AFL Industry - Voice Against Gender-Based Violence

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Has a legitimate court found Thomas guilty of anything?

I know this thread is focusing on it a bit, but TT is a distraction and just the most recent example

Carey glassed a woman just 2 years ago and was welcomed back into the AFL fold with open arms for his 8th or 9th chance.
DeGoey had charges downgraded and plead guilty to "harrassment" instead of "forcible touching" of a woman 2 and a bit years ago.
Dani Laidley guilty of stalking and harassing a woman became one of the poster child's for AFL inclusion.

These are all convicted and welcomed back by the AFL with open arms in the last few years.

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You think the whole thing is made up? Put your tinfoil hat back on. Its clear as day, he's admitted wrong doing himself in the past.

Very, and I mean very few things actually go to court, almost everything is settled out of court which is exactly what happened to the charges laid against him. On his part he had to make a donation to charity and what would have been a private settlement with the victim.

If he were innocent he would likely be telling people as such.

If he has not been found guilty by a court then he is innocent.

One day that concept may protect you too.
Are there figures for the number of women bashed by their partner after the partner getting pissed and losing all their money at an AFL game or pub watching the footy. Maybe betfair or similar are betting on the number and you can get a few same game multis happening.

Gambling is certainly one of the major foundations behind DV.
I may be Naive but I assume men know that bashing and murdering women is wrong, players/coaches/umpires standing in a circle joining hands is not going to stop a lunatic from committing murder or assault.
More about keeping the issue in the public consciousness and implementing societal changes and public pressure

Normal people calling out behaviour they see or suspect of people they know instead of just letting it go or pretending it’s none of their business

Also potentially helps give victims the courage to stand up and make changes or get themselves out of a situation that is toxic/ abusive
I have said it before but I firmly believe that a hard stance needs to be taken against people who commit DV.

If a person is convicted of Domestic Violence their name and face is put on a publicly viewable register. That way if a woman (or man) is considering dating someone they can look up this person on the database and see if they have ever been convicted of it in the past. Right now women can end up with a guy and have no idea their new boyfriend has a history of beating his partners, and that is not right.

I genuinely don't care if being on this register makes it harder for these people to find work. The lives of their potential victims are more important.
One might argue you don't get to zero tolerance without making these symbolic gestures to begin with.

It is plausible Carlton are not one of the clubs circling Tarryn Thomas purely as a result of wearing orange socks once a season for the past 8 years.

There is 0% chance we are one of the clubs interested in Thomas.

Not while we have Patty Kinnersly (CEO of Our Watch) and the Equal Opportunity Commissioner are on our board calling shots.

It’s why Ross Lyon never got the job with us.
Yep. Gambling + piss = no money. It goes on from there. But the AFL players are going to stand in a circle before each game. :drunk:

Symbols are always the preference for politicians because you get to look like you care and are doing something, without actually to care and do something.

The AFL profits from companies who destroy hundreds of thousands of lives, and are 100% okay with those companies advertising to children to help destroy future generations of lives as well.

Government had to stop cigarette advertising and had to restrict alcohol advertising. And they are the ones who need to ban gambling ads during C and G rated programmes and before 9.30pm at night.

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Starts with education from parents and teachers.

Then ban all sports advertising and animal racing.

Will fix DV a lot, will take time though.

Whilst good in sprint I don’t believe the AFL taking a stance does much. People who commit DV won’t be persuaded by that.
Gambling is certainly one of the major foundations behind DV.
Meanwhile on the AFL app/website.


But that 30 second token action this weekend is going to make all the difference
Starts with education from parents and teachers.

Then ban all sports advertising and animal racing.

Will fix DV a lot, will take time though.

Whilst good in sprint I don’t believe the AFL taking a stance does much. People who commit DV won’t be persuaded by that.

Problem is influences like Andrew Tate getting to 8 to 13 year olds early, getting into their heads at a very formative stage of development.
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The AFL cannot be taken seriously on this issue if they green-light TT to return to AFL football.

He's made his bed.
The AFL can't be taken seriously for anything, except for gambling, alcohol and drugs.
The AFL can't be taken seriously for anything, except for gambling, alcohol and drugs.
None of these things is the AFL's problem. Everyone is ultimately accountable for their own choices and actions, blaming gambling and alcohol advertisements is a dumb as shit excuse. The bigger problem in society imo is those who are constantly looking to blame someone or something else for their problems.
More about keeping the issue in the public consciousness and implementing societal changes and public pressure

Normal people calling out behaviour they see or suspect of people they know instead of just letting it go or pretending it’s none of their business

Also potentially helps give victims the courage to stand up and make changes or get themselves out of a situation that is toxic/ abusive
So brave of the AFL.

Meanwhile they breed an entire generation of gambling addicts with their gambling sponsorships and the incessant advertising on their website, during games etc.

Got to tip your hat off to the AFL.
None of these things is the AFL's problem. Everyone is ultimately accountable for their own choices and actions, blaming gambling and alcohol advertisements is a dumb as s**t excuse. The bigger problem in society imo is those who are constantly looking to blame someone or something else for their problems.
If advertising didn’t work, companies wouldn’t spend absurd amounts of money on it.
Thing is, the AFL can cut people loose. Sack them. Those people can go away, learn a trade, get a day job, live out their life.

There's no automatic right to play professional football. A surprising number of people don't, and they get along fine.

Haha no, we have to “rehabilitate them”.

Only the ones that can play, of course.
Problem is influences like Andrew Tate getting to 8 to 13 year olds early, getting into their heads at a very formative stage of development.
Couldn't give a toss about Tate but some of the hot topics surrounding him are misconceived as toxic because of how abrupt he is when in actuality the moral of most of his views are based on self accountability. Accountability is actually the cure to this issue rather the diverting blame to external people or things. Society these days is actually encouraged to blame their problems on anything and everything other than themselves. i.e, old m8 bashed his wife because of gambling, drugs + alcohol and lack of stance by public bodies like the AFL. How about NO, He bashed his wife because he chose to do those things, including the bashing.
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Haha no, we have to “rehabilitate them”.

Only the ones that can play, of course.
Unfortunately the AFL isn’t the only sports league like this.

If you can play, you can be rehabilitated, there’s a good bloke somewhere in there.

If you’re no good, you’re useless to these leagues and tossed to the side of course.

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