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You know there's a number of industries where this exact thing has been going on for years with mandatory annual flu boosters?

The annual flu boosters are not mandatory. It’s an option that work places offer, they cannot fire you if you refuse.
Bit like the 7,000 Doctors and Nurses around Australia who had to resign from their jobs who like me dont want to take an unproven vaccine. Yeah really dumb people.

Polio vaccine was unproven at one stage. They were vaccinating the world with it within a few months of the breakthrough.

A big difference with this one is that pretty much every country with the capacity to do so has thrown almost unlimited money and resources at it. Name one other vaccine in history that this has happened with?

I have acquaintances and work colleagues that can barely string a sentence together going on long winded monologues about the vaccines and their ingredients, what type they are and why they differ from others etc etc, all the usual stuff we're hearing. They make my ears bleed and head hurt, I ask them what it all means exactly and they haven't got the first clue but whatever it is, it's enough to have them shit scared of it.

One colleague got it, he didn't want it, but thought his job and keeping his home were more important. Immediately after getting his first jab he broke out in a sweat and feinted. All the anti and hesitant at work said that this was proof that the vax was no good, that's how fast it penetrates your system and infects you.

I just laughed and said that's what happens when you work yourself into such a state of fear over it. I asked the bloke that got it, if other than sweating and feinting immediately after if he'd had any other side effects, he said no, he's fine, not even a sore arm.

His story had already caused the damage and reinforced the feelings of the reluctant and the hesitant.
The annual flu boosters are not mandatory. It’s an option that work places offer, they cannot fire you if you refuse.

Aged Care is one that readily springs to mind. In Vic, NSW and Tassie it is not mandatory, it is everywhere else including the ACT and the NT.

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I’m sure they are enjoying their little kickbacks under the table, through manipulation and coercion of inducing fear.

The only time any politician acts, is when it benefits themselves. Democracy or communism, they both work just the same.
no they dont work the same. Democracy is far from flawless. but communism is on a completely different level.

Democracy doesnt see mass murder of millions of those who disagree with government Unlike communism in russia and china. Go look up stalin and maos purges And then come back and say democracy is the same.
Bit like the 7,000 Doctors and Nurses around Australia who had to resign from their jobs who like me dont want to take an unproven vaccine. Yeah really dumb people.

Unproven!? What!?

7.5B doses given worldwide.
3.2B have been double dosed.

There's nothing on the face of the earth that has had more data or more proven than the covid vacceiene.
Vaccines do cause autism, I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes to another child who was absolutely normal till he got MMR.

Utter BS, and once again, has been exhaustively researched since a fraudulent (and now struck-off) doctor made the original claim. Apart from anything else, autism is not a disease or a pathology, it's a neurological difference that you're born with (and die with). A vaccine can't make you autistic any more than it can make you left-handed or change your eye colour. It's also neurodevelopmental, so it will manifest itself in different ways and at different stages through childhood.

Also, autistic people (of which I'm happy to be one) are perfectly "normal" in the same way that left-handers (also a minority of the population) are "normal". 1% of the population are born autistic, and always have been, part of the rich tapestry of naturally occurring biological and neurological diversity in our species that is one of our strengths.

Finally, autism doesn't put you in nappies or make you non-verbal - unless there are cooccurring conditions such as learning disabilities.

Unbelievable that people are still posting crap like this - also unbelievably harmful to the autistic population, contributing to stigma and marginalisation.
Then explain. If you’re gonna abuse me ******* explain
Explain what? Your single example that provides zero evidence of vaccines being a cause.

correlation does not equal causation? Do you understand what that means? Coincidences happen dude.

billions of people have taken vaccines on this planet. some of them are going to experience death or get a disease at around the same time they take them cos um everydies and lots of people get sick. do you know how big a billion is?

the autism link has been fully tested by actual professionals and zero evidence has been found of a link.
Then explain. If you’re gonna abuse me ******* explain

Your exeprience does not equal a correlation between vaccines and autism - that's what he's saying, and that is what is has been undeniably proved over and over again.

It's very possible this child you knew had a specific genetic deficiency in their system that always would have arisen, but coincidentally arose when they were given the vaccine (also possible that the immune system response from getting the vaccine triggered the genetic deficiency, which would have happened had they caught some other contagion at another time - no way to know for sure).

How do we know that vaccines do not cause autism?

A number of high-quality studies have compared the health of large numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated children over many years. The largest study included 537,303 children born in Denmark and found that unvaccinated children were just as likely to develop autism as vaccinated children. When the results of this study were combined with the results of nine other studies to include medical information from nearly 1.5 million children living all around the world, researchers were able to confirm that vaccination could not be causing autism.

Why do some people believe there is a connection?

Some people think there is a connection because a British research group, led by Andrew Wakefield, suggested that some children who had received the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine went on to develop bowel disease and developmental disorders such as autism. The results of the research, which had included only twelve children, were published in a respected medical journal in 1998. However, in 2004 the authors retracted their claim that there was any association between vaccination and autism. The paper was withdrawn from the journal in 2010 after the General Medical Council found that results reported in the paper had “proven to be false”. The journal printed an apology.

After it became clear that the MMR vaccine was not the problem, some people suggested a preservative sometimes used in vaccines packaged in multi-dose containers might be linked to autism. The preservative, called thiomersal, is a salt that contains a tiny amount of mercury. The mercury salt in thiomersal (ethylmercury) is not like the mercury compound (methylmercury) that accumulates in the human body.

None of the vaccines normally given to children in Australia are packaged in multi-dose containers, so none of them contain thiomersal or any other form or mercury.
Utter BS, and once again, has been exhaustively researched since a fraudulent (and now struck-off) doctor made the original claim. Apart from anything else, autism is not a disease or a pathology, it's a neurological difference that you're born with (and die with). A vaccine can't make you autistic any more than it can make you left-handed or change your eye colour. It's also neurodevelopmental, so it will manifest itself in different ways and at different stages through childhood.

Also, autistic people (of which I'm happy to be one) are perfectly "normal" in the same way that left-handers (also a minority of the population) are "normal". 1% of the population are born autistic, and always have been, part of the rich tapestry of naturally occurring biological and neurological diversity in our species that is one of our strengths.

Finally, autism doesn't put you in nappies or make you non-verbal - unless there are cooccurring conditions such as learning disabilities.

Unbelievable that people are still posting crap like this - also unbelievably harmful to the autistic population, contributing to stigma and marginalisation.

thanks for this. 👏
Unproven!? What!?

7.5B doses given worldwide.
3.2B have been double dosed.

There's nothing on the face of the earth that has had more data or more proven than the covid vacceiene.
Yeah, the "unproven vaccine" claim is really beginning to give me the sh!ts now. What more proof can there be?
Keep up your hysterical bullshit mate. Every one of you that associates antivax views with mind-numbing stupidity helps inspire the rest of to get where we need to be, fast.

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You know, for all the whinging we do about Australia - where else in the world would you see vaccination rates north of 90%? The ACT has even managed to reach 100% (!) first dose. NSW's current case numbers are also a great example of what happens when 90% have been fully vaccinated.

So well done to the parties involved - Federal and State governments, doctors, pharmacists, media etc - for getting it done.

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I work in mining in WA and a number of colleagues said a few weeks ago that they would have to start looking for a new industry because there is no way they're getting the jab.

McGowan has since mandated that industries employing about 75% of WA's workforce have to be vaccinated. Good luck to the nongs I'm working with that won't get it. It's sad, they've made their choices if they stay with them as they say they will, but I have zero sympathy for them, but I have plenty for their kids who will be the ones that bare the brunt of their choice.

At some point they've got to wake up to the fact that it's not all about them anymore, they have families to support. Take one for your families you dickheads and move on. I'd think more of them if they did this rather than continuing on their current courses.

Yep, and even in areas that aren't government mandated most big companies are forcing employees to be vaccinated regardless. The anti-vaxxers gonna be on centrelink for quite a while.
Worked out pretty well getting Lewis Young in.

Very well indeed
You know, for all the whinging we do about Australia - where else in the world would you see vaccination rates north of 90%? The ACT has even managed to reach 100% (!) first dose. NSW's current case numbers are also a great example of what happens when 90% have been fully vaccinated.

So well done to the parties involved - Federal and State governments, doctors, pharmacists, media etc - for getting it done.
Nsw case numbers fell because of both vaccines and warmer weather. Look what is happening in europe right now as the cold arrives.

australia has still far from completed the vaccine job. We needs young kids vaccinated and tge remaing vaccine hesitent and anti vaxers to get vaccinated. Boosters probably needed too.
no they dont work the same. Democracy is far from flawless. but communism is on a completely different level.

Democracy doesnt see mass murder of millions of those who disagree with government Unlike communism in russia and china. Go look up stalin and maos purges And then come back and say democracy is the same.

I was in Cambodia, about six months before their election 4/5 years ago. The president had the opposition leader jailed. Was threatening to bring in the army if he lost. Among other threats. Needless to say he won the election.

You are right, after visiting the killing fields and seeing the damage that Pol Pot inflicted upon his citizens.

The unfortunate thing is they both invoked fear, in order to get their desired result. Australia also has a history, as does America. Examples include “Children Over board, Abbott’s tougher policies regarding “boat people” Trump’s wall, and right now it’s Covid. If fear doesn’t work, then out comes the bribes in the form of tax breaks.
Whether your assessment was misguided, or not, the unnecessary replies to your post by the rabid Left is entirely unsurprising.

It's how they roll.
Spreading misinformation that has the potential to discourage vaccinations results in real consequences. It should be called out for the ignorant nonsense it is, every single time.
Yep, and even in areas that aren't government mandated most big companies are forcing employees to be vaccinated regardless. The anti-vaxxers gonna be on centrelink for quite a while.

They just won’t be able to actually go to a Centrelink I guess.

Probably won’t complain about that though.
For a minority not good but for the 97% who do get will survive.

'Surviving' is a not a long term effect.

After the Spanish Flu, for example, the incidence of Parkinson's was 2-3x higher in survivors of the virus due to the inflammation in the brain it caused. That's a long term effect.
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