Sports ‘Paedophile Hunter’ Stinson Hunter catches internet predators with real-life stings

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So, no need for the courts, just expose them publicly and let shame and community justice do the rest.

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A really interesting and eye opening doco here. The guys involved in the sting are at best a smart bogan, but their intentions and professionalism is impressive nevertheless.

I do condone what they have done, regardless of the fact that in one incident that led to suicide. These monsters destroy young lives which invariably and sadly leaves the victims devastated for the rest of their lives not to mention them turning to various vices or themselves committing suicide and/or damaging the relationships and hurting the people that love them.
Suicides are not unusual in this area when people get caught (and I believe the one who did had been charged by police) so I don't have a problem there. The risk of course is that these vigilantes (or others inspired by them) **** up and accuse the wrong person.

I actually put that Stinson Hunter guy on my Twitter for a few days this week and I have to say that even though I like what he is doing he comes across as a bit of a campaigner of a person.

Cops here seem to be onto this sort of thing - this one a couple of days ago in Perth
Suicides are not unusual in this area when people get caught (and I believe the one who did had been charged by police) so I don't have a problem there. The risk of course is that these vigilantes (or others inspired by them) **** up and accuse the wrong person.

I actually put that Stinson Hunter guy on my Twitter for a few days this week and I have to say that even though I like what he is doing he comes across as a bit of a campaigner of a person.

Cops here seem to be onto this sort of thing - this one a couple of days ago in Perth

Interesting viewpoint.

Like yourself I am not empathetic on a person committing suicide after they have destroyed potentially or at the very least caused damage to one or more kids, not to mention their acts itself affecting the children's family and friends and also the innocent family and friends of the perpetrator.

Stinson did take a deliberate and strong course of action using voice and body language as a tool to intimidate the criminals (there is no alleged here). Kudos to not wanting to beat and to deliver a course of justice of his own.

The way Stinson did the sting operation, it would be very very hard to f* it up, with that said, they didnt use violence nor did they apprehend and detain the criminal. However, I could see how a criminal would resort to violence to escape the environment they found themselves in. I think the difference between other class of criminals is that is that it is usually gutless and spineless men that prey on children.

Stinson - A campaigner. Well yes and no. He is a victim of sexual abuse and has setup and operation to catch criminals in the act. Maybe this sting has helped him deal with the crimes committed against him.
I actually put that Stinson Hunter guy on my Twitter for a few days this week and I have to say that even though I like what he is doing he comes across as a bit of a campaigner of a person.

High on his own righteousness. When people feel they represent 'good' they turn to real twatwallets.
The way Stinson did the sting operation, it would be very very hard to f* it up, with that said, they didnt use violence nor did they apprehend and detain the criminal. However, I could see how a criminal would resort to violence to escape the environment they found themselves in. I think the difference between other class of criminals is that is that it is usually gutless and spineless men that prey on children.
Yes, obviously he has taken the time to make sure it's done properly. The risk is that he will inspire others to try doing it too, perhaps without first doing the research to ensure they (1) don't break any laws themselves; (2) come up with something which will actually be admissible as evidence; and (3) don't end up pointing the finger publicly at the wrong person.

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Oh yeah this kind of vigilantism has never ended poorly.

This show is just ****ed up, constantly appealling to base reactions. In a way, I always thought these shows profit off debilitating and reprehensible crimes. This Chris Hansen arseclown makes his millions as a result of children having their lives destroyed – even if the focus of the show isn't the victim.

It's pretty obvious when you watch this clip and see how they portray the suicide. Now the guy was a prick. And it's hard to feel much sadness for a guy who wrecked childhoods and whose acts will linger until these his victims lives are over. But the way they show him before he does himself, and then after he does, that whole "he was a lawyer; what a tragic loss" just shows how this turd of a thing just latches onto obvious emotions and gets continual viewership as a result of leeching onto really primitive instincts. It's just bogan TV.

It always interests me how much people enjoy hating pedophiles. I can't imagine the way it would change your life, being a victim to something that'll never leave you, and I believe it's almost impossible to rehabilitate and change pedophiles in prisons or through programs (usually because its inherit and inherited and embedded in their own ****ed up childhoods). But it seems so wrong seeing these bogans picketing and petitioning for chemical castration, commenting on Facebook how we need the death penalty, and how the family of the victim should "have a room with him, with weapons, for an hour." It's just so ****ing animalistic and trashy, and it's something people will actually make a day of and enjoy: to hate someone and pour out all this vitriol when, in actuality, the whole idea of child abuse is extremely depressing. It shouldn't make you want to cut off someone's knackers with garden sears, it should make you empathetic to the victim.

Just horrible bogan shit, latching onto a group of reprehensible campaigners to take out their own anger. Does these vigilantes really care about the state of child abuse and its prevalence? Or do they just want to flog someone or have a group to rant to or belong to something or have a platform to exercise their ego?
This show is just ****** up, constantly appealling to base reactions. In a way, I always thought these shows profit off debilitating and reprehensible crimes. This Chris Hansen arseclown makes his millions as a result of children having their lives destroyed – even if the focus of the show isn't the victim.

It's pretty obvious when you watch this clip and see how they portray the suicide. Now the guy was a prick. And it's hard to feel much sadness for a guy who wrecked childhoods and whose acts will linger until these his victims lives are over. But the way they show him before he does himself, and then after he does, that whole "he was a lawyer; what a tragic loss" just shows how this turd of a thing just latches onto obvious emotions and gets continual viewership as a result of leeching onto really primitive instincts. It's just bogan TV.

It always interests me how much people enjoy hating pedophiles. I can't imagine the way it would change your life, being a victim to something that'll never leave you, and I believe it's almost impossible to rehabilitate and change pedophiles in prisons or through programs (usually because its inherit and inherited and embedded in their own ****** up childhoods). But it seems so wrong seeing these bogans picketing and petitioning for chemical castration, commenting on Facebook how we need the death penalty, and how the family of the victim should "have a room with him, with weapons, for an hour." It's just so ******* animalistic and trashy, and it's something people will actually make a day of and enjoy: to hate someone and pour out all this vitriol when, in actuality, the whole idea of child abuse is extremely depressing. It shouldn't make you want to cut off someone's knackers with garden sears, it should make you empathetic to the victim.

Just horrible bogan shit, latching onto a group of reprehensible campaigners to take out their own anger. Does these vigilantes really care about the state of child abuse and its prevalence? Or do they just want to flog someone or have a group to rant to or belong to something or have a platform to exercise their ego?

The South Park episode about him hits the nail on the head. He's just an arseh*le with a hero complex. He couldn't give two shits about the victims or solving the actual issues surrounding child molestation.
The other risk here is that the person they bait retaliates on the spot once they find out they've been set up, and goes postal on this bogan batman and his crew.

This is what I thought. However, there is a few things to consider in that particular scenario, firstly, the evil men were scrawny old men and on the most part these kind of criminals are usually cowards when confronted by other men. There was a fairly "biggish" guy that was only just briefly scene in the doco, Stinson being an antagonistic bogan wouldnt have had such bravado if it were not for his colleagues/friends backing him up. However, I do agree, that one day you could see someone getting the jump on them and retaliating. If you noticed in the doco, there was no "citizen's arrest" or physical force used to detain the criminals.

Im not calling them alleged criminals because in the UK, two or more contacts with an underage person of a sexual nature is considered grooming. (dont quote me on that, its only what I heard on the show) These evil men did groom and secondly they rocked up to the place of an underage girl knowing full well that she had stated her age as being around 12 via sms and that they also spoke to her, not to mention rocking up with alcohol too. No doubts about the phone contact either. With that said, someone could steal your phone and easily do this shit to you, but only a sexual pervert would actually rock up to the house if they had their phone returned to them after someone either pranked them or stole their phone.
Yes, obviously he has taken the time to make sure it's done properly. The risk is that he will inspire others to try doing it too, perhaps without first doing the research to ensure they (1) don't break any laws themselves; (2) come up with something which will actually be admissible as evidence; and (3) don't end up pointing the finger publicly at the wrong person.

It was well done and I think Stinson said that he is unemployed and doing this for free. It would be good if the authorities used him as a source of information and paid him some remuneration for his time. But he doesnt strike me as someone who wouldnt mind not being paid either, as long as these a-holes are convicted.

I could see how some idiots who watch this show get together with their friends and try and emulate Stinson. Im sure some could do just as good as job or better. I am confident some would also do a worse job and really f* it up.

It was good doco viewing seeing Stinson interrogate the criminals had me entertained for sure.

I do feel sorry for Stinson he is either a victim himself or someone very very close to him has had this shit happen to them.

Regardless of being a bogan, good on him for doing a good community service that the police cannot condone but maybe secretly on the quiet happy that he is doing what he is doing. It seemed a fairly simple setup I can see copycats.
It always interests me how much people enjoy hating pedophiles. I can't imagine the way it would change your life, being a victim to something that'll never leave you, and I believe it's almost impossible to rehabilitate and change pedophiles in prisons or through programs (usually because its inherit and inherited and embedded in their own ****** up childhoods). But it seems so wrong seeing these bogans picketing and petitioning for chemical castration, commenting on Facebook how we need the death penalty, and how the family of the victim should "have a room with him, with weapons, for an hour." It's just so ******* animalistic and trashy, and it's something people will actually make a day of and enjoy: to hate someone and pour out all this vitriol when, in actuality, the whole idea of child abuse is extremely depressing. It shouldn't make you want to cut off someone's knackers with garden sears, it should make you empathetic to the victim.

Just horrible bogan shit, latching onto a group of reprehensible campaigners to take out their own anger. Does these vigilantes really care about the state of child abuse and its prevalence? Or do they just want to flog someone or have a group to rant to or belong to something or have a platform to exercise their ego?

Having seen the effects of what these criminals do to people that I am close with. I am acutely aware of the long lasting damage that these monsters do to their victims. I am saddened at the impact it has had on so many victims in trusting people and having meaningful positive sexual relationships when they are older.

Ranting on FB or online forums outing someone, doesnt interest me but the siege mentality reminds of the weak at school being bullied. With that said, while everyone may have been wishing to inflict their own justice, in fairness to Stinson there was no physical altercations that he had with the criminals (well nothing we saw) and he spoke fairly professionally to the criminals when he outed them.

Im glad they did what they did and the outing of these criminals may scare some of them hopefully off in the future.

I did enjoy seeing the criminals busted and their pathetic excuse and reasoning. However, I had no inclination to want to do damage or harm to these criminals. The legal system in this case did work. I would like to see them registered as a sex offender though. I do commend Stinson for highlighting that there is a very seedy and dark underworld that prey on these innocent children.
The internet is now rife with so called 'creep catchers' and most of them are terrible. Watch the below video for how poorly this was handled. These guys don't give a shit about kids, but are mostly morons with a hero complex who get off on whatever little power they have.

Wow. Takes an absolute ****wit to make you not hate the sex predator out of 2 people...starts off with some weird as **** music intro, tells the guy "you don't have to fear for your safety" which is a good start, you'd expect the police to enter soon - nope, just pouring out abuse and telling him he better be nervous with 30,000 Surrey residents hating, so he does have to fear for his safety?
The internet is now rife with so called 'creep catchers' and most of them are terrible. Watch the below video for how poorly this was handled. These guys don't give a shit about kids, but are mostly morons with a hero complex who get off on whatever little power they have.

I lasted 90 seconds.

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