Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 5

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Kavanaugh got the nomination because he believes being president gives you a "get out jail free" card.

If Mueller drops his report implicating Trump in criminal behaviour before the confirmation hearings, then I reckon a handful of principled Republicans will stop the confirmation process with Democrats.

That really is the best hope for progressives with Kavanaugh.

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Kavanaugh got the nomination because he believes being president gives you a "get out jail free" card.

If Mueller drops his report implicating Trump in criminal behaviour before the confirmation hearings, then I reckon a handful of principled Republicans will stop the confirmation process with Democrats.

That really is the best hope for progressives with Kavanaugh.

Principled Republicans lol. An oxymoron if i've ever heard one.
Fingers crossed he actually is. Would be a major positive for Australia.

He deludes himself into thinking that his views are popular. The reaction to the 2014 budget and Abort's Prime Ministership as a whole showed pretty clearly they arent.
The decline in trade union membership has has a strong correlation with the lack of wage growth in Western countries. Not all employers just happily hand over wage rises without collective pressure.

The left hasn't lost the economic debate at all. The neo liberal paradigm of privatisation, deregulation and unfettered free trade has been a complete and utter failure and is being rejected worldwide (especially since the GFC).

Do we really need to go through the plethora of no voters who made vile comments, threatened someone or got violent.

It was the Liberal Party that foisted the stupid process on everyone in the first place. There were clearly idiots on both sides but the award for biggest snowflakes clearly went to no voters.

The 2 big causes of slow wage growth has been climate change policy which has caused the cost of energy to go through the roof and immigration intakes that have been far to high causing a supply of cheap labour. Trade unions are outdated, they just hold wages and job creation back .It seems to escape you guys on the left that no worker is forced to work for a business and no business is forced to employ anyone.

The left wanted socialism and this has been a proven failure, just look at east vs west Europe or Asian countries who adopted socialism vs those who adopted capitalism. Again its climate change policy, high levels of immigration, high levels of taxation and outdated IR policy that is causing problems.

Yes lets do a comparison of no voters vs yes voters, show me these examples of yes voters who were violent, started protests, demanded those on the other side be fired or launched boycotts ?
Maybe you should read up on the idea of economic coercion if you think workers dont undergo some level of forced coercion in the employment relationship.

It is staggering the amount you don't know about anything. The Liberal Party is in deep trouble if you are a member.

Don't work for someone who you think is not giving you a fair deal.

You tell me what obligation does any business owner have to provide other people with employment ? none at all, a business exist to make its owners a nice big fat juicy profit.
Principled Republicans lol. An oxymoron if i've ever heard one.
Well in truth Congress is pretty devoid of principle on both sides of the isle.

Dems only need a couple of Republicans to flip, so if Mueller drops a bombshell it shouldn't be a stretch to find at least two that won't back a criminal-in-chief trying to stack the bench for his benefit.
Yes lets do a comparison of no voters vs yes voters, show me these examples of yes voters who were violent, started protests, demanded those on the other side be fired or launched boycotts ?


-Kevin Rudd's god son bashed by a no voter.
-Church threatens to fire anyone who marries their SS partner if SSM legalised.
-The sooking, petitions and threatened boycotts by no voters of Macklemore singing at the NRL Grand Final.
-The disgusting "Stop the ****" posters from right wing neo nazi groups.
-The ABC caller who praised Hitler for his treatment of gays.
-The trans kid in Melbourne bashed by bloke wearing a no badge during the SSM debate.
-The Presbyterian Minister who canceled a wedding because the bride and groom supported marriage equality on Facebook.
-The bomb threat at AFL headquarters the day after they put up a Yes sign and threatened boycott of the grand final.
-The house with Yes flags up everywhere who had rocks thrown through their windows while some idiot was shouting "****ing ******s".
-The cafe worker pushed over by anti-ssm moron.
-The countless Yes supporting houses vandalised.
-The Trans teen in Hobart choked during a debate about SSM.

Plenty of examples on both sides but lets not pretend no voters had their hands clean either.

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Lets take a step back, the left used to build their support base around the trade union movement on the lie that workers were being exploited by the evil capitalists.Since the left lost the economic debate and the trade union movement has collapsed the left has been forced to look to support from minorities and women by convincing them they are all victims of white male oppression.

During the SSM debate it was nearly always the left who started protests, launched boycotts, wanted to have people fired and got violent with those who they disagreed with.
The left have done as you say but it’s not because they look lost an economic debate at all - it gave up on the debate
As manufacturing declined its core base declined - making the economic debate more difficult and they chose the wrong but easier path of cobbling together minorities to muster a majority.

It’s actually an embarrassing decision which has hurt our culture immeasurably to have walked out of the economic debate

By not engaging in the economic debate the big corporate capitalist interest have been allowed to run amok and destroy the very core of what is best about free entreprise

I m sorry Your post is extraordinarily naive and amounts to little more than cheerleading something you don’t understand
Don't work for someone who you think is not giving you a fair deal.

You tell me what obligation does any business owner have to provide other people with employment ? none at all, a business exist to make its owners a nice big fat juicy profit.

If businesses exist simply to make their owners a "nice big fat juicy profit" then that is a pretty sick way of thinking.

That sort of thinking is exactly what led to the GFC. Greedy corporations who only cared about stuffing their own pockets and made fraudulent behaviour a business (ie selling toxic sub prime mortgage packages to clients, buying off the rating agencies to ensure they rated these packages AAA, and then shorting these packages to make more money after they failed).

Corporations also should have a social responsibility not just a profit making one, not just to their customers but also to their employees.

Which is exactly why you need regulations to ensure that customers AND employees aren't exploited.

The 2 big causes of slow wage growth has been climate change policy which has caused the cost of energy to go through the roof and immigration intakes that have been far to high causing a supply of cheap labour. Trade unions are outdated, they just hold wages and job creation back .It seems to escape you guys on the left that no worker is forced to work for a business and no business is forced to employ anyone.

The left wanted socialism and this has been a proven failure, just look at east vs west Europe or Asian countries who adopted socialism vs those who adopted capitalism. Again its climate change policy, high levels of immigration, high levels of taxation and outdated IR policy that is causing problems

The stupidity is awe inspiring.

Climate change wages havent been growing for 30 years. Long before countries started taking real action on climate change.

If your theory was correct, the repeal of the carbon tax would have seen a surge in wages. It didn't.

Its funny how you always cite countries other than the Scandinavian countries as your examples of socialism.

What about Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Finland etc? All high taxing countries with strong regulation of markets and large amounts of government spending on healthcare/education etc.

They also outrank almost every other country on all the social indexes.

-Kevin Rudd's god son bashed by a no voter.
-Church threatens to fire anyone who marries their SS partner if SSM legalised.
-The sooking, petitions and threatened boycotts by no voters of Macklemore singing at the NRL Grand Final.
-The disgusting "Stop the ****" posters from right wing neo nazi groups.
-The ABC caller who praised Hitler for his treatment of gays.
-The trans kid in Melbourne bashed by bloke wearing a no badge during the SSM debate.
-The Presbyterian Minister who canceled a wedding because the bride and groom supported marriage equality on Facebook.
-The bomb threat at AFL headquarters the day after they put up a Yes sign and threatened boycott of the grand final.
-The house with Yes flags up everywhere who had rocks thrown through their windows while some idiot was shouting "******* ******s".
-The cafe worker pushed over by anti-ssm moron.
-The countless Yes supporting houses vandalised.
-The Trans teen in Hobart choked during a debate about SSM.

Plenty of examples on both sides but lets not pretend no voters had their hands clean either.
Ah, but then you have the apparently "Vicious" treatment of Mike Pence by the left when his neighbour put up a rainbow flag. :rolleyes:
Is that the blimp thing? I thought it would be high above London and as big as the Hindenburg. The Left can't even embarrass the country properly

Massive turnout!!

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