Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Aug 12, 2012
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I am one of the posters on here who has sympathy for MAGA voters and believe that there is something seriously wrong with USA politics beside Trump. That he is a symptom.

Trying to stop the due process of the transfer of power by violence is a coup, we all saw it on TV. Just because you agree with the reasons for the coup does not change what it was.

I guess the next couple of paragraphs are about hush money payments and USA media. The only sense I can make of it you are upset.

The judges in the dozens of cases did not ignore the affidavits, they considered and rejected them as without any basis in truth and without supporting evidence. If the judges had failed to do their job than the judgements could have appealed to a very pro Trump supreme court of the United States.

Then more paragraphs that appears to mean as best I can understand that you think there is a conspiracy, that should be obvious to us because it is to you. That I guess means the election was stolen. Then something about judges being Democrat lackeys, persecution, civil war and nazi’s.

Next, we have the claim about refugees being the Democrats fault. When Trump was in power, he did sweet f’all about the issue, when Biden and the Democrats attempted to do something, he stopped it. Neither party really wants to fix the issue, their big money donors wish cheap labour.

Neither Putin nor Hamas are lackeys of Biden. When they begin wars its does not mean Biden has begun them. Trump had about as much chance of fixing the middle east as I do of winning the next USA presidential election.

Mere ranting and shouting does not a reasoned discussion make.
It was a riot that turned into a tour of the capitol building, The coup was so organised they forgot to bring their weapons.

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Documents??????!!!!!! You dimwit
So did Biden.
There was no attempted coup just a feeling of how things can operate in that country and its ridiculous college system, and a pack of liars, and character assassinators
When was your last time you paid a woman or a man for that matter, for something,You maybe innocent you might be a rag too. That effect your work???

When you know what the foul media is like in that place, American politics needs a bloke that says what he believes and tries to carry it out. Then some "c" decides to use it against him from the past because they are terrified he may become President again. Who looks for all these conspirators to hammer people the press that you believe. hah.
Joe likes the touch-up as well not really appropriate but the old swine picks his time, and his age brackett. Don't throw stones.

GET HIM OVER THE LINE?????? What about all the ignored sworn affidavits that were not even considered by judges that they were presented to, like you assume that they were fraudulent without even a question SWORN means they have to be looked at. And rumours everywhere about many boxes of votes landing after the event that were counted WHO DO YOU RECKON FOR. Which one.

Well the affidavits were about at least one college count that broke the loser. Votes against.

So if there is a conspiracy that useless old fellow who won with hardly any one at his so called great meetings of his followers everyone thought he was having geriatric problems?? They sort of knew he, Joe Biden would win anyway. So speculation is there, and has some legs. Not just Republican Legs.

So that's a red flag for anyone with a brain. Weird and the reaction from some suggests to me it may have been "stolen" its anger was vigorous.

To me it points the other way and we all know how JFK slipped in
by the skin of his teeth.
Doyou know that.

The possibility of the fix is glaringly not impossible no matter what smart know all, with a microphone gets out of interviewing dopey Americans that they deliberately target on the street specifically.

He is up before the courts you oh so correct little tunnel visioned person, because of all the things that I just told you, and the Democrats will without a doubt feel like they've started Civil war no 2, over this persecution not prosecution!

They are not the judges are persecutors inquisitors, democrats lackies nothing more and nothing less.

The welfare of a well run America is the furthest thing from these left wing Democratic over-killers,
what they want is win win win for ever, true National Socialists

Which is weird for America, compared to Australia, where the Libs in this place are centre right, in America Liberals are going so far left that they let TEN MILLION refugees over the southern border thinking how lovely it will be and how virtues they would look. You don't know do you
And a healthy democracy in the US , is beneficial to poor uninformed "mind made up" little thinkers maybe like you, Biden has nearly begun more wars in the last 3 years or so, Trump none!

Around the globe we have trouble. When the bloke you hate had gone so far for the world and you don't even know why!

Almost got the Abrahamic special RECOGNITION DEAL finished, and diplomatic relations STARTED between Israel and other Arab states hoping to join the middle east together, look at the place now Yemen, Syria, Israel-Hamas Russia-Ukraine. Bidens got three or four wars.

Biden's wall-less border with god knows what types of people illegally walking into his country.

It will stop when Trump regains the Presidency.

Next time you write and answer to me if you want to do it. Do it out of your own head and opinions of your own.
What I say I believe, what you say is just presumptuous and rather rude. And my opinion is out of me not quoting interviewer set ups. Whther that was you or someone else irts ignorant.
Now its beer time goodbye!
You are serioulsy ill man. You have drunk the whole bottle of cool aid.
It is clear you only swallow what rw media tells you to think.
The stuff you have written is absolute rubbish.
Just another gullible Trumper.
It was a riot that turned into a tour of the capitol building, The coup was so organised they forgot to bring their weapons.

Google "armed protestors on jan 6", the first six were as above, just fake news I guess. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
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Google "armed protestors on jan 6", the first six were as above, just fake news I guess. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Who brandished a weapon?

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The US has unlimited money to spend on the military but none on universal healthcare. None of them are worth voting for.
I recall seeing many people brandishing weapons in the TV coverage of the coup. Which you have no doubt seen yourself.
Where are the guns they were threatening the police with? How many can you find? Then ask yourself, is that enough for a coup.
Where are the guns they were threatening the police with? How many can you find? Then ask yourself, is that enough for a coup.

Weapons do not have to be guns. There were many guns, as the articles I posted show. Yes. In any event, even a totally unarmed violent attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power is still a coup. Not a very effective one, but one nevertheless.

"a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group"

"an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"

No mention of firearms, you can have your own opinion, as unfounded as it may be, but you do not get to redefine words to mean what you think they should mean. We are not though the looking glass and you are not red queen.
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Jeez you don't even have to look at Trumps time as President, his criminal history goes way back.
Trump University? Fraudulent charities?

Anyone that doesn't realise the guy is a career shyster just has no grasp of history.
Documents??????!!!!!! You dimwit
So did Biden.
There was no attempted coup just a feeling of how things can operate in that country and its ridiculous college system, and a pack of liars, and character assassinators
When was your last time you paid a woman or a man for that matter, for something,You maybe innocent you might be a rag too. That effect your work???

When you know what the foul media is like in that place, American politics needs a bloke that says what he believes and tries to carry it out. Then some "c" decides to use it against him from the past because they are terrified he may become President again. Who looks for all these conspirators to hammer people the press that you believe. hah.
Joe likes the touch-up as well not really appropriate but the old swine picks his time, and his age brackett. Don't throw stones.

GET HIM OVER THE LINE?????? What about all the ignored sworn affidavits that were not even considered by judges that they were presented to, like you assume that they were fraudulent without even a question SWORN means they have to be looked at. And rumours everywhere about many boxes of votes landing after the event that were counted WHO DO YOU RECKON FOR. Which one.

Well the affidavits were about at least one college count that broke the loser. Votes against.

So if there is a conspiracy that useless old fellow who won with hardly any one at his so called great meetings of his followers everyone thought he was having geriatric problems?? They sort of knew he, Joe Biden would win anyway. So speculation is there, and has some legs. Not just Republican Legs.

So that's a red flag for anyone with a brain. Weird and the reaction from some suggests to me it may have been "stolen" its anger was vigorous.

To me it points the other way and we all know how JFK slipped in
by the skin of his teeth.
Doyou know that.

The possibility of the fix is glaringly not impossible no matter what smart know all, with a microphone gets out of interviewing dopey Americans that they deliberately target on the street specifically.

He is up before the courts you oh so correct little tunnel visioned person, because of all the things that I just told you, and the Democrats will without a doubt feel like they've started Civil war no 2, over this persecution not prosecution!

They are not the judges are persecutors inquisitors, democrats lackies nothing more and nothing less.

The welfare of a well run America is the furthest thing from these left wing Democratic over-killers,
what they want is win win win for ever, true National Socialists

Which is weird for America, compared to Australia, where the Libs in this place are centre right, in America Liberals are going so far left that they let TEN MILLION refugees over the southern border thinking how lovely it will be and how virtues they would look. You don't know do you
And a healthy democracy in the US , is beneficial to poor uninformed "mind made up" little thinkers maybe like you, Biden has nearly begun more wars in the last 3 years or so, Trump none!

Around the globe we have trouble. When the bloke you hate had gone so far for the world and you don't even know why!

Almost got the Abrahamic special RECOGNITION DEAL finished, and diplomatic relations STARTED between Israel and other Arab states hoping to join the middle east together, look at the place now Yemen, Syria, Israel-Hamas Russia-Ukraine. Bidens got three or four wars.

Biden's wall-less border with god knows what types of people illegally walking into his country.

It will stop when Trump regains the Presidency.

Next time you write and answer to me if you want to do it. Do it out of your own head and opinions of your own.
What I say I believe, what you say is just presumptuous and rather rude. And my opinion is out of me not quoting interviewer set ups. Whther that was you or someone else irts ignorant.
Now its beer time goodbye!
This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read in my life. Cheers for being so uninformed :beercheers:

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