Daily gripe

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The whipped line only comes from the single blokes.
I've been with my girlfriend for a year, pretty much want to spend as much time with her and my mates (the single ones) bore me.
I still go to the footy, play as well, I do pretty much what I want when I want.

Call it whipped but at least I get laid.

Wrong. Its not that hard to have both buddy....

Some good mates who appreciate you need to spend time with your missus, and a good woman who appreciates you have different interests and like to hang out with your friends.

I've been in a whipped relationship, now I am now not. I knwo the difference. I also have old mates who are so whipped I haven't really been in touch with them for years. It doesn't cut me up, I still have a good group of friends, but I feel for them.

Woman who require every bit of their fellas time are insecure and not worth the effort.
Give us a frame of reference here BBC, and don't lie; how many relationships have you been in, and how long did they last?

I'm guessing zero.

Really it's none of your business, but I have been in enough to know what I'm looking for. Because I know what I'm looking for in a relationship and the qualities I want in a life partner, if I'm not happy, I'm pretty quick to get out of them. No point delaying the inevitable. My current gf is the best I've ever had, and we get along very well, just so you know. :)
Really it's none of your business, but I have been in enough to know what I'm looking for. Because I know what I'm looking for in a relationship and the qualities I want in a life partner, if I'm not happy, I'm pretty quick to get out of them. No point delaying the inevitable. My current gf is the best I've ever had, and we get along very well, just so you know. :)

Post a picture you dirty liar, and I bet we can find her two or three pages into a google images search...:):thumbsu:

Seriously your caveman attitude to life is extremely sad. I completely understand if you knock down an invite or two from your mates to go out and do something but if gets to the point where you would much prefer to do something with your gf (bf in your case) than your mates then I think it's fair to say you won't have any mates left.

If all else fails; try hitting her.

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Really it's none of your business, but I have been in enough to know what I'm looking for. Because I know what I'm looking for in a relationship and the qualities I want in a life partner, if I'm not happy, I'm pretty quick to get out of them. No point delaying the inevitable. My current gf is the best I've ever had, and we get along very well, just so you know. :)

Yea, I'm pretty sceptical.

Most girls, assuming they aren't mental themselves, are going to find it a bit strange that you have no mates, and are also going to want to spend time with their friends.

Nobody is saying that your mates come before your girlfriend, what most of us are saying is that your girlfriend is your priority, but your mates are almost as important, and making the effort to maintain those relationships and spend some time (say one night a week) with your mates is important for you as a person.

Mates to me are little more than people who I socialise with, and they are a dime a dozen. A good girl is not.

That's because you don't have any real mates. My best friends are my cousin, known him forever, a mate I met in year 4 and have been mates with ever since, my best mate I've known since I was in year 6, another best mate since I was 16.

Mate's like that aren't a dime a dozen - as I said, you don't have any mates, you have acquaintances who you spend time with.

Our reason for existence as a male of the species is to find a good girl who you are happy spending the rest of your life with and eventually procreate. We also need to earn enough money to provide for said family.

No it isn't; we aren't animals driven purely by instinct.
Yea, I'm pretty sceptical.
You're a judgmental idiot. You don't know me, and don't pretend you do, just from reading a few forum posts.

Most girls, assuming they aren't mental themselves, are going to find it a bit strange that you have no mates, and are also going to want to spend time with their friends.
I spend time with myself, and anyone I spend time with after that is an extra. I don't need to be part of a group of men like you seem to to feel important.
If I can be as judgmental as you for a while, may I suggest you spend some time by yourself, because as the saying goes, if you can't be happy with yourself and by yourself, no girlfriend or group of mates is going to make you happy. Mates come and mates go, and that's good mates, bad mates - whatever. Girlfriends come and girlfriends go. It's just the way the world works. Learn to live with who you are.

That's because you don't have any real mates. My best friends are my cousin, known him forever, a mate I met in year 4 and have been mates with ever since, my best mate I've known since I was in year 6, another best mate since I was 16.

Mate's like that aren't a dime a dozen - as I said, you don't have any mates, you have acquaintances who you spend time with.
Maybe I don't by your standards, but by my standards, I no doubt have more than you. If you show me a rule book that outlines exactly what makes a mate, how much time you have to spend with that person etc. to justify your bullshit claims, then I might start to believe what you are saying.

Nobody is saying that your mates come before your girlfriend, what most of us are saying is that your girlfriend is your priority, but your mates are almost as important, and making the effort to maintain those relationships and spend some time (say one night a week) with your mates is important for you as a person.
So, if by your standards you have to spend 1 night a week with mates to 'maintain that relationship', does that mean that when you move overseas for any length of time, that mates stop being mates? Do your friends ring you up and cry because you don't spend enough time with them? Do you have to juggle dates with boys and girls?

No it isn't; we aren't animals driven purely by instinct.
You search for your meaning for existence, and I'll run with the few ideas that I have.

LOL BBC has got it all wrong I actually cringe reading some of your posts it's disgusting

Whatever. When you travel as much as I do, a group of guys who cling together in a little collective seems kind of ridiculous. As I said, there are billions of people in the world who you can socialise with. Put it this way - I wouldn't stay in one place or cancel my business plans because a few 'mates' might miss me or say that I'm not their 'mate' anymore because I don't spend enough time with them, but I'd consider doing that for a 'girlfriend'.
You guys are saying how either you shouldn't spend too much time with your girlfriend or away from your girlfriend because you'll **** up your relationship with your girlfriend or your friends and then be in the shit - but you're both missing the point.

You need some quality time to yourself, and have to understand that even if you try to maintain balance with all the relationships you consider valuable, you can't control how other people run theirs and so you could still be in the shit anyway, but this would be less of a problem if you spent some time away from both camps and then you might just learn that hey, you can still cope with or without a breakdown of relationships.

Agree totally, why live in fear
You're a judgmental idiot. You don't know me, and don't pretend you do, just from reading a few forum posts.

Of course I don't know you, but I've read a lot of your posts, this is the interwebs pal, where the hell else am I going to make my assumptions from?

I spend time with myself, and anyone I spend time with after that is an extra. I don't need to be part of a group of men like you seem to to feel important.
If I can be as judgmental as you for a while, may I suggest you spend some time by yourself, because as the saying goes, if you can't be happy with yourself and by yourself, no girlfriend or group of mates is going to make you happy. Mates come and mates go, and that's good mates, bad mates - whatever. Girlfriends come and girlfriends go. It's just the way the world works. Learn to live with who you are.

I do spend time alone, whenever I feel the need to. I do agree with the bolded statement though, very much - way too many people are in crap relationships because they don't want to be alone.

I need to spend time with a group of men to feel important? No, I like spending time with my friends (male or female), because I enjoy their company and care about them.

Maybe I don't by your standards, but by my standards, I no doubt have more than you. If you show me a rule book that outlines exactly what makes a mate, how much time you have to spend with that person etc. to justify your bullshit claims, then I might start to believe what you are saying.

Didn't you say earlier that you don't have any close mates, and they're disposable anyway?

You might have more acquaintances than I do, but, by your own admission, I have more close friends than you.

So, if by your standards you have to spend 1 night a week with mates to 'maintain that relationship', does that mean that when you move overseas for any length of time, that mates stop being mates? Do your friends ring you up and cry because you don't spend enough time with them? Do you have to juggle dates with boys and girls?

See how I said, "say, one night a week," - the 'say' implies that it's not a definitive statement. It's a bit harder for a friend who moves overseas to catch up with you once every week or two, isn't it? It's about making an effort - if you're friends with somebody, you will. Not at all, my mates aren't little bitches, again, if had any real mates, you'd understand that. Not at all, I don't go out with girls that are morons, and my mates aren't the needy type.

You search for your meaning for existence, and I'll run with the few ideas that I have.

Good luck with that; and good luck finding a normal, sane female who is happy to be the only meaningful relationship you have in the world.
Nothing wrong with spending time with your gf and also your mates, same goes for her spending time with her friends, but the "Broz b4 Hoz" attitude from some in this thread is really sad.

I can't speak (type) for everyone but my gf isn't a ho or whatever degrading word you want to use and if someone you're going to marry and plan on spending your entire life isn't your best friend then I'm not sure how that can work. Again I can only speak for myself, but I'm with my gf because she is my best friend but neither of us are on lockdown.

The old friends are for life but women/men come and go doesn't always ring true. I've found myself picking up the pieces for my girlfriend after one of her closest friends has hurt her and they've known her much longer than I have, you could have friends you've known for 20 years but that doesn't mean they're immune to letting you down.

At the end of the day it's the individuals choice but when I see this extreme macho attitude towards women and relationships it's just a little disturbing.

Yeah, pretty much this.
The bros before hoes stuff is a total load of macho shit.

At the same time, I agree with others such as King Elvis when he says spending time away from your partner with your friends can be quite important.
However, there's nothing wrong with BBC's attitude towards friends and his preference of acquaintances. It's about what social setting works for you.

Also, I can sense a meltdown coming from BBC pretty soon. Well, here's hoping anyway.
Essentially the only time your social situation is 'wrong' is when you have set of circumstances that deep down you know doesn't suit you, and means you aren't having the best life socially that you can.

People attacking others for their own preferences doesn't make much sense to me, if they lead a fulfilling life then what is the problem?
Essentially the only time your social situation is 'wrong' is when you have set of circumstances that deep down you know doesn't suit you, and means you aren't having the best life socially that you can.

People attacking others for their own preferences doesn't make much sense to me, if they lead a fulfilling life then what is the problem?

This is the perfect response to this..

LOL BBC has got it all wrong I actually cringe reading some of your posts it's disgusting

There's no universal wrong or right in this situation.
Ive discovered a new trend from girls under 25 being used more and more. Im calling the Pulling Power position. Quite simply girls nowadays are going out of there way to date guys alot uglier than them for the mere purpose of having the power position in the relationship.

Call it pussy whipped but its pure and simply a power grab. Chicks nowadays would rather date guys beneath them if it means they obtain the power in the relationship

Due to this society is about to get a whole lot uglier. Thank god for plastic surgery. Without it the future looks bleak
Ive discovered a new trend from girls under 25 being used more and more. Im calling the Pulling Power position. Quite simply girls nowadays are going out of there way to date guys alot uglier than them for the mere purpose of having the power position in the relationship.

Call it pussy whipped but its pure and simply a power grab. Chicks nowadays would rather date guys beneath them if it means they obtain the power in the relationship

Due to this society is about to get a whole lot uglier. Thank god for plastic surgery. Without it the future looks bleak
LOL you have no idea how often i see this situation, some absolute stunners with some dropkicks who looks like they came from the streets. Theres also the situations where the chick will go out with a guy not as attractive as her because of his reputation, see this alot as well. At high school you would always see the popular girls with the alpha males even if those alpha males are ugly. The thing about girls being suckers for bad boys is so true, know some great girls who hook up with the biggest deros you can think of and you wonder what the hell for?. This is not always an under 25 thing either. Alot of girls these days you have to wonder whats going through their heads.

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My trend theory applies in particular to so called deros. Its got nothing to do with bad boy image. The bad boy image puts them in the right place at the right time and thats it. The rest is just a girl realising they can gain the power over a man society cant.
I believe in bro's before ho's, but some guys, or maybe more accurately social groups are so dependent on each other it's not funny. I don't know how anyone of them can get anything done.

If I'm seen to be "dogging" a mate by only seeing him once or twice a week, he isn't going to stay my mate anyway - because he'll be getting dogged whether I have a girlfriend or not.
Bros before Hos is essentially the Food vs Water argument. You need both but essentially your need for each item will depend on the length of time you go without said item

Bros come before Ho's if your dick is still moist

If your dick is dryer than a desert then you can go without dinner for a few days as you go on a long search for moisture.
Bros before Hos is essentially the Food vs Water argument. You need both but essentially your need for each item will depend on the length of time you go without said item

Bros come before Ho's if your dick is still moist

If your dick is dryer than a desert then you can go without dinner for a few days as you go on a long search for moisture.

Can always get moisture home delivered if need be. I've also been told they have these moisture dens where you can choose from all different kinds of moisture and they let you consume it any way you want!!!

Best thing is, you have it and then you leave, nothing else is required! And the moisture never yells at you either!

Must be some kind of magical moisture ;)
Maybe not the most 'self-absorbed, self obsessed' but women between 25-35 with young kids are clearly the most rude people walking the streets. You see them and think '**** having kids if it is going to turn the gf into a walking hate machine':thumbsdown:

Seriously some of these women would knife you just to get to the front of a checkout line.
LOL you have no idea how often i see this situation, some absolute stunners with some dropkicks who looks like they came from the streets. Theres also the situations where the chick will go out with a guy not as attractive as her because of his reputation, see this alot as well. At high school you would always see the popular girls with the alpha males even if those alpha males are ugly. The thing about girls being suckers for bad boys is so true, know some great girls who hook up with the biggest deros you can think of and you wonder what the hell for?. This is not always an under 25 thing either. Alot of girls these days you have to wonder whats going through their heads.

As the Hold Steady sang, Guys go for looks girls go for status.

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