NO TROLLS Clarkson signs on as new North Melbourne coach - No Trolling

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Something like nine wins in three years. Our coach before last had a breakdown. We just sacked his replacement.

Other clubs have been trying to shaft us to Tassie.

Damn right we're celebrating this. We're back!
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Would Clarkson fight against North going to Tassie?

Has his role in the whole Tassie thing been around them getting their own team specifically? Or just a team?
You'll be playing finals in three years and contending before Clarko's contract is up.

Yes, he is that good.

I can't wait to see the gameplan he devises around our young talent.

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Would Clarkson fight against North going to Tassie?

Has his role in the whole Tassie thing been around them getting their own team specifically? Or just a team?

We were never going to Tassie, that he's here now puts it to bed once and for all.


This is perfect lol. Rooboys are going HOG WILD
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Would Clarkson fight against North going to Tassie?

Has his role in the whole Tassie thing been around them getting their own team specifically? Or just a team?
He declined Giants because he didn't want to leave melb, so why would he coach in Tassie.
I like this move for North. I think Clarkson will imprint some standards that haven't been there for, arguably, since the Pagan era. He will probably get around to Horne-Francis and basically say that while you are a roo, and the club will help you, you're not the be all and end all of the club or anyone else. He can say that because he's the one who basically built his team to move on from Franklin. And if can do it for Buddy, he can do it for anyone. He will create a team which is more accountable, more tough and more competitive. It would be hard to ignore a guy who has done it all as coach. If reports are true and he wants to leave, then I think Clarkson is going to be blunter than most, which is what the club needs. And if they're just media gossip and are false and he does want to stay, then Clarkson is probably one of the best coaches to get the most out of him.

Essendon have handled this badly. They have a management which is split and confused. They still have a coach even though his standing is undermined badly. But do they really need a new coach? Rutten has been there for two seasons. His record is 17-25. One could say that it's a losing record, one could also say that he's not even coached two seasons of games. I also don't rate their list much and while it has some good talent, it's young and some of them haven't played much this season. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised that Essendon didn't make finals when their midfield isn't top eight quality and they have no AA worthy KPPs. Maybe they will be one day, but not now. I don't know if Essendon really can say that they know if Rutten can coach or not. Let's not forget that coaches need to start somewhere and Clarkson started as a young relatively inexperienced coach as well. Look at Carlton; they chased Lyon, got Voss and I think, even if they don't make finals, that they're heading in the right direction.

If anything, I think Essendon need to be reviewing everything externally, including anyone who has been there for more than a few years. Rather than putting everything on Rutten and every egg in the Clarkson basket, ask themselves, what does a club need to be a good club? It's more than a coach.
Good post.
I have been confused by the new boss of Dons saying External Review, and whilst having not completed it, or even started it, they are going after a new coach when the current one has not been moved on. Surely if the external review is a real platform, then now is a time for doing just that. Follow the process. Do it well. Panic and knee jerk reactions are the last thing needed. The new bloke is extremely confused and his leadership is unclear.

Id also think that, while Clarko is a special coach, he is not the only game in town, there are other worthwhile people to look at.

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Great news for North fan's, got family and friends who will love this (always replaying the old battle of Britain game for us Blues fan's ), great for you to get some positive news after a depressing season, enjoy your time in the sun
We were never going to Tassie, that he's here now puts it to bed once and for all.
Clarkson did say '19th team' in Tassie, so although he's been very vocal and strong on being involved with the new Tassie team, sounds like he doesn't want it to be a reloaction.

Which is good news for North fans, that for some reason, don't want to relocate. I've never understood why to be honest.
Why do you say that?

Once Hodge and co. left, Clarkson's record as a coach was awful.

Just the four flags with a club he rebuilt from a similar position North are in now.

And of course his record went downhill once a golden generation of players retired and we couldn't go to the draft. What do you expect?

Clarkson is the best coach of the AFL era and given the level of professionalism in the modern game it is safe to say that he is the greatest coach of all time. If he can't get North off the canvas then nobody can.
Congratulations to North on landing Clarko. Absolutely no guarantee of success but he's certainly a huge step in the right direction. Great get and great news for all the supporters. Win loss may not be all that great next year but I'm happy to take bets that they are a lot more competitive. Expect a % around the 80 mark before they they start to break even in 24.

I can't wait to see the gameplan he devises around our young talent.

Same. I consider Clarkson teams to be a few goals better teams than the opposition. I rate him as easily the best coach in the comp. And the smartest. Will be riveting viewing next year seeing how North develop.

I'm down for a North membership next year. Excellent news going into the weekend.

Oh and added bonus that Essendon are still in no man's land. Sorry Bombers...couldn't help myself.
I hope so, but the on-field success isn't even the main point for me. North for a long time have had to have a crack with "the best of the rest" in terms of staff and players.

With Clarkson at the helm, the best footy people will want to come to you.

And those, including a certain gun draft pick who have made noises about leaving might just hang around to see what happens. Not all of them, but many of them.
Same. I consider Clarkson teams to be a few goals better teams than the opposition. I rate him as easily the best coach in the comp. And the smartest. Will be riveting viewing next year seeing how North develop.

I'm down for a North membership next year. Excellent news going into the weekend.

He's coming just as the blood and guts of the rebuild is done. Midfield packed with high picks, another one to come plus priority. Excellent young bookends.

God knows what he can turn turn Horne-Francis and Thomas into.
And those, including a certain gun draft pick who have made noises about leaving might just hang around to see what happens. Not all of them, but many of them.

Jason has never made any noises about leaving, that's all been media shit.
Clarkson gives instant stability, which almost irrespective of W/L over the next few years has to improve the club

Assuming he can develop some kids (which he has done before), and instill standards through a playing group its a leaps and bounds improvement over their last few years.
I want to see your entire team run out in long-sleeve jumpers this weekend for the lulz -knowing full-well it's their last opportunity for the next five years to wear one.
You mean a coach had a bad record at the start of a rebuild 😲😳🤯
Well, was it a rebuild?

It was still full of premiership players, All-Australians, a Brownlow Medalist and other high profile recruits.

And he could only muster 1 finals appearance in his last 6 seasons with them, and none in his last 4!

He was sacked for a rookie coach.

I raised it here back in April (If you were Alastair Clarkson which club would you go to - GWS or Gold Coast?), so I won't harp on about it. But it's my opinion that those think that Clarkson is the saviour and can turn water into wine - might be wrong.

I get a whiff of the Pagan's about him, rather than the Matthews'.
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NO TROLLS Clarkson signs on as new North Melbourne coach - No Trolling

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