innocence filmaker sentenced to death

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Brownlow Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
AFL Club
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post count: 38,986
The new Egypt does not inspire confidence in those who value freedom:
The Californian man behind the Innocence of Muslims online movie that triggered violence in the Middle East was sentenced to death on Wednesday in absentia in an Egyptian court.

Mark Basseley Youssef was among the seven Egyptian Coptic Christians and a Florida-based American pastor sentenced on charges linked to the low-budget, anti-Islam film…

Egypt’s official news agency said the court found the defendants guilty of harming national unity, insulting and publicly attacking Islam and spreading false information — charges that carry the death sentence.​
It seems Egypt’s courts are vindicating the film’s portrayal of Islam as an oppressive and dangerous faith.
But but but, arab spring, freedom, no more oppression? Isn't that what the left wing and the mainstream media have been trying to tell us?

Those places are always going to be backwards, no matter who is leading their country. But what do you expect with how ingrained Islam is...

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I guess these guys are lucky they've only been sentenced in Egypt. When the good ol' USA sentences a foreigner to death, they actually send in the drones and kill dozens of innocents along with the target (well, that is assuming they even get the target)
Being sentenced to die in Egypt would be preferable to being sentenced to live there.
They still got that CIA prison somewhere in the south of Egypt? Would be the last prison one would want to go outside Cuba.
Muslims again perpetuating their idiocy, helping to further divide the world. The world would be a much superior place without them as a whole.

Gotta love 3rd person/group pronouns - Allows such massive generalisations while perpetuating 'otherness' in groups of people that are not similar to you -

Great work -
Where's Malifice to completely de-rail this thread and turn it into an exercise in Whitey bashing?

Can't have anything bad being said about our sophisticated bearded bretheren.

Just like you have done. We can't have anything bad said about our "poor, victimised white brothers". :rolleyes:
Egypt is gone, I dont see them recovering any time soon unfortunately. God, so many basketcases in that Western Asia region of the world. Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Bahrain, etc. The likes of Qatar, Jordan, UAE and especially Israel must just be shaking their heads. Even Saudi Arabia. As far as regional alliances go, it's a rather crappy place to be part of at the moment. Turkey is a member of a few European regional collaborations, dont blame it lol.

The Muslim Brotherhood links to Hamas and Hezbollah just makes an islamic state there sound awful. Ofcourse, Hamas & Hezbollah try to present themselves as the most honourable terrorist groups out there, but if they have a strong foothold in Egypt it cant be a good thing.

For the record, I have no issues with Iran. The US tends to overexaggerate the Iranian threat, as they do with China. Like China, there are a few potential flashpoints, the US needs to be open-minded and smart about how they handle Iran.

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Gotta love 3rd person/group pronouns - Allows such massive generalisations while perpetuating 'otherness' in groups of people that are not similar to you -

Great work -
Quite right; I like your thinking and it's something that can indeed by dangerous. But needless to say my point stands: Islam is vile; Muslims, however, aren't always, but they just have a stronger likelihood of being so.
I guess these guys are lucky they've only been sentenced in Egypt. When the good ol' USA sentences a foreigner to death, they actually send in the drones and kill dozens of innocents along with the target (well, that is assuming they even get the target)

Have you read this article released yesterday? They target you based on your facebook data lol.

"Say they're on Facebook, say they're on Twitter - all of that goes into making a profile of the individual."That alone compared with say, imagery intelligence, would be enough to make a strike. The issue with it, there's no in-depth knowledge of the individual, you just know that their metadata has the same patterns as a key individual or a terrorist.

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