Wallace is a sentimental fool

  • Thread starter dogcrazy
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Terry Wallace has done it again. The only way you get the flick from the dogs is if you are a young struggling player or you choose to leave. Im refering to the extended contract given to Paul Hudson. Last year proved his best is past him but just like Wynd and Southern Wallace continues to play people who are clearly past it and it seems he leaves it up to the player to say he has had enough. Im supprised he didnt nominate Kretiuk for captain.
Huddo's worth another year. We've got to be careful losing Wynd,Kolynuik & Southern this year and probably Libba at the end of 2001. No club can afford to lose all their experience so quickly. Huddo was ordinary but still should have kicked 50 - his usual dead eye accuracy was not there in 2000.
The best half forward of the last ten years and you want to give him the flick over his poor last half dozen games?

Dont fall into the same mistake the Hawks made by bagging him all the time. Sure he is no hard man, but he does the job (two goals a game average) better than most half forwards.

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You stole my thunder Grendel!

I can't believe how negative everyone is towards Paul Hudson. Everyone on the doggies forum is always on his back. He's one of my favourite players.... Am I his only fan??

He is the only bloke who when within 40 metres, on any angle, my heart doesn't go into my mouth. He is our ONLY dead eye dick! Admittedly, this year he missed a few at vital times against Essendon and Brisbane- but this was only a combined 5 shots for god's sake. No-one in the team would get criticised nearly as much as he does. He is a victim of his own talent! Everyone expects him to never miss.... he misses one and it's rated as a huge disappointment.

What about his match winning goal against Collingwood?? People have very short memories. He kicked about 40 goals for the year, almost 2 a game from half forward flank (his career average)- what else do you want??? All clubs would LOVE to have (if they don't already) a small/midsized player averaging 2 goals over their careers. He was a significant factor in our resurgance in 97, and despite being 30, I would imagine he would be one of the first selected every week. Quality players like Huddo don't come around often, and the longer he can keep going the better! My thoughts on the resigning of Jose are a totally different story

I agree with you about Terry being sentimental- BUT DEFINATELY NOT A FOOL
. Disagree with selections, disagree with policy's/trades etc. but don't just come out with unmitigated crap like that!

OK back to favouratism thing and Jose's extension of contract. Terry loves Jose, no matter what he does on the field. There was even an article "Jose is my favourite".... WTF?? ... IMO you shouldn't do that in this day and age. Mark West would have been a perfect replacement. Plunkett would have been a perfect replacement! But Terry has put himself in a position where he has to take this line. Our success has arisen from the "stick together" theme, with the team playing FOR him (as opposed to in spite of him), utilising passion and emotion on the field, and this has resulted in the Terry receiving the upmost respect, and Terry returning the favour, almost like "friends". As much success this close bond has brought for the team, if he was to become ruthless and start culling 'popular' players without regard for the person behind the player (which may need to be done at some time in the future), I think he could lose their respect, which is a dangerous position to be in for a modern day AFL team.

BTW Dog Crazy- We had a specific bulletin board for the dogs set up not too long ago, and u can also post your thoughts on the team in there.
Westy boy I agree with you about Jose. I dont see the value of a player getting the ball 30 times a game and turning it over 20.Wallace turned his carreer around and now its time to let go he can't.
He shows the same loyalty to Kretiuk who has underperformed for years now. Mal Blight knew what it took to win the 2nd flag at the crows and it wasn't Tony Modra. After missing the first one and being such a great servant to the club the easy way for Blight would have been to keep him on. But to win flags you have to be ruthless and this is where Wallace is lacking in my opinion.
Getting back to Hudson I think the days of a one position player are almost gone. If you are one of those players you better be real good. Thats both in offense and defence. Huddo does not work hard enough and the good backlines prey on his weakness in that department. No one has ever doubted his goal kicking ability. All the best.
Dog Crazy, I think I've just realised who you are from the WB official forum!

And I must offer you a huge welcome!!!!

In regards to Huddo, I think he put huge second efforts in this year, and tried to improve his defensive game. Now I know this may sound a bit weird, but I think he should stop trying to prove to everyone that he isn't 'soft', and just play his natural game as he feels right, and if he keeps getting bagged but puts the runs on the board (goals) like in 97/98/99, so be it!

Totally agree with you Dog Crazy, on Wallace lacking the ruthlessness required, and I think he must be thinking it sometimes, but just doesn't have the "guts" to act on it..... through no fault of his own.... it's just how things have fallen in to place considering the way he went about correcting the situation we were in at the end of 96.

PS Dog Crazy- OI! Kretiuk's my fave player!
... we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.
dog crazy you were a bit rough on wynd fair enough he was on his last legs however there,s no substitute for experiance and well hell we need a bit of sentiment in the game of ours i think your club at least owed wynd that much for years of dedication to your club.
I agree about respect being a two way thing. I think if Wallace was a stand over man, there would soon be grumblings in the team. He knows how to get the best out of the players he has "the other way", appealing to their pride and team bonding. The Melbourne game was the only one I heard about where he had a red hot go at them at half time. But he couldn't do it every week.
Huddo had a few disappointing games this year but I wouldn't want to lose him just yet. He's an intelligent player, with some pretty good moves.
And by the way, how juvenile is it for Hawks fans to boo Huddo. He left 5 yrs ago, FGS, and they didn't want him.
I wish everyone would quit bagging Jose! He has the guts to go and get the ball out of the centre, there often isn't time to pick someone out. Every player is guilty of turnovers, even Granty.

[This message has been edited by Curly5 (edited 26 November 2000).]
I agree that Huddo didn't have an great year but he did help set up goals more in season 2000 (remember that tap on to Wills?). On the subject of Wills...why wasn't HE delisted??? I spose he was a contract so they couldn't or something.

Also, Mark West was very unfit last season. He didn't even look like an afl player, so that would be why he was delisted.

Furthermore...I can't beleive the way ppl bag Terry Wallace. In my opinon he is a great coach and i don't know where we would be without him!

Hahn 37 what you say about wallace is half true. He is a great coach.....on game day.
But where he is really lacking is his selection and as mentioned earier in this thread,his loyalty to certain players who are either past it or never had it. (It being what it takes to win a flag). Kretiuk is a prime example. He has underperformed for years now.He gives his all for the club but the cold hard facts are that he is undersized, too slow, has average disposal and is injury prone. As you can see the negatives far out weigh the positives but Wallace not only keeps playing him but he seems to get almost automatic selection.
Regards dogcrazy
Bloody Romero, just the mention of his name makes my bowell move.
At least Wallace pissed West off instead of waiting an eternity for him to get match -fit.
And on the Hudson debate,he is like Wills , a cheap kick skunk,blokes like that will never win you a finals game,he has piss poor defensive skills and is one dimensional.
I totally disagree with ppl who are saying that terry wallace selects players because of loyalty or favouritism. Didn't u see the Year of the Dogs movie??? He was gonna get rid of libba if he didn't change his game. He has never shown favouritism towards libbas selection yet he praises him all the time in post match press conferences and other interviews.

I agree that romero has quite a few turnovers in a game, but there must be another reason why he is selected. Don't forget there are a group of selectors who select the team, even though terry would probably have the final say.

Also, this year terry was offered the st kilda coaching job, but stayed at the bulldogs so he could finish what he started with the young players. Surely this proves his loyalty to the club and that he wouldn't do anything to undermine the clubs success. I'm sure he wants us to win the grand final just as much as any bulldogs supporter does.


[This message has been edited by Isdogisgood (edited 27 November 2000).]

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Wallace is a sentimental fool

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