Strategy Free agent recruitment

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All that’s left for free agents of note are

Alex Pearce
Jake Lloyd
Dan McStay
Angus Brayshaw

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We only have a shot at delisted FAs.

At this rate, I doubt Kayne Turner would sign with us if we delisted him.
Angus Brayshaw (make him VC)
Ryan Lester (help out defence)
A Pearce (KPD)
Liam Shiels (teach the kids how to 2 way run and bolster up the VFL)
Do we remember how we only got guys on the back end of their careers when we were challenging?

Free Agency was sought after by the players. Why did the players want it - to have more freedom to move clubs and chase on-field success, and potentially make some more money along the way if that was also something that they were driven by.

Quality FAs just aren't coming to a team with such an uncertain future on field that the best talent is putting contract talks on hold.
Do we remember how we only got guys on the back end of their careers when we were challenging?

There are 2 clubs I'm aware of who tried to create salary cap reserves to enable a warchest driven strategy - us and St Kilda.

Ours went right back to a pursuit of Boak and Treloar in the early 2010s.

In neither case has the approach proven the panacea to anything. Neither club landed the "big fish" and both appeared to have neglected building quality sides of youth first during those periods.

Players are clearly opting or being advised to only head to clubs that present some kind of team success (maybe for the higher profile and opportunities those things offer over and above the pursuit of team success itself) ahead of an immediate payday. If it was otherwise both us and the saints would've been landing quality FAs left, right and centre during those periods.

The only player who bucked the trend for us was Polec and we've seen the fruits of that little experiment.

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Strategy Free agent recruitment

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