Drugs/doping in AFL

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Now that the Hickey rumor has been confirmed as cr@p we are back on track to get through an entire off season WITHOUT a scandal. Well done to the club on this.
Now that my anger over yesterday's decision has calmed :mad:. Im actually really appreciative that OUR Great Club has and always will play within the rules of our sport . :)
GET STUFFED ESSENDON , you are and will forever be seen as cheats . :mad:
Forever hold our heads high Sainters ! :D

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Now that my anger over yesterday's decision has calmed :mad:. Im actually really appreciative that OUR Great Club has and always will play within the rules of our sport . :)
GET STUFFED ESSENDON , you are and will forever be seen as cheats . :mad:
Forever hold our heads high Sainters ! :D
Except for that time we tried to sign a player without getting a clearance, but the courts sorted that one out for us.
All I took out of yesterday's reaction from Essendon was the general consensus of "I'm so happy i can play footy on the weekend, but i still dont know what they injected me with over that 18 month period, but it's all good because i trust James Hird, who knows nothing about the medical field, because he said everything would be ok..."

Please tell me i'm not the only one who is dumbfounded that something so serious is just brushed off this easily?
So just from piecing bits and pieces together:
The Chinese supplier said they sent dank TB4.
Consent forms/texts etc all relating to 'thymosin' injections.
The tribunal is satisfied that the substance wasn't TA1 - i.e. the legal thymosin.
The sample was analysed with a mass spectrometer and found to have properties consistent with TB4.
Tribunal is not comfortably satisfied that TB4 was present?

Is that just because it would be really 'uncomfortable' for the organisation who appointed and paid them?

Seems totally legit.:rolleyes:
All I took out of yesterday's reaction from Essendon was the general consensus of "I'm so happy i can play footy on the weekend, but i still dont know what they injected me with over that 18 month period, but it's all good because i trust James Hird, who knows nothing about the medical field, because he said everything would be ok..."

Please tell me i'm not the only one who is dumbfounded that something so serious is just brushed off this easily?

The players are just happy they are no longer suspended. They couldn't give two shits what was injected into them. It could be James Hird's shit directly injected into their veins and they wouldn't care.
morning all,
After a nite to think about all this I think it is time to wait and see what happens and start thinking a bit positively about our Sainters!

Its round 1 this weekend and while we are looking like having a tough year, our Club has taken a MASSIVE step forward over the offseason with a great bunch of kids coming through and looking to get game experience to help lift this club back into the finals!
I for 1 would love to see a bit more positivity in this forum as I think that its better for the club and us fans as a whole and will make this year a great one!

Who is with me???

It's destroyed my enthusiasm for football completely. Two day ago I was hanging out for sunday's game. Now I don't have the stomach for it. I hope the Saints go well but I don't really care any more. I'm seriously disenfranchised by the whole sport. Nothing about it looks like it's been sorted. The over all message from the AFL, ASADA, Essendon etc is that yeah they cheated but because they couldn't prove the players knew there is nothing to be done about it so lets start the season and get on with it. No thanks, you can all f$# off. Soccer is starting to look more attractive all of a sudden or VFL.
Oh, you of little faith. I have just read about ten pages of crappy posts from supposed supporters who all seem to suffer from premature ejaculation. Tom would be absolutely disgusted and I don't blame him one bit.
It probably was hence the secrets.

I heard a mexican mans scrotum was drained and directly injected into them or something so you never know.
So just from piecing bits and pieces together:
The Chinese supplier said they sent dank TB4.
Consent forms/texts etc all relating to 'thymosin' injections.
The tribunal is satisfied that the substance wasn't TA1 - i.e. the legal thymosin.
The sample was analysed with a mass spectrometer and found to have properties consistent with TB4.
Tribunal is not comfortably satisfied that TB4 was present?

Is that just because it would be really 'uncomfortable' for the organisation who appointed and paid them?

Seems totally legit.:rolleyes:

The problem seems to be that Alavi and Charters refused to provide evidence at the tribunal or even sign a written statement. The fact that their evidence couldn't be tested at the tribunal and under cross examination the outcome isn't that surprising at all. The issue is why did they provide ASADA with specific details but refuse to testify or sign off on those details....? The obvious answer is they received hush money and/or serious threats....likely of violence against them. ASADA really need to have coercive powers to subpoena witnesses.

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All I took out of yesterday's reaction from Essendon was the general consensus of "I'm so happy i can play footy on the weekend, but i still dont know what they injected me with over that 18 month period, but it's all good because i trust James Hird, who knows nothing about the medical field, because he said everything would be ok..."

Please tell me i'm not the only one who is dumbfounded that something so serious is just brushed off this easily?
Nope. You are spot on Rors
Staggered by the reaction on a few fronts. Injectors saying they've been proven innocent for one. Not enough proof because they shredded the evidence the day before self reporting. One player illness no matter how far ahead will bring a class action against Essendon IMO.
The problem seems to be that Alavi and Charters refused to provide evidence at the tribunal or even sign a written statement. The fact that their evidence couldn't be tested at the tribunal and under cross examination the outcome isn't that surprising at all. The issue is why did they provide ASADA with specific details but refuse to testify or sign off on those details....? The obvious answer is they received hush money and/or serious threats....likely of violence against them. ASADA really need to have coercive powers to subpoena witnesses.
AFAIK the original statements were introduced and used anyway.

Honestly, the AFL are too concerned with their bottom line for any level of meaningful integrity to exist. If the entire Collingwood list called a press conference where they all injected themselves with a clearly banned PED on live TV accompanied with sworn affidavits it was HGH or whatever the AFL would still rather sweep it under the rug than have one of the cash cow clubs/franchises take a hit.

Disgusting organisation. And they won't be getting a cent of my money again.
Completely disagree with you. Essendon had systematic and widespread cheating, where they injected players thousands of times, trying for advantage over all other clubs. They have destroyed all records, deleted computer medical reports, refused to give evidence, stymied the process the entire way and then they get off. Saad gets 18 months for an infraction that is legal on all other days. The two Collingwood players are reported to be looking at from 2-4 years suspension, yet Essendon had a chemical factory going and they get off.

Can appreciate that everyone wants the football on and for this to go away, but what a disgusting taste this leaves in everyone's mouth, where Essendon have cheated and got away with it. Unfortunately Essendon and the AFL have constructed the result they both wanted. I hope WADA appeals this and Essendon have to answer to a real inquiry and not one manipulated by Essendon and the AFL.

So much this...

The only reason they got let off is because the tribunal felt that they did not have enough evidence.

And that's the big problem here, when all evidence is shredded and the culprits are not required to talk.

Yes, the AFL will be happy to move on. But I hope like hell that WADA step in. Merely saying that we should put it behind us like saying "hey I killed him 50 years ago, so lets move on".

Utter bullshit.

If Essendon are innocent, let them prove it in a proper court of law... then I'll be satisfied one way or the other.

Until then, there is a shadow cast over the game.

I am surprised that no one has yet to be found negligent about this, as well as breaching a duty of care.

How the feck can they argue that they were unaware what the injections were on one hand, and then argue that they didn't inject any banned substances on the other??

You either know what went in them or you don't. Simple. Now if you don't then at the very least you fess up and take accountability for what you did. If it is proven that everything was legal, then great. If not, then you argue that you were not aware of it and try your luck in court.

A total shambles. And those calling for this to be over, when there is no clear proof either way, are also a disgrace. The matter should be open until there is conclusive proof one way or the other.
A total shambles. And those calling for this to be over, when there is no clear proof either way, are also a disgrace. The matter should be open until there is conclusive proof one way or the other.
The people saying 'it's good for the game and now we can get on with the season' just don't get sport. This is abysmal for the actual game.
Double jeopardy is mostly a US thing where if you are tried twice and found innocent they can't retry you. I don't think we have it anywhere in Australia. If you were tried twice in court and new evidence turns up 20 years later after 2 trials I think you are still fair game here.

On this case I don't think they need new evidence but they would probably want to get some extra powers added to ASADA so they can force Dank, Alavi and Charters to testify. I think most people feel they have worked the system in their favour rather than been exonerated. Steven Milne faced people's justice for his entire career. I hope the opposition fans give the Bombers players and Hird the same venomous vitriol Milne copped for his entire career.

Essendon know they can bully the government departments who need to work with in tight budgets. ASADA probably can't afford to pursue it, they really need WADA to step in with a wider term of reference.
there are other avenues. For example, if and when Workcover gets off its bottom and starts doing its job, it will be able to pursue this evidence. Hal Hunter is pursuing this evidence. At some stage the truth might come out. The players are safe unless a rehearing is ordered by the appeal, but the truth will never be suppressed.
All I took out of yesterday's reaction from Essendon was the general consensus of "I'm so happy i can play footy on the weekend, but i still dont know what they injected me with over that 18 month period, but it's all good because i trust James Hird, who knows nothing about the medical field, because he said everything would be ok..."

Please tell me i'm not the only one who is dumbfounded that something so serious is just brushed off this easily?

Entitlement , Arrogance, Power, High official connections with Australian Sport, we continue to forget
AFL is a business, when there is a potential hit to the business financially if Essendon goes down .
Together with media focus Example post announcement
Sen went with the following people to comment.

Scott Lucas
Robert Shaw
Rohan Connolly
Mark Robinson
James Hird
and then Little who at the final summation stated that Asada needs to address its systems.
If it had been Stkilda, Bulldogs, North Melbourne there would have been no tears just a cremation
Essendon story has holes all through it.

Or is that essendon players have holes all through them....


Ben McDevitt alluded to thousands of injections again today, disgraceful.
AFAIK the original statements were introduced and used anyway.

Honestly, the AFL are too concerned with their bottom line for any level of meaningful integrity to exist. If the entire Collingwood list called a press conference where they all injected themselves with a clearly banned PED on live TV accompanied with sworn affidavits it was HGH or whatever the AFL would still rather sweep it under the rug than have one of the cash cow clubs/franchises take a hit.

Disgusting organisation. And they won't be getting a cent of my money again.
There have been 0 positive tests. 0. Let WADA/ASADA appeal, sure, but if they can't overturn the decision, then this is an issue to do with OH&S/WorkSafe, not breaches of anti-doping policies.
Watching Hird choke up and say he's so sorry... for not doing anything wrong at all.

Get stuffed, Hird. You and your club are a disgrace, and you've made the AFL a disgrace of an organisation. This game is forever tainted now by your filth.

I so hope this groundswell of opposition fans boycotting Essendon games gains traction. Man, I hope the Hawks start a trend, and it becomes seen as dirty, a bit ugly, a bit immoral to go to an Essendon game. Hopefully, when ticket sales start to be effected, then the AFL will realise the disgust felt by the general footy populace. It's just sad that something like ticket sales would be the only way to motivate the AFL - integrity has no place.

Oh, and you can stick your attempts at being the moral-arbiters of our time, AFL. Any credibility you had to have this or that awareness game or whatever is gone. It's just hypocrisy, complete and utter hypocrisy.
There have been 0 positive tests. 0. Let WADA/ASADA appeal, sure, but if they can't overturn the decision, then this is an issue to do with OH&S/WorkSafe, not breaches of anti-doping policies.
I think the burden of proof should be reversed. That is, any substance introduced intravenously will be assumed to be illegal unless you can prove otherwise.

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