Do players look at this site?

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Club Legend
Aug 15, 2000
AFL Club
Other Teams
S’roos, Brisbane Lions, N Syd Bears
I remember a few weeks back how there was a discussion how some media personalities have been known to view discussion boards such as Bigfooty. I was wondering whether anyone knows or thinks they know of any current of former AFL players to view this site?
I'd be interested to see if any players view this site and what they think of some of the topics raised in Bigfooty.
You would think it would be better for them if they didn't. It would be hard enough for them to follow the right path in their careers without believing their own publicity positive or negative.

For example, I'm sure that Ryan O'Conner would have a swelled head now that he know how much opposition clubs want him.

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body

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I have been contacted once by one young guy who believed he was going to play for the AFL - it was a half a dozen lines of barely readable, abusive text. I replied pointing out how ridiculous he sounded and got a "leave me alone or I'll come round there and punch you out" type reply.

So for the most part I I agree with you Ripper.
Didn't the Camrys close down their forum because a player got emotionally upset about someone had written about him on their forum and threatened the club with legal action if the Camrys didn't close the forum down.? Correct me if I'm wrong Camry fans.


Want to rant off about the AFL? Feature writers needed for a Internet startup site. No experience necessary. Open to BigFooty contributors only for a limited time.
Originally posted by Max Power:
Didn't the Camrys close down their forum because a player got emotionally upset about someone had written about him on their forum and threatened the club with legal action if the Camrys didn't close the forum down.? Correct me if I'm wrong Camry fans.

I didn't hear that a player was going to sue...the Club had the line that litigation was possible. They also took exception to Michelangelo Rucci using quotes (from negative fan postings) in his articles in the Advertiser. As you know, some people write absolutely stupid things on forums and Michelangelo was using these to have a bit of a dig at the Club.
Didn't Mick Malthouse mention something about most players not getting beyond Grade 3?

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Originally posted by Crow54:
Originally posted by Max Power:
Didn't the Camrys close down their forum because a player got emotionally upset about someone had written about him on their forum and threatened the club with legal action if the Camrys didn't close the forum down.? Correct me if I'm wrong Camry fans.

I didn't hear that a player was going to sue...the Club had the line that litigation was possible. They also took exception to Michelangelo Rucci using quotes (from negative fan postings) in his articles in the Advertiser. As you know, some people write absolutely stupid things on forums and Michelangelo was using these to have a bit of a dig at the Club.

There was also a very strong hint at the time that the club did not believe the negative comment was actually posted by Crows fans, but by fans of other clubs trying to create a stir. It wasn't worth the trouble and risk of keeping the forum going just to let baiters and have a voice.

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Geez I hope no players look at this site.
The best thing about internet forums is you can say things which you don't necessarily believe in order to provoke discussion. (Matthew Lloyd, anyone?)
Comparing the Camrys forum and the Brissy Lions forum.

The Lions site is for it's members only and you have to quote your membership number to join.

That will cut down on the critisism, not too mention you'll be too $hit scared to post anything negative


Want to rant off about the AFL? Feature writers needed for a Internet startup site. No experience necessary. Open to BigFooty contributors only for a limited time.

[This message has been edited by Max Power (edited 19 November 2000).]
Max in the 'old days' the Lions forum was open to anyone that registered (ie with an email addy). Yes they made it members only, and at the time quoting the demise of the crows forum as an example of what 'could happen here'. The idea behind the lions making it members only, was to make ppl accountable for their comments. Unfortunately for them, it alienated more members/supporters than it retained. Especially those that were known personally to the club, who now had no annonymity to post their personal opinons, for fear it would get them in trouble or alienate them from the club. Pretty petty hey?

Funny thing is that if you look at the Bris Lion club board on this site , they have the most posts and topics. Looks like the anonymity here has brought them back to the comfort of expressing their own opinions, and not worrying about ramifactions for having their own personal thoughts on the club.
Well I know players do use the internet and they can read thats for sure!

Some Collingwood players read Nicks BB thats for sure.
Originally posted by Mags:

Some Collingwood players read Nicks BB thats for sure.
We now know why Collingwood believe there own publicity.
Maybe Collingwood supporters should criticise them occasionally and the players might get the message.

"He is a loathsome offensive brute,yet I can't look away".
Criticise hey Scum Scum?

So thats y down at Shell Stadium there so ****ed down there is it!

Yes we have criticised the players Scum Scum if u have a better look.

In my view criticising the players isnt the way too go we should be encouraging them not criticising them all the time.

U have to remember we our the youngest side in the afl and with everymore encouragement the players well lift.
I've been using the name dons_r_tops for a while but I have decided to give in. I am the one and only DH. I'm going back to my old name now. Just thought you would like to know how famous this site is.

Go the Bombers.
And to prove who I really am and that I'm not some dork using my name;

18/08/72 is my date of birth.
My debut year was 1994.
I wear number 11.
And I once played for North Melbourne Reserves.
Originally posted by Damien Hardwick:
And to prove who I really am and that I'm not some dork using my name;

18/08/72 is my date of birth.
My debut year was 1994.
I wear number 11.
And I once played for North Melbourne Reserves.

Yeah that proves it, tell us something that everybody doesn't already have access to.

What pre-school did you go to?
What's your Mother's maiden name?
What were you caught doing in the girl's locker room alone?
What was your first girlfriend's name?
What base did you get to on the first date?

One and only DH alright

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Do players look at this site?

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