Current Trial Wonnangatta - Murders of Russell Hill & Carol Clay *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty

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On the Greg Lynn committal proceedings Crown Prosecutor Mr Dickie said 'It is clear hopefully from the document, and if it's not clear from the document it's clear hopefully from the charges put before the court, that it is alleged of course that the accused acted with murderous intent when he allegedly killed the two victims.'
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“Loving and caring relationship” - not exactly music to Mrs Hill’s ears 😟

Labelling someone as grumpy and bad-tempered on passing acquaintance isn’t very fair and doesn’t mean anything in this case. People make all sorts of off-the-cuff remarks. The defence is - again - trying to colour Hill as a likely instigator of the shooting. IMO.
From the ABC article above:

"Earlier today, the court heard evidence from a pair of deer hunters who had been camping near Mr Hill in the week before his death at a different campsite called King Billy.

One of them, Chris Benton, told the court he spoke with Russell Hill and found him to be "kind-natured" and "good to talk to" but that Mr Hill had mentioned he was a former forester who struggled to adjust to retirement."
His story appears a crock of s**t but he is entitled to presumption of.innocence and due process.
Forensics on the mirror key. Would be able to tell bullet trajectory and based on shooting stance and his height and Carol's height whether a ricochet is possible.
Prosecution will also try and put holes in his timeline (speed cameras and route to try disprove his story)
Had no choice to speak to the cops as was caught red handed. Spinning an early story gives best chance.
He is going to have to testify imo
No way round it. The prosecution will have time dates position remains. Even be able to extrapolate how close a shot would be to leave fragments.
He'll have to get up and hope his story sticks under cross
re the mirror, it was completely missing when the campsite was discovered, so I'd say forensic evidence is going to be slim to none. I don't believe that it has been reported any of it was found at the campsite, but it certainly wasn't present in the pic taken on 27th Mar. There are 2 scenarios that I can see happening with it: 1 it was completely destroyed by a projectile. In which case you would expect there to be some damage to the surrounding duco from the flying debris and fragments around the camp. or 2. It was damaged enough to be obvious on cursory examination that it had been hit by a projectile and was therefore removed completely in the process of removing evidence.
Ballistics and forensics are the key.

The ballistics on a shot gun need to focus on proximity to the target and spread of pellets. Given the pathology report that Clay's upper skull and jaw were intact, however missing the middle of her skull indicates that there was little spead of the pellets from the shoty. Clay was most likely shot at point blank range.
Do you have a link to that report? I don't recall reading that one...
Perhaps. Personally I don't see why the mirror would be damaged at all in a scenario where GL shoots CC on purpose unless CC was right next to it when shot. You would imagine in that scenario there would be substantial blood spatter evidence all over RH's vehicle even if it were wiped away by GL after the fact (traces of blood is very difficult to remove completely)/ Maybe that's what the prosecution has up its sleeve.
The prosecution has a duty to disclose all relevant evidence to the accused so they can't have "something up their sleeve" without the defence knowing it's coming. This is one of the reasons the trial was delayed last year - because Lynn didn't have a computer that he was able to examine all of the evidence on.

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Well how else explain the shattered mirror?
Unless his story is true??

Depends on the angle. And if it was slug that was used. If he was hunting deer with a 12 gauge more likely than not he was using slugs v shot.

I could see a situation where a slug was discharged that impacted the victim and the side mirror. But hard to believe it happened in the manner described by the defence.
Depends on the angle. And if it was slug that was used. If he was hunting deer with a 12 gauge more likely than not he was using slugs v shot.

I could see a situation where a slug was discharged that impacted the victim and the side mirror. But hard to believe it happened in the manner described by the defence.
Common sense tells you his story is bullshit.
But he's got a bloody good lawyer who gave him advice and his story is hard to disprove. Down to the detail.
It's the diametric opposite to the mushroom woman who the police have cobbled together a weird theory and now every second person is a mushroom expert. She obviously had bad advice.
Common sense tells you his story is bullshit.
But he's got a bloody good lawyer who gave him advice and his story is hard to disprove. Down to the detail.
It's the diametric opposite to the mushroom woman who the police have cobbled together a weird theory and now every second person is a mushroom expert. She obviously had bad advice.

He’s got one of the best legal counsels you can get. Must be costing a fortune. But you can’t polish a turd. His story is just not believable.

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Common sense tells you his story is bullshit.
But he's got a bloody good lawyer who gave him advice and his story is hard to disprove. Down to the detail.
It's the diametric opposite to the mushroom woman who the police have cobbled together a weird theory and now every second person is a mushroom expert. She obviously had bad advice.
Mushroom lady hasn’t even been to trial yet? And her lawyer is Phillip Dunn who is one of the best in Australia.
They mentioned him disclosing before his lawyer raised objection to it being used in evidence.
I missed that bit:

Upon his arrest, Mr Dann claimed Lynn co-operated with detectives, telling them where to find the bodies of the campers.

'On the defence case when he does all that, he's being completely truthful, he's being completely accurate just as the same way on the defence case he's been completely truthful and completely accurate when he tells the police about the circumstances in which these two people died,' Mr Dann said


Mr Lynn's barrister Dermot Dann KC told the jury his client's police interview would be played in court later in the trial.

"You will hear this from his own mouth — in the face of that disaster, he made a series of terrible choices," Mr Dann said.

"He's got two people dead, he fears he's going to be wrongly blamed for their deaths."
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Okay, that will be interesting to see if it matches up with what his lawyer has said in opening
You'd assume it's going to have to.

Imagine the first meeting with his defence lawyer after hearing the interview
"Ok so you said he antagonized you first, stole your gun, pulled the trigger which killed Carol, then attacked you with a knife and fell over and stabbed himself, umm say no more but my rate just doubled"
You'd assume it's going to have to.

Imagine the first meeting with his defence lawyer after hearing the interview
"Ok so you said he antagonized you first, stole your gun, pulled the trigger which killed Carol, then attacked you with a knife and fell over and stabbed himself, umm say no more but my rate just doubled"
Defence lawyers don’t want to know if you did it or not, they want to know the allegations and then they look to present them in the best possible way to create doubt in a jury’s mind.
Defence lawyers don’t want to know if you did it or not, they want to know the allegations and then they look to present them in the best possible way to create doubt in a jury’s mind.
Exactly, and it would look really silly if they stepped back big parts of the police statement, so old mate is stuck working with an assumed dumpster fire of an admission.
Common sense tells you his story is bullshit.
But he's got a bloody good lawyer who gave him advice and his story is hard to disprove. Down to the detail.
It's the diametric opposite to the mushroom woman who the police have cobbled together a weird theory and now every second person is a mushroom expert. She obviously had bad advice.

Hard to disprove?
How about a loaded gun, cocked, safety off, someone's finger on the trigger, two people who don't want to shoot anyone, wrestling over it, it discharges and the projectile ricochets off something and hits someone in the head and kills my calculation just the unluckiess of a head being in the way of the pointy end of a gun is about a 10,000 to 1 as an absolute minimum. All this happening whilst loud music is blaring. You couldn't script it.
GL has admitted to 'annoying' RH by playing music up loud in response to the 'drone confrontation' earlier in the evening initiated by RH.

So there's admittedly some sort of conflict and provocative circumstances.

GL has just emptied his gun by firing all the bullets in it to make it safe, so he is clearly thinking straight at this stage. Only moments after CC has been fatally shot in the head.

It is going to be very hard to argue there as not excessive force used in the death of RH.

At best it looks like GL is looking at 1 count of Involuntary Manslaughter and 1 count of Voluntary Manslaughter, given his own side of events, his own actions - unsecured weapon that is loaded, pursuing an armed RH when GL has stated he was 'shitscared', engaging physically with RH while RH held a loaded weapon, being rational of mind enough to unload his firearm when back in possession of his weapon, reconfronting RH when RH was armed with a knife.

If he takes the stand he will be obliterated.

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