Anti-Australia ABC does it again - Dapto Dogs under threat!

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Ratts of Tobruk

May 1, 2013
AFL Club
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ATV Irdning
Dem commies barstards at the ABC are bloody trying to kill Australan industry again!

First it was the cows in Indonesia, now it's the dogs in Australia. WHy do they insist on reporting new news stories! And WE PAY THEM 12 cents a day for the pleasure! Outrage!! It's probably rounded up to 15c knowing their dodgy public service accountants don't know bizness like commerical stations do.

Who even watches 4 Corners? Why won't our PM close them down forever and have the Greenies, tree huggers and Animal lovers pay for them! I know farmers which I bet they don't know. Feeding possums and pigs and rabbits live to Greyhounds to make them run faster because they think the fake rabbit at the race might be a real meal...

Just because the so-called 'cruelty' goes against their own standards doesn't mean anything! That was exactly the same thing in the live cows story! Just because animals are dying in pain and against regulations it's no reason for action from regulators! Worst!!!

#qt #sarcastic
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The four corners expose' tonite is to be commended.
Those involved in the inhumane practice of live baiting should be jailed and have their assets ( read prizemoney) stripped. Their licences should be taken away and never be granted again, if and when they survive jail.
I'm appalled and disgusted!!
Greyhound trainers are using live rabbits, pigs and possums as live bait when training their dogs. The poor little bastards were being ripped apart.
Started to watch but then switched channels, too cruel for me.

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You know this how:rolleyes:
What was exposed on four corners tonite would disgust animal lovers the world over...rare or not.
That it involved an ex-regulator and revelations of multiple live-baiting rings, I think the assessment that it is 'rare' is a bit wishful... The cattle issue which right-wingers love to complain about on BF just involved regulators not checking their customers standards, rather than the close link here.
Some background for those who don't watch news or current affairs?
Initial post was more about the regular, ridiculous (and revisionist) claims about the live cattle mistreatment 4 Corners helped uncover, but I have updated the most with a bit more context as directed.
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I don't agree with using possums and pigs. However, this is a non-issue in the scheme of things.
If you don't consider animal cruelty to be an issue of course.
You know this how:rolleyes:

He doesn't. Those greyhound trainers blatantly lied saying live baiting was dead. They denied it to the bitter end even when caught redhanded with piglets to be used that day. Former regulators were caught in the act. The bigwigs all pointed to one bloke for comment and he was either very stupid or not caring that live baiting was used. Its everyone covering everyone elses arses. Its just like drugs in cycling. Only 3 sites were monitored with significant players involved. The amount of sites going unwatched across the nation would be unthinkable.
RSPCA are a ****ing joke.

Domestic Cats kill mllions upon millions of native animals each year because their campaigners of owners let them do as they please.

Do the RSPCA do anything about that? **** no.

They are more worried about a few rabbits, possums and pigs. As are the bleeding hearts on this thread.
The four corners expose' tonite is to be commended.
Those involved in the inhumane practice of live baiting should be jailed and have their assets ( read prizemoney) stripped. Their licences should be taken away and never be granted again, if and when they survive jail.
I'm appalled and disgusted!!

Are you a drama queen or what.

What should be done to cat owners? Jail every person who lets their cats roam knowing they will kill? Same thing as the Greyhound baiters. They are both fine with letting their animals kill other animals.
Just as well no native animals die because of human activity.


This is about people knowingly allowing their animals to kill other animals.

This is about people knowingly allowing their animals to kill other animals.
Like greyhound owners for instance?

That's what this thread is about.

Not the irrelevant diversion into domestic cats.

Stick to the topic Gus old boy. :)
Like greyhound owners for instance?

That's what this thread is about.

Not the irrelevant diversion into domestic cats.

Stick to the topic Gus old boy. :)

I am. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of a group like the RSPCA who are a total joke when it comes to animal welfare. And of course all the sooks who will be digusted by this and are too thick to see cats are far worse than what is going on in the greyhound industry.

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