Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

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On the Greg Lynn committal proceedings Crown Prosecutor Mr Dickie said 'It is clear hopefully from the document, and if it's not clear from the document it's clear hopefully from the charges put before the court, that it is alleged of course that the accused acted with murderous intent when he allegedly killed the two victims.'
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So what is the relevance of him hunting at night then, if not having been caught by the drone? I'm not sure I follow your thinking.
My issue with GL taking the drone because it contained footage is that drones don't typically hold footage physically. They are usually controlled by a phone app and footage is recorded on that. There's only two scenarios I can think of for the drone allegedly being taken/destroyed - GL doesn't know footage isn't contained on the drone (which I don't buy) or it was the reason for the altercation and was damaged in course of the night.
Footage is contained on the SD card within the drone. Not the phone. Drone footage especially video requires large and super fast SD cards
Falling onto his own knife and dying instantly mind you. No chance to render first aid before he bleeds out, call for help? Golly gosh what a mess Mr Lynn seems to have found himself in. Obvious reaction is to spring into a spontaneous but intricate cover up. No red flags here 🤷🏽‍♀
People die very quickly around this man.! And their remains don't hang around either.
His original testimony when Police had him in Sale for near 3 days I believe it won't be played to the jury.? Would of love being a fly on the wall there. I wonder if he had his story corroborated perfectly at that stage?

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New theory: there was an argument over the drone, GL fired at it, or fired in the air, somehow there was a ricochet that hit Carol, Russell ran to get his radio yelling that that was what he was going to do, and GL let him have it to stop him.

Where is the prosecution case? I've only heard about the defence and their fantasy stories.
New theory: there was an argument over the drone, GL fired at it, or fired in the air, somehow there was a ricochet that hit Carol, Russell ran to get his radio yelling that that was what he was going to do, and GL let him have it to stop him.

Where is the prosecution case? I've only heard about the defence and their fantasy stories.
If there was a disagreement prior to the drone (Non drone related) and Lynn felt angered shooting the drone is a very realistic angle. Off course after that it would be a big altercation and you've got 2 very angry men. The key point there is Lynn has pulled the trigger and most likely is ready to do it again. And Lynn is the only one with a gun.
If there was a disagreement prior to the drone (Non drone related) and Lynn felt angered shooting the drone is a very realistic angle. Off course after that it would be a big altercation and you've got 2 very angry men. The key point there is Lynn has pulled the trigger and most likely is ready to do it again. And Lynn is the only one with a gun.
I do think the drone was the main motive of the murders. Whatever activity of Lynn’s it captured it was the reason why Lynn felt he had to murder Clay and Hill. Lynn also disposed of the drone which is key evidence of what led up to the incident.

The prosecution will argue that Lynn’s version of events was not true and that his intention was to murder or seriously injure Clay and Hill.
I'd be pretty annoyed if I went camping thinking I was having a quiet, peaceful few days, not bothered about how I look, getting up in the morning to have a stretch and breathe in the fresh air in my scrappy old thermal long johns - and there's a drone.

More than once, I'd probably politely say something.
I'd be pretty annoyed if I went camping thinking I was having a quiet, peaceful few days, not bothered about how I look, getting up in the morning to have a stretch and breathe in the fresh air in my scrappy old thermal long johns - and there's a drone.

More than once, I'd probably politely say something.

Would you politely say something with a shotgun? Do we need to be wary of camping near Kurve...
New theory: there was an argument over the drone, GL fired at it, or fired in the air, somehow there was a ricochet that hit Carol, Russell ran to get his radio yelling that that was what he was going to do, and GL let him have it to stop him.

Where is the prosecution case? I've only heard about the defence and their fantasy stories.

That sounds plausible. For me personally I don't see a scenario where GL murders both GL & CC. There's simply no real reason or motivation to do so. Prosecution offering no reason or how RH was killed isn't particularly convincing to me personally either in my opinion.

I can see a scenario where GL, an agitated pilot seeing his career go down the shitter trying to get away from it all at the "Gatta does end up accidentally killing CC as a result of an altercation with RH and then finishes off RH also to ensure there are no witnesses. That scenario could be sold to me from the available evidence that's been discussed so far.

Any particular reason the police are not going after GL for interfering with a corpse x 2 and/or perverting the course of justice with his coverup? It seems he has made a fuil admission to both of these crimes.
I'd be pretty annoyed if I went camping thinking I was having a quiet, peaceful few days, not bothered about how I look, getting up in the morning to have a stretch and breathe in the fresh air in my scrappy old thermal long johns - and there's a drone.

More than once, I'd probably politely say something.

This is key on GL's state of mind. Adding to this GL would know that his pilot career was likely going down the shitter short term with the impending covid shutdown of air travel. He was escaping it all out in the "Gatta.

If I was the prosecution I'd be going down the path of all these factors tipped GL over the edge multiplied by an annoying old git setting up right next door trying to claim his campsite.
Was RH flying his drone from the campsite when it hovered over the weedsprayers' campsite.
In other words were the two camp sites close enough to hear a couple of blasts from a shotgun?

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For those who haven't visited the "Gatta here is a police video of the area taken from a chopper:

It just shows how vast the area is and why this was such a needless tragedy.
Was RH flying his drone from the campsite when it hovered over the weedsprayers' campsite.
In other words were the two camp sites close enough to hear a couple of blasts from a shotgun?

The sprayers said their campsite was over 3km away so unlikely or they simply didn't remember because gun shots from hunting were commonplace.

For accurate testimony on this homicide really needed to have rounded up everyone who was there the next week and get a statement.
The sprayers said their campsite was over 3km away so unlikely or they simply didn't remember because gun shots from hunting were commonplace.

For accurate testimony on this homicide really needed to have rounded up everyone who was there the next week and get a statement.
I think there was a story that the sprayer or witness heard a noise or noises coming from a distance but they didn't know what they were so never thought anything of it. If gunshots were common place you would think nothing of it.
The sprayers said their campsite was over 3km away so unlikely or they simply didn't remember because gun shots from hunting were commonplace.

For accurate testimony on this homicide really needed to have rounded up everyone who was there the next week and get a statement.
What about the people who found the burnt-out camp and vehicle a couple of days later? They didn't even report it for some days.

Didn't most of the witnesses only come forward after GL was arrested? That was 20 months after the disappearance. Unless someone heard something and wrote it down in their diary at the time, it's hard to pin accurate timing on memory.
They haven't even thought about it in all that time. You think back to 20 months previously - can you remember precisely where you were, who you spoke to and what they said, what they looked like, what you heard in the distance? Especially if they were fleeting moments and you had other things happening around you that were on your mind.

I suppose that's all the lawyers can dredge up at this late stage, over 4 years later, but how accurate the witness statements are is dubious.

Sorry if I'm shaky about the timeline - but, 4 years...
What about the people who found the burnt-out camp and vehicle a couple of days later? They didn't even report it for some days.

Didn't most of the witnesses only come forward after GL was arrested? That was 20 months after the disappearance. Unless someone heard something and wrote it down in their diary at the time, it's hard to pin accurate timing on memory.
They haven't even thought about it in all that time. You think back to 20 months previously - can you remember precisely where you were, who you spoke to and what they said, what they looked like, what you heard in the distance? Especially if they were fleeting moments and you had other things happening around you that were on your mind.

I suppose that's all the lawyers can dredge up at this late stage, over 4 years later, but how accurate the witness statements are is dubious.

Sorry if I'm shaky about the timeline - but, 4 years...

I believe whoever came across the campsite being burnt out reported it to police upon being able to get phone reception. Perhaps they seen it on their way in and spent a few days out in the "Gatta. Unless they had HF radios there was no real way to contact coppers out in the 'Gatta apart from flag down someone who was heading back into town / reception and send a message with them.

I do remember vividly where I was on March 20 2020 ironically. I was about to board a flight to Europe for a 4 week holiday and had to cancel because of covid!!! I can even remember the flight booked was Mar 20 at 9.30pm!
What about the people who found the burnt-out camp and vehicle a couple of days later? They didn't even report it for some days.

Didn't most of the witnesses only come forward after GL was arrested? That was 20 months after the disappearance. Unless someone heard something and wrote it down in their diary at the time, it's hard to pin accurate timing on memory.
They haven't even thought about it in all that time. You think back to 20 months previously - can you remember precisely where you were, who you spoke to and what they said, what they looked like, what you heard in the distance? Especially if they were fleeting moments and you had other things happening around you that were on your mind.

I suppose that's all the lawyers can dredge up at this late stage, over 4 years later, but how accurate the witness statements are is dubious.

Sorry if I'm shaky about the timeline - but, 4 years...
Yeah think back to the timeline and the fact that the burnt out campsite was reported but I think it was a week before Police got there from memory? Then by the time the story breaks to the news what was going through Lynn's mind? He might have thought he'd gotten away with it? Like all these stories, Samantha Murphy etc these things grow legs due to the mystery of it all. I think back to the 60 minutes story where they were at the campsite some 2 years later and said they were looking for a Blue 4WD (Nissan Patrol) it was spooky to think they already new it was Lynn and were trying to manipulate him into incriminating himself etc. Then off course he's a Jetstar Pilot and people automatically think how could it be? Funny to think just because of someone's occupation they are perceived to be incapable of doing something so heinous.! It's obvious to me now that it took 2 people of a certain nature to get to this point as we stand today. Question is did Lynn over react and the answer is most likely yes.
I think there was a story that the sprayer or witness heard a noise or noises coming from a distance but they didn't know what they were so never thought anything of it. If gunshots were common place you would think nothing of it.

They would have had a clearer recollection if questioned the week after. Don't believe they actually got questioned until post arrest?
His original testimony when Police had him in Sale for near 3 days I believe it won't be played to the jury.? Would of love being a fly on the wall there. I wonder if he had his story corroborated perfectly at that stage?

I reckon GL & his missus watching the missing campers show on 60 minutes would have made a superb Goggle Box Australia episode.
I do note that GL said in his evidence that he got into an argument about his gun with RH who GL claim RH mentioned a family member was killed in a hunting accident previously.

This for me is confirmation there was an altercation between GL & RH most likely over GL's hunting of deer. I don't see how GL could possibly have known this, it wasn't publicly available information.
This is a case of two accidental, tragic deaths … in circumstances which were not of Mr Lynn’s making, and not of his choosing,” defence barrister Dermot Dann KC told the jury.
“You will hear this from his own mouth – in the face of that disaster, he made a series of terrible choices.”

I wouldn't like to be in his plane when he's making bad choices in the cockpit at 30,000ft.
And this business about hearing from Lynn's own mouth - what's that about? A replay of a police interview or is he brave enough to take the stand and be prepared to get questioned by the prosecution, which I doubt very much.
Footage is contained on the SD card within the drone. Not the phone. Drone footage especially video requires large and super fast SD cards
The drone he had was a DJI mavic, which from what I can tell all models have the SD card in the handheld remote 1715920850267.png
New theory: there was an argument over the drone, GL fired at it, or fired in the air, somehow there was a ricochet that hit Carol, Russell ran to get his radio yelling that that was what he was going to do, and GL let him have it to stop him.

Where is the prosecution case? I've only heard about the defence and their fantasy stories.
RH allegedly killed first for reasons and in manner unknown, CC allegedly after as collateral damage.
The sprayers said their campsite was over 3km away so unlikely or they simply didn't remember because gun shots from hunting were commonplace.

For accurate testimony on this homicide really needed to have rounded up everyone who was there the next week and get a statement.
The Mavic drones have a range of ~15kms (I've learnt a lot about drones this week! ;) )
What about the people who found the burnt-out camp and vehicle a couple of days later? They didn't even report it for some days.
Someone came across it the next day (Saturday 21st) at 2pm - which is how they established the timeline of the disappearance (between radio call sign off and the discovery of the site) but they were ? hiking IIRC and had no way to alert anyone of it at the time. Only reported 10 days or so later when they saw the news. Photo taken by other campers who discovered and reported the following Saturday 28th.

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