Science/Environment Explaining evolution and natural selection.

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Are we to assume 'god' put the fossil record in the ground as a nice little puzzle for mankind to peruse on his day off.

No, the good book says you should spend your downtime praising him and nothing else, so what is the point of the fossil record in the earth?

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I was told god created all species, but most of them have died out. The assertion is that while there are plenty of fossils, there are very few giving indication of life evolving from one form to another. Of course this could be because not all eras had the environment to absorb and preserve fossil information(that's scientlific by the way) Fossil remains may be narrow windows into the past

Achaeology and written records is similar, completely dominated by the Victorian era because they couldn't give a stuff about the stuff which went before
Further proof that we are still evolving with evidence now. :thumbsu: Yet another nail in the creationist coffin

As a species, Homo sapiens are only around 200,000 years old, so it wouldn't be surprising if we were still evolving rapidly. However, some arguments have been made to suggest that our physical evolution stopped around 40,000 years ago, or with the invention of agriculture, to be replaced by social and technological evolution. A new paper in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences refutes this theory with evidence evolution continues.

Against this, certain traits are becoming more common in the gene pool. Perhaps the most famous is the capacity to digest lactose as an adult. Once exceptionally rare, this spread through the European population from 4,000 years ago thanks to the advantage conferred by the extra source of nutrition.

Harvard University's Dr Jonathan Beauchamp, the paper's author, quotes the spread of resistance to malaria and the capacity to function in the low oxygen conditions at high altitude as further examples of recent forms of human evolution.

Beauchamp has brought the evidence to the late twentieth century by exploring the relationship between certain genes and numbers of children, using data from 20,000 people who took part in the Health and Retirement Study around the time they retired.
Are we to assume 'god' put the fossil record in the ground as a nice little puzzle for mankind to peruse on his day off.

No, the good book says you should spend your downtime praising him and nothing else, so what is the point of the fossil record in the earth?
It's a test of the faithful and a cruel joke on us heathens.

Written and authorised by God for the Greater Glorification of Me Party, Heaven, The Universe
No dinosaurs were actually killed in this cataclysm, All fossils remains used in this inordinatley intricate hoax on the Godless/test of the Faithful approved by the RSPCA

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societal groups of all sizes evolve, maybe clarko is with me, TP, chelseac, pessimistic etc.... clarkos name on BF darwin/dawkins rule.
everything evolves, from ideas, fashion, thoughts, technology, morality, etc etc. Amazing that 20 years old i wouldnt have dreamed about having this conversation with you good people :) now its a part of our lives and we cant live without a smartphone.
ran across this story when doing a bit of research for our family trip to Darwin and Kakadu next week and me and my wifes trip to PNG not long after. thought it appropriate to this thread. we are food to some species on this planet. her recounting of the attack and her thoughts during and after the event are introspective and disturbingly survival of the fittest like.
her recounting of the attack and her thoughts during and after the event are introspective and disturbingly survival of the fittest like.

'survival of the fittest' is constantly misused. it refers to an organism's ability to (survive and) procreate and pass advantageous survival traits to offspring.

"Survival of the fittest" is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. The biological concept of fitness is defined as reproductive success. In Darwinian terms the phrase is best understood as "Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations...

The phrase "survival of the fittest" is not generally used by modern biologists as the term does not accurately describe the mechanism of natural selection as biologists conceive it. Natural selection is differential reproduction (not just survival) and the object of scientific study is usually differential reproduction resulting from traits that have a genetic basis under the circumstances in which the organism finds itself...
'survival of the fittest' is constantly misused. it refers to an organism's ability to (survive and) procreate and pass advantageous survival traits to offspring.
thanks for the clarification, have used term out of context. the main gist of her story was- from her book-

i glimpsed a shockingly indifferent world in which i had no more significance than any other edible being. the thought, this can't be happening to me i'm a human being, i am more than just food! was one component of my terminal incredulity. it was a shocking reduction, from a complex human being to a mere piece of meat. reflection has persuaded me that not just humans but any creature can make the same claim to be more than just food. we are edible, but we are also much more than edible. she argued that our anthropocentric view. the "individual justice universe." is disconnected from reality.

are we as extraordinary as some profess us to be? was what i was trying to put out there.
I was told god created all species, but most of them have died out. The assertion is that while there are plenty of fossils, there are very few giving indication of life evolving from one form to another. Of course this could be because not all eras had the environment to absorb and preserve fossil information(that's scientlific by the way) Fossil remains may be narrow windows into the past

Achaeology and written records is similar, completely dominated by the Victorian era because they couldn't give a stuff about the stuff which went before

Unfortunately that assertion is completely wrong. Transitional fossils have been found in every geological time period and overwhelmingly demonstrate evolution as the fact that it is.

It's not new either. The very first geologists established the principle of faunal succession in the 1820s - more than thirty years before Darwin wrote the Origin. What's frequently forgotten is that the idea of evolution was not new, but no one had figured out a plausible mechanism to explain it. But the idea that species changed, and that the evidence was in the rock record, was well established in the early 19th century. A further irony was those early geologists were devout Christian men. But they were enlightened enough to not dismiss the evidence they saw in front of (and underneath) them.
trying to push your view and destroying others is not intrinsic to religion, but it is intrinsic to those who corrupt religion to other ends. Preserving their power structure.

In the case of christianity though, there has been a substantial proportion promoting education which has undoubtedly assisted science throug the years.

Other religions have also done this of course

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