Cars & Transportation Women Drivers

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Soccer mums.

- Big "FWD" drives
- Kids in the car
- Inability to see/actually drive them
- During school traffic

I see it EVERY morning. I see them break the law every morning. Whilst I don't have an issue with women drivers at any other time of the day, I do with soccer mums. I have seen them speed through school zones/drive over the kerb/talking on their phones/turning around to talk to their kids etc. Very infuriating.
And they think they're top shit. Look at me I drive a BMW X5 that has seven seats, despite only having one child! Obviously not all of them are gold diggers, but you can tell that a fair few of them are.
There is a fair bit of thinly veiled mysogyny going on in this thread -

Bad drivers are bad drivers... gender is irrelevant because there are terrible drivers from both sides....

Many seem to have their anti-rose tinted glasses on, only seeing the bad aspects of certain demographics that they want to see...

But, I guess it's just so easy for you all to resort to essentialism, that way you don't actually have to think or reason about anything, you can just spout of any old stereotype and feel all nice and warm inside...

Can't believe it took this long in the thread for an incorrect use of the word 'misogyny' to be used. Job done, ALP I guess..
Thought I should bump this.

Okay, so today driving home from uni I encountered a lovely situation involving our favorite kind of driver, an ignorant female. Let me paint the picture for you.

So I was at a traffic light where there is 4 lanes. 1 left turning lane, 1 straight ahead and 2 right turn lanes. I was in the left right turn lane pulling up behind a few cars at the lights (red light, cars had stopped) minding my own business with maybe half a cars distance in front of me. I hadn't slowed to a complete stop but was gliding casually, when all of a sudden, some stupid b!tch pulls out in front of me (half a cars distance space remember) obviously wanting to get in the right turn lane before the lights turned green. To avoid a sideswipe I had to swerve immediately into the right, right turn lane where, luckily, there were no other cars.

But here's the kicker. The lights are directly to the right of a McDonalds establishment, and cars wanting to turn right often come out onto the road and are forced to to go across 2 lanes. When I was pulled up I looked at this middle aged b!tch for a good 30 seconds to see if she gave me and apologetic look or any acknowledgment whatsoever, and there she was sipping her Maccas coke and texting on her phone. Now I know why road rage exists!
Use your horn, man. I use my horn for everything. People slightly swerving into my lane, people taking ages to turn, old people taking too long to cross a pedestrian crossing, people looking at me the wrong way, girls wearing roman sandals etc.
That seems like more of a general shit driver thing than a women specific thing.

Nothing shits me more than drivers with no awareness. It's so much worse than speeding drivers, drunk drivers, aggressive drivers and useless drivers it's not funny.
Use your horn, man. I use my horn for everything. People slightly swerving into my lane, people taking ages to turn, old people taking too long to cross a pedestrian crossing, people looking at me the wrong way, girls wearing roman sandals etc.
I definitely should get into that habit :thumbsu: Soo many shitty drivers on the road.
- Vagina creatures are the rudest drivers

You need a bowl of cement, fast.
Kharma is a b1tch hey? you spend most of your life trying to drive into them..its only when you go on the roads do they do it back and you start threads about it, on a male dominated forum...

piss poor effort..

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Being a shit driver isn't limited by age, gender or ethnicity, it tends to stem more from a deep set feeling of importance over other drivers and a lack of regard for basic road rules. Like today almost got into a head on because someone decided a Stop sign meant they could go when they felt like it, bit further down the road someone then changed lanes on top of me and nearly clipped me. I really only ever drive about 15km away tops and in reality do bugger all driving but I'd say I have at least 5-10 near misses a week, just far too many inconsiderate distracted pricks out there...
I saw a funny one the other day. I'd been sharing the road for the last few km's with a chick driving a soccer mum 4WD, watching her veer back and forth between the lanes trying to get in front of other cars and move up the pecking order at lights, and so on and so forth.

We came up to a patch where a single lane divided into two at a double lane roundabout. I was turning right so I veered over nice and early while she stayed towards the left. Except then she realised she would have to wait behind two cars in the left lane and veered out in front of me at the last minute. Not close enough to cause an accident but enough to have me shaking my head.

Problem was the dumb bitch was turning left so she had to drive all the way around the roundabout and then cut back across the left lane to get out. Good thing she saved all that time by not waiting behind the huge line of two whole cars huh.
I dunno if it's just me but people (of all genders but mainly females) seem to do everything but drive the fricken car when they are in front of me. I mean they lean over to look in their bag or reach for something in the back seat, talk or text on their phone, or talk to their passenger and turn to look at them while they talk every 2 seconds. Does this happen to everyone else all the time??? It's the most frustrating thing, and when I notice it I get on the horn straight away and usually hurl some abuse too!
2 things I notice about bishes behind the wheel

1. The emergence of young females as rude drivers

It used to be old men that never let others merge or speed up to stop someone else changing lanes in front of them. This is what I saw young bishes do today:

a. On the way into the city during peak hour the general consensus is that when you stop in traffic on this main arterial, you let cars from the side streets pulling onto the arterial in one for one. 95% of people get it: don't give way if you're moving, once you stop, one for one. And if you don't let someone in you are making them waiting until the next time traffic stops.

I see this often, and most of the time it's young women. I stop behind traffic. I'm at a side street. I let car from side street in, car behind me lets next car from side street in etc. On this occasion it's a young bish. next side street she stops. Does she let car from side street in? Nup. Often see young women do it.

b. Driving on Botany Rd in peak hour. 2 lanes. Young bish driving behind me. Car in front of me puts indicator in to turn right. I need to change lanes so put indicator on. I'm just waiting for car in left lane to move slightly ahead so I can change. You bish behind changes lanes and doesn't leave room for me to change. I slam on breaks. I can no long change because I'm stopped.

Seriously, why are some people so stupid and rude they can't change lanes behind you and leave enough room for you to change too? Most people get it and do it. You bishes - no idea.

c. On the way home I'm the the right lane. I'm overtake a car in left lane. I'm going faster than this car. I go past and change lanes. I look into my mirror and notice it's a young bish and she's right up my arse and tailgates me for a while. She was happy driving slow, see's me change lanes and speeds up to stop me changing and then is up my arse like I left her at the altar.

2. Well to do Mums in 4WD's

This is no new phenonamon. Bishes just think they are entitled. I see them driving through roundabouts or T junctions without right of way and they look they give you.....

yeah, yeah, great, you married an accountant, you stay home all day in your white picket fenced house, and you just think your're better than us. Enjoy your menopause.
A female perspective. I know I am uncoordinated, this is why I drive an automatic. I had a couple of lessons in a manual when I was learning to drive and it was stressful for me. Lame I know but automatics suit me better.

The road that I have to go down to get to my street has a Doctor's surgery and therefore the right side in front of it always has parked cars. Practically daily people coming the other way assume I will wait for them, rather than them waiting for me. So many near misses. Now If I see a car coming I just wait, it's less stressful for me. After 3 years living here I do it automatically now. I can control my road habits, who knows what others on the road are going to do.

Agree about Mums dropping off kids to school though. They are the worst and so single minded. Everyone has to get out of their way. My last place was 2 blocks away from a primary school and I lost count of the number of times my driveway was blocked so I couldn't get out. One day I was pissed off after sitting in the driveway for 15 minutes trying to leave for work because a huge 4wd was blocking my driveway. I got out of my car when the mother casually strolled back to her car. I said "lady I have been trying to get out and go to work for 15 minutes, are you going to explain to my boss why I am late?" I get a very terse sorry, not sincere at all. I just said I have your rego number and if I see you blocking a residents driveway again I will be calling a tow truck straight away. Bish was giving me attitude.

I've been rear ended twice, both by men who were driving too close in rainy weather. The first was a 20 year old guy and he burst into tears. This was when I had my 1980 Gemini and I said don't worry honey it's just a car and made sure he was ok. Second guy wasn't paying attention. He was a teacher and abused me because he was going to be late for work. I abused him back and said yeah you've made me late too. Courtesy goes both ways.

I don't think I am a shit driver. I've driven from Adelaide to Canberra and back with no dramas.
I let people in front of me from side roads, 1 or 2 cars isn't going to make a difference to my day.
Yes I can't parallel park but I can park well any other time. If I have a fault it's that I get bored driving, so music is a must.

Any questions? :)
The road that I have to go down to get to my street has a Doctor's surgery and therefore the right side in front of it always has parked cars. Practically daily people coming the other way assume I will wait for them, rather than them waiting for me. So many near misses. Now If I see a car coming I just wait, it's less stressful for me. After 3 years living here I do it automatically now. I can control my road habits, who knows what others on the road are going to do.

Any questions? :)
Thread isn't really directed at you. The situation the OP was describing is the same as you have written here.

If you have decided to do the bolded then you have ceased to be part of the problem (for that situation anyway).
Nearly rear-ended an elderly woman a couple of months ago where we were coming up to an empty round-a-bout (she was driving quite slow to begin with and I was keeping my distance) she was turning left and I was going straight on, i see her begin to turn left so i glance right to check to see if no one was coming and with a quick glance forward I see her stopped. At this point I slam on the brakes (originally going to cruise through) and come very close to crashing into her.

Now whether she was being over cautious, I don't know I'm not a doctor.

A female perspective. I know I am uncoordinated, this is why I drive an automatic.
Get off the road.:p
I tried manual, too hard.
At least I can admit I am useless at manuals. It's better for everyone if I drive an automatic

My sister refuses to drive a manual either, much to the annoyance of her fiancée.

Personally I get bored driving automatics, don't think I'd ever buy one.
Don't necessarily agree with OP but agree with a lot of the comments on here regarding modern drivers. Personally, i see driving as getting from point A to B as 'efficiently' as possible. Now, that doesn't include speeding, or taking stupid risks, but just being smart. For example, If i pull up to a set of lights that have two through lanes, yet there are 6 cars in front of me in my lane, and no one on the other, i will go into the other and overtake the cars. Why sit behind cars when i don't need to?
Another one, which most of you will disagree on, is making a good start out of the blocks from the lights. There was a TAC ad on this with the guy speeding from red light to red light. I disagree. Of course speeding is an issue, but i like to in front of a wave of traffic so i have complete control. Especially if there are parked cars up ahead. This way i know i will do the right thing and not rely on others to stuff up.

One thing that has been annoying me on Melbourne roads lately is cars pulling out in front of you and not speeding up straight away but dordling along. Call this what you will, but it is like walking in a busy shopping centre, and someone walks out in front of you and stops.

These are merely a few of my observations.

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