Another alleged racial abuse incident, this time at Buddy Franklin

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Some people need to get some perspective.

Yep. Just not in the way you're thinking.
This whole ape=racist thing still seems to be a recent thing. To me calling someone an ape is more about big and ugly than anything else. If this bloke was 70 then I'm sure he knows some more clearly racist words he could have used instead.
I think you've got it the wrong way around. Older people would be more likely to understand the racist connotations(and history) of the term.
Of course, I continue to be astounded at the level of ignorance displayed on here Re: ape as a slur. How can so many people not understand what's wrong with it?
The issue here is it's undeniably a racial term in the US. But does it make it so in Australia? Particularly when Franklin and Goodes are both much more fair skinned than a lot of African-Americans, they are also tall, strong and hairy. I mean isn't there something racist about comparing African-American insults and Indigenous Australian insults?

But any footy fan should know better than to blur the lines then claim innocence. Well that is anyone but a 13 year old girl. And maybe anyone but a 70 year old man.

That said the cops have issued a penalty notice and I wonder if they'd do that to an old man if there really was doubt in his motives. If he truly hadn't seen Goodes' response to being called and ape last year and genuinely came to an independant thought that Franklin not due to his skin colour but due to his low intelligence (see driving ability) and hirsute nature was an ape then I'd be very surprised.

If an ignorant old guy who isn't meaning to be racist gets a fine and evicted and that's the price we pay for ending racism in footy then it's probably not a harsh deal is it?

I still have some concerns that the PC brigade calling for security and eviction straight away in all cases is a bit heavy handed in the case of the young or the old. But overall for most people it's not that hard to avoid being racist is it?
You probably would've been better off not putting that thought bubble out there.
Just cringeworthy.
Since I moved to Central Queensland a couple of years ago I have been shocked at the level of racism that there is up here, especially amongst the older generation. They think nothing of using terms such as 'coon', 'black fellas' and 'boongs'. It's engrained in their psyche. I have spoken up a couple of times but it's futile. The older ones aren't going to change. We can only hope we can educate the younger generation that it's not acceptable.

I spent two years in Rocky a while back. It's a different planet up there!

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The thing with racism and racist words is that the only people who get to set the agenda and tone are those who are apparently offended. You should all know that by now.
So you mean you can't decide what offends somebody else.

Such stupid
Many ignorant
I think everyone here is taking a victims mentally when referring to history. Racism has no place in society today I totally agree.

I also think if a word to describe a big and strong white footballer isn't a word to describe a black big strong footballer in someone's eyes, then perhaps it is that person who needs to have think if they are really helping racism.

Of course as I said perspective is needed, but as someone said above I am posting on the main board... so I won't keep my hopes up.
The issue might be the girl who called Goodes an ape might have been innocent, I truly believe that at the time last year Goodes' beard and demeanor are worthy of being called an ape if you exclude his skin colour. But to then call Franklin and/or Goodes an ape is using that Goodes was upset last year in to an insult based on skin colour - so therefore that is racist.

See the difference? The first time might have been just a generic insult not intended to be racist. But as Goodes took it as belittling him based on race anyone using it from then on is more than likely using it to belittle him.
The issue here is it's undeniably a racial term in the US. But does it make it so in Australia? Particularly when Franklin and Goodes are both much more fair skinned than a lot of African-Americans, they are also tall, strong and hairy. I mean isn't there something racist about comparing African-American insults and Indigenous Australian insults?

Remember when Americans were up in arms about the KFC ad featuring the West Indian cricket team because apparently the connection between African-Americans and fried chicken was racist?

Never mind that KFC sponsored the cricket and the West Indian cricket team was touring...
The thing with racism and racist words is that the only people who get to set the agenda and tone are those who are apparently offended. You should all know that by now.

Jesus ****ing christ this is singlehandedly one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum and I'm an adamant reader of Roby's power rankings.
Since I moved to Central Queensland a couple of years ago I have been shocked at the level of racism that there is up here, especially amongst the older generation. They think nothing of using terms such as 'coon', 'black fellas' and 'boongs'. It's engrained in their psyche. I have spoken up a couple of times but it's futile. The older ones aren't going to change. We can only hope we can educate the younger generation that it's not acceptable.
I'm not sure how much hope there is for the younger generations there is in some of these places from what I've seen.
Jesus ******* christ this is singlehandedly one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum and I'm an adamant reader of Roby's power rankings.
It is correct though

I use Jason Dunstall as an example

At least once per week Danny refers to him as an ape or gorilla

If it was truly offensive, surely aboriginal people would be ringing the tv or radio watchdog and complaining?

It is little things like this which perpetuate the idea that a word isn't racist

If a little kid was to say "he looks like an ape" is that racist?

By all means, call it bullying (which it is), but do not single it out as racist
Australia's culture has changed
Terms which may have been racist decades ago, aren't today

People defend an older person saying something because it is ingrained, but perhaps, the reaction is too ingrained in many people

If you were to say it to a younger member of he indigenous community, would you get the same reaction? Probably not

Here in lies the problem
How people perceive racism does change, unfortunately, the dictionary of racist insults doesn't

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I use Jason Dunstall as an example
There's one small, but crucial difference between Jason Dunstall and Lance Franklin that renders this example less effective than I'm sure you hoped for.
The term 'ape' has very much been used as a derogatory and discriminatory term towards dark-skinned people. That's not a matter of opinion, it's fact.

Surely it isn't that hard to grasp that historical context plays an important part in determining whether something is offensive and racist.
It is correct though

I use Jason Dunstall as an example

At least once per week Danny refers to him as an ape or gorilla

If it was truly offensive, surely aboriginal people would be ringing the tv or radio watchdog and complaining?

It is little things like this which perpetuate the idea that a word isn't racist

If a little kid was to say "he looks like an ape" is that racist?

By all means, call it bullying (which it is), but do not single it out as racist
Australia's culture has changed
Terms which may have been racist decades ago, aren't today

People defend an older person saying something because it is ingrained, but perhaps, the reaction is too ingrained in many people

If you were to say it to a younger member of he indigenous community, would you get the same reaction? Probably not

Here in lies the problem
How people perceive racism does change, unfortunately, the dictionary of racist insults doesn't

Except ape has been consistently used as an insult for a very, very large amount of time. You don't have a right to say 'Oh its not racist anymore' and to be quite frank, neither do I. The term has been used to negatively brandish an incredibly large group of people based purely on their skin colour.

You're rambling a ****load but not actually saying anything, and the only evidence or point you even bring up is Jason being called an ape. Give me a call when white people get ****ing lynched while being called an ape for an extended period of time over a particularly large era, or theories are based upon white people being the inferior race based on their similar features to apes compared to people of a different skin colour, then treated differently as a result.
Jesus ******* christ this is singlehandedly one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum and I'm an adamant reader of Roby's power rankings.

I know what he was trying to say....but even thats a bit off.
I think he meant that people get offended for others a little too easily these days.

In cases like this, anyone taking offense is perfectly understandable as the term was most likely intended to offend and would offend a reasonable person.

But there are other cases where people get offended for others who arent offended themselves. Its sorta demeaning in a way...
Because the Bulldog supporters didn't have time to report the old fool, they were too busy booing Adam Goodes every time he touched the ball.....

I'd boo Adam Goodes too.
Not because of his race, but because hes a dirty and overrated player who doesnt deserve to sit alongside the people he does with 2 brownlow medals.
Not acceptable from anyone at any age, however you can kinda understand a man of his age having backward views.
It would be ingrained in his psyche, even though its undefendable and utterly wrong.

Id be more worried about younger people still participating in this kind of behaviour.
With the media, internet etc the way it is these days, theres no excuse for narrow minded attitudes.

Totally agree, it is unacceptable but an old guy would be pretty set not just in his ways but would be less open to change than someone half his age.

Whilst I understand the history of the word "ape" however besides being unacceptable, it is a pretty lame weak insult considering we are all apes, maybe the next idiot who says it should be offered a banana.
I'd boo Adam Goodes too.
Not because of his race, but because hes a dirty and overrated player who doesnt deserve to sit alongside the people he does with 2 brownlow medals.

i think adam goodes is a self-rigtheous self-serving douchbag as much as the next person, but you gotta admire him as a player. maybe not these days but he was one of the greatest of his generation in his prime.
The thing with racism and racist words is that the only people who get to set the agenda and tone are those who are apparently offended. You should all know that by now.

I nominate this post for Worst Post of the Year.

(Even if it was sarcastic, it's still really stupid and not humorous)
I'd boo Adam Goodes too.
Not because of his race, but because hes a dirty and overrated player who doesnt deserve to sit alongside the people he does with 2 brownlow medals.

I know right, we don't want the name of Greg Williams to be sullied by being associated with Adam Goodes.
I genuinely can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're willfully ignorant. If it is the latter, learn some bloody history. Ape/monkey etc has been used as an insult to specifically dehumanize minorities for centuries.

Humans are apes! yes the word has been corrupted and used in a racist context, if I was Buddy I would just offer to compare bank accounts surely that would shut the idiot up.
I was quite uncomfortable with the focus on the girl for that reason. I didn't know it was considered a racist term until I was quite a bit older than her, and then only through coverage of issues in European soccer games.

Hell, in Men in Black, Will Smith's character gets called "monkey boy". Aren't both terms racist?

Goodes' reaction to someone in the crowd abusing him was instinctive.
He said his heart dropped (or words to that effect) when he realised that that someone he pointed at was a young girl.
He, along with AD, would later implore the media, yes, the media, to not demonise said girl.
The discomfort at her treatment , therefore, should be directed toward the media, not Goodes.

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