Society/Culture Feminism part 1 - continued in part 2

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I do find it interesting we hardly hear this when someone is randomly bashed.

Not sure whether or not that is the case, but I would say that they too have obligation to take necessary precautions to keep themselves safe (well, maybe not an obligation - they can do whatever they want - but there are situations that they can put themselves in that will increase the risk).

A good example - when I was living in London, my brother and one of his friends came over to visit. We were all out drinking one night and I piked it pretty early, but they kicked on. The pub was only a 20-25 minute walk from home, but I told them that there had been quite a bit of violence in that area recently, so it would be best if they got a taxi home. They didn't. They decided to walk home and got jumped by a group of 6 or 7 people and were bashed and robbed.

In the morning I saw them and asked what happened. They told me and I let them know how stupid they were (victim blaming on my part, for sure). They put themselves in a position of increased risk - it certainly wasn't their fault that a group of dickheads bashed them, but they could have done more to protect themselves.
Earlier this week, SJWs went after "Australia's angriest coach" Alastair Clarkson, suggesting that his actions perpetuated a "one-punch culture", and, anyway, where does a man in his position get off walking alone at night?!

This week, SJWs are outraged over the Albury mayor's comments that women shouldn't walk alone at night, these comments perpetuate a "rape culture," they say, and where does this mayor get off, telling women they shouldn't walk alone at night?!

The sick, diseased cognitive dissonance of the SJW in all its ugly, black-framed glasses-wearing glory. If only they could see themselves as others see them.
Only in your mind are angry midget coaches and mayors **** shaming, and blaming women for rapes, comparable.

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Earlier this week, SJWs went after "Australia's angriest coach" Alastair Clarkson, suggesting that his actions perpetuated a "one-punch culture", and, anyway, where does a man in his position get off walking alone at night?!

This week, SJWs are outraged over the Albury mayor's comments that women shouldn't walk alone at night, these comments perpetuate a "rape culture," they say, and where does this mayor get off, telling women they shouldn't walk alone at night?!

The sick, diseased cognitive dissonance of the SJW in all its ugly, black-framed glasses-wearing glory. If only they could see themselves as others see them.
Dumbest parallel ever drawn on BigFooty. Ever. And you're competing with tesseract.
So, it turns out that Albury sexual assault case was a false allegation. Silly girl.

When a claim is proven false, the one(s) making the claim should face the same punishment that would've been meted out upon the accused/defendant if he/she were to be found guilty. If feminists cry out for justice for female victims of sexual assault and rape, why are not the very same feminists demanding justice for the falsely accused of these crimes? Where's the equality, feminists? Where's the equal justice? Why the silence?

The attitude coming from feminists is that women should be believed when it comes to such serious matters. And if she's found to be lying, a few innocent men getting caught up in the legal and social meat grinder is a small price to pay for the empowerment women receive upon being believed, as it helps more women to come forward. No wonder feminists want the presumption of truth for women's claims on these matters, for on top of the punishment for making a false report being rarely, if ever, administered, having her claim taken at face value equates to her empowerment to act out vindictive, scornful, malicious retribution upon her target with impunity. So there's no disincentive for women to not have go at some spiteful shenanigans taking this route.

10 Reasons false rape accusations are common
I don't think I was at school the day they taught me not to rape, but I just learned it from somewhere, somehow.

If males don't require educational institutions to be taught that rape is wrong and not to do it, then why are feminists still spouting "teach men not to rape"?

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Dumbest parallel ever drawn on BigFooty. Ever. And you're competing with tesseract.

Turned out to be a very silly parallel indeed - only one of them was a victim!

Now, there's been much wailing and gnashing of teeth from all those obviously very honest, non-agenda driven SJWs this week, as they tried to brow-beat apologies out of people who owed them no apology whatsoever (Samantha Armytage, Alastair Clarkson), do we think these honest and non-agenda driven groups will now seek one from the Albury girl for causing the incrimination of three innocent men and tying up police resources in the process?

Rhetorical question. We all know the answer.

tesseract Do you believe women invite rape?

Time to let it go champ. You're starting to sound like Rain Man.
Turned out to be a very silly parallel indeed - only one of them was a victim!

Now, there's been much wailing and gnashing of teeth from all those obviously very honest, non-agenda driven SJWs this week, as they tried to brow-beat apologies out of people who owed them no apology whatsoever (Samantha Armytage, Alastair Clarkson), do we think these honest and non-agenda driven groups will now seek one from the Albury girl for causing the incrimination of three innocent men and tying up police resources in the process?

You're saying the critics of Clarkson are the same as the ones who criticised the mayor? C'mon. You're smashing 2 completely different things together and the only thing you're accomplishing is making others realise you think handling drunk morons and gang rape are comparable.

You're from the Bolt school. You lump widely different things under the same nonsense heading (e.g. "SJWs", "the left"). It's just you reflecting a reliance on tabloids for your information.
You're saying the critics of Clarkson are the same as the ones who criticised the mayor? C'mon. You're smashing 2 completely different things together and the only thing you're accomplishing is making others realise you think handling drunk morons and gang rape are comparable.

You're from the Bolt school. You lump widely different things under the same nonsense heading (e.g. "SJWs", "the left"). It's just you reflecting a reliance on tabloids for your information.

Let's examine the four issues - all from this week - logically and rationally then, shall we?

1. Alastair Clarkson defends himself by pushing away a threatening drunkard yelling in his face and invading his personal space.

2. Samantha Armytage says "good on her" to a fair-skinned, red-haired woman.

3. Kevin Mack, the previously unblemished mayor of Albury, utters a few naive - albeit well-intentioned - words about sexual assault.

4. A girl, by all reports, makes a false rape allegation, and allows the police to launch a full-scale investigation on it for two days. During this time, identikit photos of three completely innocent men are released to the public.

Which of these four "trangressions," is by far the most serious? (That's another rhetorical question by the way.)

SJW's everywhere - and I don't care if they're not the same people, what counts is they're cut from the same cloth - have been frothing at the mouth all week demanding apologies from individuals 1, 2 and 3.

Number 4? Defeaning silence.

If you, a seemingly literate person, do not believe that illustrates the depths of degeneracy to which these groups have plummeted our nation's discourse, I'd question your sanity.
Let's examine the four issues - all from this week - logically and rationally then, shall we?
But, why though? These issues are all about different things and would have aroused reactions from very different groups of people.

But you just lumped them all under "SJWs". It's conceptual leveling; Bolt does it and its stupid. His followers do it (as you've proven), and its just as stupid.
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