Society/Culture Nobody has anything new to say about God.

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What does any of this have to do with the existence of a god?

It’s a naturally occurring chemical that prepares the body for death. It has literally no evolutionary benefit whatsoever, but it assists in the transition and acceptance of passing on for the one experiencing it.
I’ve had two NDE’s
The book you’re reading is new age religious inspired crapola.

It also says that your experience will be determined by your belief system. So if you think you’re a bad person and believe in hell, you will find yourself there. If you believe that death is finality, then you will be greeted by inky blackness that swallows you. Etc etc etc.

The fact that you’ve become a militant atheist says a lot to me about what you experienced. It must have been pretty bad.

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It’s a naturally occurring chemical that prepares the body for death. It has literally no evolutionary benefit whatsoever, but it assists in the transition and acceptance of passing on for the one experiencing it.

The only naturally occurring chemical that prepares us for death is oxygen, or lack thereof.

However! I would not wish to encounter the man in a dark alley, especially if I'm decked out in Richmond colours.

You would be more concerned by some of the Richmond supporters that might accompany me down that dark alley.

Our ancestors tripped on mushrooms, and saw God.

Yeah, somehow I can't see a bunch of tripping highlanders being too theistic. They'd be cutting someones throat and stealing their stuff.
The only naturally occurring chemical that prepares us for death is oxygen, or lack thereof.

You would be more concerned by some of the Richmond supporters that might accompany me down that dark alley.

Yeah, somehow I can't see a bunch of tripping highlanders being too theistic. They'd be cutting someones throat and stealing their stuff.

Have you even looked into DMT?

It will give you the same experience that people who have NDEs have, and change your whole perspective on life.

It tells you what you need to hear and reconnects you with spirit.
Yeah, somehow I can't see a bunch of tripping highlanders being too theistic. They'd be cutting someones throat and stealing their stuff.
Aye. It's cold in Scotland though. Good murderin weather.

I wonder if anyone has looked into how many hallucinogenic plants grew in and around areas where Moses and JC trod. Can you imagine sitting around for 40 days and 40 nights in extreme heat, while that uppity Charlton Heston looking mother****er got to work with a hammer and a chisel?

You'd have to be off your dial on something to accept he couldn't negotiate Adultery out of the deal.

I would have asked for a refund, and told that campaigner to go back up the mountain and don't come back down until it is acceptable to covet thy neighbours oxen.
Have you even looked into DMT?

It will give you the same experience that people who have NDEs have, and change your whole perspective on life.

It tells you what you need to hear and reconnects you with spirit.

Mate, I have well and truly sampled all of the regulation psychedelics, and even some of the more obscure ones.

Tryptamines are believed to be involved in neuro-signalling pathways. Wind up the dosage beyond natural limits and unnatural events occur.
Mate, I have well and truly sampled all of the regulation psychedelics, and even some of the more obscure ones.

Tryptamines are believed to be involved in neuro-signalling pathways. Wind up the dosage beyond natural limits and unnatural events occur.

The difference is...on DMT...everyone has the same trip.

No mate, that's not how it works and it's got nothing to do with any god.

McKenna was a professional tripper/castaway of the 1960's, who has been dead for 18 years.

Hallucinating human brains cannot "have the same trip".
No mate, that's not how it works and it's got nothing to do with any god.

McKenna was a professional tripper/castaway of the 1960's, who has been dead for 18 years.

Hallucinating human brains cannot "have the same trip".


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No mate, that's not how it works and it's got nothing to do with any god.

McKenna was a professional tripper/castaway of the 1960's, who has been dead for 18 years.

Hallucinating human brains cannot "have the same trip".

Yes they can & do, as we all partake of the same psychic archetypes.
Language doesn't get close to properly describing a heavy drug induced hallucination, much less arrive at any significant descriptive correlation.

Well, here's a description from a neuroscientist:

It's interesting how they all have what would be called a 'spiritual' experience with geometric patterns...
"You" are not immortal, your essence is. "You" will die.

Secondly, your assertion makes no sense. The brain eases itself into nothingness? considering that you think consciousness is not separate from the brain, the brain eases itself into nothingness? Why would it bother, considering the entire NDE is purely mental, so 10 seconds of easing itself into nothing? nah! come on mate.
I did not breath for 3/5 minuntes according to the practioners that eventually got the old ticker going again.
I suffered delusions on a grand scale and hellish nightmares for several years that weren’t in my sleeping hours.
Nothing of which gave me a belief in an after world.
So be it...
See this is the problem, the "dying" brain is not the only time people have similar visions. Similar visions are also recorded in non-life threatening events too. Meditation yields very similar results, i have posted the harvard research in this thread where meditation yielded stunning scientific results where monks were able to control their body in unthinkable manner from controlling metabolism to body heat. Speak with any buddhist monk meditating in deep state, they will tell you everything you want to know about NDE like experiences.
I’m the only one claiming an NDE in this thread,I don’t see your point?
I believe in everything. For everything must, at some point, had a kernel of truth invested in it...otherwise it would have been rejected as a lie.
Oh dear....
Well, here's a description from a neuroscientist:

It's interesting how they all have what would be called a 'spiritual' experience with geometric patterns...

Mate, she's a ****ing chiropractor, an alt medicine nutter, and you can fit a three headed lizard man from the 7th dimension under the heading of "geometric patterns".

"Spiritual" is a broad definition given by people to describe unusual profound experiences.
I did not breath for 3/5 minuntes according to the practioners that eventually got the old ticker going again.
I suffered delusions on a grand scale and hellish nightmares for several years that weren’t in my sleeping hours.
Nothing of which gave me a belief in an after world.
So be it...

I’m the only one claiming an NDE in this thread,I don’t see your point?

It's called Post Traumatic Stress.

My very unprofessional, and in no way credible diagnosis is that the episode itself creates disturbed reflective thoughts as an after effect.
It's called Post Traumatic Stress.

My very unprofessional, and in no way credible diagnosis is that the episode itself creates disturbed reflective thoughts as an after effect.

LOL......Oh dear.

You are so shit scared of the psychic under-world of the human psyche, it's palpable.

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It also says that your experience will be determined by your belief system. So if you think you’re a bad person and believe in hell, you will find yourself there. If you believe that death is finality, then you will be greeted by inky blackness that swallows you. Etc etc etc.

The fact that you’ve become a militant atheist says a lot to me about what you experienced. It must have been pretty bad.
I was raised by an electrical engineer,he followed the parameters of science.
He believed that organised religion was the ultimate betrayal of humanity.
Our neighbor and his eventual life long friend and accountant was a Zionist Jew,given my father was German by name and genetic,whom on many occasion,stated that Adolf was none too dissimilar to Christ,I had a few discordant beliefs and ideas laid at my feet.
I never once heard my da’ utter a bad word about anyone,race,colour,creed,politik,preference,sexuality...anything....he is purest spirit I’ve ever encountered,he puts me and my bro to shame.
He was physically abused as a child,he chose to rise above everything on offer that the real world lay at his feet,I’m proud to be in his bloodline.
I’m an anti theist.
And I ****ing despise “ism’s”....
It's called Post Traumatic Stress.

My very unprofessional, and in no way credible diagnosis is that the episode itself creates disturbed reflective thoughts as an after effect.
I sought every woo woo and western practioner available,none gave me solice,I found it in the waves that roll in across every sandbank and reef from here to Indonesia.
The green room is heaven!
I was raised by an electrical engineer,he followed the parameters of science.
He believed that organised religion was the ultimate betrayal of humanity.
Our neighbor and his eventual life long friend and accountant was a Zionist Jew,given my father was German by name and genetic,whom on many occasion,stated that Adolf was none too dissimilar to Christ,I had a few discordant beliefs and ideas laid at my feet.
I never once heard my da’ utter a bad word about anyone,race,colour,creed,politik,preference,sexuality...anything....he is purest spirit I’ve ever encountered,he puts me and my bro to shame.
He was physically abused as a child,he chose to rise above everything on offer that the real world lay at his feet,I’m proud to be in his bloodline.
I’m an anti theist.
And I ******* despise “ism’s”....

You still remember those delusions and nightmares, don't you? That's why you row so hard against the river of your own impending death with so-called logic and reason.

Your father was a good person, but people who believe in God can be good people too. He was right about organised religion - all that is is a method of population control, designed to instil in people a fear of doing things that seem not to apply to those who have been 'chosen by god'. But that doesn't mean that religion is anything to do with God.

It's time to let go of the belief systems that other people place upon you and forge your own path. Nietzsche said that there are three stages of development - the camel, when you take on the belief systems of others...the lion, where you reject certain belief systems that don't resonate with your psyche (or soul, or spirit), and then finally, the child, where you accept people for who they are and focus more on creating your own beliefs that are fundamental to how you want to live your life.
There is no afterlife, but there is hell. “They” say that hell is a place where people are punished through repetitive ordeals and tasks, with no reward or goal, but constant and ceaseless punishment. Sound familiar?
You still remember those delusions and nightmares, don't you? That's why you row so hard against the river of your own impending death with so-called logic and reason.

Your father was a good person, but people who believe in God can be good people too. He was right about organised religion - all that is is a method of population control, designed to instil in people a fear of doing things that seem not to apply to those who have been 'chosen by god'. But that doesn't mean that religion is anything to do with God.

It's time to let go of the belief systems that other people place upon you and forge your own path. Nietzsche said that there are three stages of development - the camel, when you take on the belief systems of others...the lion, where you reject certain belief systems that don't resonate with your psyche (or soul, or spirit), and then finally, the child, where you accept people for who they are and focus more on creating your own beliefs that are fundamental to how you want to live your life.
No,I reject those delusions and nightmares as something as an inferior mind that might regale as truth,instinct or actuality.
I’ve controlled and mastered my mind to only accept that which can be tested,proven and accepted by way of culminative agreement.
I am a humanist and naturalist,no more no less.

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