Opinion Unpopular opinions

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R23 when Cotch had his baby in the huddle, half the team were reluctant to belt the song out, and it sounded more like a lullaby than a victory song.
Yea when you think that one through ,,it’s not all as one which is what teams are all about , as soon as they fall out after the song they drift off to family and friends , no problem
I could be wrong but it gives me the impression that punching through the song is almost like going through the motions ,,,
With kids, I always remember Danger running out onto the G in the 2017 QF with his 9 month old baby complete with earmuffs. Very cute, he was smitten, it was a very individual moment for him and his family to savour.


22 hungry Tigers ran out as "one" and played out the game as a unit for a sensational victory.

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With kids, I always remember Danger running out onto the G in the 2017 QF with his 9 month old baby complete with earmuffs. Very cute, he was smitten, it was a very individual moment for him and his family to savour.


22 hungry Tigers ran out as "one" and played out the game as a unit for a sensational victory.

Difference is Cotchin and Dusty carry the kids in as they’re part of the family and the culture of the club.

Dangerfield carries the baby out as a chance for him to show off and get a great personal memory to stick on the baby’s instagram profile.

I think the comp should be 23 teams with each team playing once over the old 22 rounds. One year home game, next year away. No exceptions for crowd pull.

A team for Tassie, the Territories, one for northern WA, one for FNQ.

I don’t buy the ‘lack the population to support a team’ argument, I think it’s logic based on faulty assumptions and a general lack of imagination.

It’s hard to argue that you can’t pack a stadium with a huge chunk of a region’s population after you’ve seen what happens in small town U.S. for American football or in parts of Latin America and Europe for soccer.

You’ve got to give the semi-interested a reason to go and make it a patriotic community event. Bus people in from everywhere. AFL subsidised school excursions and camps to games. Aim to get every single kid who wants to go to at least a few games a year and subsidise them if they want to attend all of them. You’ve got to start with a stadium that can fit grand ambitions.

Canberra aside - it’s a bit of a special case but the capital should have a team - the other four teams would be going into areas which need economic stimulus and have the kind of social problems which a local AFL team would be a positive force in addressing.

Whether or not enough direct economic return and indirect benefits can be generated by a genuinely creative expansion into these areas (I think you can make a strong case for the affirmative), the competition and the federal government can afford to subsidise them for the good of the game and the nation.

The AFL’s budget will have to flex a few % here and there for all kinds of things over the next decade or two, as will the federal government’s, it costs a relative pittance in the scheme of things to subsidise expansions done right.

I’m not remotely up to date on the finances of the Suns and Giants, but I imagine there’s a tidal wave of red ink annually and let’s face it, it’s not hurting the game in the scheme of things.

Numerous of the richer clubs and perhaps even others may be willing to pledge a small % of revenue just to even up the draw, let alone the social argument which can be made.

23 teams, perhaps a final 9, minor premier gets a genuine reward like the old days where one final win takes them straight to the GF.

It would take some serious creativity and imagination to plan and execute it well, that’s where the shortage is. Plenty of logical reasons for doing it, ample financial resources, obvious social benefits.

Bound to be unpopular. 😉

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I think the comp should be 23 teams with each team playing once over the old 22 rounds. One year home game, next year away. No exceptions for crowd pull.

A team for Tassie, the Territories, one for northern WA, one for FNQ.

I don’t buy the ‘lack the population to support a team’ argument, I think it’s logic based on faulty assumptions and a general lack of imagination.

It’s hard to argue that you can’t pack a stadium with a huge chunk of a region’s population after you’ve seen what happens in small town U.S. for American football or in parts of Latin America and Europe for soccer.

You’ve got to give the semi-interested a reason to go and make it a patriotic community event. Bus people in from everywhere. AFL subsidised school excursions and camps to games. Aim to get every single kid who wants to go to at least a few games a year and subsidise them if they want to attend all of them. You’ve got to start with a stadium that can fit grand ambitions.

Canberra aside - it’s a bit of a special case but the capital should have a team - the other four teams would be going into areas which need economic stimulus and have the kind of social problems which a local AFL team would be a positive force in addressing.

Whether or not enough direct economic return and indirect benefits can be generated by a genuinely creative expansion into these areas (I think you can make a strong case for the affirmative), the competition and the federal government can afford to subsidise them for the good of the game and the nation.

The AFL’s budget will have to flex a few % here and there for all kinds of things over the next decade or two, as will the federal government’s, it costs a relative pittance in the scheme of things to subsidise expansions done right.

I’m not remotely up to date on the finances of the Suns and Giants, but I imagine there’s a tidal wave of red ink annually and let’s face it, it’s not hurting the game in the scheme of things.

Numerous of the richer clubs and perhaps even others may be willing to pledge a small % of revenue just to even up the draw, let alone the social argument which can be made.

23 teams, perhaps a final 9, minor premier gets a genuine reward like the old days where one final win takes them straight to the GF.

It would take some serious creativity and imagination to plan and execute it well, that’s where the shortage is. Plenty of logical reasons for doing it, ample financial resources, obvious social benefits.

Bound to be unpopular. 😉
My problem with that would be the lack of Perth in the talent pool more than anything else.
I agree to it in principal but I just think it’s stretched already.
I like Nick Kyrgios.
He's entertaining, will be a future champion and deep down I think he's a genuine good bloke.
Weeks like this remind me that whilst he’s almost unbearable people should probably ease up and look to help him more than anything else. He’s got a few issues obviously.
Not really unpopular but cheer squad chants are getting pretty bad. Who can forget the classic "Kanga kanga kanga, Roo roo roo"? Although when the whole crowd gets into it (Richmond *clap clap clap*, USA, Eddie Betts etc) it can be pretty amazing.
Putting Richmond *clapclapclap* in the same sentence as USA! is ****ed.

Leave it to the pies to steal the cheapest/tackiest/shittest chant. Couldn't even get creative.
I think the comp should be 23 teams with each team playing once over the old 22 rounds. One year home game, next year away. No exceptions for crowd pull.

A team for Tassie, the Territories, one for northern WA, one for FNQ.

I don’t buy the ‘lack the population to support a team’ argument, I think it’s logic based on faulty assumptions and a general lack of imagination.

It’s hard to argue that you can’t pack a stadium with a huge chunk of a region’s population after you’ve seen what happens in small town U.S. for American football or in parts of Latin America and Europe for soccer.

You’ve got to give the semi-interested a reason to go and make it a patriotic community event. Bus people in from everywhere. AFL subsidised school excursions and camps to games. Aim to get every single kid who wants to go to at least a few games a year and subsidise them if they want to attend all of them. You’ve got to start with a stadium that can fit grand ambitions.

Canberra aside - it’s a bit of a special case but the capital should have a team - the other four teams would be going into areas which need economic stimulus and have the kind of social problems which a local AFL team would be a positive force in addressing.

Whether or not enough direct economic return and indirect benefits can be generated by a genuinely creative expansion into these areas (I think you can make a strong case for the affirmative), the competition and the federal government can afford to subsidise them for the good of the game and the nation.

The AFL’s budget will have to flex a few % here and there for all kinds of things over the next decade or two, as will the federal government’s, it costs a relative pittance in the scheme of things to subsidise expansions done right.

I’m not remotely up to date on the finances of the Suns and Giants, but I imagine there’s a tidal wave of red ink annually and let’s face it, it’s not hurting the game in the scheme of things.

Numerous of the richer clubs and perhaps even others may be willing to pledge a small % of revenue just to even up the draw, let alone the social argument which can be made.

23 teams, perhaps a final 9, minor premier gets a genuine reward like the old days where one final win takes them straight to the GF.

It would take some serious creativity and imagination to plan and execute it well, that’s where the shortage is. Plenty of logical reasons for doing it, ample financial resources, obvious social benefits.

Bound to be unpopular. 😉
PNG ought to be included in the FNQ Team...and some exhibition games ought to be trialled in NUzeelond for sussing out and/or growing an AFL interest there as wull!
PNG ought to be included in the FNQ Team...and some exhibition games ought to be trialled in NUzeelond for sussing out and/or growing an AFL interest there as wull!

Woah woah woah

If there’s one thing we’ve been taught by our governments over the years, it’s that we are BRITISH (or American when it pleases). We might be a million miles of ocean away from either of those places...

but that doesn’t mean we should engage in friendly and/or practical arrangements with our close neighbouring countries in the Asia pacific region!!


Opinion Unpopular opinions

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