Play Nice Australia Day messages from Clubs

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Maybe people are celebrating the modern Australia and not some sailors who landed on a beach 200 years ago?

Just a coincidence we do it on the day those sailors landed eh? Day was chosen at random.

And if that's the case and there is no connection between the two, again - you should have no problem with changing the date, yet here we are.

Which is it, does the date matter, or doesnt it?
Seriously makes me chuckle that quite a few of the people against changing the date are probably the same people asking immigrants to “assimilate or get out”. What an example they show when they can’t even agree to changing the celebration date from a day that basically celebrates their ancestors NOT assimilating.

They're celebrating the very first boat people.

The irony is never lost on me.
Been saying the same for years. What date? Still waiting after decades for the Indigenous leaders to put forward a date and why.

Given Australia had its first European visitors in the early 1600s & we continue to focus on settlement, who is ever likely to nominate one day of significance.

Lets face it, the holiday is the limit of most peoples interest.

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They're celebrating the very first boat people.

The irony is never lost on me.
Is celebrating Australia Day necessarily a celebration of the First Fleet?

And, they weren't really the first 'boat people' in that Indigenous people, too, probably migrated here, and I have heard they may not even have been the first culture here.
Love how you ignore the rest of my post because u know I’m right. I’ve actually done a lot of volunteer work in South Africa, I care about fixing real issues, people like u only care about hashtags and looking woke on social media. “Omg we need a national sorry day, that’ll fix things” “omg we need to change the date, that’ll fix things”.

Meanwhile on real issues u are completely silent and ignore them, it’s so dumb and frustrating.
It's just such a non-issue for the vast majority bar a few mainly white neck bearded warriors on the internet that need to get out and get some fresh air.

Again change it if you want but it will achieve absolutely nothing.
Is celebrating Australia Day necessarily a celebration of the First Fleet?

If it's not, why is it on that day, and why do you give a shit if the date is changed?

And, they weren't really the first 'boat people' in that Indigenous people, too, probably migrated here, and I have heard they may not even have been the first culture here.

Important distinction being that when they got here, the land really was terra nullius so nice strawman.
It's just such a non-issue for the vast majority bar a few mainly white neck bearded warriors on the internet that need to get out and get some fresh air.

Again change it if you want but it will achieve absolutely nothing.
Yeah if only they made an effort to go and protest with those imposters , plenty of tine to whinge and post on BF though.
Could be even simpler - change Jan 1 to Federation Day, Jan 26 to Reconcilliation Day. Job done. No change to the number of public holidays - keeps the public and corporate australia happy. We can get over this discussion once and for all, whatever its merits, and we can all get on with our lives.
Lol. As if that'll end it

They will continue to blame whites for everything without addressing any real issues. Instead of the date theyll find a new thing
That's a far step away from celebrating it as a national holiday though isnt it.

Isn't the point of a national holiday, unity and celebration of what we have?

How does that the day do that, and surely you can see it's a reminder for Aboriginal people of what got taken away?

There is literally zero reason we cant (or shouldnt) move the date for our national day. Not one.
If we move it, will it stop them holding grudges against people who werent born when bad stuff happened? Will it end this divide they so desperately want as an excuse for their shortcomings? No. It solves ****ing nothing. Enough virtue signalling, lets see some real action from people like you then maybe you'll get the rest of us on board with your wants? Fact is youre all talk, all you wokies are good for is talk. People are sick of the lectures. You want change, go change it. Stfu otherwise is fair enough
Been saying the same for years. What date? Still waiting after decades for the Indigenous leaders to put forward a date and why.
Well there are two obvious candidates - Anniversary of the day Australia came into being (and the basis for many other countries' national day) or the anniversary of the day Australia announced itself on world stage. But Australians loooove holidays and if there is anything way more important than celebrating Australia, its having the day off, and as both the candidates mentioned are already holidays (NY day and ANZAC day) - no dice, no one wants to lose a holiday. So instead we celebrate the anniversary of white colonisation of this land and the formation of NSW - and even then it took us 93 years to settle on that - that's how committed we are to that day. Completely ignoring the divisive issue around aboriginal sensitivities, it is still pretty lame and a bit embarrassing on the world stage
How about August 15? The day we finally defeated the most serious and only real threat we've had to the security of this country (might have had a little help from the US, but you could say the same about ANZAC day and NZ). Best of all we have a net zero loss on holidays and it falls within an otherwise barren period for public holidays. But do we really want to lose a summer holiday for a winter one?

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People in the cities are no doubt clueless about it but a lot of kids rarely if ever even go to school right from a young age, yet this is never even talked about. Staggering in a country like Australia.

Yet changing the date on a calendar is some amazingly important issue that deserves all this attention.
And if that's the case and there is no connection between the two, again - you should have no problem with changing the date, yet here we are.

Which is it, does the date matter, or doesnt it?

The date doesn’t really matter, but that doesn’t mean you should change it because a small minority want you too.

Again, tell me one date which has a blood free history u want to put it on??? And u do realise once it’s changed, people will STILL complain on the new day, and people will clash on the old day too, can you get it through ur skull that ur achieving literally nothing? Just like national sorry day achieved literally nothing, bet u were desperate for that one too.
Is anyone actually saying don’t celebrate at all?

Just choose a different day. I don’t understand why some people (online) think the 26th is so important.

I don’t think I’ve ever met a single person in rl that who believes today holds any great significance.

U do understand that literally every day in the calendar has had atrocities to some race or religion committed on it… right?
If it's not, why is it on that day, and why do you give a sh*t if the date is changed?
Do you accept that celebrating something doesn't necessarily mean you're celebrating each thing associated with it? Do you also accept that the meaning of things can change over time, and that people can have different subjective interpretations or motivations for their actions?
Important distinction being that when they got here, the land really was terra nullius so nice strawman.
Well, there is some debate about that ( I've not read the article, but am vaguely familiar with the anthropological evidence that Indigenous Australians weren't actually the first people to live here.
The date doesn’t really matter, but that doesn’t mean you should change it because a small minority want you too.

Again, tell me one date which has a blood free history u want to put it on??? And u do realise once it’s changed, people will STILL complain on the new day, and people will clash on the old day too, can you get it through ur skull that ur achieving literally nothing? Just like national sorry day achieved literally nothing, bet u were desperate for that one too.
Of course he was. Wokies love symbolic gestures that do nothing concrete. Its a photo op for them
And if I and my extended family continue to mark January 26th as an important annual date for the arrival of my family on the continent?

What you do in private doesn't affect anyone. I highly doubt you're rubbing it in any Aboriginal peoples faces. Again it's a different context to a Nation wide, public celebration of nationhood, with fireworks and shit, in defiance of the quite strongly stated opposition of many Aboriginal people who live here.

What do the fireworks over the Swan river tonight, signify to the Noongar guys on Herrison Island, bitterly struggling for a Native title claim to be acknowledged, who are watching on?
Well there are two obvious candidates - Anniversary of the day Australia came into being (and the basis for many other countries' national day) or the anniversary of the day Australia announced itself on world stage. But Australians loooove holidays and if there is anything way more important than celebrating Australia, its having the day off, and as both the candidates mentioned are already holidays (NY day and ANZAC day) - no dice, no one wants to lose a holiday. So instead we celebrate the anniversary of white colonisation of this land and the formation of NSW - and even then it took us 93 years to settle on that - that's how committed we are to that day. Completely ignoring the divisive issue around aboriginal sensitivities, it is still pretty lame and a bit embarrassing on the world stage
How about August 15? The day we finally defeated the most serious and only real threat we've had to the security of this country (might have had a little help from the US, but you could say the same about ANZAC day and NZ). Best of all we have a net zero loss on holidays and it falls within an otherwise barren period for public holidays. But do we really want to lose a summer holiday for a winter one?

When you celebrate everything that is wonderful about Australia, if it's not footy that enters your mind it's likely to be BBQs, beach, water, sunshine and the vast, natural environment.
For this reason, despite any cultural significance to days during the winter months, any date change must consider the way the occassion will be celebrated, which is outside under the warm Australian sun.

Keen for a date change. Keen for it to be anything that can be celebrated to it's fullest extent.The best way to recognise the history and celebrate the present is avoiding the depths of winter. The occassion would likely be lost somewhat if it lands on a freezing mid- August day.
What you do in private doesn't affect anyone. I highly doubt you're rubbing it in any Aboriginal peoples faces.

So a family gathering of 30-40 in a public park with a bbq lunch and a few drinks on January 26th with a couple of speeches about the history of our family would be ok?
Great, so you have no problem with us changing the date then, seeing as the date it happens on is not important.
Well, no its not so important, especially as it doesn't carry a lot of meaning (unlike, for instance, Bastille Day, or the Fourth of July).

But I don't support changing the date for other reasons which I don't think would be appropriate to delve into in much detail - appeasement, for instance; a significant portion of the population (perhaps 5-10%) will always complain about Australia Day.
So a family gathering of 30-40 in a public park with a bbq lunch and a few drinks on January 26th with a couple of speeches about the history of our family would be ok?

I don't think it would be OK, but it's not on the same level as it being a National holiday.

The latter is about national unity and pride, and is anything but.
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