Marriage equality debate - The plebiscite is on its way. (Cont in Pt 3)

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That wasn't a recent poll, and you shouldn't be surprised to find out religious people are the main ones who would back a No vote. Ever heard of Fred Nile?
Yeh actually,it was.
It was done after the recent Ariana Grande concert muslim terrorist massacre of innocent young,mostly girls.
It also asked if Muslims would report people they knew of involved in terrorist activities,50% of respondents also said they would not report.
Essentially half of British Muslims support Muslim terrorism in their own country!
Scary numbers I would have thought given Mohammed is the most popular name now in London.
Multicultural suicide!

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Just on polling - has this country's pollsters ever had to predict or take into account that voting is optional?

This must be a hard thing for foreign pollsters to try and determine. Its effectively 2 questions - will you vote, how will you vote

Guess a postal vote over a period of time takes out of the equation the impact of bad weather on a specific polling day. Doesnt though address the cant be bothered factor
The youth have mobilised and being for gay marriage doesnt mean you are accepting of gays in general. Australia is all about a fair go and even homophobes like blokey blokes who are atheists but cant stand the sissiness of gays will vote for gay marriage even if they find gays or gay sex icky. The no votes will come exclusively from religious people who (wrongly) believe that having gay marriage means sticking the finger up to them so they must vote against it. This vote will get up 70/30 in yes favour imo.
Also I think its hilarious watching lefties lose their shit because of the sky writer in Sydney telling people to vote no, when every second city mailbox is covered in rainbow chalk telling people to vote yes. But I guess we should all discuss this in the 'hypocrisy of the left' thread.
Firstly, who is losing their shit? The dumb campaigner just pissed their money against the wall.

Secondly, the messages are not equal. One is bigoted, the other isn't.
Just on polling - has this country's pollsters ever had to predict or take into account that voting is optional?

This must be a hard thing for foreign pollsters to try and determine. Its effectively 2 questions - will you vote, how will you vote

Guess a postal vote over a period of time takes out of the equation the impact of bad weather on a specific polling day. Doesn't though address the cant be bothered factor

Perhaps if the question were better framed, so as to be more appealing to the masses:

Righteous = Yes
Indignant = No

The youth have mobilised and being for gay marriage doesnt mean you are accepting of gays in general. Australia is all about a fair go and even homophobes like blokey blokes who are atheists but cant stand the sissiness of gays will vote for gay marriage even if they find gays or gay sex icky. The no votes will come exclusively from religious people who (wrongly) believe that having gay marriage means sticking the finger up to them so they must vote against it. This vote will get up 70/30 in yes favour imo.
You're not quite correct there. My husband's a homophobic blokey bloke atheist and can't stand the sissiness of gays, and has voted "no" because he finds gays yucky and not right in the head. I'm sure there are plenty more like him.


Its actually a clever tactic by No to lock in the religious vote.

They can pretend that it is a sign from god demanding the religious sheep Vote No.

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i voted NO. Is that ok?

That's your right, we live in a democracy and you have the right to choose to vote however you like.

However, I also believe that in a democracy that gays should also have the same rights to marry as anyone else. I just won't tolerate bigots, homophobes and bible thumpers who choose no because they are intolerable nasty pieces of filth and are frightened of gays like they have some kind of a disease or something.
That's your right, we live in a democracy and you have the right to choose to vote however you like.

However, I also believe that in a democracy that gays should also have the same rights to marry as anyone else. I just won't tolerate bigots, homophobes and bible thumpers who choose no because they are intolerable nasty pieces of filth and are frightened of gays like they have some kind of a disease or something.
does voting no make me one of these: "bigot, homophobe or bible thumper"?
Should also add if you vote no because you believe marriage is between a man and a woman, also fine. Who am I to say you shouldn't act to your beliefs?

I do have an issue at that belief denying rights to a group, but in the end you cannot make everyone agree to everything.
Almost certainly yes.
I have absolutely no issue with same sex relationships or the LGBI community, but after living my entire life in a religious sphere my personal view is the union of marriage should be reserved for a man and a women. However, I fully respect that a large proportion of Australians will base their opinion on other factors and will make a different choice. I just hope I am forwarded the same level of respect to have a different view.
I have absolutely no issue with same sex relationships or the LGBI community, but after living my entire life in a religious sphere my personal view is the union of marriage should be reserved for a man and a women. However, I fully respect that a large proportion of Australians will base their opinion on other factors and will make a different choice. I just hope I am forwarded the same level of respect to have a different view.
Go for it.

Why are you trying to deny me my right to believe those who use your reasoning are bigoted?
I have absolutely no issue with same sex relationships or the LGBI community, but after living my entire life in a religious sphere my personal view is the union of marriage should be reserved for a man and a women. However, I fully respect that a large proportion of Australians will base their opinion on other factors and will make a different choice. I just hope I am forwarded the same level of respect to have a different view.
I am not religious my self but it is so disrespectful for people to just expect others views that they have held their entire lives to change so abruptly.
The youth have mobilised and being for gay marriage doesnt mean you are accepting of gays in general. Australia is all about a fair go and even homophobes like blokey blokes who are atheists but cant stand the sissiness of gays will vote for gay marriage even if they find gays or gay sex icky. The no votes will come exclusively from religious people who (wrongly) believe that having gay marriage means sticking the finger up to them so they must vote against it. This vote will get up 70/30 in yes favour imo.
Youth have moblised


Youth need a whip hand to actually go through the effort of voting

Im not convinced our polling has taken into account uncertainty over people actually taking trouble of lodging a postal vote
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