pin and move to Tassie.
LOL - I'm sick of the rain. All of these lows are getting lower in pressure and rotating more than they were a few years ago. Its only a matter of time before some turn into cyclones.

Plus there's an old family house there that I need to do some work on and want my kids to spend a few years living in, my mum and my nan were born there so I really want them to spend some time there before they get too old. Probably would have already gone for covid happened. This joint is always gonna be home tho. I've got a few mates who've even said I can build a shack out the back of their place any time I want to come back for a while and other people hassling us not to go.

News The Rain and Floods

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