Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

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Love the way people try to make statements on behalf of others, to twist their words around.

I'm not sure i support a Palestinian state. They have a horrid track record, and tended to support Hamas.
That doesn't mean i support the current Israeli government in any way.

Like I actually stated, I have no issue with protesting against Israel.
After all its Israel who are being offensive and its Israel that need to be stopped.

Bleh, Germans supported the nazis, they still kept their own state. Japan after WWII, Iraq with Saddam and heaps of other counties who have supported horrible regimes.

These things can happen when conditions are in place allowing these terrible regimes to arise, usually out of desperation and poor living conditions where people feel subjected and lost hope.

Everyone knows that a proper 2 state solution can’t involve Hamas. I don’t think it can involve the current Israeli govt either.
If the Palestinians don't get a state, do they remain in stateless military occupation?

What about the Gazan Palestinians who have never had the opportunity to vote (~ 50% of the population weren't alive when the last elections were held)?

What about the Palestinians that live in the West Bank where Hamas doesn't hold power?

It's the Palestinian people that are being slaughtered and genocided, why shouldn't people protest on their behalf?

Cos Hamas.

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Bleh, Germans supported the nazis, they still kept their own state. Japan after WWII, Iraq with Saddam and heaps of other counties who have supported horrible regimes.

These things can happen when conditions are in place allowing these terrible regimes to arise, usually out of desperation and poor living conditions where people feel subjected and lost hope.

Everyone knows that a proper 2 state solution can’t involve Hamas. I don’t think it can involve the current Israeli govt either.

I'm not sure that either of them is capable of "good" self governance.

Japan, was occupied for 7 years, and then remained effectively disarmed.
I'd be happy for something like that in Israel, though who would have the means or the motive?

Germany was a basket case, and even West Germany was not fully independent until the 1990's i think.

I'm all for restricting the military in Israel, though its such a hot spot, someone would probably need to defend them from real things needing defending. Or let anyone who wants it have it.
Part of a certain Jewish WhatsApp group that gets their daily talking points probably.
No. Just someone that's not surprised by what's going on because of the decisions made by the incompetent allied politicians.

You're a guy that sunni muslim Hamas has caused to protest on Palestine's behalf, and you only do that because Arabs have darker skin than Jews. If the Jews had darker skin than Arabs (neither are a race I hear) you'd be pro-"Israel"

Am I right?
Yep history has given people no lessons it seems here.

Vietnam war - protestors dirty hippies, what do these young people know? By 1980-85 pretty much everyone acknowledged the Vietnam war was pointless and caused needless loss of life, and people pretended to be on the right side of history after the event

Iraq war - protestors support Saddam Hussein, don’t know what they’re talking about etc. don’t you know we are bringing democracy to the Middle East aren’t we nice. By 2010 basically everyone acknowledges it was a bad idea and killing a million Iraqis achieved heck all and helped the rise of ISIS. Trump even ran against the neocon narrative saying they all loved the forever wars. Those politicians at the time who supported it (and prominent journalists and people) like to pretend they weren’t for it at the time and knew it was a bad idea.

Afghanistan war - must defeat Taliban cos Al Quada, doing it for altruistic reasons or some s**t. Again people claim it was a just and moral cause in the aftermath of 9/11 realise it was a pointless costly exercise.

So are we to believe this time it’s different? The US are Israel as they are a client state placed in the Middle East for US benefit, and everything Israel are doing wouldn’t be possible without the US funding them.

Same thing is going to happen here, in 5-10 general narrative will turn that Israel just a bloodthirsty and rogue state and people defending them now will claim they were always against them at the time.

Yep and here you are as safe as safe can be .. and as free as a bird.
Go protest against militant Islam you hero.
So what has "Israel" got against the citizens of "Israel" to compel them to "pour concrete in their natural springs"?
WtF.... what rubbish are you spruiking now.

Work it out yourself... not difficult.

Why are you continually 'debating' the most stupidest of things, it is quite clear 10,000's of innocent people are being slaughtered and all you do is debate rubbish.

Go celebrate your tax cut
No. Just someone that's not surprised by what's going on because of the decisions made by the incompetent allied politicians.

You're a guy that sunni muslim Hamas has caused to protest on Palestine's behalf, and you only do that because Arabs have darker skin than Jews. If the Jews had darker skin than Arabs (neither are a race I hear) you'd be pro-"Israel"

Am I right?

lol wtf you going on about? 40k plus killed v less than a thousand, I think we can see who the bigger killer is, and that’s not counting the killings that happened prior to October 7 of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank (hint: it’s way more than Israeli lives lost).

Also we are (Australia) part of a power block which is funding the levelling of Gaza.

Seems the WhatsApp group is telling you that either any criticism of Israel is anti semetic or just self hating white people or something.

You clearly aren’t arguing in good faith, I’m yet to hear anyone who is defending Israel here who is defending them in good faith. It just comes down to “but hamas”, “but Egypt”, “but other world attrocity”, “Muslims bad”, “anti semitism” etc etc then cycle through them all ad nauseum.
Yep and here you are as safe as safe can be .. and as free as a bird.
Go protest against militant Islam you hero.

lol, you’re telling on yourself again. You think if it doesn’t affect you directly that anyone criticising actions of Israel or any overseas conflict is being disingenuous.

Your mind simply can’t comprehend any care for anyone or anything outside your immediate circle.

Are we funding militant Islam btw? Mind you western govts seem fine with Saudi Arabia, who id describe as pretty militant Islam and use their power for evil. Yet western allies let them do what they like, why would that be…

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lol wtf you going on about? 40k plus killed v less than a thousand, I think we can see who the bigger killer is, and that’s not counting the killings that happened prior to October 7 of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank (hint: it’s way more than Israeli lives lost).

Also we are (Australia) part of a power block which is funding the levelling of Gaza.

Seems the WhatsApp group is telling you that either any criticism of Israel is anti semetic or just self hating white people or something.

You clearly aren’t arguing in good faith, I’m yet to hear anyone who is defending Israel here who is defending them in good faith. It just comes down to “but hamas”, “but Egypt”, “but other world attrocity”, “Muslims bad”, “anti semitism” etc etc then cycle through them all ad nauseum.
Your civilian casualty stats are well out, I suggest you stop believing Hamas

I think you are full of s**t.

Lol the UN is a joke what they have FINALLY confirmed is the amount of women, children and elderly civilians killed is astonishingly low for the context of Israel trying to take out a psychotic terror organisation hiding behind its own people. Israel has surgically taken out lots of fighting age men who I am certain are not Hamas affiliated in any way.

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Mod Edit: USA Today
Overall, we rate USA Today Left-Center Biased based on editorial positions that slightly favor the left. We also rate them Mostly Factual for factual reporting due to editors missing fabricated stories in the past.
Mod Edit: Council for Foreign Relations
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The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › world
UN Begins Citing a Lower Death Toll For Women and Children in Gaza
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If the Hamas lead Palestinians had the ability to wipe Jews off the map they would. Israel has that power but hasn't. Thoughts on the UN halving the civilian casualty stats in Gaza?
Only because they know there are limits to their behaviour. No doubt they would love to.

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