How to spot a flog?

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Never owned one of them flat peaked caps but faark people who whinge about them (and there's plenty) just sound so bloody old. Like grandparent old.

It's a friggin hat. People have always worn them. The fashion at the moment is a flat peak. So what? Young people have always followed fashion. When you stop doing that, you're not no longer a flog, you're just old.

Just remember when we were young, we'd get a new cap and straight away bend it, just because that was the fashion... and the parents would say "why would you wreck a perfectly good new hat!?"... and I'm thinking shit, they're just so old, they don't get it, look at them with their ridiculous straight peak.

Well guess a lot of people have just become their parents. It's just fashion, don't be scared of it, it'll pass!
Anyway, it's all very subjective, but I think one fairly reliable and timeless measure of a flog is how full of shit somebody is.

Being full of shit has always been flog behaviour and I think it always will be.

That's why I mentioned real estate agents earlier. It's one of those jobs where you're required to serve two masters with directly opposed interests. They have to convince owners that they're going to screw the market and get every single cent possible, and also convince buyers that they're getting a great deal. They are, by definition, at all times bullshitting either one of the parties, or both. They are naturally full of shit, which makes them flogs.
has tom piotrowski been mentioned yet??

He would **** you up Financially and in the back alley

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has tom piotrowski been mentioned yet??

Haha, holy shit. The last time I saw this guy on the news he had slicked back jet black hair and a clean shaven face.

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Anyway, it's all very subjective, but I think one fairly reliable and timeless measure of a flog is how full of shit somebody is.

Being full of shit has always been flog behaviour and I think it always will be.

That's why I mentioned real estate agents earlier. It's one of those jobs where you're required to serve two masters with directly opposed interests. They have to convince owners that they're going to screw the market and get every single cent possible, and also convince buyers that they're getting a great deal. They are, by definition, at all times bullshitting either one of the parties, or both. They are naturally full of shit, which makes them flogs.
Disagree. They're getting paid by the home owners to get the highest price possible on their house - it's not like they're holding a gun to the buyers heads, or even making the decisions for them. They're just doing their job, like any other person.
Reminds me of that show "Australias Brainiest Kid" which seemed credible and then they had shit like "Australias Brainiest Neighbour". Ruined it
Going back a few years but how about those shithead kids on Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader. All 5 of them, flogs of the highest order.
Disagree. They're getting paid by the home owners to get the highest price possible on their house - it's not like they're holding a gun to the buyers heads, or even making the decisions for them. They're just doing their job, like any other person.

Yes and their job is set up to lie to people. It's a flog job. They make out to the buyers that they're 'on their side' meanwhile trying to screw them.

How to spot a flog?

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