Review Dees v Brad's Bombers: the Good, Bad & Ugly

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At least he hunted the ball all night and tried, even with a bloke hanging off his arm the whole time. The least pea hearted performance or of all of them imo.
Trump said at qtr time when Oliver had only two disposals that he’ll get canned whether he gets zero or 40. He ended up with 39.
Good: A pathetic loss like this always unites the board.

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I hate to say this but I'm not sure if we're as good as we think we are. In reality our only really good performance so far this year has been against the Swans. Our other two wins were more to do with our opposition being shit than us being good.

I really don't know where we're headed for the rest of the year.

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Don't think I enjoy watching us win enough to feel too bad about us losing, we still play such dire football, Sydney win aside.

We looked off from the get go, soft efforts, fumbles everywhere, couldn't take a mark to save ourselves. Just generally unenjoyable footy, we're a pretty shit product really,

Ah well, soft month coming up, really should go 4-0, maybe some spankings that our supporters deserve to watch after years of shite? Not feeling overly confident on that though.
Only good was it was kept under 50 points. Oliver had a crack at least.

Going to sleep for a quarter and a half so costly. Conceding 7 goals in a row is disgusting.

Our defence was amateur hour, nowhere near the level of 21, yes we were missing Lever but that is no excuse.

I'm not sure what to think, worst performance in a while, maybe since 2019. Hoping we can click back into gear, but from 2019 it may just not happen. Anyway still only round 5 so not ready to throw the towel yet.
Bombers games always bring out the worst in the better team. Had a feeling before the game and you could see from the first quarter that we wanted to just rock up and get the 4 points and go home.

Lever been keeping that defence together and boy it fell apart without him in it.

55 tackles in a wet game is abysmal. If we aren't pressing and forcing turnovers then we are gonna look very average (especially if our defenders are just completelt asleep or useless)

Only play Tmac if he can play on undersized flankers in a 60 pt win. If he's required to make a contest in a tight game I just don't think he can do it anymore. BBB has played with more presence than him and that is a lol.

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