Weight Training: Anything and Everything

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Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I used to love this. Especially on my 'light' day. Because light day for me is Good Morning day.

After I worked my way up to 100kg for 10 horizontal performed reps, and grunting hard at every rep, I certainly had their attention.

Hell, I probably had more bulging muscle in my lumbers then they did in their biceps.

100x10, you must be squatting 200-250?


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Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Just came back from the gym, worked legs and abs.

Sick of the quad dominance over my hams.

I do the extend 1 second, hold, retract for a duration of 2 seconds. dunno if this is better then a quick 1-2 but its something that has been recommended.

But anyway, saw the short, arragont, cocky,smartass powerlifter. He used to always argue with the trainers there and wouldn't accept he was wrong.

Saw one of those guys who take their mates along and show off infront of them. Went on the row and put the weights at about 80 kgs. pretty much used his lower back and legs to push to get momentum and gave a lazy quick pullback, which would have done nothing but slightlt exercise the forearms and hurt hiw lower back. at least his mates looked impressed.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Saw one of those guys who take their mates along and show off infront of them. Went on the row and put the weights at about 80 kgs. pretty much used his lower back and legs to push to get momentum and gave a lazy quick pullback, which would have done nothing but slightlt exercise the forearms and hurt hiw lower back. at least his mates looked impressed.
Yeah there's a few of those guys at every gym I've been to; take a few of your smaller, less experienced mates and show them how big and strong you are.

Most of the trainers at my gym are like this. Literally every single exercise they do, they use more weight than they can handle. For Seated rows, they put a 20kg plate on top of the 100kg weight stack and use their lower back and legs, as you've said. They use the same amount of weight for Lat Pulldowns and absolutely swing the shit out of it; I doubt their Lats would be worked in the slightest. I could list nearly every exercise and tell you why they do it wrong, and clearly train for their own ego.

It's hilarious, as I've heard one of them (and the worst offender) telling clients "it's all about building mass", which is ironic because:

1) PTs are supposed to listen to what their clients want to achieve, not tell them.
2) These guys aren't much bigger than the average guy, and smaller than myself and several other guys in the gym.
3) Their way of working out is clearly not going to achieve optimum mass development.

They have no clue, in summary.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

100x10, you must be squatting 200-250?


At the time I hit 150kg pretty easy weighing only low 80 kgs and had my goals on 180 a few months later but stuffed my knee pretty bad when i bent down to do up my shoe lace during a game of touch footy!

Went from 150kg to struggling to do a half squat with the bar. Had to lift my leg to get it into and out of the car.

Then got a nasty nasty tropical virus/infection/something that knocked me around badly for 8-10 months that put paid to any kinda training at all.

Got the bug again and I'm ready to rumble. Have fallen down the ladder somewhat in strength but hopefully that can change.

I may even post my numbers - pretty bad at the mo! - and my training program as I try to climb back up to a descent level again.

We'll see.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Got a plan to ease your way back into training?

Yeah, basic routine and slowly add workload.

Using my fav Bill Starr basic routine at moment. Will be slow cause im trying to lose bodyfat at same time so on low calorie diet. Trying to keep it under 1800cal per day. For me not easy!

3 whole body workouts per week, heavy light medium. And work so hard on the final set on the heavy day that my eyes will cross on the final set.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I'm going to start a supplement regime like this dude:

Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I'm going to start a supplement regime like this dude:


What is that guy eating? They look like maltesers..

Good to see him having his injections to prevent him from getting sick
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

I use dat dere cell tech
I see this joke used in nearly every thread on Bodybuilding.com; where's the humour?

I assume it's basically 'taking the piss' out of the stereotypical gym nuffie that thinks they'll be Mr Olympia if they use the right supplements?

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Re: Protein & Other Supplements


My lifts have plateud and I don't seem to be getting as strong as I was when taking creatine and protein supplements.

I havn't taken any cre/pro for about 4 weeks now, is that a major reason?

When you're stuck for 6 months,start looking into it.4 weeks is nothing,i go through stages of lifting less for weeks at a time.It just happens
Re: Protein & Other Supplements


My lifts have plateud and I don't seem to be getting as strong as I was when taking creatine and protein supplements.

I havn't taken any cre/pro for about 4 weeks now, is that a major reason?


You go through peaks and troughs. No powder or supplement (barring some serious injectables) would help you there, I'd wager.

My way of increasing a lift that won't budge is this:

1. Take a week off lifting all together to allow your body and central nervous system some recovery. This is vital.

2. When you get back into it, max at a weight that is about 70% of the max weight you were doing previously and build back up to what you were doing over the course of 2 to 3 weeks.

3. After the 2-3 weeks, you should re-hit your previous max and if you've trained hard enough and eaten properly, you should be able to put more on the bar after than to get above your previous best.

The moral here is it all takes time and sweat. No supplement will really help you get over a plateau.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

i'm not a fan of taking full weeks off hut i am a big fan of deload weeks where you decrease volume (sets and reps) by 40% while maintaining load (weight lifted) as best as you feel you can
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

i'm not a fan of taking full weeks off hut i am a big fan of deload weeks where you decrease volume (sets and reps) by 40% while maintaining load (weight lifted) as best as you feel you can
I do that (by instinct, rather than going by anything I've read) every now and then. Am doing it right now, actually, as I'm still recovering from a nasty flu where I lost over 4 kilos.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

a 4kg flu? that's ordinary...i'm lucky i don't get sick even though i'm around clients all day...i don't have 4kg to spare unfortunatley
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Have already re-gained 1.5 kilos from what I lost.

I never really get sick, as I look after myself pretty well. However this flu was bloody awful; delirious, loss of appetite, unable to sleep, vomiting, absolutely no energy (obviously).

My shirts are suddenly looser, and the loss is very visible (to me at least).

I'm eating like crazy at the moment, whilst still easing back into training. Next week I aim to return to 100% intensity; within two weeks, I aim to be back up to around 92-93kg. :thumbsu:

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