Conspiracy Theory Who here has changed their opinion that human CO2 emissions are the main cause of global warming?

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Is this to make us laugh? Getting rid of daylight savings won't actually remove a extra hour of sunlight. In relation to droughts, they can come and go... That article was in 2008, since then they have had an enormous amount of rain ending their drought. It shows that people shouldn't panic and should make most of the times when there is plenty of rain and set themselves up for the times when it doesn't.

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Re: Who here has changed their opinion that human CO2 emissions are the main cause of global warming

It's all a conspiracy. CSIRO, the UN & every other credible institution must be working with the Muslims to install a new world order... Or something like that


Deep breath....



The Muslims and the new world order.....hahahahahahahahahahaha
I call bullshit.
I reckon it's gold the author put his name on it....:D
The true horror is that Chris's parents are probably very proud of him.

I think I can remember seeing these headlines in the early 90s, again in the early 00s and it has again resurfaced. We still have a ski season, based on the figures the amount of snow has actually been pretty constant over the last decade, yet we still give valuable column space to alarmists like Sophie Gosper.

Whilst I think Australian resorts are too expensive I rest easy knowing full well that we will still have a ski industry in this country in 2022.

I think I can remember seeing these headlines in the early 90s, again in the early 00s and it has again resurfaced. We still have a ski season, based on the figures the amount of snow has actually been pretty constant over the last decade, yet we still give valuable column space to alarmists like Sophie Gosper.

Whilst I think Australian resorts are too expensive I rest easy knowing full well that we will still have a ski industry in this country in 2022.
Am I missing something???... all it says is ENVIRONMENTAL researchers say the end of Australia's ski culture is in sight.... why?
I'd be pretty confident that it will still be going strong in 2122 let alone 10 years from now.
The only way they won't have snow at Perisher is if the ice melts at Antarctica and the temperature there goes up about 15 degrees... and that's not likely to happen for a very long time, if ever.
Am I missing something???... all it says is ENVIRONMENTAL researchers say the end of Australia's ski culture is in sight.... why?
I'd be pretty confident that it will still be going strong in 2122 let alone 10 years from now.
The only way they won't have snow at Perisher is if the ice melts at Antarctica and the temperature there goes up about 15 degrees... and that's not likely to happen for a very long time, if ever.
That's my point we've kept getting the view of the environmentalists shoved down our throats for the last 20 years about how bad everything is going to be, yet their predictions are not coming true, so all they do is push the timeline out another 10 or 20 years.
That's my point we've kept getting the view of the environmentalists shoved down our throats for the last 20 years about how bad everything is going to be, yet their predictions are not coming true, so all they do is push the timeline out another 10 or 20 years.
That's why they give long term predictions... because people forget or won't be around then.
What they need to do is black ban the people or groups who make these statements about the future and make them accountable. So called "Environmentalists" have caused more damage around the world than anyone. They should be called what they really are "Anti Humanists".
And herein lies the problem with relying on media reports to inform oneself about science. The last few post fail on so, so many levels...

Slax confirms his biases by recalling headlines from years back but a even a simple reading of the quoted comments from Prof. Pickering simply do not support the headline. Nowhere in the article does the good professor claim that snow-cover would be "gone" by 2020, rather that it would be drastically reduced, with 60% being the upper limit. Newspaper headlines aren't a good way to understand science. Newspaper articles aren't much better. I've found that a good rule when you hear incredulous claims is to go back to the source, not the paraphrases set up by journalists and editors, and see what the source actually says. This is a better way to measure the claims than simply and uncritically accepting interpretations in the media.

So, being the intrepid little investigator that I am, I decided to track down the source of the quote for myself and quickly came across the press release from Griffith Uni and was able to compare what Prof Pickering said comapred to the way the Australian chose to report it.

Here's how the Oz reported Pickering's comments:

"We've predicted by 2020 to lose something like 60 per cent of the snow cover of the Australian Alps," Professor Pickering, from the Griffith School of Environment, said.
"Unfortunately because our current emissions and our current rises in temperatures are at the high end of the predictions, it's definitely coming to us sooner and faster."
Professor Pickering researched the effects of declining snow cover and hotter summers on the Australian Alps and says this year's better than average season has been a one-off combination of La Nina and a cold snap.

"We'll still occasionally have good years, but they'll become less frequent," she said. "A poor year in the past will be a good year now."

Now compare and contrast with the press release they selectively snipped her comments from:

Researchers have found Australian skiers may need to head overseas in search of higher ground thanks to global warming.

Griffith’s Associate Professor Catherine Pickering has researched the effects of declining snow cover and hotter summers on the Australian Alps.

Snow cover is already declining in Australia’s alpine regions, and the trend is expected to continue. The average snow cover at Spencer’s Creek in the Snowy Mountains, the highest altitude snow course in Australia, has declined by 30 overall and 40% in spring over the last 50 years.

Associate Professor Catherine Pickering said the alpine region is one of Australia’s areas most threatened by climate change and reliance on snow-making is not financially or economically sustainable.

“We’ve predicted by 2020 to lose something like 60% of the snow cover of the Australian Alps,” she said.

“Unfortunately because our current emissions and our current rises in temperatures are at the high end of the predictions, it’s definitely coming to us sooner and faster.

“In a few years the amount of water that ski resorts will need to make snow is going to exceed the amount of water that’s used by Canberra. And it looks like we are heading back towards dry conditions, so where will they get the water?”

Changes we are already seeing including snow melting earlier in spring, increased risk of fires, migratory animals arriving earlier, plants flowering earlier and more weeds and feral animals.

“This region is already dealing with climate change. It’s not an abstract issue or a matter of debate. Its reality for those living and working in Australia’s snow country, said Griffith’s Associate Professor Catherine Pickering.

“For them, the debate is about the success of different strategies that are already using to deal with climate change, such as snow making, promoting summer tourism, fire management and dealing with feral animals and weeds. That’s what resorts, parks, local government and researchers are talking about.”

So even when Pickering says that snow cover is set to decline by 60% the context (lost in the Oz's reporting of the issue) is clear, she is referring to the baseline from which we've already lost 30%. Rather than snow being "gone" by 2020, as the headline so sensationally screams, we know now that the claim is that snow cover will have reduced by up to 30% of current levels. Not quite as sensational as we might have been led to belive, should we form our opinions on newspaper headlines alone, and not at all outside of the scope of possibility in light of precipitation trends in South East Australia over the last three decades.

That's my point we've kept getting the view of the environmentalists shoved down our throats for the last 20 years about how bad everything is going to be, yet their predictions are not coming true, so all they do is push the timeline out another 10 or 20 years.

See, this is just raging confirmation bias of the highest order. Your basing your opinions on your recollections of what newspaper headlines said 10 or 20 years ago, which we've already demonstrated are highly inaccurate and misleading sources of information, and on that basis dismissing the projections of an entire field of science. When, in fact, if you look at just about any meaningful measure you care to mention, changes are being observed to happen much faster than ever predicted by scientists (not headlines) 10 or 20 years ago. This is a demonstrable fact
That's why they give long term predictions... because people forget or won't be around then.
What they need to do is black ban the people or groups who make these statements about the future and make them accountable. So called "Environmentalists" have caused more damage around the world than anyone. They should be called what they really are "Anti Humanists".

A timely piece from John Cook of Skeptical Science, via

A growing body of research has found that when a person’s worldview is threatened by scientific evidence, they interpret the science in a biased manner. One issue where this influence is strongest is climate change.
For supporters of an unregulated free market, regulating polluting industries to reduce global warming is so unpalatable that they are far more likely to reject that climate change is happening.
The mechanism by which ideology such as this influences our scientific views is confirmation bias. We place greater weight on evidence that confirms our beliefs, while ignoring or resisting conflicting evidence. This can be a challenge when confronted with a convergence of evidence and a scientific consensus, but confirmation bias is up to the task. Let’s look at some examples.
The most common manifestation of confirmation bias is cherry picking, where one carefully selects a small piece of data that paints a friendly picture and overlooks any inconvenient evidence.

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I'm a climate change skeptic. Sue me.

I'd just like the models to come close to matching the results before I concede they know what's happening well enough to get worked up about it. (releasing the code behind those models to open review would help too)

I know, crazy talk, and I'm clearly a denialist nutter.
Human c02 emissions are not the main cause of global warming, the silly man they call Dan is right,on that point. However the continual use of fossil fuels that release co2 into the atmosphere are nails in our coffin.

We have all but wiped out this planets ability to regulate the atmosphere. The shit just gonna keep building up, as we burn it. As its an element that retains energy, with it being in our atmosphere, not only will it hold what energy escapes this eco system, it will also digest energy from the sun.
Gore at Davos: “Extreme weather events which are now a hundred times more common than 30 years ago”..utter lies •January 29, 2014 • 2 Comments
Extreme weather events including typhoon Haiyan and superstorm Sandy are proving a “gamechanger” for public awareness of the threat posed by climate change, Al Gore said on Friday.
The former US vice-president, speaking to delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos, said: “I think that these extreme weather events which are now a hundred times more common than 30 years ago are really waking people’s awareness all over the world [on climate change], and I think that is a gamechanger. It comes about, of course, because we continue to put 90 million tonnes of global warming pollution into the atmosphere every day, as if it’s an open sewer.”
But he said the falling price of solar and wind power gave hope for efforts to tackle climate change.
“There’s a second gamechanger, that is that the cost down-curve for photovoltaic electricity and, to a lesser extent, wind. In 13 countries, the price of solar is cheaper than or equal to the [electricity] grid average price.” He claimed that within a decade most people would live in regions where that was true, and said of the falling costs of the technologies: “It is very impressive and it is opening up great opportunities for the world to solve climate change.”
Speaking alongside Gore, Bill Gates said that climate change was a very important challenge but still had “an awareness problem.” The former Microsoft CEO and philantropist said that the issues of climate change and development were interlinked, and that a focus on climate change should not take away from the development agenda.
But he warned that growing prosperity as a result of development efforts could worsen global warming emissions, if energy was not generated in a clean way. “As the poorest are being lifted up, as they’re getting lights and refrigerators, we are going to use more energy. There’s not a scenario here where we use less energy. We have to make the energy we use not emit any greenhouse gases, particularly CO2.”
Gore said that businesses were beginning to show leadership on climate change but many still do not. He added that support from government was vital for business. “Even with business leadership, we will need governmental actions, we need to put a price on carbon, we need to put a price on [climate change] denial in politics,” he said at the WEF panel on climate change, which also included the Nigerian finance minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon.

In 2007 Al Gore Predicts No Arctic Ice In 2013 and Fails
Makes a fatal error
Advocates “fertility management” in Africa
Al Gore started to talk around 14:55 in the video above and advocated “fertility management” in Africa, something that sounds scary. You could think that he has explicitly talked about forced sterilization but he actually hasn’t – he has left the issue of the methods ambiguous. At any rate, it is very clear that he is obsessed with the idea of the reduction of the number of Africans and in this sense, he is no different than the German Nazis who wanted to gradually phase out Slavs on their stolen territories.
It is impossible not to think that there’s some racism and stunning hypocrisy if a jerk who has produced four children is “working” on the reduction of the number of newborn babies in a completely different nation.
And let me tell you something. Africa as a continent isn’t and, in a foreseeable future, won’t be overpopulated. There is one billion people (it should be still below 1.4 billion in 2025) living in Africa whose area is 30 million squared kilometers. So the average population density is the same 30+ people as you may find in the U.S. – which is “like” one-third of Africa, both when it comes to the population and the territory.
To compare, the population density is 130+ in Czechia, 490+ in the Netherlands, and 7,700+ people per square kilometer in Singapore. (Monaco with 18,000+ and Macau with 20,000+ are too small to be taken seriously but Singapore has over 5 million people.)
The continuing relative poverty of Africa isn’t caused by overpopulation. It isn’t caused by the continent’s inability to provide the people with the resources. It is mostly due to the insufficient sophistication of their economies which is linked to poor education systems and perhaps their lower economic potential. But whatever the GDP or IQ or economic potential is, they are still people and should be sort of free.
Al Gore likes to liken climate skeptics to some unpopular groups – “homophobes”, alcoholics, and others. His explanations for these analogies are extremely contrived; they really make no sense. He is just calling other people names. His problem is that his similarities to Adolf Hitler are not contrived at all because he is proposing some almost identical policies that as the Nazi leader did.
hes bullshitting..there are not more extreme events at all..thats an outright lie..but he has form for lies as we see above..look at the graph with all the modelling in it..they are all WRONG with their predictions..all of them..but as the gap widens the IPCC comes out with its higher “certainty” percentage which is based on?..nothing..certainly not on the facts and figures eh?​
hes contradicting latest actual IPCC findings that AGW cannot be connected to individual extreme events and linking sandy and haiyan is incorrect..sweet irony that the IPCC shows up his myths..​
love the article telling al hes a hypocrite for having 4 kids but telling others in africa to stop having them..such pious w***ers these warmists..​
reality check for al right here:​
those graphs spell the death knell for al and his religious zealots..and bust his lies wide open..​
there is actually an extreme record that has been broken in the USA..the coldest winter since 1979..​
I'd just like the models to come close to matching the results before I concede they know what's happening well enough to get worked up about it. (releasing the code behind those models to open review would help too)

I know, crazy talk, and I'm clearly a denialist nutter.
We have been through this before, much of the code for major past modelling is now open access.

Why keep repeating the same lie, over and over and over.......
We have been through this before, much of the code for major past modelling is now open access.

Why keep repeating the same lie, over and over and over.......

The code released doesn't fit the results.

Do you really not see this as a problem?
I don't know if anthropocentric climate change is a real thing or not - I'm not a scientist. The graphs make no sense to me and I'm not going to pretend that I can confirm or deny any of them -

What I do think, however, is that it's obvious that our consumption patterns are over the top - Our energy usage is wasteful. Our food production is wasteful. Our entire civilisation is wasteful -

You can't keep wasting such a high volume of food and energy, while producing an extreme amount of waste through inbuilt obsolesence without it eventually coming back to bite you in the arse
A politician guesses wrong! Wowee oh boy!!!!

But that graphic shows he got the trend right. Without doing a search most arctic ice research has an estimate of 2030 that there will be no summer ice and this will lead to much more energy being absorbed into the dark ocean. Which in turn leads to increased heating and potential shrinking of ice maximum in winter.

What we don't know is how the ice melting will effect the permafrost, which if that melts will lead to a massive increase in global warming due to the green house gases trapped below it being released.

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