Another alleged racial abuse incident, this time at Buddy Franklin

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The term ape isn't racist. It is derogatory sure, but it's the same as calling a player a chicken. Lots of chickens are white, are we going to ban black people from calling white players chickens if they shirk at a contest? Some people need to get some perspective.

If any colour or racial reference was made then that is different. But if he said just ape, then thank you Adam Goodes for skewing people's perspective on what racism actually is.

This post is bad and you should feel bad.
The term ape isn't racist. It is derogatory sure, but it's the same as calling a player a chicken. Lots of chickens are white, are we going to ban black people from calling white players chickens if they shirk at a contest? Some people need to get some perspective.

If any colour or racial reference was made then that is different. But if he said just ape, then thank you Adam Goodes for skewing people's perspective on what racism actually is.
I genuinely can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're willfully ignorant. If it is the latter, learn some bloody history. Ape/monkey etc has been used as an insult to specifically dehumanize minorities for centuries.
The term ape isn't racist. It is derogatory sure, but it's the same as calling a player a chicken. Lots of chickens are white, are we going to ban black people from calling white players chickens if they shirk at a contest? Some people need to get some perspective.

If any colour or racial reference was made then that is different. But if he said just ape, then thank you Adam Goodes for skewing people's perspective on what racism actually is.

There's a lot wrong with this post, but do you really think someone calling an indigenous player an ape had no racist intent after what happened last year?
Of course, lay the blame before knowing the truth. Do you need to be explained the actual meaning of the word 'alleged'? I just don't understand how this can warrant a new thread when it's barely caused a whimper in the media and throughout footy circles, in fact this is the first I've heard about it.

Great idea by the OP, let's start a thread and create more talking points and discussion about an issue that is so overly publicised it's not even funny.

Aren't finals starting?
It's a footy board. We talk about footy events.

By "barely a whimper" do you mean it was reported in the news once? If co what is the problem with it appearing in a thread once?
The term ape isn't racist. It is derogatory sure, but it's the same as calling a player a chicken. Lots of chickens are white, are we going to ban black people from calling white players chickens if they shirk at a contest? Some people need to get some perspective.
Sorry but this has to rate as one of the silliest comparisons in the history of comparisons.

But yes, some people do need to get some perspective.
The term ape isn't racist.

The term isn't, the inference is. Not too many whiteys being called 'monkey' or 'ape' over the fence.

I actually think Adam Goodes does look like a monkey, but then I feel the same way about Daniel Merrett - who is about as white as you can get. There are few primative looking folk getting around the AFL of varying backgrounds. I'm not dumb enough to go to the footy and yell out 'ape!', 'monkey!' over the fence then justify it with 'it's OK, it's not racist', though... People are hypersensitive about this shit. If you said Kade Simpson had a terrorist beard then people would probably laugh. If you made the same comment about Bachar Houli you'd have celebrity bloggers talking about you on Q&A.
The term ape isn't racist. It is derogatory sure, but it's the same as calling a player a chicken. Lots of chickens are white, are we going to ban black people from calling white players chickens if they shirk at a contest? Some people need to get some perspective.

If any colour or racial reference was made then that is different. But if he said just ape, then thank you Adam Goodes for skewing people's perspective on what racism actually is.

Is the n word a racist term?

Explain your answer without using the word 'history', 'context', 'slavery' or 'oppression'.

You can't answer yes to that question without using those words. Words carry meaning due to their historical and social context. The n-word is a racist, derogatory term because of it's history as a word used to disparage black people, specifically in order to convey the idea they they are stupid and of lesser intelligence than white people. Stripped of its context and historical usage, there's nothing wrong with the word. It's a just a word derived from an older word that meant 'black'. It's the historical and social context in which the words was/is used, and the intended target, that gives it the meaning. Using the n-word against a white person isn't racist.

Same with ape. As has been shown already in this thread and in every other thread on this topic, there is a long history in western cultures of representing black people as less intelligent and 'less evolved' than white people, comparing them to apes/monkeys/<insert primate here>. This view was one of the reasons why institutionalised racism was able to exist. It's why the writers of the declaration of independence were able to write 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...." whilst owning slaves - because black people weren't actually in the same species as us white people anyway. They're more like apes. The exact same thoughts were prevalent in Australia regarding indigenous people.

There is no historical or social context whereby white people have been oppressed by being called a chicken. If in 300 years non-white people are the majority in the dominant cultures in the world, and are denied their rights because we're all actually cowards who can't be trusted to do anything brave and are constantly referred to as chickens, then yes, calling a white person a chicken would probably be considered racist.

Now is it possible that someone would have no idea about the history and connection between the word ape and black people? Absolutely. Just like a 5 year old can hear the n-word on TV and go around calling everyone the n-word. That doesn't make him a racist. But when his mum says to him, "Hey son, that word is actually hurtful to a lot of people, you shouldn't use it," it's expected the kid is going to stop saying it. Same with ape. Once it's been pointed out to you why Adam Goodes or Lance Franklin, or every other indigenous player might find that term offensive, the correct response isn't to whinge and whine about it, it's to show some compassion and try and change your attitude.

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This whole ape=racist thing still seems to be a recent thing. To me calling someone an ape is more about big and ugly than anything else.
It's not recent, the use of the term 'ape' in the pejorative goes back centuries for example the idea that Africans were closer to apes than humans in part justified plantation slavery.
The thing with racism and racist words is that the only people who get to set the agenda and tone are those who are apparently offended. You should all know that by now.
Is the n word a racist term?

Explain your answer without using the word 'history', 'context', 'slavery' or 'oppression'.

You can't answer yes to that question without using those words.

The "n" word is the latin adjective for black. So yes, the "n" word can be used in a non-racist way.
I think everyone here is taking a victims mentally when referring to history. Racism has no place in society today I totally agree.

I also think if a word to describe a big and strong white footballer isn't a word to describe a black big strong footballer in someone's eyes, then perhaps it is that person who needs to have think if they are really helping racism.

Of course as I said perspective is needed, but as someone said above I am posting on the main board... so I won't keep my hopes up.
It's not recent, the use of the term 'ape' in the pejorative goes back centuries for example the idea that Africans were closer to apes than humans in part justified plantation slavery.
The issue here is it's undeniably a racial term in the US. But does it make it so in Australia? Particularly when Franklin and Goodes are both much more fair skinned than a lot of African-Americans, they are also tall, strong and hairy. I mean isn't there something racist about comparing African-American insults and Indigenous Australian insults?

But any footy fan should know better than to blur the lines then claim innocence. Well that is anyone but a 13 year old girl. And maybe anyone but a 70 year old man.

That said the cops have issued a penalty notice and I wonder if they'd do that to an old man if there really was doubt in his motives. If he truly hadn't seen Goodes' response to being called and ape last year and genuinely came to an independant thought that Franklin not due to his skin colour but due to his low intelligence (see driving ability) and hirsute nature was an ape then I'd be very surprised.

If an ignorant old guy who isn't meaning to be racist gets a fine and evicted and that's the price we pay for ending racism in footy then it's probably not a harsh deal is it?

I still have some concerns that the PC brigade calling for security and eviction straight away in all cases is a bit heavy handed in the case of the young or the old. But overall for most people it's not that hard to avoid being racist is it?
The term ape isn't racist. It is derogatory sure, but it's the same as calling a player a chicken. Lots of chickens are white, are we going to ban black people from calling white players chickens if they shirk at a contest? Some people need to get some perspective.

If any colour or racial reference was made then that is different. But if he said just ape, then thank you Adam Goodes for skewing people's perspective on what racism actually is.


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